Faculty Services & Resources
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ACADEMIC Hunter Psychology Lab D3 Race and Ethnicity in E5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Psychology America, Center for Study of C3 Africana Studies 295 Lloyd Dyer House EET Churchill House Institute for Molecular D3 BARNES STR Avenue and Nanoscale Innovation Religious Studies E2 Alpert Medical School D3 Medical Research Laboratory Shirley Miller House Arnold Laboratory H Brown Stadium International Studies E4 Renaissance and Early E3 B R O W N U N I V E R S I T Y O (Left on Elmgrove Ave. N P proceed to Sessions Street) NUE Alumnae Hall B3 E AVE Watson Institute Modern Studies Program ING Cogut Center for the S IRV Annmary Brown Memorial C A M PUS M A P T Italian Studies D4 R Humanities; Pembroke Center A E A T E EET T 190 Hope Street Rites and Reason Theatre C3 E STR H for Training and Research on KEEN A A Berylson Family R Churchill House Y Women John Nicholas Brown F2 E Central L STREET E U Fields I EENE N N K R Heat VE American Civilization D3 Center Robinson Hall D2 A Plant G D T S B Y Stevenson O O T L Nightingale-Brown House Economics R Ladd Observatory L Norwood House Field N R O (Hope St. and Doyle Ave.) Pizzitola E W A Ancient Studies E3 Joukowsky Institute D2 Rochambeau House B1 E Sports Center N T V for Archaeology and French and Hispanic Studies E Annmary Brown Memorial N S B U T the Ancient World R Temporary E R Annenberg Institute F3 Salomon Center D2 O Meehan Swim Center E 70 Waterman Street UE O Auditorium YD AVEN E for Teaching LLO K for School Reform T JudaicStudies D4 S Hoppin House Sayles Hall D2 YD LANE LLO T R Olney-Margolies 163 George Street P Leadership Alliance E Annmary Brown Memorial E3 R Athletic Center E O Murray Kassar House E3 T Ancient, Medieval, Sharpe House C3 S Erickson Stadium P EET Mathematics E EN STR Athletic Renaissance, and Early History BOW H C O Complex T Modern Studies P Laboratories for see inset 219 E Meister-Kavan Sheridan Center for C3 S T Bowen 3 Field Molecular Medicine Andrews S Anthropology E5 R Teaching and Learning TREET Hall Street T S E 70 Ship Street B BOWEN R B Giddings House Lippitt House E 2 E T E T (Jewelry District) C New 4 Applied Mathematics D4 Shirley Miller House E2 O Pembroke Ladd Observatory see inset N Champlin 182 George Street Religious Studies G Miller Hall Dorms D Machado House Metcalf Hall Language Studies, C4 O Hall 1 EET Arnold Laboratory D3 Sidney E. FrankHall C3 B G STR N USHIN R C Center for Morriss Pembroke Alpert Medical School for Life Sciences O 111 Fieldhouse S Rochambeau Hall W Pembroke Campus 195 Angell Street T House Brown Molecular Biology, Cell R N Street Verney-Wooley Barus and Holley D4 S Varsity E Dining Hall T E 2 Stimson S Tennis Leadership Alliance D2 Biology, and Biochemistry; D B I Building T Smith- M T Avenue Alumnae I Courts R Pembroke Field M R Buonanno ET Sayles Hall Neuroscience Wooley E S Hall O TR Engineering; Institute for E S A Hall N O Softball Hall O O E S T M N TREE TI N S T K S Field Molecular and Nanoscale Leeds Theatre D3 SlavicLanguages D4 CUSHING P A S Innovation; Physics Lyman Hall Marston Hall Emery L V Hall T A E R ET STRE C G N E ETIN Barus Building D4 Lincoln Field Building D3 Smith-Buonanno Hall B2 ME E U Pembroke E First Church of T Hall H E Education Department Geological Sciences Christ Scientist West Sociology D3 House O Central P Congregational Bell Gallery D1 Lippitt House C3 Maxcy Hall E Church List Art Center Sidney E. Frank Hall S EET Sheridan Center for T TR Spatial Structures D3 S I for Life Sciences L V STREET R GEL G E N E Teaching and Learning MEETIN A Bio Medical Center C2 in the Social Sciences E S ET T P Sidney E. Frank Hall RE Grimshaw- LID ST Molecular Microbiology R UC S List Art Center D1 Maxcy Hall Bio-Medical Gudewicz for Life Sciences E O T R and Immunology; Molecular Bell Gallery; History of Art S Center Medical Building E Steinert Center E5 P T E Pharmacology, Physiology, and Architecture; Visual Art E STREE VE T C LI Music C O The Brown C and Biotechnology T Office REET Literary Arts Program D2 ELL ST Stuart Theatre D2 S T Walk ANG 1 STREE Building Blistein House D1 68 ⁄2 Brown Street T OLIVE R Peter B. Sharpe Faunce House ACE Political Theory Project DEFOE PL E Green House Lyman Hall D3 E T House 195 Taubman Center E2 Brown Hillel T Chemistry D4 Leeds Theatre; Hemisphere 169 H Angell for PublicPolicy and A Street ALLEY ONES Geo-Chem Building Theatre, Speech, and Dance Building Angell Y F B Street E American Institutions Churchill Y R E R ALL 382 FONES O House Churchill House C3 Macfarlane House D1 67 George Street ET Urban Brook TRE S GELL S Corliss- 70 W Environmental Street AN T WATERMAN STREET ORTAL Africana Studies; Brackett House N L P Classics E R T.F. Green Hall E5 Brown Street Lab TUNN E T 8 Fones J. Walter STREE S N Rites and Reason Theatre E A ATERM MacMillan Hall D3 Alley LLEY T Wilson Lippitt T W 190 Theatre, Speech, D3 FONES A 68 1/2 R Lab Norwood House 131 133 Hope Classics D1 Brown Street E Environmental Change Initiative Street and Dance E Walter Mencoff House Minden Waterman Street G T Macfarlane House Hall O Manning Chapel D2 Lyman Hall Robinson Hall 70 Partridge Hall C 137 V W Hall Watson O Hall Waterman E Cognitive and Linguistic D3 A Visitor Parking Waterman O Manning Hall H T Street Plant Center for P R Third World Center D2 E Street K T. O S R N ING Arnold B N Sciences M Faunce Arch Environmental Sciences Information E T MAN P S O EA Manning Hall D2 Partridge Hall A Lab R Center Library Technology E O R Metcalf S Metcalf Research/Chemistry N Hunter Prince T Faunce House Medical O Haffenreffer Museum Prospect Chemistry S B S Carrie Psychology R Urban Environmental C3 ET K Engineering E STRE Blistein House Research T Laboratory Laboratory T Tower Hope E of Anthropology; N Lab R MANNING STREET Laboratory Laboratory R House E College Marston S Laboratory E E I T E T V B3 F Hall E Cogut Center for the Manning Chapel Metcalf Research E I R E Environmental Studies T T Lyman Hall Manning Walk T Laboratory E S Humanities List Salomon Barus and Holley Front E Marston Hall D4 S Art John Manning Center 29 T Building S Urban Studies Program D4 T Hay Green Hall/Chapel 341 Soldiers T Alumnae Hall R Center Manning 37 Comparative Literature; R 29 Manning Walk E Library Arch Brook Walk Manning Barus E D E Lincoln Field Street D Commerce, Organizations, E5 Slavic Languages T Macfarlane Gerard (Lower Green) Building Walk E Visual Art D1 House House College Green Sayles Hall 333 T and Entrepreneurship Van Wickle University Caswell Mathematics E3 Gates (Main Green) Brook Street List Art Center Hall Hall MacMillan 37 Feinstein House Lincoln Hall Kassar House GE STREET Field 182 Cooke LE Digital Scholarship for Center 180 Community Health E1 Walter Hall D2 OL Maxcy Building Geo-Chem George George Street Maxcy Hall D3 C Wilson Hall Hall Street Ecology and Evolutionary Building Street GEORGE STREET 121 South Main Street Slater Hegeman Sociology; Spatial Structures St. Stephen’s Hall Biology Rockefeller Hall Littlefield Church TREET Comparative Literature D4 in the Social Sciences EORGE S BROWN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Collaboration on Digital Scholarship http://library.brown.edu/faculty Library Library JoLocationshn Carter Hall Gardner G Watson Center for D4 House Marston Hall Brown Library Meiklejohn Medical Research D3 Information Technology Rhode Island G EET House O Computation and D4 Hall RGE STR 155 163 Laboratory V Computer Science Wilbour GEO George George E Hall Sears Visualization, Center for Institute for Molecular and Kassar Street Street R T M EE House N Watson Institute for E4 TR EET House STR A Nicholson 180 George Street S RGE O Nanoscale Innovation S GEO 88 IN G Shirley Sharpe House Maddock R International Studies PK 25 Horace Wayland Benevolent T C REE The Library’s Center for Digital Scholarship (CDS) works with Brown faculty and students in exploring the use ofHO E Miller Refectory BENEVOLENT ST 67 Alumni Morrison-Gerard E Computer Science D4 Medieval Studies E3 George MAINM anCAMPUSn House Hughes Court Street O International Studies House Center 135 T Chamber Music Street George REE O Thayer ST S Watson Center for S Wayland ENT Grant Recital Hall L K Program BROOK STREET O Studios Street EV T T Arch Street BEN King E R Wilbour Hall D2 STREET HOPE Fulton Rehearsal Hall Information Technology B R 26 House Annmary Brown Memorial E Faculty E E 20 N Benevolent S E Classics; Egyptology E Club Benevolent Marcy digital technologies to enhance academic endeavors. 2 T S E T Dyer House E5 F T Street House Brown/Fox Point Meiklejohn House D4 O Street Wriston R Old I T B Wilson Hall D2 U Olney Quad Early Childhood E Stone TREET R Center for the Study of LENT S Orwig Music E Portuguese and Brazilian T S BENEVO O Buxton House PROSPECT STREET Education Center H Bank T T 5 Chapin Building Race and Ethnicity in America Studies 2 Stimson Avenue B4 Building R W House Patriots T.F.