Thursday, 26 June 2003 (5:00 pm – 9:25 pm)


Councillor Airey (Chair); Councillors Millar, Mrs Craig, Pepper, Wintle, Wright and House

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Davis




Members were invited to declare interests in relation to items of business on the agenda. Any interests declared are recorded in the relevant minute below.


Councillor Mrs Queen, Chair of Hound Parish Council spoke with regard to the Local Plan Second Deposit and what she felt was a lack of communication between Council departments with regard to local needs. An example given was the traffic problems caused by park and ride schemes.

Councillor Mrs Queen also spoke with regard to proposed multiplay equipment at Station Road Recreation Ground. She expressed the view that young people in the area had been waiting for a very long time for this facility. Although she understood delays may have been caused by abuse and anti social behaviour in the area, it was felt that the majority of young people should not be penalised because of the bad behaviour of the minority.

The Area Co-ordinator expressed his sympathy with the comments made but advised that although there had been residents agreement a year ago, there was now a new group of residents who were expressing strong objections. With this level of animosity in the area it was felt impossible to build such a facility. The Council would attend Hound Parish Council’s Developer’s .

Paul McLeod, County Council Youth Worker said he would speak at length at any working group set up but in the meantime expressed the view that it was important that local youth felt they had a voice not just with regard to this matter, but also to encourage their belief in the democratic system. It is only a minority of young people who exhibit anti-social behaviour. 2

Mr Cummings spoke with regard to lack of grass cutting in the Cunningham Gardens area.

The Chair agreed that the matter should be passed on to Hampshire County Council.


Due to the very full agenda the Chair deferred this item to the meeting on 24 July 2003.


The Area Co-ordinator advised the meeting that fencing work planned for Portsmouth Road, Lowford would be completed on 14 July 2003.


Applications for Decision:


That the report of the Head of Development Control, a copy of which is attached to the Minute Book, be received and the recommendations contained therein adopted, subject to the amendments listed in the Decision(s) below.

Application No:

(A/1) - 29120/002


Construction of 3No. terraced and 2No. semi-detached dwellings following demolition of existing dwellings at 29/31 Satchell Lane, Hamble - Mr & Mrs Curd


Permission REFUSED for the following reason:- "The proposed development would be contrary to policy 25.BE of the EBLP 1997 and policy 60.BE of the EBLP Review 2001-2011 Second Deposit in that the proposed access is unsatisfactory and would cause detriment to highway safety".

(NOTE: Three members of the public spoke with regard to this item, two in objection and one in favour.)


Application No:

(A/2) - 39290/001


First floor extension at 7 Crowsport Estate, Hamble - Mr R Russell


Permission REFUSED for the recommended reasons and the following additional reason:- "The proposed development by reason of its height and proximity to neighbouring property will cause an undue loss of outlook to No14a Crowsport. As such, the proposal is contrary to policy 25.BE of the EBLP 1997 and policy 60.BE of the EBLP Review 2001-2011 Second Deposit.

(NOTE: Two members of the public spoke with regard to this application, one in favour and one in objection.)

Application No:

(A/3) - 29729/001


Construction of two storey block of 4No. units (for multiple occupancy) with associated car parking and access following demolition of existing garage at land rear of 64-70 Grange Road, Abbey.


Permission to GRANT DELEGATED to the Head of Development Control in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair subject to consideration being given by the developer and the Head of Engineering to the forming of a new access onto Grange Road.

(NOTE: Five members of the public spoke with regard to this application, four in objection and one in support.)


Consideration was given to the following motion submitted by Councillor W Pepper:-

“Following the contact made to the council by Anne Heathorn on 9 April 2003, seeking comments from members, about relocating the doctors practice on the Hamble Peninsula, a meeting is convened 4

with all members of this committee, Ann Heathorn and others of the doctors' consortium, planning officer of the council, to seek ways in which we can assist the Primary Care Trust to provide a modern Health Centre, more central than the existing surgeries for the parishes of , Hamble-le-Rice and Hound”


That the motion be adopted in the following form:

"Following the contact made to the Council by Anne Heathorn on 9 April 2003, seeking comments from members, about relocating the doctors' practice on the Hamble Peninsula, a meeting is convened with all members of this Committee, Ann Heathorn and others of the doctors' consortium and a Planning Officer of the Council, to seek ways in which we can assist the Primary Care Trust to provide modern Health facilities for the parishes of Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound."

(NOTE: Councillor House spoke on this item .)


Consideration was given to the report of the Area Co-ordinator detailing the joint meeting held with the Police and Parish Councils on 6 March 2003 and sought members approval to confirmation that reducing juvenile nuisance had been identified as the key priority for the coming year.


The Community Safety priority for the Area Committee for the coming year is to reduce the incidence of juvenile nuisance in the area and so improve the quality of life of local residents.


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Housing Services which looked at the key information and recommendations contained in ’s Housing Needs Survey and in particular the difficulty in meeting affordable housing need was explored and proposals made to assist with the delivery of affordable housing in the Borough by giving the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound area its own share of the target to meet.


(1) That the key findings and recommendations of the Housing Needs Survey relating to the Bursledon, Hamble- le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee area be noted; 5

(2) That a minimum of 18 new affordable homes be commissioned annually during the period to 2007 in the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound Local Area Committee area, where requests for planning permission make this possible;

(3) That the mechanism for reviewing progress against the target by the production of twice yearly briefing notes be approved, and

(4) That delivery of affordable housing should be addressed within Area Plans.

(NOTE: One member of the public spoke with regard to this item.)


Consideration was given to the report of Head of Engineering which gave the results of a trial enforcement of a Byelaw to prevent parking on highway verges. Details of alternative solutions were considered and recommendations given. The Committee were asked to make a decision whether it wished to end the trail enforcement of the Byelaw and to implement alternative measures.


(1) That the suggested list of roads to be considered for the control of verge parking in paragraph 28 and to advise of any additional roads that require attention be agreed. Preliminary investigations to be funded by this Committee;

(2) That where a verge parking TRO is considered appropriate, these be progressed through to implementation as a Borough-wide Order, to be funded from the Agency TRO budget;

(3) That an end to the trial enforcement of the Byelaw for Good Rule and Government which applies to the parking of vehicles on highway verges (applicable to Bursledon, Hamble-Le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee, Chandler's Ford and Local Area Committee, and Eastleigh Local Area Committee) be agreed;

(4) That where ‘Dragon’s Teeth’ are deemed appropriate, Engineering Services will report back informally to the Committee with approximate costs and to discuss funding sources; and


(5) That the use of ‘grass-crete’ to regularise areas of verge parking be identified, where appropriate, and funded through the Committee’s devolved budget.

(NOTE: One member of the public spoke with regard to this item.)


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Engineering recommending names for new residential roads under construction off Hamble Lane.


That the names Avro Court and Walker Place be approved for new roads being constructed off Hamble Lane by Barrett Homes and Bloor Homes.

(NOTE: It was noted that in future the name of Nick Robinson might be considered. He had written a book on Hamble and was a well respected member of the community.)


Consideration was given to the report of the Area Co-ordinator detailing a number of schemes to be funded from the Area Committee’s CIP and Revenue Budgets.


(1) That £25,000 from Developers' Contributions, as detailed in the report, be set aside for the provision of a refurbished play area at Castle Recreation Ground, as per the quotation from Playground Services option 2;

(2) That £7,700 be earmarked from Developers' Contributions, as detailed in the report, for the installation of new play facilities at Butlocks Heath Recreation Ground as per the quotation from Playground Services. The remaining £2,300 required to be found from the Committee’s CIP unallocated resources;

(3) That the Head of Engineering be asked to carry out a feasibility study for the provision of a footway at the junction of Long Lane, School Road and Kew Lane at a cost of £2,000 funded from the Engineering - Minor Works budget;


(4) That contributions of £500, £500 and £1,000 be made to the production of the Hamble Valley recipe book (Stirring Traditions; Hamble Valley on a Plate), programme of activities at Netley Abbey and a leaflet on local aviation respectively, to be funded from the Committee's contingency to support Tourism initiatives in the area;

(5) That £1,600 be set aside from the Engineering - Minor works budget to complete the funding required for removing the vegetation, providing fencing along part of Portsmouth Road, Lowford and the necessary traffic measures;

(6) That a contribution of £200 from the Committee's contingency be made for the production and distribution costs of 'The History of Netley Castle' by Beryl Varilone and one copy to be kept in Netley Library;

(7) That £300 be earmarked from the Engineering - Minor Works budget to move a seat in New Road, Netley to a new location nearby;

(8) That a bollard be provided on a footpath off Kinsbourne Way, Kanes Hill to deter vehicles at a cost of £150 funded from the Engineering - Minor Works budget;

(9) That two small areas be tarmaced in Cranmore, off Ingleside, Netley at a cost of £700, funded from the Engineering - Minor Works budget;

(10) That £300 is set aside for extending the landscaping scheme to the rear of 11 Chillerton backing on to the Kingston, Whitwell and Chillerton open space with funding available from the Committee's contingency;

(11) That confirmation be given to the Chair’s action in respect of the expenditure of £1,500 in carrying out urgent work at Cunningham Gardens to deter travellers from moving onto the site;

(12) That the sum of £600 be given to the Pilands Wood Community Association for the laying of paving slabs instead of fencing around a site used for play as agreed by the Committee last year;


(13) That a gateway feature at the entrance to Pylands Lane, Bursledon be funded from the anticipated Developers' Contribution received for road traffic reduction transportation works received from Banner Homes for the development of the Salisbury bungalow site in Pylands Lane;

(14) That two 100 square metres of planting protected by temporary fencing be established at a cost of £9,000 near 52/57 and 53/56 Westfield Close, Hamble-le-Rice to protect these properties from the playing of football etc on the open space, subject to consultation with residents. Funding is available from the Committee’s contingency sum;

(15) That the Head of Engineering arrange for a willow tree to be removed in the vicinity of 35 Hamble Lane and replacement pipe work carried out to improve drainage from 24 to 49 Hamble Lane at a cost of £6,500 to be met from the contingency sum, subject to the planning application submitted for the land at the rear of 22 Hamble Lane;

(16) That a sum of £250 be set aside from the contingency to provide necessary training for individual residents of Pilands Wood regarding the management and operation of the grounds maintenance and street cleaning contracts on the estate;

(17) That a contribution of £500 from the contingency sum be made to the Pilands Wood Partnership Project towards the costs of the Pilands Wood Youth Consultation event on 1 September.

(18) That the Head of Engineering carry out a consultation exercise with residents of the Broadway, off Hamble Lane concerning the proposed new access scheme at a cost of £500 to be found from the contingency sum; and

(19) That the Head of Direct Services extend the tarmac areas at the entrances to the Woodlands Way play area at Pilands Wood to improve safety at a total cost of £1,100 with £450 being met by the Committee from the contingency sum or reserve.



That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2003 by Bursledon Windmill Joint Management Committee be noted. 9


The Committee was asked to make appointments to the Licensing Panel for the Municipal Year 2003/04.


That all members of the Committee be appointed to the Licensing Panel for 2003/04 and three members be selected as necessary for each hearing to consider licensing applications.


Consideration was given to the Head of Planning Policy & Design which stated that the substantive issue to emerge from public consultation was the strong desire for The Bugle to be retained as a public house and restaurant. In response to this desire and national and local planning policy and guidance it was proposed that the Development Brief was amended to promote mixed use development of the site, that retained the listed building, The Bugle, as a pub/restaurant.

A number of public representations were made with regard to the Development Brief and the Head of Planning Policy was in attendance to address concerns and gather views from both the public and members.


(1) That, following public consultation on the Development Brief and the comments received, changes be made to the Brief as set out in paragraphs 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the report;

(2) That the amended Development Brief be endorsed for adoption by the Council Executive at its meeting on 7 July 2003;

(3) That specific reference be included in the Brief to the Council’s policies relating to the retention of community facilities and to the Council’s Tourism and Arts objectives;

(4) That reference be included of the need for an arboricultural survey to be undertaken prior to any decisions being made by the Council on the future of existing trees on the site; and

(5) That the wording of the Brief relating to retention of the Bugle as a public house be strengthened. 10

(NOTE: The Committee gave special thanks to Kate Cullen and Hamble Parish Council for their efforts.)



None declared
