Care Instructions for Leather Furniture
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Luxurious leather Phase 1: cleaning Phase 2: protection Phase 3: waxing Leather is one of the best natural person’s body temperature. Leather furniture must be cleaned on a STUBBORN STAINS Leather items should be protected against before use. Let the protected leather dry Leather requires regular waxing. The Aniline and other leathers with a thin top materials. After treatment, leather can Leather is a natural product, and it can regular basis, as it accumulates dust, dirt, If a piece of furniture has a build-up of dirt and moisture immediately after for 48 hours before applying the leather open, breathable structure of leather coating may darken when waxed. This is be used for manufacturing many types of never have a uniform quality, because the tobacco smoke, grease, etc. There is a sebum and other stubborn dirt, it must their purchase using Softcare Leather balsam. lets the natural greases and moisture of caused by the moisturising efect of the items, because it is long-lasting and has characteristics of diferent hides and their slow build-up of these in the pores of the be cleaned thoroughly. Dampen the Protector or the water-based Softcare Aniline leather and thinly-coated semi- the material evaporate, so the moisture oils, but the original colour will return in exceptional wear resistance. various sections can vary greatly. Bovine leather, showing up as a layer of dirt that sponge and lather it with Softcare Leather Leather Protector. The polymers in the aniline leather, in particular, require and grease balance must be maintained a few days when the balsam has been Due to its special structure, leather is hides are generally used for furniture must be removed regularly. Cleaner. Using a sponge, clean the dirty leather protector form a network of with regular treatment, 2–3 times a absorbed. If you are unsure about the end an elastic and breathable material. It upholstery, and often also for shoes, bags, Depending on use, it is suicient to leather with rotating movements, at molecules in the pores of the leather, year. Excessive drying can lead to the result, test the product irst in an invisible is durable, and can even handle some and accessories. As diferent leather types vacuum leather furniture every week or irst by squeezing the sponge and then preventing water- and grease-based dirt hardening of the surface, the seat bags area. Care instructions for concentrated loads due to its hardiness. are vastly diferent from one another, they two, with a textile nozzle, and to wipe loosening the grip. This results in a motion from becoming absorbed beyond the becoming visible, and later to cracking It is not necessary to wax faux leather or Leather feels nice on the skin, because require particular care. it with a soft cloth dabbed in Softcare that absorbs dirt from the pores. surface. The protection does not afect the and other damage. The damage is usually polyurethane-coated Bycast, Pull Up and it breathes. It lets moisture and air pass Leather Cleaner or Softcare Liquid Leather Using a clean, damp sponge or cloth, breathability or appearance of the leather. permanent. Therefore, leather must be bonded leather. leather furniture through it, thus adjusting quickly to a Cleaner. The cleaner will be absorbed into rinse of the dirt and excess detergent. The leather protector even provides protection. Softcare Leather Protector kept supple with wax. Did you know that in addition to caring for the pores of the leather, pushing dirt out Dry the cushions separately, in a well- protection against alcohol stains. is also well suited for suede and nubuck Softcare Leather Balsam contains natural and protecting furniture, you can also use and deep-cleaning the leather. aired location. Let the sponge dry before Remember that Bycast, Pull Up and surfaces. It is not recommended to use the oils and moisturisers that leather needs. Softcare leather care Typical leather damage Softcare Leather Cleaner and Softcare putting it back into the container, so that Bonded leather, as well as faux leather, alcohol-based Softcare Leather Protector It is applied with a sponge in a very thin products for bags, Liquid Leather Cleaner are also suitable it does not get mouldy. have been coated with plastic. These on polyurethane-coated or faux leather. If layer onto the leather surface, using leather accessories, • Hardening and cracking when dry is caused by the evaporation or drying of the natural oils and for cleaning shoes, bags, and accessories. When using Softcare Liquid Leather can never be protected with the alcohol- you are unsure about the leather type or circular motion. Only apply as much as the shoes, saddles, and moisture in leather. Never use dish-washing detergent to Cleaner, spray the cleaner evenly on the based Softcare Leather Protector. It leaves colour-fastness, test the product irst in an leather can absorb at any one time. The other recreational • Discolouration is caused by liquids, dirt, or clothing that is not colour-fast. Sunlight will fade clean leather, as it will also eiciently surface you want to clean and wash it 2–3 grey stains on a plastic surface. These invisible area, e.g. on the underside of the excess wax can be wiped of with a dry, leather equipment colours. remove the leather’s own grease, and the times using a sponge or a cloth. Carefully materials can be protected using the furniture. Follow the manufacturer’s care soft cloth. Softcare Leather Balsam is very like dog harnesses? • Wear and scratches can be caused by normal use, or by pets, for example. leather surface will dry and start cracking wipe of any excess detergent and loose water-based Softcare Leather Protector. instructions. economical. easily. You can also clean faux leather and dirt with a damp, soft cloth. Do not make Always test it irst, in an invisible area, to It is easy to remove dirt from a protected plastic with Softcare cleaners. the leather too wet. Let the surface dry check the surface type. surface, and the furniture will remain REMOVE STAINS IMMEDIATELY well before use and the next phase. The protection is done on a dry, clean looking as new. It is recommended to surface before the application of the repeat the protection process every Any spills and mishaps must be cleaned BALLPOINT PEN Positioning and using leather furniture leather balsam. Work in a well-ventilated 2–4 years, depending on the use. The up immediately, before they are absorbed Ballpoint pen marks come of surfaces room. Spray the leather protector on a dry, eiciency of the protection can be tested into the surface of the leather and dry • Position leather furniture so that it is protected from moisture and accidental splashes (e.g. protected with Softcare Leather Cleaner clean surface from a distance of about 15 with a drop of water: if the droplet watering plants), and that it is at least 30 cm away from a radiator or another source of heat. up, in which case permanent marks can if they are removed immediately. You cm so that the surface gets slightly damp. remains on the surface, the protection is Constant exposure to sunlight will fade the colours of leather furniture. remain on the leather surface. Absorb might have to repeat the cleaning process Even out any drip marks with a sponge or still working. liquid stains immediately with a paper • Do not let pets lounge on the furniture, because their claws and secretions can damage leather; several times and let the cleaner react a soft cloth, and let air-dry completely keep a cover underneath the pets. towel or cloth, without rubbing. If any in between treatments. Be careful not • Do not handle cosmetic products on the couch, such as hair spray, nail polish, or nail polish visible marks remain, clean with Softcare to scrub too much, as this can remove removers. Leather Cleaner or Softcare Liquid Leather colour from damp leather. If the leather • Do not sit on a leather couch while wearing clothing that is not colour-fast, e.g. jeans. It is Cleaner. cleaner does not help, you can then try diicult to remove textile colouring. Remove ballpoint pen and ink marks and other stains Before any cleaning or care, test the the Softcare stain removers. immediately with the Softcare products designed for removing such stains. product in an invisible area, as diferent FAUX LEATHER, PULL UP, BYCAST AND • Do not sit on leather if your skin is sweaty or wet – sweaty or wet skin will leave marks on the leather types can behave diferently. BONDED LEATHER leather. We recommend hiring a professional for Faux leather and plastic-coated leather cleaning suede and nubuck leather. • Care for your leather furniture on a regular basis. Good maintenance will reward you with a surfaces are cleaned using Softcare beautiful appearance and a long lifespan. Vacuum the furniture regularly using a textile nozzle. When removing an individual stain, also Leather Cleaner. Apply the cleaner on the dampen the area around the edges of surface you want to clean, and let react the stain to avoid any water marks or for a few moments. Wipe with a damp splotches. Let the leather dry completely sponge or cloth, and repeat the cleaning Caring for leather furniture with Softcare products before commencing any new care process if necessary. Test colour-fastness measures. The leather must also be First, the surface of the leather furniture is very thin layer of wax is added. Done a in an invisible area before cleaning. The completely dry before use. cleaned with a cleaner, and allowed to dry few times a year, waxing will keep the protection can be done using the water- Make your life easier! thoroughly.