Property of the Watertown Historical Society i-3 c ••-;>;


Htmee > O *:•" Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litehfield County if - • -i V-

Vol. 40 No. 42- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI2.00 PER YEAR Car. Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS Oct. Neighborhood Watch On Agenda For Fellowship Townwide Vote On Detective Sgt. Ronald Blanctaaid be the central, 'point, of notification. of the Watertown Police Depart- If anything suspicous is observ- ment will speak on the ed, two calls are made. The first 4 Capital Projects Neighborhood. Watch Program at a goes to the police department, meeting; of'the Adult. Fellowship of which responds, and the second Voters 'wi.ll 'be asked to decide the sewer and water main installations and rest, rooms. There will be no United Methodist Church, 30.5 goes to 'the neighborhood captain, fate of four major capital, projects on, a portion of French Street; locker rooms nor a lounge. Main St. who alerts the rest through a chain, on. Tuesday, Oct. 22, during a. $150,000' for constructing a new Mr. Stepanek said, 'the relocation The program, which will 'be held, of calls. townwide referendum, ballot. pro shop and making other golf of the shop from the present main tomorrow (Friday) at 7:30'p.m., is Detective Blanchard points out Polls will be open, from, 12 noon course improvements, at Crestbrook restaurant building will, mean fewer basically a self-help plan, and •this is a "watch" program, and to 8 a.m. at the Heminway Park, Park; and'$101,000 for designing persons will be needed to work in presently is being utilized, by 12 members, are urged not to become Judson, Polk, and Swift Junior handicap and fire code safety 'the starter shed. He continued, 'there families in. 'the Northfield Road- physically involved.. The police High Schools polling places. changes for the public schools. are no plans right now for the old Merriarn Lane area. Around 11,200' 'voters will, be eligi- The referendum, on, the ap- pro shop, although possibly it will respond with trained ;: In the beginning, 'the police personnel. ble to cast ballots. " propriations was slated aier the might be converted into more din- department representative meets "The projects, involve $1.2 million projects went to a public hearing ing room, area. with the interested, parties to help A. question and answer time will that will be bonded, over many •Sept. 16. Simple yes-no ballots will "There is very important, and with 'the organization, and when, all. follow the talk, The program, will, years. The cost breakdown will be be required on all. four questions, needed work, to be done at. details are worked, out, a leader or be preceded, by a covered dish sup- $400,500 for various road, which will be listed separately. Crestbrook," Mr. Stepanek ex- captain is chosen by •the members per at 6:30 p.m. Babysitting will be drainage, and bridge im- Course Discussion' plained., noting the Parks and of'the group to keep records and to provided for children up to age 5. provements; $566,000' for sanitary At the hearing last month,, im- Recreation Commission carefully provements to' the town-owned has considered 'the improvements, Crestbrook Park generated, the. and the "unique" method of finan- United Way Drive Chairmen Chosen most comments. 'Some of them cing 'them. were misleading. Parks and He said players" fees—which are Recreation Director1 Donald, being increased .50' .cents per nine Stepanek has indicated. holes and $1 for 18—are expected He said only $50,000 of the to generate the necessary $150,000 $150,000 being sought will, be us- over the next 15 years. Player ed for the pro shop, to be built bet- memberships will not go up in ween the first and 10th tees. He price next, season. said the two-floor facility will In essence, he said, 'those that use primarily be a retail pro shop outlet the course will be,,paying for the -•• *-w.. • &<*ev.!R3| improvements. The financing J method has, been tried at courses in • Abandonment New London and West Hartford, and is legal, he said. Is Prohibited; "If you vote 'yes' for the Hearing Nov. 4 (Continued on, page 2) A Waterbury Superior Court judge has ordered the Town, Coun- Youth in, Govt. cil to send a representative to a Monday, Nov. 4 show cause hear- Day Tomorrow ing on why a, temporary injunction prohibiting the town from carrying For Seniors The Watertnwn Junior Women's Florence Lodge Richard F. Cignoli out an abandonment of Old Wood- bury Road should, not, become Club will sponsor a '"Youth in Fl- rirn.j jr.j T.i- • 'i..- L<\,geand 'Richard F. Cignoli solicits proprietors with less than 20 employees. permanent. Government Day" tomorrow (Fri- h ..\; h. i n app' 11- u - r. .n, jn of 'the 1985 Watertown. He is affiliated with 'the .American Institute, of Bank- Judge Charles Gill has ordered day), beginning ,:•• 9:30 a.m.. at the United Way Campaign, according to John J. Moran, ing, is a member of the Watertown. Rotary Club, and Council Chairwoman Barbara First. Congregational Church. 40 general campaign chairman. is a member of the 'Watertown-Oak.vil.le Chamber of Hymel, as an, agent for 'the board DcForest St., Mr. and Mrs. Lodge will chair the. residential cam- Commerce Board of Directors. and town, to appear at the hearing. Several students will be bused paign, which solicits individuals who are unable to Last year, 6,308 residents in Watertown benefitted The temporary stay was obtain- from the high school, to learn the contribute at work. from United, Way services. Overall, 85,274 people in ed by Any.' Sean Butterly on behalf mechanics of local government for four' hours. Each student will take Mrs. Lodge is town coordinator for Planned. Paren- the '1.0-town Cental Naugatuck Valley service area of Stuart and. Vivian Kirkfield, 459 over the duties of a designated town thood, and is past 'board member of'the Girls Club and were helped by 81 programs in 38 agencies. Old, Woodbury, who claim closing Waterbury 'Day Nursery. Mr. Lodge is a. past, board off part, of the road would create official—town, manager, fire chief, member of 'the Watertown. Golf Club. The campaign, which runs 'through Nov. 8, is at- hazardous traffic and safety police chief, town clerk,,, etc.—for Mr. Cignoli, assistant vice president for Colonial. tempting to achieve a goal, of $2,050,000' represen- problems. that time peiod. Bank, is heading the small, business campaign, which ting an increase of 18.3 percent over the 1984 total. Residents in a hotly contested, A luncheon will be served, and town meeting Oct.- 7 voted 86-84 a mock Town, Council meeting will to okay the abandonment in favor be held. 'GodspelV Taft Benefit of Vincent O. Paiadino, a neighbor Youth in Government is a year- who wants to erect some type of ly activity sponsored by the Junior For Friends Of Library barrier to protect his property, Women, in cooperation, with the which has undergone damage on, Board of Education, Watertown "Godspell," a. musical based on Road. Prodigal Son, the Good Seed and several occasions from motorists High Principal William, P. the Gospel of Matthew, will 'be per- 'The performance is the annual, theJ3ad, the Sermon on the Mount, failing to negotiate a sharp bend in. Williams, and School Superinten- formed by the Taft School's Mas- benefit, for the Friends of 'the and. many more. The teles will be the road. ' dent Dr. Philip Fallen.. que and Dagger Society on. Friday, Watertown Library. reinforced by the great song hits of Mr. Palladino said 'there have The club will be celebrating Oct. 25, at 7:40 p.m. in the A cast, of 10 clowns retell 'the "Day By Day," "All Good. been 19 serious accidents on the "Junior Women's Week" Oct. 19 Bingham Auditorium.,, Woodbury familiar parables of Lazarus, the (Continued on page 2) curve the past. 1.4 years. to 2,6. REFERENDUM October 22,1085

YES NO YES NO YES YES NO' 1. SHALL THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN 2. SHALL THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN 3 SHALL THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN APPROPRIATE, 1150.000 IFOR CON- 4. SHALL, THE T0i.NI OIF WATERTOWN APPROPRIATE $400,500 IFOR VARIOUS APPROPRIATE 1566,000' FOR SANITARY STRUCTING A GOLF PRO SHOP AND GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS AT CREST- APPROPRIATE (101,000 IFOR SCHOOL ROAD. BRIDGE AND1 DRAINAGE SEWER If ID WATER MAINS • ON BROOK PARK AIND AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE O'lF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME CODE DESIGN AT WATERTOWN IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE FRENCH STREET AND AUTHORIZE AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID APPROPRIATION? SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OIF BONDS AID NOTES IN THE ISSUE OF BONOS AND MOTES IN THE ISSUE OF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID THE SAME AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID THE SAME AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID APPROPRIATION? APPROPRIATION? APPROPRIATION? Page"! TdwnProperty 'times '(1teitertown, •Conn.) of" Oct. 17the, 1985 Watertown Historical Society Townwlde Vote Monroe, Dalton, and Heath bring •them into state-mandated, Streets. (Continued from page I) compliance with revised, handicap The town also will spend and fire safety code regulations. Crestbrook improvements, you're $165,00watertownhistoricalsociety.org0 for repairs to the historic saying let 'the golfer who plays Skilton Road bridge, which has 'GodspelT there pay for.them," Mr. Stepanek 1 been closed to traffic for months. (Continued, from, page 1) opined.. The estimated payback The town expects to receive period will be 15 years. $50,000 back from, the stole. • Gits," and "All for the Best," Other intended improvements The installation of sewer and The cast. of the 10 will be cleaning out wooded areas water mains on French—some clowns/apostles includes a. number and seeding between 'the fairways 3,000 linear feet between Gilbert of performers. familiar for their on the front nine, correcting 'Lane and Flagg Avenue—will work In "Fiddler on the Roof" last drainage problems., and changing cany an assessment of $238,730 to season. They are Doug; Eklund, the configuration of the sixth green. the users as special benefit, and Kate Donnellon, Lacy Karanfilian, Road Improvements $327,220 to the town as general Watertown's Katrina Sbordone, The $400,500 being alloted for benefit. The work will be in and Andrew Winchell. Newcomers road work would shunt $75 .TOO1 preparation for the reconstruction include Jeff Brand, Mark Bucholz, each for Paxton and Hadley Streets, of the entire length of French under Ann Gelson, Charles Guimont, and $45,000' for engineering work for a. federal Urban Systems program. Vonni Kassarjian. Many different: theatrical devices the widening of Bunker Hill Road The money for 'the school codes THE MUSICAL "GOD5PELL" will be presented by Taft School's will be used.—pantomime, west of the Waterbury line, and for will be used to hire an architect and Masque and Dagger Society Friday, Oct. 2.5,, at 7:40 p.m. in. the children's games, charades, pup- drainage improvements on design changes to the buildings to Bingham Auditorium, to benefit, the Friends of the Watertown Library. petry, vaudeville antics, and songs Tickets are available In. advance at the Watertown Library, 470 Main and music of many shades. St. The cast members, shown rehearsing include Katrina Sboidone, stan- The production is directed by ding right, of Watertown. (Taft School Photo) John Sbordone, head of the arts department. David Home is the ving: as assistants to' the director and. Tickets are available through the musical director as well the also as understudies. Miss Caeser Watertown Library, 470 Main St., featured pianist. Deb MeKenna, also has assisted with or from, 'the Friends. Kay's Hardware new to the Taft faculty, Is technical choreography. featuring director, and Val Denver designed the costumes. PAINTS by PITTSBURG and Catherine R. Long, daughter of Laura Caeser, Robert Jell- Mr. and Mrs. David Long, North COOK & DUNN inghaus, and. Kate Yonkers are ser- PERSONALS field Road, recently took fourth- (Interior & Exterior Painting Supplies) place honors in Intermediate Fen- 1 We Carry Interior and Exterior R. J. BLACK Three students from St. Mary cing at Colby-Sawyer College's STAINS including CABOT5, Magdalen School were top sellers first Regional Intercollegiate Horse CUPRINOL, REZ and & SON, INC. in 'the school's QSP magazine Show/Competition for 1985-86 in New London, N.H. MINWAX Sales & Service sales. They are James Murdica, Richard LeRose, and Kristen WALLPAPER Solar Hot Wafer DelBuono. Garret Speaks DEPARTMENT Efficient Evacuated George Garret, prize-winning Tube Design Tina Romano, 1480 Main St., author of more than 20 books, will 607 Main. Street Water Pumps & and Gina Valente, 80 Colonial St., read and discuss his poetry at Mat- Watertown Water Conditioners Oakville, are among nearly 600 in- tauck Community College on Mon- coming freshman and transfer day, Nov. 4, at 1,2:45 p.m. in. Thomaslon Road 274-1038 students at Quinnipiac College, Room 312 of the Matlatuck Watertown 274-8853 Hamden. Building, 750 Chase Parkway. —Not Responsible for Watertown |0( Meat Center 485 Main Street, (tMmmyPiict) Watertown 274-2714 - NOW ACCEPTING fOOO 5IA MPS - •patti®5" PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd

(CHOICE! ROAST SALE STEAK SALE 88 ROAST $1 .b. Boneless 08 $ 48 V> EYE ROUND ROAST •2 *. TOP SIRLOIN 2 ib. BOTTOM ROUND ROAST ^t58*. New York Semi-Boneless - STRIP STEAK 5248.b Watertown Meat's Very Own Shoulder NEVER FAIL ROAST 7! Cut From ThetAgQ LONDON BROIL $1 Store Hours: Mon., Tues,., Wed.,, Sat. 8-6 Loin of Beef 'Z^ib, TENDER ROUND . .. Thurs. & Fri. 8-8, Sun., 8-2 Try it once.... You'll buy it: again!! CUBE STEAK $229*. BONELESS RIB ROAST $3™ --A|IY AMOUNT — OUJR OWN STORE MADE GOURMETBLADE STEAS TREATK S Fresh Extra Lean Fresh Fresh, Lean perdue BONELESS STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST $ Lean GROUND STEW 99 GROUND CHUCK, DOUBLE THICK STUFFED PORK CHOPS $1 .b. BEEF CHUCK PATTIES perdue STUFFED ROASTING CHICKEN 89°*i. SLICED TO ORDER DELI SMOKED MEATS PORK and POULTRY lean Domestic HAM $1 79ib. 5 49 DAISY HAM $1 \, BABY SPARE RIBS H .Ib. 79 3 Hood AMERICAN CHEESE *1 lib. COUNTRY SPARE RIBS $1 SMOKED SHOULDER 69S 49 First: Prize BOLOGNA $1 ^iii. PORK TENDER LOIN $2 HAM/BUTT PORTION 89°* • GRADE "A" CHICKEN • First Prize Mother Goose Liverwuf'st $' 79i'lib. Center Cut c 89 LEG QUARTERS 39 t weaver CHICKEN ROLL $179« . • • b HAM STEAK H fc BREAST QUARTERS 79°.ilb. (with wing) C Wunderbar GERMAN BOLOGNA 99 b —COUPON— —COUPON— Our Own Store Made SAUSAGE & PEPPERS MEATBALLS 50^ OFF Grade A with Jumbo in Any 1 Ib. Package MUSH!ROOIMS$f89|b SAUCE 79 of Sliced Bacon White Eggs f y * dozen & ONIONS (with this coupon and a *7M purchase) (with this coupon and a *7m purchase) Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown, Conn,.Society) Oct. 17, 1985 Pag e 3 running for another term,, will .be next meeting Monday. Oct.. 21, at WHS Students held Sunday, Oct.. 20, from 4 to 7 7:30 p.m. in the church hall. 1,6 p.m. at 54 Hillcrest Ave. Buckingham St.. Oakville., watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHave Tests At For tickets and information, The regular business meeting phone Dolores LaRosa at will be held, and newly elected of- . School Oct. 19 274-1763, or Stella Orsini at ficers will be installed. Guest 274-2791.,, both after 5 p.m. Tickets speaker will be a representative The PSAT/NMSQT will be ad- will be available at the door. from Spiotti Music, Straits ministered to 130 students at Turnpike, Watertown High. School, on Satur- Decker Tag Sale day, Oct. 19, beginning at 8 a.m., A. benefit, tog sale for Linda. according to Guidance Counselor Decker will be held Satu.rd.ay, Oct.. Bloodmobile Wed. Marie Curran. 26, at 269 Beach Ave,, from 10 Red Cross blood services recent- "The students will have the oppor- a.m. to 3 p.m.. ly declared a, statewide blood tunity to preview the exam process The sale will, help raise funds for emergency, and said all blood types for the Standard Aptitude Test Miss Decker's final tuition for the are needed, especially Q positive, (SAT), which measures verbal and second, semester with the Up with O negative, and B negative. Nearly 1.5 People entertainment troupe. For ' an appointment, call million students across the country Anyone with good saleable, items, 75,5-1137: walk-ins are welcome. will take the test this year. they wish to donate should, call the Through the PSAT/NMSQT Decker family at 274-1.389 after 6 The Water bury Area Chapter of (Preliminary Standard Aptitude p.m.. the American Red Cross will hold Test and. National. Merit Scholar- a, bloodmobile on Wednesday. Oct., ship Qualifying Test), students will Home-School Assoc. 23. from 2 to 7 p.m. at First Con- be selected, for scholarship oppor- The St. Mai1) Magdalen Home gregational Church. 40 DeForest tunities. Hispanic students will, be anil Schoii'l Association will hold its St. considered for the National Hispanic Scholar Awards Program. As preparation for the 100-minute, two-part test, students TARA FARM received, a "Student Bulletin" con- 860 Guernseytown Rd.( Watertown taming a complete sample test, with (across from Mt. Olivet Cemetery) an answer key and scoring OPEN ALL DAY instructions. After taking the actual test, the students will, receive a booklet APPLES "About Your PSAT/NMSQT •Cortland»Macs«McCouiis THE MAN IN CHARGE at the desk of the town manager is R.P. Scores," a, descriptive explanation Romaniello, local plumbing contractor who was chosen, by the Italian- of the test: results. American UNICO Club as its 'Manager of the Day" for the annual, PUMPKINS«GOURDS event held, Oct. 10 in honor of Columbus Day... With him are Barbara Mrs. Canty Party • INDIAN CORN Hymel, left., Town Council chairwoman, and. Robert Middaugh, the A wine and cheese party 'fun- town manager who rans the administration the other 364 days of the draiser for Town Clerk Mary B. •DRIED FLOWERS year. Mr. Romaniello was honored with a. dinner at the Watertown Canty, the Democrat, incumbant Country Club, and had his office and honorary parking space at the •TOMATOES»PEPPERS Town Hall Annex decked out with Italian flags and red, green, and white bunting. (Valuckas Photo) •WINTER SQUASH •POTATOES 7 ill the Buckingham Street., REBERS Nursing Grads Oakville school. A full-course turkey dinner with PLUMBING Pass Licensure all t he i ri n i in i ngs., pi es.. co I fee. tea. OUR OWN FRESH PRESSED CIDER Six area residents, three each milk, and juice will be served. and Custom pressing available from Watertown. and Oakville, Tickets for adults and children HEATING were among 26 recent graduates of arc .available at. the school, and fan Open House - Saturday & Sunday, October 26 & 27 St. Mary's Hospital School of Nur- he obtained at the door. Inc. Available sing, to successfully pass the Na- Residential HAY RIDES by Appointment tional Council Licensure Examina- GOP Headquarters Commercial tion for Registered. Nurses. Industrial They are: Republican candidates for Town, Fall Leaf Clean-up From. Oakville—Valerie Ann. Council, Board of Education, and Call: 274-0776 and Pruning town clerk will be available at. Dwyer, Roberta. E. Friscia, and .Gary Rebers Watertown, 274-3511 Gina Marie Monte. From Republican Headquarters, 149 Watertown—Sharon Marie Main, St., Oakville, to discuss Fratangelo, Noreen Marie Muc- issues relevant to 'the Nov. 5 cino, and Nancy Gee Salvatore. election. $ The candidates will be available PTO Harvest Supper each. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 You can put that 1J500 new The annual Harvest Supper of the p.m., as well, as each, weeknight Polk School PTO1 will lake place from 7 to 9 o'clock, beginning Wednesday. Oct. 23. from 5:30to Monday, Oct. 21. car in your driveway fast (§ffitt Irog for as little as $169 IITJ IKUtfatl ittpplg — Home Health Care Specialists — per month. Now, 11

•We are a Complete •Walking Aids Medical Equipment and •Hospital Beds Surgical Supply Source •Wheelchairs •We Bill Medicare •Commodes Directly •Cushion Lift. Chairs •Certified Orthotist •Bathroom Safety Aids on Staff • Incontinent Supplies •Free Delivery •Rentals and Sales When you're ready to FIXED RATE shop for a new car, you'll find $7,500 NEW (CAM, LOAN that we've made it a lot easier. r \ APPROX. to afford, than you thought. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE MONTHLY And it's a. lot easier to arrange TERM: 1 0% Off a car loan, too. Simply apply RATE PAYMENT by phone . . ., have your 11.00% 3 yra. $246.00 f all bathroom answer back on, "the same day 11.75% 4yrs. 1197.00 you apply. 100'% financing $1,69,00 safety aids available. .12:50%' CONVENIENCE with this ad. If you're ready to go ... or you. just want more information,, call our loan, from Frohock-Stewart for your bath and hotline: 755-1422. shower safety. Model 1200 Tri-Grip Expires 10/31/85 Security Rail features three gripping heights. Model 50 Bath Bench is ideal tor use by elderly or handicapped while bathing. First Federal Savings 55 Deforest Street )ack Hogan, Mgr. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Of WATKBUEY Watertown Ed Sktanka, R. Ph. 274-5288 Dick DiMaria, R. Ph. Watertown WeUerbury Southbury Page 4 TownProperty Times (Watertowru Conn. )of Oct. 17the, 1985 Watertown Historical Society ••••••••••••DnnnnnnconaniioiionnDD to St. Mary Magdalen Church,, Oakville for a Mass at 9 a.m.. TOWN TIMES INC. Burial was in Mount Olivet Published weekly. Subscriptiowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn .rates are $1.2 within Cemetery. Litehfreld Count])', $14 elsewhere in Connecticut: and $16 Mr. Frenette died Sunday, Oct. out of state. Office is located in the Capozzi Professional 13, at: the Connecticut Hospice in Building, 1,192 Main Street, Walertown. Second class Branford. Born in, Maine, he came' postal, paid at Watertown, Ct. to Oakville in 1940, and was For news or information call 274-6721. Address mail employed at the Chase Brass and to TOWN TIMES, Box 1, Watertown, Ct. Copper Co., retiring in 1,972. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Town He leaves three sons, including Times, P.O. Box 1, Watertown, Ct. 06795. Patrick Frenette Jr. of Oakville; four daughters, including Mrs.. Earl William E. Simmons, Publisher (Barbara) Maynard and Mrs. Thomas Valuckas, Editor; Kim Harmon, Editorial Assistant; William (Carol) Heady, both of Marie McGregor, Business Office; Dolores, Oakville; two brothers, including Ad vertis ing M anager; Claud ia Pettin icch i, De 1 o i s Re i 1 ly, Phylias Frenette of Oakville; a Joan Stud well and Carolyn Priestman, Sales Representatives; sister; 18 grandchildren; three - Trudy Pearson, Layout & Design; Martha Stammer, Pro- great-grandchildren; and. several, duction. Supervisor; Pamela Conboy, Be mice Proe. Lisa neices and, nephews. Biello and Shirley Thompson, Production Staff: Lorraine Veronneau. Lillian Mi sura, Odette Sirens and Judy Smith, Mrs. Earl Hemstreet C i, rcu 1 at i on. and ma. i I ing.. Funeral services for Mrs. Nettie US'PS 635-48© (Manchester) 'Hemstreet, 94, of 7 • • • • on D D a Di • • a in • D • • a •• n in • • • a • a n a Curtiss St., Naugatuck, were held. ADVERTISING NOTICE Monday, Oct.. 14, at 11 a.m. from, TOWN 'TIMES will make every effort, to see that all advertising copy is correctly the Buckmiller Brothers Funeral printed. The publishers assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors in. Home, Naugatuck, with the Rev. advertisements, but will gladly reprint, without charge, thai part of advertisement in which an error may occur. Regularly scheduled advertising may be canceled or cor- Pamela, Moffat of the Naugatuck rected within 'deadline limits only. Congregational Church officiating. was a member of Christ Episcopal Burial was in the new Pine Grove Church. Cemetery, Waterbury. He was a veteran member of the Mrs. Hemstreet, the widow of fire department for about. 45 years,, Eari Hemstreet, died 'Thursday, Mrs. Edward Wisausky and. served as chief from. Jan. I, Oct. 10, at the Ashlar of Newtown, Funeral services for Mrs. 1954 to Jan. 1, 1.9.59. Masonic Home after a, brief illness. Theresa (Madden) Wisausky. 69, Besides his wife of Watertown, She .leaves a stepson, Glenn, ONE OF FIVE FINALISTS for the title of Homecoming Queen 1985 of 532 Mixvil]e Road. Cheshire, he leaves a son, William. T. Hemstreet, of Oakville, and several, at Bethany College, Bethany, W.Va. was Lisa Renee Kradv, second sister of Mrs.. Gertrude Sabis, McCleery of Hebron; five grand- nieces and nephews. from left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Krady, 85 Delhurst Drive, Watertown, were held Friday, Oct. children; and several nieces and Oakville. Other finalists, from left to right, were Lisa Niggemyer, I; 1. from the Slater Funeral Home, nephews. Zanesville, Ohio; Jill Saffell, Glen Dale, W.Va,.; Bonnie Lorber, Bel Leonard J. Chasse „ Waterbury. to the Church of the The Hickcox-Mitchell Funeral Air, Md.; and the eventual winner at the Oct. 12 homecoming, Sherri, Epiphany for a Mass at 10 a.m. Funeral services for Leonard Wood,,Charlotte, N.C. Miss Krady is a graduate of Watertown High, Home, 195 Main St., is in charge Joseph Chasse, 70, of 37 Rockdale Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, of arrangements. School, and. is vice president of the Bethany Class of 1986. She is a, Waterbury. Ave.,, Oakville,, were held. Thurs- senior communications major, a member of the Society for Collegiate Mrs. Wisausky. wife of Edward day, Oct. 10, from the O'Neill Journalists, and. Phi Mu Sorority. She is captain and a, two-year letter- "Kap" Wisausky, died Tuesday. Patrick. E. Frenette Sr. Funeral, Home, Oakville, to St. winner for the varsity field hockey team. (Bethany Photo) Oct. 8. at Waterbury Hospital. She Funeral services for Patrick E. Mary Magdalen Church, Oakville, Frenette Sr., 75, of 109 Tumor fora Mass at. 10:30a.m. Burial was had been a resident of Cheshire the Editor Ave., Oakville, were held. Wednes- in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Democrat, majority first hand. He past 32 years. Town Times : day, Oct.. 1,6, at 8:1,5 a.m. from the believes, we have the human Ber des her husband of Cheshire, Mr. Chasse died Tuesday, Oct. Dear Sir: O'Neill Funeral. Home, Oakville, 8. resources for excellence in govern- she leaves two daughters; a Do you, my fellow voters in ment and wants to be a part of it. brother; two sisters: a grandchild: Watertown-Oakville, seek ex- Jan is a, leader. and several nieces and nephews. cellence from your elected town For the Board of Education it is officials? with great pleasure that I recom- Datnien Steiner Since you" have unfortunately mend the following three people Graveside services for Damien observed the severe- mismanage- who have demonstrated their com- M. Steiner, 6. of 6904 Manatee ment of the pembcrats.on your pre- mitment to excellence in the Ave. West. Bradenton, Fla., were sent Town Council.,.!am pleased schools throughout their adult held Saturday, Oct. 12, at 9:30' to recommend the following Editor lives: a.m. at the new Pine Grove the children they serve, while also outstanding members of 'the com- Town Times John Beekr. John, has served on Cemetery, Waterbury. Master getting the most, for the taxpayers" munity for positive consideration Dear Sir: •th,e Board of Education for several Steiner died Monday. Oct. 7, of in- dollar. That is why she can count, on Nov. 5: I have known and worked with, on, my vote on Nov. 5 years and has been, a leader in, 'that juries sustained in an accident. David Daiton. Dave has served Denise Russ for seven, years,'and Sincerely, group's, emphasis on curriculum Besides his mother of Florida. 1 for several years as a member of I, can't think of a finer person to William, E. Varno and instruction. Active as an Darlene (Carnaroii) Steiner, and your Board of Education. His will- father of Waterbury. Heinz F. represent our town as a 'Town 119 Edge Road educator for many years, he con- Council member. ingness to leave a board in, which tinues graduate studies in 'the quest Steiner. he leaves his paternal he is extremely experienced, to seek She gives 100 percent, of herself Editor for excellence. John, is a leader. grandparents; his maternal grand- election to a legislative body which in everything she is involved in. Mary Cofrancesco. Mary -bias parents. Samuel and Prisilla Car- Town Times has achieved, nothing but turmoil is She is a dedicated, honest, caring served as teacher and principal. In naroii. Oakvilte: his maternal Dear Sir: an example of his commitment to individual. I have no doubt as to her 29 years of service in Water- great-grandparents, Broney and A long hard struggle is over and excellence. Dave is a, leader. her ability to serve the needs of our we are thankful. town's schools, and has been active Theresa Christian. Oakville; a step- Gordon' James. Gordon has community in the-same way she When we moved to Watertown in many community organizations, sister: and several aunts, uncles, demonstrated his commitment to docs everything else—extremely in-19:58, we became involved in our including the presidency of VFW and cousins. excellence for several years begin- well! new community because we felt: we Auxiliary 7330. Mary is a leader. ning with his presidency of the Sincerely yours, should give of ourselves to the Margaret Poulin. Peg is a former George Bollard Jaycees, and his recent advocacy Lois Bernier town we chose for our home. commissioner and secretary for 'the Funeral services for George for progress in areas of solid waste 90 Ellen Kay Drive Our involvement, and participa- Watertown Fire District. She has Bollard, of the Waterbury Extend- removal 'and Water and Sewer tion in community activities was been a teacher of English and ed Care Facility, husband, of the Authority administration. Gordon Editor our way to help make Watertown Social Studies at Memorial, Middle late Mildred. Bollard, were held is a leader. Town, Times a better place in, which to' live. The School in, Middlebury for 27 years Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 10 a.m. in Thomas Lord. Tom is .an attorney Dear Sir: point is that we moved to Water- where she is eighth grade St. Theresa's Church, Tarrytown, and a teacher of law at Taft School. 1 am taking this opportunity to town and. became a part of ow teamleader and teacher-in-charge in N.Y. Burial was in Sleepy Hollow He recently joined the Republican endorse: the candidacy of Mrs. community. We did not become absence' of the principal. Peg is a Cemetery, Tarrytown. Party because he saw it: as the best Margaret Poulin, 269 Guern- hermits. We cared, then. We care leader. Mr. Bollard died Saturday, Oct. way to rid. our town, of its present seytown Road, for the Watertown, now. The office of Town Clerk has in- 12, in St. Mary's Hospital after a mismanagement: and bring ex- Board of Education. Now that Old Woodbury Road is creased in importance in recent brief illness. He leaves two sons cellence to the Town Council. Tom Peg Poulin has been a classroom abandoned, there should be no years, especially when one con- and four grandchildren, is a leader. teacher for 27 years, presently in more of a problem with the propos- siders Ae numerous election laws Richard Natale. Rich, a former a nearby community where she is ed school bus stop than with, any to be enforced along with, the day Milton. H. McCleery chairman of the Republican, Town a respected and successful member other school bus stop in town. to day activities necessary to help Funeral services for Milton H.- Committee, has been, outspoken in of the teaching staff. She knowns Our own children, boarded school people in the community. I recom- McCleery, 78, of 61 Wilder St., recent weeks concerning the what, quality education is, arid how buses on Route 6 for 25 years mend your consideration, of: former chief of 'the Watertown. Democrats'" consistent mismanage- to achieve it. without incident. For many of'those Carolyn Boeder. Carolyn has Volunteer Fire Department and ment of town affairs. He is a Having screed, with Peg on a. years there was considerably more: 1 1 been active in every facet of com- husband of Lillian (Germano) former member of the, U.S. Army public board.. I know her to be a, tractor trailer traffic than 'there is munity life from PTA presidency McCleery, will be held today " Intelligence and Security Agency, non-political, careful judge of now. to extensive volunteer work. A (Thursday) at 11 a.m. in Christ where excellence. is a requisite. issues and personalities who will do The abandonment of Old Wood- tireless worker, she will bring a Episcopal Church, 25 The Green,, Rich, is a leader. what is best for'the children and, the bury Road will not: endanger pro-active dimension to 'the town with 'the Rev. Jeffrey Kittredge, Stewert Robey. Steve, although a taxpayers of Watertown. She is anyone. It will provide' us with the clerk's office with, the goal of rector, officiating. Burial will be in newcomer to politics, is already a capable, aware, and sympathetic to means to protect ourselves. bringing excellence in service to Evergreen Cemetery. 'valued member of the Republican the needs of the people, To those who supported, us, people. Carolyn is a leader. Mr. McCleer) died Monday, Party because of his community Having attended a, good many please accept our sincere thanks. To summarize, we offer our Oct. 14, at St. Mary's Hospital commitment. Steve seeks ex- Walatown High School athletic To those who opposed us in good .community leadership unsurpassed, from injuries sustained in an cellence in, every task he performs and cultural events myself, I know conscience, we respect your right in recent years, and recommend automobile accident Saturday on and has 'that:' aspiration, for the her to be an outstanding football fan to your opinion. . • that you. vote straight Republican Intestate 84. 'Town 'Council. Steve is a leader. and supporter of both the school's We know time will prove your on, Nov. 5. Mr. McCleery was bom Jan.. 3, athletic and academic programs... fears unfounded. Ours will be Jan Wiveslad. Jan has been ac- Norman, M. Stephen 1907 in. Watertown, son of the late Her son is a graduate of WHS and. lessened. tive on our important. Parks and James T. .and (Thornton) 89 Falls Avenue a. product of our schools. Sincerely, Recreation Commission and, as a" McCleery.. Until his retirement, he Chairman, Republican, Committee I know Peg Poulin will support, Vincent and Marie Palladino regular visitor to Town Council, was employed as a salesman with, promote, and. work to further what meetings,' has observed the Woodbury Road (Continued on page 6) the Watertown. .Equipment: Co. He is'best in, Watertown's schools and mismanagement practices of the Property of the Watertown HistoricalToma 3Smes-|Wte:nwii,jConn. Society) pet JJt .,1985 Page . 5, LOW, EVERYDAY PRICES UG CITY STUFFY NOSE Ask About Our GOT YOU Senior Citizens DOWN? We're Discount On your source for CGLP and SINUS Prescription^! REMEDIES!

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WATERTOWN PLAZA Management 'Reserves the Right, to limit Quantities MAIN ST. Specials good while Supply RTOWN 274-5425 Dally including Sunday 1 Page 6 TownProperty Times (Watertown, Conn. ) ofOct. 17,the. JL985 • Watertown Historical Society our entire company. Our drivers and serving as principal at ihe Falls to make it even a better place to Editor and dispatchers were so closely in Avenue School. live. " . Town Times •• tune with the weather reports that "The people of 'this town will be I urge my fellow citizens to join Dear Sir: (Continued from page 4) we watertownhistoricalsociety.orgalmost .felt we'were feeling it well screed by a woman of her me Nov., 5 in supporting Ron for At 'this time I am writing, to1 sup- with you. We trust that you have .character and integrity as an Town, Council. port. Democrat Helen Lukowski in (Ed-" Note: Tie following was sent not suffered too great a loss. educator. Sincerely, yours, by MX. Stansell, president of the her bid for election as a Town Our prayers are with you as we Sincerely, Joseph, Romano Council candidate. K.L. Stansell, Inc. truckers of Claxton Avenue trust. God's speedy recovery for Raymond J. Fuller Helen has served the town in, the Palm Harbor,. Fla., to Hoskings you and yours. Former member,, Nursery and Red Barn. Gift Shop past as a, secretary with, 'the Water- Sincerely, Watertown Board, of Education Editor town High School, and as the on Porter Street a few days after R.L.. Stansell Town Times Hurricane Gloria.) secretary in the building inspector's President Editor Dear Sir: office. She served 'the town with Hosking, James, NRSY Town Times At this time I am, writing to en- distinction, and her experience as 96 Porter St. Editor Dear Sir dorse Democrat Mary Canty in her a town, employee gives her great Watertown. Cl. Town Times I'm writing to you. in regards to bid for re-election. understanding of 'the townspeople Gentlemen: Dear Sir: Gordon lames, who is running as For 'the past 12 years Mary has and the problems 'the town, en- Having gone through the It has been a fine privilege know- a. Republican for the Town sewed, this town capably. She is ef- counters on a regular basis. suspense of Elena hanging 80 miles ing Mary Cofrancesco, and with Council. ficient, and her office is extremely I think, the most salient chaiacater lift'our.coast and feeling the effects my utmost sincerity I urge your 1 have known Gordon James for cooperative whether a citizen is trait, 'that sticks, out in my mind with, 0 f I h o s e 125 in. p. h. w i nd s.. I pe r- support regarding her bid for a several years as my neighbor, and seeking a marriage license, a copy sonally felt apprehension for you place on the Watertown Board of I am, very fortunate to have him as of their deed., or any other type of respect to Helen is that she rode 'the knowing Gloria, a much stronger Education. an, authority figure and a friend,..H e service which the town, clerk's of- fan, bus with the Watertown High storm, was heading your way. Over the years she has helped in- has always shown honesty, sinceri- fice provides. students to so many basketball games, during the 1960s when she I realize there is very little help still lasting values in the children ty, and intelligence in all that I've Indeed, Mary Canty is the type was a, secretary with 'the school. We 1 can offer to you. but 1 do want to of my neighborhood., while having seen him, do. • of public servant we have here in, students who rode 'the bus with her e x p res s n i y sy i n pa th y 11 n heha I! I" 11 f taught, 'the first and second grades Having this in mind, I know he Watertown whose services make were greatly impressed that 'this would be an, excellent, choice as a our qualify of life so excellent. adult employee of 'the school, had new member of the Town Council. I urge everyone to get out and such enthusiasm. Sincerely, vote on Nov. 5 and. to support. I am sure that Helen will display Karen West Mary's candidacy. that 'type of enthusiasm when she Watertown 'Very truly yours, is elected to the Council on Nov. 5. Robert ¥,., Kulikauskas Sincerely yours, off Editor Highland Avenue Town 'Times. Dinah, Butterly 59 Litchfield Road ALL DRESSES Dear Sir: Editor Democrat Ron D* Arnica 'Town. Times ^ —Featuring— possesses many qualities which Dear Sin Career Day For make him an excellent candidate At 'this time I am writing to sup-' Petites, Juniors and- Misses for the Town Council. port 'the candidacy of Charles Women, Oct. ,26 As a. -small, businessman, Ron Fisher, Democrat, for the Town Register for a knows 'the importance of budgeting Council. U.S. Rep. Nancy Johnson (R- . .Conn.) is sponsoring, a Career Day carefully and getting the most for As anyone can see from looking for Women, on Saturday, Oct. 26, one's dollar. The taxpayers will ap- around town, construction is 'boom- BEAUTY MAKEOVER at Northwestern, Community Col- preciate 'this type of expertise. ing in, this area. It is comforting to lege, Winsted.. by Licensed Cosmetologist Furthermore, as a lifelong resi- know that the Town Council, dent: of our community, Ron, has presently has a professional Coffee and registration begins at Saturday, October 19th from, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. always taken great, pride in the engineer, Mr. Fisher, lending .his 8:30'a.m., in the cafeteria. Discus- Makeup by Beau Visage town, and I know he will work hard. expertise to the Council, in many of sions following will include "What the difficult questions Do I Want To Be When I Grow our growth, and. expansion. Up?" job hunting, and, various other workshops from computers to Yes—Our Prices Are As Soothington's town engineer, financial planning. Competitive For Quality Mr. Fisher is certainly our most I The day is co-sponsored with the Sportewear*Dres5es«Separates«Suits«Acces5Qfies Fuel Oil and Kerosene competent Councilman with f respect to making decisions as to Small' Business Administration and proper construction of new projects the Chamber of Commerce of Mon. to Fit, 1.0-9, Sat. 10-7, Sun.. 12-4 CALL NOW and roads in Watertown. Northwest Connecticut. For further For these .reasons, I will, be sup- information, call 722-?544 544 Straits Turnpike (Pioneer Plaza) Win. {Across from K#art) BARIBAULT porting Charles Fisher's bid for m- . '•• LITTLE JOY " •' election on Nov. 5. :' __, Ask abort air imSmduaiiBti ottering sen/ice from a list of over SOB brand OIL CO., INC. Little trouble comes to those who ~ names: If we don't have a brand or size you went, we wifl happily try lo gat if far j Sincerely yours,, 600MainSt.,Oakville sit: tight, keep still and live within You are a very important person at Elarie's. Roger Ouellette 274-3284 or 274-6723 Scott Avenue their income—little fun. either.

m HCilflifliill OQK£_ WALLPAPER DEPT. PAINTS SIENTm -SPRING FLOWERING BULBS- All the old favorites plus many new and OAKVILLE PAINT & HARDWARE outstanding varieties, Early mid-season and "Where Qualify & Service are FREE!" 30 late bloomers. Quantify Discounts. ° Main Street, Oa kvi 11 e FREE PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS -One of the most . 2,74-1! 500 PARKING fragrant indoor flowers. An Ideal Gift! Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:30 « Sat. 8-4 • •• 3 bulbs for $'1 .35 PAPER WHITE KIT $4.95 .. Sandstone Container • 3 Bulbs Pebbles planting TREES •SHRUBS 10th BAR HARBOR LAWNS • BULBS JUNIPER-A low ANNIVERSARY SOD - A beautiful blend! of ground cover type SPECIAL $12.50 Reg. 15.00; grasses. 9 sq..ft. $2.25 Reg.. 275

PFITZER JUNIPERS - $ COW MANURE- 2.80 3 gal,., size *14.95 Reg, 1935 Composted! 40 ib, Reg. 3.99" Pine Gun ARBORVITAE - 3-4 ft, WHITE MARBLE STOME Cabinet tall $22.50 Reg. 29.95 50 Ib. $1 .95 Reg. 2.50 . FRUIT TREES - A selected (displays 6 guns) group of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Apricots PEATMOSS- $5.95 4 cu. ft. Reg, 7.95 $9999 ALL 30 to 50'% OFF •' • reg. $1139|0' 0 [ JUST ARRIVED' POTTING. SOIL - LYRIC BIRD SEED 40 Ib. $2.98 Reg. 4.19 Buy Yours NOW -and SAVE With EARLY DISCOUNTS" 20 Ib. $1 .98 Reg,., 2,.59 f KNOTHOLE I THE HOSKING NURSERY | UNFINISHED FWWTIRE. J "A .Family Business Since ,18,97" • 651 Main Street Watertown 274-5082 96 Porter Street, Watertown 274-8889 • Monday-Friday 10-7 •. • ."Saturday 9-5 Monday-Friday 9-5:30 • Saturday 9-5 • Open, Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown rimes (Yfetertown/Coim. Society) Oct. 17, 1985 Pag p 7 Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-Conn.) sueessfully," she said, "it. Is in- Trade Package "The trade package is a forward- creasingly clear competition is, comprehensive proposal possible only if our government Introduced By that will provide the felixibility to steps forward and. takes its proper meet our immediate needs," Mrs. role and recognizes our legitimate SAVE $20.00 Rep. Johnson. Johnson said, "but it will also en- concerns."" sure our competitiveness in the KNAPPS EXTRAORDINARY A House Republican-sponsored DIRECT HIT trade package which could "avoid decades ahead. The ultimate in work shoe comfort. the rash by some to surcharges and "While I continue to believe A good sermon is one that goes GUARANTEE over a man's head—and hits one of THE KNAPP 'TWO-SHOT SOLE easy protectionist solutions," Connecticut and other American IS GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR recently was introduced by U.S. his neighbors. THE UPPERS OR A MEW PAIR FREE workers and products can compete Applies to origiiira! pair only. Guarantee ooas notaippi'l^' to Safety Footwear. Now •Notre lame Acaoemrj Regular $64.99 Limited Time Only invites WORMS m NMW*:SMXS A dense outer 2nd Shot Comfort Sih grade girls and their parents to an shell provides A SON cushiony layer extraordinary wear acts as a Short Aasoraer'

• Sunday, October 20th at 2 o 'clock Knapp Shoes 406 Watertown Avenue, Waterbury in the Academy Auditorium., 30 Church Street, Waterbury Hours:. Mon., TUBS.., & Wed. 9:30 - 5:30 Trims,. & FajfcOT - 6:30 * Sal 9 - 5 755-8683

Free tin of imported butter cookies when you open your 1986 Christmas Club ... and we'll make your 51st payment, too! There's a free tin of Imported Danish butter cookies waiting for you when you open your 1986 Christmas Club. The cookies are delicious and. the attractive tin Is reusable. There's a. bonus, too. Thomaston Complete 50 payments and we'll make the 51st for you. Sayings The club starts October 15 and. Bank you can. put away $1, $2, $3, $5, $1.0 or $20 a week. . Member -FO1G Please note: One tin "of cookies per account with an. initial deposit of $4 or more. THOMASTON TERRYVILLE WATERTOWN HARWINITQN Last payment Oct. 17, 1985 for current club. itiT Page 8 TowPropertyn Times (Watertown, Coon, of) Oct .the 17, 198 5Watertown Historical Society • from the Watertown • nursing association. 'The agency provides a Nursing Association Is variety of home services including watertownhistoricalsociety.orgvisiting nurses, home health aides, Key United Way Service physical and occupational therapy, social, sevices, and homemakers. There .Is; Still Someone physician, who was aware 'that In addition, it offers community Who Makes Housecalls Mrs. Donahue desperately wanted services such as flu and blood ' "Without the help of the Water- to return to her home, referred, her pressure clinics, Well Child clinics, town Public Health Nursing to the Watertown Public Health and maternity and child, care Association, I would be right back Nursing Association for home care. services. in a convalescent home," says Since her return home four years The philosophy of the agency is Margaret Donahue, a 74-year-old ago, visiting nurses have spent ap- to provide 'the patient with needed widow who has been a longtime proximately 10 hours each week care in 'the comfortable and familiar Watertown. resident. helping Mrs. Donahue cope with environment of'the patient's home. Four years ago, Mrs. Donahue her medical problems. Working with the patient's treating was hospitalized and discharged to' Mrs. Donahue and almost 40G physician., a registered, nurse visits a ccrivalc'-cent home. Her treating other1 people receive weekly help the patient, assesses the patient's needs, and coordinates the care. The patient may receive care from the agency's physical, speech, translucent color gloss or occupational therapist, a home health aide, a homemaker, or, as in. THE NUISIS AND THERAPISTS at the Watertown Public Health, MR. Donahue's case, a program of Nursing Association work with, 'their clients at home, providing vita! care involving the coordinated ef- health, 'therapy, and, homemaker' services. forts of all the agency's resources. Referrals are accepted not only a, network, of visiting nurses human services, such as those of- through the treating physician, but operates throughout the state, fered, by the Watertown Public also from, family members and 'thereby ensuring that if a. patient Health Nursing Association, pro- friends, or at the request of the per- moves from the immediate area,, vide a service that benefits, son seeking care. continued care and support is pro- enriches, and strengthens the com- The agency presently is expan- vided to the patient. 'munity as a whole. ding its services and now provides, The association is supported by Now is the time for all of us to at greatly reduced rates, private du- federal, and, state funds, as well, as help ensure the continued existence ty nursing' care 24 hours a day, •private and, client donations. Recent of agencies such as the Watertown seven days per week, using a federal and state cutbacks have Public Health Nursing Association, registered, nurse or a state certified forced, the visiting nurses to seek Show that you. care. Make your homemaker/home health aide. more assistance from, the private No Coaling United Way pledge today. Complete compatibility 'The Watertown nursing associa- sector. —Written, on behalf of the United wilh perming and other tion is a non-profit health agency. The agency also receives a coloring services Way by Garrett M. Moore All fees are based on actual cost. significant contribution, from 'the Our Stylists: }o, Betty, Carol & Sylvia Payment for services caiTbe made United Way, which has just begun, through Medicare, Medicaid, or its 1985-86 campaign. . SWIMMING POO1, Jennifer's Beauty Salon private insurance. For the past several years, con- While the Watertown nursing tributions to the United Way have Wait a while before ordering that: 61 Riverside St., Oakville association technically serves the increased, steadily, indicating that swimming pool—the hero of today His. lues.-Sal. 8:30-4:30 • Open Late Thure. & Fri. • 274-2473 Watertown, Oakville, Thomaston, area residents are recognizing that is often the has-been of tomorrow. Woodbury, and Middlehury areas. Thomaston Clock Company Rt. 20 Rivertoh, Ct.

AH of our prices are 30%to' 60 % off' ^SERVED DAILY FROM 1PM. PASTO 271-8821 1ISO ECHOLMtC Rd W'ATE»O1DW N. CT Why not drop- by to see us.

"Mother Nature" is giving us a PREFERENCE CEILING WHITE magnificent $098 Gal

• foliage show. INTERIOR FLAT WALL PAINT $999 We are fortunate ' enough, to 'be in, INTERIOR SATIN GLOSS the center of it. - $1399 Gal* Rte. 20' is breath- PAINT THINNER taking at this - $399 Gal time of year! : 'Custom Gators Stightfy Mgfcr Sale Ends Oct. 19 NORMAN'S; Color -Center,. lie. We are 1 block, from Hitchcock Chair. I • Qualify Painfe .& Decorating Supplid •

HOURS: Tuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ••• f.-ii____ ' •: - ' • Since 1955 -." ' j:' •'' Sunday 12 noon-5 p.m. :' ''""^"1 ,' .79 Waterbury Rdl;, . • ' — ••••, Thonuistoii,-.c|t.•••••• • :. ^ I „ • . Free fcrkmg. . 283-4642 .1 Free Etfim*- £ ' ' Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown 'Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Oct. 17, 1985 Page 9 Nicole,, Oct. 8 at Wateibury and Mrs. Anthony Satkauskas, LIKE IT LOOK AROUND Hospital. to-Mr. and Mrs. Salvatoie Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald People who live within their if you don't like anything you see, I Coppola (Irene Satkauskas), Puidy, Woodbury, and Mr. and income sometimes get used to it— you'd tetter make an effort, to see' Watertown. Grandparents are Mr. . Mrs. Salvatore Coppola, COPPOLA—A daughter, Sara watertownhistoricalsociety.orgbut they rarely learn to like it. several more things. WANTED' TO BUY WATERTOWN AUTO BODY AUTO INSURANCE COIN 40 Years Experience COLLECTIONS We Specialize la: Have your rates increased substantially? • GOLD REPAIRING FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CARS- Are you getting the service you deserve? • SILVER DOLLARS INSTALLING SHOCKS & LIFETIME M U FFLERS Are you presently covered adequately? • PROOF AND MINT SETS AUTOMOBILE PAINTING CALL FIBERGLASS REPAIRS CALL FOR FREE. QUOTE CUSTOMIZING & RESTORATION OF OLD CARS HERITAGE INSURANCE GROUP 274-8372. INDUSTRIAL PAINTING Knight Street, Watertown 274-7493. JIM SULLIVAN 755-1228 P.O. Box 451 274-662:6

MOHAWK SPECIALS •"MOHAWK' "MOHAWK' 100% Dupont Nylon 100% Dupont Nylon Plush i i Multi Color Cut & Loop .Protected by Scotchguard $Q95 Protected by Scotchguard J sq. yd. 95 5 Year Wear Guarantee c 5 Year Wear Guarantee reg. M0 sq.yd. i 95 IJBU, POINT n , _ , •eg. *11 sq.yd. 1,2 Popular Colors "MOHAWK" "MOHAWK" 100% Dupont Nylon 100% Dupont Nylon Multi Color Carved Plush Protected by Scotchguard! Protected by Scotchguard sq. yd. Treated with. Sy I guard sq. yd. 95 5 Year Wear Guarantee Te $-| 395 sq_y 4 5 Year Wear Guarantee reg. M3 sq.yd. "12 Designer Colors II1PU, POINT lybn ,25 Fashionable Colors FALL REMNANT CLEARANCE 3,000 Sq. Yds. of Carpeting Must Be Sold l Prices Slashed To Make Room For New Shipments

10x12 11x12 9x12 $10500 $3500

FREE >//' FOAM PAD WITH SPECIALLY MARKED REMNANTS Reg. SALE Reg,. SALE 12x I t Brown/Rust Sculptured 264.00 140.00 12x13* Melon Saxony 265:00' 179.00 12x9" Bra/Beige Sculp... (Antron III) 189.00' 119.00 1 1.2 x I t * Soft. Green Saxony 288.00 180.00 12x10' -Teal Blue Saxony 254:00' 159.00' 1,2 x, 10' Red/Black Commercial Tweed 159.00 109.00 1 2x 1 I Mulled Wine Scupltured .2.58.00' .72.00 12x19 Silver Grey Sculptured 342.00 240.00 12x9* Rust Sculptured 189.00 118-00 1 2.X I '0* Medium Brown Saxony 247,.TO 154,00 12x12 Bramble Blue Sculp. {Anso IV) 27,2:00' ' 208.00 12x14 Sea Mist Sculp. |Antron 111) ,361.00 247.00' 1 10 319.00' 199.00 1,2x10* Blue Grey Plush ,299.00 188.00 12x9 Deep Rose Saxony 258.OO 171.00 12x114 Emerald Green Saxony a 1,2 x 10' Light Plum. Saxony 198,00 115.00' 12x10* Roman Gold Plush 329.00 185.00 12x8 Beige/Tan Commercial Tweed 109:00 7 9.00 I 2x9 Soft Brown Plush 189.00' 132.00 1,2x12 Lemon Yellow Saxony ,2 30.00 160.00 12x20 Snow Cloud Sculptured 550.00' 180' 12x11* 12x9* Old Rose Sculptured 275:00 175.00 Brick Saxony 2 54.00 158.00 12x8* Hunter Green Commercial 127:00 79.00' 12x9s 12x7* Golden Tan Plush .248.00' 165.00 Deep Rose Plush 2 1 5.00 130.00 1,2x8* Soft Beige Commercial 275:00' 150.00 234.00 142.00 12x13» 12x23* Golden Brm. Sculp. (Anso IV) .529:00' 404.00 12x8" Off White Plush 7 Emerald Green Saxony 2 ? 3.00 182.00 204.00 12x1 I J ! ,2 x. 17 * S pearmint G rn. Sculpt ured 426.00' Rust Saxony ' 260:00' 170.00' 12x 10 Goldn. Tan Sax. [Antron I'll] 2 90.00' 198.00' 338.00 1 2x8* 1 2.x 18 Grape Scultured 480.00 Cream, Plush •• 238.00 148.00 12x8* Dusty Rose Plush 219.00 136.0O B 129.00 12x11* 12x9 Medium Brown Sculptured 189.00 Lemon Yellow Saxony 2,25:00' 150.00 12x7* Mauve Saxony 19,2:00' 118.00 10 160.00 12x10" 12x9 Camel Tan Plush ' . 2 2 5.'00' Brick Plush ' 278.00 174.00 12x8* Cop'tone Saxony |Antron (I'll) 218:00' 145.00' 143.00 12x12' s ! 2x8'" Rust Sculptured 233.00 Light Gold Saxony 240.00 176.00 1 2x 14 Rose 'Frost Sculptured 4 3 5.00 280.00 4 286.00 12x8 - 12x 16 Rasp. Sculpt. (Antronl 11| 418:00 Taupe Saxony 165.00' 99.00 12x9* Rust, Saxony 2,25:00' 110.00 221.00 1,2,x 17 12 x 1 2* Bl. .Spruce Sculp. (Antron III] .323.00' China Blue Sculptured .510.00 3 20.00 12x13 Emerald Green Saxony 2 5 9.00 17 3.00 132.00 • 12x17* s 1 2x8* Brown Sculptured 211.00 Mllnt Green Sculptured 4 2 6.00 204.00 12x 1 1 Warm Gold Plush 2 7 5.00' 168.00 299:00 199.00 12x8 Brick Saxony 179.00' 110.00' I 2x 11»' Rust Saxony 260.00 170.00 12x 15 Midnight Black Saxony" 1 10 ,240.00' 160.00 12x11* 12.X 13 Blue Spruce Sculp. [Antron I'll) .34 2.00' 234.00 12x11 Peach Saxony Rust Plush (Antron Plus) 335:00 223.00 10 179:00 112.00 1,2x115* 1,2x10* Blue Commercial Tweed 189.00' 99.00 12x11 Brown/Black Comm. Tweed Grape'Sculptured 420.00 . 295.00' 3 368,00' 208.00 12x11 12x8 Dusty Rose Saxony 169:00' 106.00 12.x 12 Sea Mist Green Sculptured Medium Beige Plush 29.5.00 182.00 40fl:00 255.00 12x10* 12x7'° Petal Pink, Plush 222.00 119.00' 12x16 Chestnut Sculptured Muled Wine Sculptured 2,5 5.00' 170.00' 204.00' 156.00 12x8" 1,2.x 11 Moss Green Sculptured 249.00' 150.00 12x19! Brown Sculp. (Anso IV) Blue/Green Sculptured 240:00" 168.00 260:00 190.00 12x9« 12x82 Creamy Beige Plush 209.'00' 149.00' 12x12s Soft Beige Sculptured Burnt: Orange Saxony ,2:49.00' 156.00' 169.00' 117.00 12x8? 12x7'° Sage Green Saxony 176:00' 89.00' 12x11 Sand/Grey Comm'. Tweed Autumn Wheat Saxony 209:00 129.00 352:00 240.00 1,2x1,2* 12x9' ° Cinnamon Plush {Antron III) 25 5.00 170.00 12x1 3? Blue Spruce Sculp. [Antron III) Sea Foam Mist Sculptured ,314.00' 215.00 189.00 118.00' 12x16* 1.2x16 China Blue Sculptured 430.00 275.00 Spear. Sculp. (Antron Ex. Body) 495:00 '245.00' 12x9" Old Gold Plush 380.00 260.00 12x1 II* 12x8* Fawn Brown Saxony ' 15,3:00' 96.00' I 2,x I! 5 Blue Spruce Sculp... (Antron III) 12x10* Silver Lining' Plush (Aniram Phis] 46.2:00 249-00' 275.00' 145.00 II 2,x, 16'* Brown, Spice Sculp. (Anso IV| 362.00 277.00 12x9* Coral Plush Burnt Orange Plush 3.57.00' 195.00 CARPET BARN

250 Porter St. Open Monday-Saturday 10-5 274-6851 WSA l paster charge I u Watertown . Evenings By Appointment - 274-0155 Page 10 Town "Ernes (Wktertown, Conn.) Oct." 17, '1985 Property of the Watertown Historical Society•"Radiation"'will be the subject of Visit Firemen brought to 'the Watertown Fire The students in Mrs. Baker's and •Cancer Series Judith George, R.T. • ' " 'Depa.rtrn.ent to take part, in a pro- Mrs. Butteriy's classes had com- Also scheduled are "Nutrition" The_ second grade students at gram, being offered by the pleted a. unit on fire and. fire - Begins Tuesday and "Resources in the Communi- Baldwin School recently were, prevention during National Fire ty" for Oct.. 29, and "Liking Prevention Week, At Hospital Yourself* for Nov., 5, which will have cancer patient panelists shar- "Best Little Hair House in Conn." The second segment of the series ing their experiences. "I Can Cope" for cancer patients For registration and Further in- and their families and friends will formation, call the Cancer Society Charlie Fenn's take place'Tuesday, Oct. 22, from office weekdays from, 9 a.m. to 5 "'GOOD' PLUMBING 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Mary's Hospital's p.m. at 7.56-8888.., f

••* **' •" ** • Youth Theater Ensemble presents FALL CONCERT '85 LEELAINE PICKER, executive director of Parents Anonymous of Connecticut, spoke to the St. • A unique theatrical experience for-the entire, family to enjoy, John's Home and School Associa- tion recently on the subject of presented by one of the fastest growing arts organizations in "Parenting." • Connecticut, catering to the young, and the young at heart, Start, The Best of Broadway and Beyond! ypur.tbp Including the Live World. Premiere of atastae 44Love is Here" h

by local songwriter Peter CouSds

Instant photos for Passports, International Licenses, and Stude * * ONE .NIGHT ONLY * * In stunning color. While you wait... BOB'S CAMERA, ' Friday, October 25, 1.985 at 8:00 P.M. SHOP, -INC. 90 South Main St.. Watertown High School Auditorium Waterbnry 754-2256 French Street, Watertown $4.00 general admission

Tickets available at: Maurie's Place Sandwich Shoppe, Main" Street, Oakville • 7-Eleven Convenience Store, Davis Street, Oakville" WE HAVE Watertown Park & Recreation Office, Town. Hall Annex MAKE-UP,

•. Main Street, Watertown. EVERYTHING YOU'LL At. The Door NEED! ARABESQUE 113 iBank St., For additional information, call: (1 - Fight Up) Waterbury. 'Conn. 274-0517 754-2260 Town Times (Watertown, Com.) Oct. 17, 1985 Page 11 to Commission on, 'the Arts, 1.90 Property of the Watertownsible if payments are not withheld ••Historical its people. Society OFF1.CE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TrumbuU St., Hartford, Ct. 06103, from 'the employee's paycheck. The new laws passed, by 'the U.S. to the attention, of Gloria Santa Employers will not be allowed to Congress, and our state Legislature CONNECTICUT LAW dismiss or discipline employees provide a foundation; now we must, Anna. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgbecause of the garnishment. build a sound, efficient, enforce- Blue Seal Feeds •The statute of limitations on, ment organization, on that base of Wild Bird Seeds & Feeders O 0 0 paternity cases will, be extended to legal, support. Lawn & Farm Fertilizers 1,8 years. Currently, a, woman must, Scott Lawn Products act on a paternity claim within three Arts Commission Lawn & Farm Seeds by. Attorney General Joseph L Ltebcmon Fer Mel - Mllorganlie years of 'the child's birth. Many An open competition for Con- women do not know about the Dolomite Lime - Peat Moss In the United States, one in every ask for wage withholdings against necticut performing groups to Calcium Chloride - Salt five children lives in a single-parent a delinquent, payer. limit, or do not act immediately to become part, of the Commission on establish paternity, and end up on, Hay - Straw - Shavings home. Most, of tbese children— Last year, a court-watch per- the Arts touring roster will be held, Bag Balm - Maple Syrup almost all of whom, live with 'their formed by the Parents for the En- welfare with no possible chance of for 1985-86, ' mother—are supposed to' receive forcement of'Court Ordered Sup- getting the father to pay. Performing groups must, submit child support. port, (PECOS) citizen, group •The law will require that the letters and. applications to the CON- H.S. COE CO, But, according to the Census witnessed 325 cases in, court,. State state develop an, expedited process NTOURS roster by Friday, Nov., 45 Freight St. Bureau, most fathers do not com- lawyers received wage executions for child support: enforcement. 15. Letters of intent should be sent Waterbury 754-6177. ply with child support, laws. for their clients in 90 percent of Gov. William A, O'Neill has ap- As I have mentioned in. previous 'their cases; no private attorney ask- pointed a committee to study ways columns, Connecticut is a. leader in ed, for a wage execution of a client. to speed up the enforcement the 'nationwide battle to ensure "The law will require 'that the process. child support obligations are met. Carpet court 'withhold, money from, the It is likely the governor's com- But even our figures on enforce- father's paycheck, if he is delin- mittee will make further recom- ment are unacceptable. quent 30 days. Under current laws, mendations to the next session of Corner Less than 40 percent of the judges have the option of whether the state Legislature as a result, of state's child support obligations are or not, to withhold money from a its deliberations. In, addition, it is collected. When someone ignores paycheck of a delinquent payer. expected more money will be need- Ron Baltron or underpays a child support order, Under the new law, this direction ed, for new attorneys, legal, staff, in- the ex-spouse is often forced, to go will be removed, making such pro- vestigators,, and automation. These on welfare to provide for 'the cedures more: uniform. minimal appropriations will yield, children, and the state and federal. •Employers will be held respon- substantial returns, for the state and Self-Stick Cork Tile gove.rn.ment must pick up the tab. In 1984, in. outrage against, 'those and help prevent the cork from who refuse to support their Cork tile is not only easy to in- stall, it is easily cleaned with, a crumbling. Their use is not children, Congress passed, and.' vacuum cleaner brash. Cork tile required—simply recommended. President Reagan signed a new • Serving Watertown comes in a number of different „ Cork tile can, be installed over • series of measures—effective Oct. designs and colors, and it definite- any clean, dry surface. However, 1—to crack down on child support ly has good insulating Value. The because of 'the way cork is form- defaulters. During the 1985 ses- usual size is 12 x. 1.2 inches and ed it breaks apart quite easily, so sion, Connecticut's General For More Than 130 Years 3/8 inch 'thick. Most is self- it requires special care in floor Assembly brought, our state into sticking, although some require a installations.. - line with, the new federal standards. 1 - ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE special adhesive. Either type can There .are five major components be trimmed with a knife or ****** to those federal standards: scissors to suit the application. •Child, support ..enforcement ser- John S. Brady When, cork tile is laid in. strips or For all your carpeling needs vices currently available to those on in a checkerboard with, minor tile, E xecutive V ice-Pres ident. visit; welfare also will "be available to or with light wood tile, the results those not on welfare, after they pay can be striking. a $25 fee. The stole has traditional- The Carpet Ban. Special, cork sealers are ly represented welfare recipients in. "The Largest Floor Covering Center P.O. Box 2600 available in spray or brush form. child, support proceedings because 101 South Main St.. | ROOTGBOYDJNC In The Area" These cut down on the cork, smell. Corner of Echo L«*t Rd. & Porter St. the state saves money when, child Waterbary, Ct. •Watertown • 274-6651 or 274-01,55 support is enforced. Those not on 06723 welfare,, however, have had to hire private, lawyer": who nftpn tin nnf HAD ENOUGH OF GOVERNMENT THAT WON'T LISTEN?| Call a Republican Candidate and Discuss the Issues

TOWN COUNCIL DaveDalton 274-4221 Rich Natale 274-4841 Gordon James 274-0192 Steve Robey 274-6088 Tom Lord 274-6313 Jan Wivestad 274-4868 BOARD OF EDUCATION JohnBeeler 274-2253 Peg Poulin 274-6307 Mary Cofrancesco 274-3685 s TOWN CLERK Carolyn Baeder 274-6321 Paid for by the Watertown-Oakviile Republican Town Committee - ft StudweU, Treasurer

,.i Property of the Watertown Historical Society Resumes, 9 a.m.; Harvest Moon Ball, Taft School, 8 p.m. Sunday;Oct. 20—Holy Commu- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgnion, 8 a.m.; Holy "Communion, Sunday School, Nursery Care, 10 a.m..; SERF, 6 p.m, Monday, Oct. 21— Senior Choir; Christ Episcopal Scouts, 3:30 p.m..; Early Commu- 6:30 p.m..; junior Choir,,, 7 p.m.; 25 The Green,, 274-191© nion Class, 4 p.m.; Evening J&J Enrichment. Center, 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17—Morning Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; Fairfield Hills Tuesday, Oct. 22—Lions Club, Prayer and Holy Communion, 8:30 M i n i stry, 6:15 p.m.; A. A. 6:30 p.m.; Pastoral Support Com- a.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; Women's Discussion Group, 7 mission, 7:30 p.m. Boy Scouts, 7 p.m.; Evening p.m.; Episcopal Church Women's Wednesday, Oct. 23—Women's Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. Meeting, 7:30' p.m. Night, Group, 7:30 p.m.; Dieters* Friday, Oct. 13—Morning' Tuesday, Oct. 22—Morning Program,,, 8 p.m. Prayer, 8:30 a.m.; Evening Prayer, Prayer and Holy Communion, 8:30' 5:45 p.m.; Cub Scout Meeting, a.m.; Al-Anon, 10 a.m.; IAH St. Mary Magdalen, 7:30' p.m. Club, 4 p.m.; Evening Prayer, 16 Buckingham St., Okvl. Saturday, Oct. 19—Morning 5:45 p.m.; A.A. and Al-A-Teen,- 2744273 Prayer, 8:30' a.m.. 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 1,7—Mass for Sunday, Oct. 20—Holy Commu- Wednesday, Oct. 23—Morning special intentions of Jim Fitz- 1 nion, 8 a.m.; Holy Communion, Prayer, 8:45 p.m.; Teaching, Ho- patrick, 7 a.m.; Bingo, parish hall, BUSY SELLING BOOKMARKERS l.i ra:^c m-mjj fo- the Statue nursery. Church .School, Adult Bi- ly Communion,, Healing, 9:30 7 p.m., .of Liberty Restoration Fund have been these Baldwin School fourth a.m.; Junior Choir Rehearsal, 3:30 ble, Coffee Hour, 10 a.m.; Church Friday, Oct. 18—Mass for An- graders. Left to, right arc Becky Sa.tku.nas, Jenny-Brooke Condon, Amy p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; School Family Luncheon, 12 noon; thony Vespoli, 7 a.m. Ashley, Andy Stinson, and Chance Hobson. (Hobson Photo) Senior Youth Fellowship, 12:30 Senior Choir Rehearsal, 7:45 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19—Mass for p.m.; Lay Reader's Service at Vincenze and Anna Maria p.m.; Legion of Mary, rectory followed by Communion Watertown Convalarium, I p.m., All Saints' Episcopal Clemente, 8 a.m.; Wedding Mass chapel, 8 p.m.: CCD Grade 4, 9 Breakfast, 8:15 a.m.; First An- and at Whitewood Manor, 1:30 262 Main, St., Okvl. of Kevin Pierce and. Janet. Czar, 11 p.m. niversaiy Low Mass for Anthony p.m.: Praise Service, 7 p.m. 274-2352 a.m.; Confessions in church, 2:30 Wednesday, Oct. 23—Mass, 7 Vespoli, 9:30' a.m.; First Anniver- Monday, Oct. 21 — Morning Friday, Oct. 18—Diocesan Con- to 3:30' p.m.; Vigil Mass for Anna, a.m.; CCD Grades 5 and 6, 3:45 sary High Mass for P'atMaisto, Prayer and Holy Communion, 8:30 vention begins, 2 p.m. Pasquariello, 4 p.m.; Catholic to 4:4,5 p.m.;'Scripture Class, rec- 10:45 a.m..; Low Mass for John a.m.: A.A., 10:30 a.m.; Girl Saturday, Oct. 19—Diocesan Women's—Men's Club Annual, tory hall, 8 -p.m.; Charismatic Habelka Jr., 12 noon; Folk Choir Communion Supper, 5 p.m.; Con- Prayer Group, parish hall, 8 p.m. 4 p.m.; 16th Anniversary Low fessions in, church, 7 to 7:30 p.m. Mass (Folk Mass) for George : Free Parking Sunday, Oct. 20—Mass for Daveluy, 5 p.m.; Bingo, church 523 Main: Street, I Watertown. -'. 274-21*3..- members of our parish, family, 7 St. John the Evangelist. hall, 6:30,,p.m.; CCD Grade 2 a.m.; Mass for Pasquale Palomba 574 Maim, St.,, 274-8836 Teachers* Workshop at school Starts Friday 'Thursday, Oct. 17—Low Mass, Showtime: 7 p.m. Sr.,, 8:30 a.m.; Rosary, 9:45 a.m.; library 7 p.m. 1,1 a.m.; Confirmation rehearsal at Sue. ,2 p.m. Matinee Showtime: 9 p.m. Mass for Vito Gizzi, 1,0 a.m.; Mass Monday, Oct. 21—Low Mass, 9 for Nellie Sacco, 11:30 a.m. church, 7 to 9 p.m. a.m..; Crafts- Night in church hall, Monday, Oct. 21— Mass for Friday, Oct. 18—Low Mass, 11 " 7 to 9:30 p.m.. "A WINNER! Jeannette Massicotte, 7 a.m.; a.m.; Wedding of Scott Thomas Tuesday, Oct., 22—Miraculous GOOD FUN FOR ALL!" CHUCK and Diane Cieslewski, 5 p.m.; Medal Novena, 7 p.m. -JUDITH OUST Christmas. Bazaar Workshop, rec- Confirmation rehearsal at church, Wednesday, Oct 23—Low Mass, - "DELIGHT FILLED! tory hall, 7 p.m.; Home and School SUMMONS HOWLS Of LAUGHTER 1" NORMS Association meeting, church, hall, 7 to 9 p.m.,.; lingo, church hall, 9 a.m.; Senior Choir, 7:30' p.m. -R1CHARDFDEEDMAM NEWHOUSE NEWSPAPERS 7.30 7:15 p.m.; Folk Choir, 8:30' p.m. in Tuesday, Oct. 22—Mass for Saturday, Oct. 19—Wedding of St. Mary Magdalen Alexander Delia Camera, 7 a.m.; Patrick and. Cynthia 1 16 Buckingham St., Okvl CCD Grades 1 and 3. 3:45 to 4:45 Sklanka, 10 a.m.; Confessions 4 to 274-9273 5 p.m.; .Low Mass for Clare Thursday, Oct. 1,7—Mass for Vuono, 5 p.m. special intentions of Jim, Fitz- Sunday, Oct. 20-Low Mass for patrick, 7 a.,m..; Bingo, parish hall, ENGINEERED Council of Catholic Women, 7 p.m. SINTERINGS iGAMWMV '• AND ••-••.- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE. PLASTICS, INC. Admission: Available Now Mon.-Thurs. 99* Adults A Entry Level Position in the Northeast. Fri., Sat. & Sun. $2.90' WATERTOWN for an Aggressive College Graduate 95* Children & Seniors INDUSTRY Seeking a Management Career in Transportation Excellent Storting Salary & Fringe Benefits Position involves Dealing: with Labor & Night Work Apply: Tuesday-Thursday • ' 1,0 a.m., - 3:00 p.m. ROADWAY EXPRESS, INC. 10 Dinunzio Road Oakville, Conn. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Qualified Minority and/or Female Applicants Encouraged" to Apply 90 DAY SUE IS FREE LIU III AVAILABLE CASH • FINANCING AVAILABLE EVERY ITEM ON SALE HOW


407 Main Street, Oakville FREE WAVELESS MATTRESS 274-6252 DURING OCT. SALE . Limited Quantities DELI SPECIALS Oct. 10 tiiiii Oct. 16 CGHTEWRARY PINE BED COLONIAL NASSAU BUTTERFIELD ns any decor. Availant in Few pmm M, mix**? cppfed ft, Ihutwad Lory* «tdn*d imiinnatr Pepperoni Turkey Breast Provolone and footboard King and «mn lit moMktm an* with matcHng cobi- king, auaan, super iiroojte., n«l doan mid U#t&—Church Scouts,,, 6:30 p.m.; Cancer Support 6 to 12. 1,0 a.m.; Evening Service, School, 9 a.m.; Adult Choir, 9:45 Group, 7:30' p.m.; Charge 'Con- 7 p.m. a.m.; Morning Worship, 1,0:30 ference, 7:30 p.m.; Adult, Choir, Wednesday. Oct. 23—Bible 7:30 p.m. Study and Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. r Evangel Assembly 224S Litchfield R,d.,, 274-5759 Children's World Sunday, Oct. 20—Sunday School and Opening Exercises. 9:30 a.m.: One of Connecticut's Finest State Morning Worship, 11 a.m.; CROP Walk, I, p.m.; Prayer Service, 5:30' Certified Nursery School and Day Care p.m.; Evening Prayer and Praise, 6 p.m. A LEG SPLINT used by emergency medical technicians is displayed Nursery School, by 'Tom Hemenway, left, of the Wolcott Volunteer Ambulance Associa- Wed nesday, Oct. 2 3— M i s tion to second grade students in Sr. Catherine's class at St. John's sionettes, 7:30 p.m.; Bible Study. All day care School. Also along For the thorough demonstration were Judy Byers 7:30 p.m. (not shown), EMT-A, and Nancy Salvatore, EMT-IV, at right at open Hourly babysitting door. (Valuckas Photo) Society of Friends Woodbury Community Center Friday, Oct. 18—Mass for An- Group, Trumbull House, 12 noon " 274-8598 thony Vespoli, Sr. to 1 p.m.; Brownie Troop 4032, Sunday, Oct. 20—Meeting for OPEN 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19—Mass for 3:20p.m..; Boy Scout:Troop75, 7 Worship, 10 a.m. 1 Minute from Black Rock State Park and Trumpets p.m.; Bible Study Dicussion Vincenzo and Anna Maria Restaurant, directly behind Tech Systems. 2, Minutes from Group, Trumbull House, 7:30 to 8 Middlebury Baptist : Clemente, 8 a.m.; Wedding Mass exit 38 on Rt. 8. 5 Minutes from, Watertown Twon Hall. of Kevin, Pierce and Janet Czar, 11 p.m. 74 Kelly Rd.,'Middtebury< a.m.; Confessions in. Church, 2:30' Friday, Oct. 25—Cub Scouts, 758-9655 Accepting Emnllmeats to 3:30 p.m.; Vigil Mass for Anna 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2.0—Sunday School Pasquairiello, 4 p.m.; Confessions for all ages, nursery care provid- in Church, 7 to 7:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran ed, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship 283-5404 or 283-4876 •Sunday, Oct. 20—Mass for 50 Deforest St., 274*34 Service, nursery care provided. M Maple Ave., Thomaston members of .the parish family, 7 Thursday, Oct. 17—Prayer Children's Church For Grades 3 a.m.; Mass for Pasquale Palomba, Fellowship, 7:30 p.m. and under, 11 a.m..;. Evening Wor- Sr., 8:30a.m.; Rosary, 9:45 a.m.; Friday, Oct. 1,8—Confirmation ship Sen'ice, 7 p.m. Mass for Vito Gizzi, 1.0a.m..; Mass Class, 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23—Bible for Mrs. Nellie Sacco, 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 20—Sunday Study, 7 p.m.; Pioneer Girls, AnMOtc Wai* Monday, Oct. 21—Mass for School, ,9:30 a.m.; Worship Ser- Grades. 1 to 7, 7 to 8:30 p.m...: Jeannette Massicotte, 7 a.m..; vice,, nursery care provided., 11 Prayer Groups, Bible Study. Koinonia Groups, 8 p.m. See Us - We're a cut Christmas Workshop, rectory hall, a.m. above the others! 7 p.m..; St. MM Home and School, meeting, church, hall, 7:30 p.m. • Ear Piercing Tuesday, Oct. 22—Mass for Alexander DellaCamera, 7 a.m.; • Bond-a-Lite Gel Nails CCD grades 1, 3, and 4, 3:45 • Styling • Perms •p.m.; CCD grades 9 and. 1.0,7 p.m. Carefully • Colors • Waxing Wednesday, Oct. 23—Mass, 7 a.m.; CCD grades 5 and. 6, 3:45 • Manicures p.m.; Scipture Course, rectory, 8 Casual • Nail, Art • Nail Tips p.m.; Charismatic Prayer Group, • Sculptured Nails parish, hall, 8 p.m. • Solar Pointe Nails Coiffures • French Dip First Congregational 40 •Deforest St., 274-6737 • Head and Neck 'Thursday, Oct. 17—Bible Study • Massages by appointment 'Discussion Group, Trumbull House, 12 noon to 1 p.m.; Brownie MARIA;S HAIRSTYLISTS Staff: Anne, Lori, Marcia, Helen, Rosemary & Lisa Troop 4032, 3:20 p.m..; Bible 473 Main St. (Upper Lewi), Watertown, • Study Dicussion Group, Trumbull House, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Call 274-9255 or 274-9256 1151 Main Street, Watertown Plaza Sunday, Oct.. 20—Church *Mon.,'Tues., Wed., Sat. 9-5 • Thurs. till 7 • Fit, till 9 274-6777 Plenty of Free Parking School, 9 a.m.; Worship Service, nursery care, 10:30 a.m.; Pilgrim

j Choir, .5 p.m.; Pilgrim Fellowship, 6 p.m. A Monday, Oct. 21—Fix-It >) Fellowship, 9 a.m.; Bell Choir rehearsal, 7 p.m. Wednesday,'Oct. 23—Boutique mm \ i? Work, Session, babysitting, Tram- ^-x>f savings bull House, 10 a.m.; Bloodmobile, Fellowship Hall, 2 to 7 p.m.; Pioneer Choir., 3:30 p.m.; Senior Choir, 7:30 p.m. • MINUTE MAID Thursday, Oct. 24—Newsletter DURACELL BATTERIES Deadline; Bible Study Dicussion Orange Juice $1.19 "C's" & "D's" $1.39 Special Gilts- ANBESOL Toothache Teething, - - handcrafted 9 Volt $1.39 Liquid .31 oz. at the Treasure (gum relief)• Bottles $1.99 Box! Featuring: floral arrangements, ANACIN baby gifts, oU fashioned ANACIN NABISCO I cloth lampshades A-many 'Tablets '~»V"W K"1IH* / , Bottle $1.49 ~. • ther gift ideas. Fig ANACIN-3 Newtons •1.39 Tablest/Non-Aspirin Maximum Nilla Strength 12 ct. Wafers Tins .99 Fudge Strength KHSU, Bottles •1.29 Striped DRISTAN •125 MAIN ST., OAKVIIXE 24 rt. Shortbread 11V4 oz. 2744156 Tablets Bottles $2.49 His. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:30 • Sal. 1,0-3 I Page 14 TbwPropertyn Times (Watertown,, Conn. of) Oct the. 17, -1985 Watertown Historical Society D D IDI D ID DI • • ID D DI Q DID D DI D DI D D JD DI D D ID DI Dl her husband. She continued in this Fund, in, care of Christ Episcopal, D, quit claim.. position for 32 years. Mrs- Johnson Church,, Main Street, Bethlehem Also:. Carmella A. Zambero to also was a 58-year member of the 0675!.. Sandra. G. Heintz, parcel C, quit Bethlehewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgm News Watertown Chapter No. 96, Order Transfers Recorded claim; Sharon Stone, aka Sharon By Mrs. PaulJohnson of the Eastern Star, and had serv-' The following property transfers Yasherkb to Joseph P. and Cynthia ed as trustee for •flic chapter for were recorded in the town, clerk's J. Zorsky, property shown on map DDDDDD D.ID Q Dl D Dl D ID! D ID Dl • D D D D ID D Dl Dl • many years,.. office for 'the month, of September:: of subdivision of land of Frank H. Mrs. Johnson assisted in Mary lane M'ikaitis to' Carolyn, and Marie Samelson, Bethlehem, Mrs. Albert Johnson Dies From 1901 to 1906, Mrs. establishing 'the first library in E. and William A. Fuhrman, land Conn. ..on Green Hill Road, •• Funeral services for Mis. May Johnson taught .school, in, Bethlehem Bethlehem in. 1907 .and served as its on the southerly end of"Lake's Lane $85,000'; Sandra, A. Adams, to (Allen) Johnson, 102, of 58 East in fte North. Camel-Hill, South librarian from, 1:909 to 1917,., She Road, $105,000; John Listen to Stephen A. Negron, 6.9 acres, lot. Street, were, held Oct. 9 in Christ Camel Hill, and, Kasson School was a member of 'the Congrega- • Neil I. Suchin and. Carol Krai, lot 3, $40,000; Stephen A. Negron, to Episcopal Church Bethlehem. The districts. She was the oldest, tional Church, serving as its 2 as shown on, map entitled. "Sub- Stephen A. and, Audrey M. Hickcox-Mitchell Funeral Home, member of'the Bethlehem. Grange organist for several years. division, property of Frank Leonard Negron, 6.9 acres on map entitled 195 Main St., Watertown,, was ID, No. 121, of which she was a Following .her marriage, .she and Helen Leonard, Bethlehem, "Arch, Bridge 1, 'Arch Bridge and charge of arrangements,., member for 83 years. She also was became a, member of Christ Conn.," $'9,2,000; Elizabeth M. Route 132, Bethlehem, Conn.," Episcopal Church, where she also Whitcock to William F. Volmar, Mrs, Johnson died. Oct. 6 at the a 53-year member of Excelsior quit claim;; Katharina 8. Bate to served as organist: and. was a 228 Lake Drive, $83,000; and Watertown Convalarium after a Pomona Grange, and had'been a David, and Janice Haas, 1.3 acres, member of the choir. She was a Stanley J. and Dorothy Widuch to long illness. She was the widow of member of the Connecticut, State lot 5 on map of Green Hill Farm, member- and president of the Thomas P. and Debra B. Gritt and Albert E. Johnson. She was bom Grange for 48 years. She served as $19,500; and Samson, John and Ladies" Guild of Christ Church, 'Edward, and. Christine E. Gritt,, lot in the Crane Hollow section of treasurer of'the Bethlehem, Grange Athena Procopion to Joseph P. and and also was a, member of the Altar 179 as shown on "Plan of Kasson Bethlehem, Dec, 14, 1882, from, 1912 to 1926. John, A. Lovetere, 22 acres on Guild. .During its existence she was Grove," $30,000. daughter of the late Samuel and She became Bethlehem's tax, col- Carmel Hill Road, $60,000. an, active member of the Bethlehem Mary (Stillson) Allen. lector In, 1931,, upon the death of Also: Margaret. Barbino to' An- Also: David R. and Juanita M. Nonnewaug Club, and a member of thony C. Barbino,, property Anderson, to Gretchen A. and * * the Girl Scout Troop Committee. bordered, easterly by Lake Road Laurent J. Troland, 2 Lakeview She was a member of the and' .75 acres on map entitled Drive, $39,000; Kevin P. and Bethlehem Fair Society, the "Subdivision Plan to be conveyed Mary Thornton to Advocate Com- Friends of 'the Library, and an by Richard. E, and Barbara E. munity, Inc., land on the easterly honorary member of the Bethlehem, Micke to Anthony C. and Margaret side of Flander's Road shown on 699 Mam Street Historical, Society. BaiMoo, Lakes Road, Bethlehem," map entitled,, "Map prepared, for Watertown She leaves a daughter, Miss quit claim; Daniel, W. Prince and 'Come Eiperience the Difference Connecticut National Bank,, owner: Louise A. Johnson of Bethlehem, Associates, Inc., to Robert W. and Estate of Howard W. Lane," quit and several nieces and. nephews. Mary J. Bums,, 2.15 acres. Ar- Specializing In Quality Toys. claim,; and John D. and Marion, J. Memorial contributions may be rowhead Lane, $159,000'; Ralf Reducha to Peter E. and Sharon .Baseman to Gallagher Associates, From Around THE WORLD! made to' 'the Johnson, Memorial, Kowalski, lot 2, Monger Lane, 1.5 acres on. 'the easterly side of, Wooden Toys • Plush Animals • Action Toys $38,500. Harrison Lane, $32,500; Kirk, and Construction Sets • Crafts Pie-School Toys, Also: Timothy A. and. Mary Patricia, P. Evans to Peter M. and You're. Going Louise Krauss to Maureen A. and SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT Sharon L. Zilhany," 23 Sunset EVERY WEDNESDAY!! To Make It Road, lot 23 Green Hill Farm, Diane E. Lambro, lot 25 shown on Phone ,274-9971 $117,000'.; and Gwynn Harmon _ map of Long Meadow Final Plan, ^ Free Gift Wrap This Time. Brower to George C. Biwer, 2.63 section 2 of map prepared for Long acres, Carmel Hill Road, lot 2, quit Meadow Associates, Munger Hours Mon Tues, Wed., Sat. T'0-6; claim. Lane, Bethlehem, $40,000; Russell Thurs & Firi. 10-8 Walker and Catherine Haxo Zeiser Also: Kevin I. and James J. to Michael C. and Eileen, M. Hart, Jr., to .Douglas A. and Mo'sman, 104 Lake Drive, Pamela D. Howe, lot. 16, Green $67,000; Alexandra G. Becktol .and Hill Farm, $115,'000; Ralph A. .Jeanne B. Lofgren to Russell Nilssen to Janet. Moore, 1.6 acres, Walker and Catherine Haxo Zeiser, COMING SOON! lot 3. $105 ,'000; Frank F. and. land on .Long Meadow 'Lake, lot 1,, To Margaret M. Fisher to Wayne N. $65,000; Leota Thrope Platt, 34 Arrowhead Lane, Neuswanger to Christine N. $114,500; Janice E. Franks to La'Vigne, 30 acres noted on the quit DEPOT SQUARE MALL Carlos R. 'Santiago, 66,480 square claim deed of Leota T. feet on, Carmel Hill Road,,, $62,500; Neuswanger to Chris H. Carmella A. Zambero to James F. Neuswanger, dated March 9, "PERFECT and Jody L. Zambero, land on 'the 1966, quit claim,; and Christine : four Seasons westerly side of Route 132, parcel N. LaVigne to Gladys N. Bas- TEN" B, quit claim,; and. Carmella A. sett, 30 acres as noted on quit mtneenttr Zambero to Joseph J. Zambero', lot claim deed, of Leota. T, Neus- III l/iKths fctilliif JIYIiiMini nil mil nil

Offer ends soon.. c/lrtens 'THE: EASY CHOICE POH TOUGH CUSTOMERS. • Above pmees are for Bright Bronze. 20% off same-«j styles in Antique Bronze, "Pewter". Silver, GollU 11 and Poroelanized. Have baby's name, birthdate '•*"" MIL'S JEWELEI engraved . only 25c per letter. Ask, us about Zodiac ED'S POWER EQUIPMENT Signs and Birthstones 709 Main, Street, .Watertown 1483 Thomaston Avenue,, Waterbury • 756-92,90 Sale Ends Oct. 31,1984 274-1988 Town Times (Wateitowi, Conn,) Oct. 17,1985 Page 15 Wins Art PropertyScholarship Nichols, Andreofw O'Keefe the, Susa n Watertowna.m. Oct.. 2:0. Historical Society Matt Gonzales of Bethlehem, for 'Branson, Beverly Mosch, and Ken First _Chundi Of Christ the second time in a row, is 'the Miner. The annual'meeting of United winner of a $1,000 art scholarship The program will include a 58 Church of Christ Connecticut Con- - Drop Off Catering - given to Western. Connecticut State minutwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge sound-color film entitled ference will be held. in. Rockville on, University, Danbury, by an "Search for a Century." It is an ex- Oct. 18-20. Attending as delegates 274-2969 anonymous donor. Matt Gonzales, citing chronicle of the discoveries from Bethlehem will be Gladys Showers • Stags • .All Occasions a graphic design major at the at Martin's Hundred and Nichols, Ruth 'Raymond, and Mar- university, had to maintain a high Wolstenholme Towne, a 17th Cen- shall Linden... Attending as $ academic average and a tury settlement on the banks-of the president of the Connecticut 6.50 Per Person demonstrated talent in art to qualify James River near Williamsburg, Women's Fellowship and as a con- Choice of 3 Meats:Roast Beef, Ham, Sausage & Peppers, for the award. 'Virginia. ference director will be Ellie Chicken, Kielbasa and Sauerkraut, Stuffed Cabbage, Meatballs. Linden.... Historical Society Members and guests are Choice of 2: Ziti with sauce, Rice, Baked Beans, Macaroni, The annual meeting of the Old welcome, without admission fee. Members of the Young People's & Cheese, Au Gratin Potatoes, Oven Roasted 'Potatoes. Bethlem Historical Society will be Church Of The Nativity Fellowship have adopted a child. held Wednesday, Oct. 23, beginn- "An Evening of Reflection," a Through the United Church Board Tossed Salad Macaroni Salad ing at 7:30 p.m. in Bellamy Hall. music and slide presentation by for World Mission, the YPF has Coleslaw Rolls & Butter A short business meeting will in- Nancy and Jerry Guiffre, will be adopted Israe Sameer, a six-year- \ Potato Salad All. P'aper Goods / clude committee reports and the *e program for Renew schedule on old who is an Arab refugee living Now election of new members to the Sunday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in the in an orphanage in Jerusalem. Booking Board of Directors. Nominated to parish hall. Through the UCBWM, the YPF is K For CHRISTMAS PARTIES^ the "Class of 1988" are Frank The Renew Mass will be at 10:30 contributing $15 a month. State High In STEAM CONNECTICUT 350" If— A STATE OF ''Lady* Money CELEBRATION.' The Statue of Liberty is well on 00 the road to restoration. The cam- i$5 OFF! paign to restore the lady has raised I Our Already Low Prices I Our Own. "Cookie-Bookie" approximately $3.5 million, near- Call far price on • Offer Good Thru HKJ0-S5 • The Parks and Recreation. Department has come up with addition at rooms. ly 80 percent, of that from, in- • Professional Upholstery Cleaning, an idea that can immortalize your favorite cookie recipe! dividual donations. ELITE • StsifriCiffMi ClMntng Director Donald Stepanek has announced his office, According to Dr. Gerald Cleaning Systems, inc. • RtsWintiil & CammwcM located in the Town Hall Annex at 324 Main St., is accep- • Prompt Sanllc* Labribla, state chairman of the Call 274-1359 • FHM Estimate* • Fully Iniuiwt ting recipes for cookies "the kind your mother, grandmother, grass roots campaign for the statue. • SCMIWI RtiMcttmf Apply 24-hour answer! ng nrvlce or friend makes." Connecticut ranks ninth in the" • Cil lor Commercli! EHIirtuJat The recipes then will be compiled into a book, which will Out of trot, call collect ' Comg1«te Bui Mind Cttimtrm PiOQrtmt country in total number of donors, TREE, DEODORIZING be available later. Obviously, the hopes are at least 350 STAIN SHIELD but estimates percent, of donating with every $50°° or only *51"'" per room cookie recipes will be submitted in honor of the state's population is first or second in the more order with this ad birthday. country. TRUCK MOUNTED' POWER CLEANING SYSTEM Just, send along, the recipes for those delicious cookies * We bring our own fresh water we've enjoyed for years out of mom's, grandmom's, or a. Successful managers motivate - VKM- * We remove soil & waste water 'friend's oven, to the recreation, office. Call 274-5411, ext. average folks to do superior work. * We do NOT use your' electricity 253 for more information. Over Hill And. Dale Canoeing, crafts, concerts, archaeology, antiques, auto racing, wineries, waterfalls, and General Washington—you'll find them all in the new "Auto Tours" guide to Connec- ticut's Litchfield Hills, published by the Litchfield Hills Travel Commission. For a free copy of the 16-page guide, write the commis- sion at P.O. Box 1776,, Ct., 06777, or call 868-2214. MARCH FARMS Hunger Lane - Bethlehem 266-7721 Off Rt. 61 - 'A mile north of center Opel 7 days a week 9-6 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Macintosh, Delicious, Corflani, Macoun, Empire & Greening Apples Straw flowers Honey Fresh Eggs Acorn & Butternut Squash Maple Syrup Products

DESIGNER1 AND BRAND NAME SAY GOODBYE TO WOMEN'S SHOES IFOR BIFOCALS Now you. can say goodbye to' Mfocals like regular glasses, to help you, look that make you look older than you, better and feel younger, And for really are. With no-fine bifocals from. a limited time only, you can, .save Dr. Robert C. Bauman, OD., you'll • $20' on 'the entire selection, of no-line enjoy perfect, 'vision, without the tell- bifocals when you present/this coupon tale line or half circle of conventional at Dr. Robert C Bauman &,Associates, bifocals. No-line bifocals look-Just Family Doctors of Optometry. ALL SHOES

one yeai unllen eyeglass guar- SL$20OffNo- Focals antee Of lei 30' days and receive $20 oil (he regular price of any expires in 30 days and must be presented at lime complete pair of no-line bifocal eyeglasses. Certifi- ol examination. This certificate rnaj mol be used in cate may be applied toward the purchase of your conjunction with any other discount or special oiler choice oi frames and tenses. Includes Limit one per patient,. Pioneer Plaza Dr»Bauiman& Associates 544 Straits Turnpike L Y # D O' C T O R S # O IF # O' P I 0' METR Y J Watertown IF A M 1 Wolcott: 509 Wolcott Road - 879-2525 Watertown: 997 Main Street - 274-7576 I 274-2201 I I. Also' visit our new location Platt St., Hartfoid Rage-fcProperty" Town, times (Watertown ,of Conn. ) theOct..'17, '198 Watertown5 Historical Society

day, Oct. 10, according to warran- Avenue, $70,000; Andrew J. and Group, Inc., Watertown, to Arthur Northwest Drive, $66,000; Nor- ty deeds filed in the town clerk's Patricia R. Gionta,'Watertown, to M. Williams, Naugatuck, proper- thwest Realty Group, Inc., Water- office: Dominic A. and Kathryn A. Tor- ty on. Northwest. Drive, $24,000; town, to Arthur M. Williams, Oct. 4—John T. and Denise F. tora, Watertown, property on. Fern Northwest. Realty Group,, Inc., Naugptuck, property on. Northwest • The following real, estate 'transac- Marshall, Watertown, to Timothy Hill' Road, $45,000. Watertown, to Arthur M. Drive, $76,000; James V. and Julia tions were made during the period A and. Caroline M. Martin, Water- Oct.. 7—Northwest Realty Williams, Naugatuck, property on. R. Amabile, Watertown, to the. from Friday, Oct. 4 through Thurs- bury, property on Franklin State of Connecticut, property on, French Street, $1 and other considerations. Lake Winnemaug Rd. Rt. 6 Oct. 8—Raymond J. Antonacci, Watertown Plymouth, Ct. Naugatuck, to Thomas J. and Patrica L. Gilbode, Waterbury, 274-8010 283-8067 property on LitchField Road, $34,000; Environmental Products Corp., to David Matthews, Water- Conte in and say town, property on Platt Road, hello to Mike and $425,000. Carmine bartending Clef's. Restaurant & Moid, and Carol, Sara and Oakvffle Trawlers Lorraine waitressing. Dinner - Soup & Shrimp Salad Bur The Oakville Early Retirees. Club Wednesday through Sunday is planning; new trips for served with or without dimmer, December, January,, and March, Wednesday and also has openings left for its thru or enjoy Soup & Salad Bar for Lunch. Oct. 23-2,5 trip to Resort. (Lunch Bar screed, Wednesday thru Friday} The new trips are: Paramount Saturday Resort, Dec. 9-13; "The King .and. I" with a. buffet dinner, Jan. 9; -UPCOMING ATTRACTIONS- Annual Fireplace Lighting Party Florida, March, 1-11. Sign Up For Our Oct. ,25 ' 7:00 'li Closing For further information, call CONTEST "•.Annual Ski-Trip' Rose R. Pisani at, 274-3689. Started,: Saturday, October 12 Relax with a cocktail by the fireplace Runs: 5 weeks "This year in. Church Tag Sale Lake "Placid, N.Y. All Saints' Church, 262 Main $2.5 Final Hours: Lunch-11:30-2 Mon.-Fri. Sr. Citizen 'Discount first prizes Prize $100' 5*, St., OakviUe, will again, hold, in- • Nightly Dinners: 5-10 Wcd.-Sal., 5-9 Sun. 10% Off On Meals Free Album Giveaway Wed. rtirai Sat. Drink door tag sales and.' flea markets, NO' COVER • DRESS TO IMPRESS, SPECIALS! beginning Saturday, Nov. 2 and running through March. For farther information, call 274-2352.

\ (HH) 757-1036 WHIRLPOOL TUBS Restaurant & Lounge Restaurant and Lounge BY THE HOUR • 16 Straits Turnpike,, Watertown IN PRIVATE ROOMS 699 WOICOTT STREET 1! inamny une ,274-1320 (Near Naugatuck Valley Mall) w;a*tntou«»,Cl'MM4

Friday' and Saturday Featuring - SPECIALS' - DINNER SPECIAL FOR TWO •WAAfpoof spas .for your soaking pleasure, • LOBSTER • PRIME, RIB • f(W water for complete ra/axation. •Coofed down tubs lor (he hot summer • STEAK AU POIVRE" OH.Y'12.95 weather. SOUP: Wonto n or Egg Drop Soup •Each unit eompfefe with hydro ifmapy • SHRIMP PELUGRINE jets and air bubbler, APPETIZER: Egg Roll. Chicken Wing •Cwnpfefefi' private rooms wiift1 shower Including Salad, Potato & Vegetable or Pasta, Homemade Bread MAIM DISHES: Choose Any TWO and dmssing area. *Yow own AU/fM stereo system in Chicken Ghow Mein ' » Mao Goo 5ai Part each room. sr-IN THE LOUNGE Roast Pork Foo Yung . • Pepper Shalt Roast Pork Lo Mein • .Shrimp Chow Man •Towels and heir dryers •fumistted. Friday •Disposable bathing suits available.. r Sweet & Sour Pork or Chicken • Sauteed Mixed Chines* Vegetable! JEFF MICHAEL.S PLUS FRIED' RICE COMES WITH ABOVE DISHES „ Good Mon.-Thurs. Present this .ad when ordering HOURS: Sun.-Wed. 12 p.nv-12 am Dally Lunch Specials 11:30- 4 Thuis. "till 1 a.m, Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. 4 to 7 757-8221 0B 757-6513 Ffi. & Sat. "til 3 am Shrimp or Ckms on Vz Sbell Every Night at the Bar Connect!cut State' :O* M'M jr-JT Jr'Jtr Dept. of Health approved for public use.

\z9ntiwtw Place BE SAFE! 179.Davis Street, Oakvllle 274-8037 . SERVING LUNCHES DAILY ' Mon. thru Sat. - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

.FRIDAY LUNCH SPECIAL $4.00 Boiled-Lobster with Baked Potato and salad Mrs. Perkins |" HAPPY .HOUR Mon.-Fri. 3-6 p.m. • f Good Old Fashioned Candy

I Most Drinks & Domestic Beer $1,001 'Assorted Hath ween Contest ioffipops" I HALLO'WEEN PARTY' Oct. 31 8-11. p.m. Specializing In Italian and Continental Culalne OT • cab • ghosts — Where wonderful things happen, to Beef, Pork, Fowl, I . 1st Prize $100" 2nd $5G 3rd $25°° • owk • witches Seafood, and Pasta. Almost everything cooked, to order. • pumpkins . Luncheon • Monday - Saturday 11:45 - 2:30 'FREE 12ft. Grinder 9 p.m.. Dinner • Monday - Saturday 4:45 -10:00 Tuesdays Wednesday | Happy Hour 2 for 1 Clam nite | Monday - Friday 3-6 Most Well Drinks & Domestic Beer 7 - "til 1 771 Woodbuiy Rd., Watertown1 Saturday 12-6 : 7-11 $3.00' a Dozen I • 274-1202 Major Credit Cords Accepted • Just off Main • Proper,Atfire j OPEN DAILY M Closed Sunday 2144722 SUNDAY US • Free Parking Thomas F. Stanis, Owner & Permittee.: Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown,.Conn. Society) Oct. ,17, 198.5 Pag e 17

99 99

Washington. Art. Assoc. Classes • Town The Arm's Cafe A pair of evening classes for "A Family-Run Restaurant" 764 Main Street, Oakville painters and art. enthusiasts are be- ing offered by the Washington Art 184 Sunnyside Ave., Oakvifle formerly Picasso's Lounge Association on Wednesdays, Oct. •EAT HERE OR TO GO- is now Open 23 through Dec... 11. - ' featuring: Pizza Edward DeVoe will hold a class in traditional oil. painting for 'begin- • Spaghetti • Shells Tuesday - 7 -11 p.m. ning and advanced, students, 7 to 10 • Manlcottl p.m., in the studio. Crosby Brown Order 1. large • Large or Small Salads 2 for 1 Drinks will conduct: a. seminar on seven Pizza and get. Tossed,, dwPsot Gwfc 'Thursday revolutionary artists, 7:30 to 9:30 • Iff* GltadeiS (Maniftodwowjtom) p.m.. in 'the library. 1 Small Inlciallng: Hot Roast Beef Oldies Night A day course in camera handling Pizza FREE. Friday & Sa.tu.rday Night ' will, be held Mondays, 9:30' a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Oct. 21 through | Hours.Al: Mom-.-Sunl At th. 1,e1 Mos a.m.-11t p.m Reasonabl. e Prices! ., Rock Musk Nov. 1.1. Fri.& Sat.'till a.m. 274-0149 with For farther information, call the DJ. 'Chris. Szprywgpl Washington Art Gallery at 274-2021 868-2,878 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays and Saturday, or 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. It is closed. on Fri, Nite, Nov. 1st Wednesdays. • Cash Frizes* ££

No Taxes On. l l ! 62r¥or9 Meals ™253 Buckingham St.. Oakville • 2f « 98B ' "Buy one dinner, get one free.."" MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL There, isn't much confusion about • Drinks % Price with each TO that." Someone buys a dinner at • Clams $3 doz • Clams Casino 6 for $3 regular price and gets another free. • Pizzela 75* ea But according to Department of Revenue Services Commissioner TUESDAY NIGHT John G. Groppo, there is some con- Most Drinks, fusion about taxing these so-called Domestic Draft free meals." BEER Domestic BEER The stale no longer taxes free meals that are part of a coupon or 5« Glass 52.50 Prtcher n.oo punch card advertisement. Mr, Groppo said the .sales tax is applied THURS.-FRI. to the price of the coupons and a! 4 P.M.. — 10' P.M. the time of dining, to the meal that is higher priced. • Luncheon, Served Daily 11 A.M. - 2 P.M., • Unfortunately, many a man has it —SANDWICHES AVAILABLE ALL DAY— all mixed up: He's firm in his \YP 9 AM-1 AM Fri. & Sat, 'till 2 M prejudices and weak 'in his faith.


No "Memberships or Tape Clubs", hidden costs or X-tra charges on any tape category. We have the largest selection of tapes for sale in the area,, VCR's for rent, .Audio/Video rack systems — Hi-Fi VCR's and Stereo' TV's, and over a. dozen .flavors of the best gourmet popcorn you ever tasted! Pius the very best prices around, and. all yourjavorite Halloween thrillers too — AT 'THE, F'RLRCE. Sole Survivor WoUen Friday the 13th, The Final Chapter Sleepaway Camp •Hie AmSyville Honor Human Vapor I0V. U.M W5 HL The Exorcist The Birds C.H.U.D. Killing Hour Creep Show To Kill a Stranger The Shining Prom Night Children of the Corn. Next of Km SometMm IKctal This Witchcraft Through IICIEIS f INI1, Way cSmes My Bloody Valentine The Dead Zone The Ages Parasite The Gates of Hell 754-1478 Bumf Offerings Hie Omen .Damien - Oroen II Terror in the Swamp Demon Seed' Magic TwiligAt Zone, 'I*e Dra,aila Cat People Amityville 1! The Movie Possession Boodsadking Freaks Terror in the Aisles Ploy Misty For Me Nightmare on Elm Street. Invasion of ike Body Texas Chainsaw Massacre Snatchers Blood. Suckers. 'The Dead Don't Die Terror in the Wax The Visitor Museum Dawn of the Dead Might of the living Dead Dream: .No. Evil Mother's Day The Enliif The Final Conflict Maniac Christine Blood. Feasl A Polish Vampire in An ABierican Werewolf Cujo- Burbank MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: in London Faces of Death, Part. I Torture Garden PsychoB Faces of Death. Part II Superstition WATERBURY CMC THEATRE Rear Window Salem's Lot. Mutant OR USE YOUR MASTERCARD OR VISA, Children Sbouldii'l Play The Day of the Triads Friday The 13th Part V With Dead Things Ghost Slaty • A New Beginning Fire Starter Basket. Case Horror House on 'Friday the 13th Highway 5 "CREDIT Family Plot .. and many more! Halloween Iff The Fmj Wood,and Black Lacs "More of what, you want to see!" • 5TA.T OTY- .NO.OFTKKETS. Pioneer Plaza, 544 Straits Turnpike, Watertown • TOTAL I- .(203) 274-5354 SECTION OAT .MAIL TO: WATERBURY 'CIVIC THEATRE P.O. BOX 85. WATERBURY. CT OtiTO PageProperty 18 Town Times (Watertown ,of Conn. ) theOct. 17, 198Watertown5 Historical Society

Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Michael. grandparents are Elsa Johnson, DeJOSEPH—A son, Robert. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Thompson (Augustine Rogers), Waterbury, and. Mr. and Mrs. Jr., Oct. 3 in Waterbury Hospital (Elizabeth Van Allen), Wateibuiy. Oakville.. Grandparents are Mr. Joseph DeLuca, Watertown. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeJosepn Grandparents are Mr. and, Mrs. and. Mrs... Thomas Thompson, (Patricia Hoienweger), Bethlehem. Bernard Nolan, Waterbury, and MASON—A son,, Colin Andrew, Oakville, and Bertha Rogers, MANCINI—A daughter, Gina Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mis. Richard Van Allen, Oct. 3 at. Waterbury Hospital to Caldwell, Ark. Marie, Oct. 3 at Waterbury G.F. 'Hollenweger Jr., Dobbs Watertown. Great-grandmother is • Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Mason Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Ferry, N.Y., and Mr. and Mis. Leona Olsen, Southington. (Patricia Corcoran), Oakville. JOHNSON—A son, Erik, James, Mancini (Catherine Digliani),' Albert DeJoseph Sr., Newtown. Grandmothers are Jean Corcoran, Oct. 2 at Waterbury Hospital, to Watertown, Grandparents are Mr. • FEDONK—A daughter, Victoria Cheshire, and. Irene Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. and Mrs. Vi.dt.or Digliani, Water- Ann, Oct. 6 In, St. John's-Riverside Bristol. Great-grandmother is (Michelle Desjardins), Scott: Road, bury, and Mr. and Mrs. Rocco LASKOWSKI—A daughter, Hospital, Yonkers, N.Y., to Mr. Lillian Mason, Emerson, MX Waterbury. Grandparents are Mr. Mancini, Waterbury... Great- Lindsay Ann, Oct. 6 at Waterbury and M:rs. Greg Fedonik (Teresa, and Mrs. John Desjardins, grandmother is Antonia Mancini, Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Slocum), Yonkers,., Grandparents THOMPSON—A son, Michael Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs... Oscar Watertown... Laskowski. (Stephanie Green), are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slocum, Thomas Jr., Oct. 3 at Waterbury Johnson, _Waterbury. Great- Watertown. Grandparents are Mr. Oakville, and Mr. and, Mrs. and Mrs. William Green, Wilm- Stanley Fedonik, Yonkers. Great- GEDRAITIS—A son, Alex. ington", Del., and Mr. and Mrs. grandmother is Anna Moreen, Benedict, Oct. 9 at Hartford Frederick Laskowski, Wilmington, N...Y. Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Del. Great-grandparents are Gedraitis (Melanie Spilka), Hart- Amelia Rigney and Joseph. Green, McNAIR—A son, Andrew ford. Grandparents are Mr. and WImington, Del. Mrs. Peter Spilka, New Britain, Charles Mitchell, Oct. 7 in Water- 11 buiy Hospital, to Dr. and Mrs. and Mr. and ' Mrs. Benedict NOLAN—A son, Joseph, Thomas DRJIGON Gedraitis, Watertown.. Charles C.L, McNair Jr. (Jean HI, Oct. 5 at Waterbuiy Hospital. Mitchell), Watertown. Grand- Cantonese • Polynesian • Szechuan parents are Mrs. C.C.L. McNair Sr., Riverside, Calif., and Mr. and SHEMRI-ANN'S DINETTE Mrs. George A. Mitchell, Las '"GRiAT FOOD" 1400 Main Street, Watertown, Ct. Cruces, N.M. Great-grandmother is Mrs. Mila Bryant, Evanston, 111. OPEN MON. thru SAT. 11 A.M. to 1 A.M.. BREAKFAST SUNDAY FROM. 12 Noon to 11 P...M,., & ROSA—A, son, Joseph Jr., Oct. 8 636 Plank. Rdi,., Waterbury at Wateibury Hospital to Mr. and DINNER Mrs. Joseph Rosa (Enza Boidiere), Cocktail Exit 25 OH 1-84 TAKE SPECIALS Watertown. Grandparents, are Mr. Lounge . Phone 573-9444 OUT and. Mrs. Gabriele Rosa, Oakville, DAILY! and Mr. and Mrs... Guiseppe Bor- • Orders Available to Go—Call 274-8124 diere, Italy. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 5 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 5 a..m..-3 p.m. Sunday 6 a.m.-11 a.m.

Sundays,, Serving at. 1:00 P.M. HOT PIZZA. DAILY AT 11:30 A.M. Don't cook...enjoy a steaming hot pie! Wemakeour Try our many other specialties,, too.

• SALADS • ANTIPASTO • SPAGHETTI THE WHATCHVVIVCALLIT kitchens • GRINDERS Witch storyteller from Patchy Pockets Productions, West Hart- Eat Here or To Go! ford, will present "Snakes, fromjzcratch Spiders, .and Shadows" as a, Hallo- ween treat Wednesday, Oct. 2,3, in, RO'S RESTAURANT the Children's Room of the Water- When il comes In looking making il from - Serving the finest pizza since 1947 - town, Library, 470 Main St., at .scratch is making it nesl Short iuls> onk ( ut 3:4,5 p.m. 'The program,, geared for qualm 841 Main Street., Oakville ages 3 to 8, will include dance- We feel the same aboul kill hens. Itul s alongs and sing-ables, makeable whv we sel Win id Mode We don 1 warehouse icariv to install tahi 274-1348 or 274-8069 costumes and puppet shadow nels When vm wan I a kilchen vn. slaii from puppets, scratch We combine vaur net A jnd nanlt. 'wiith our i map nation and skill and send •he resulting plans to the Mbod Mode plant in Kreamei Ffenns»l vania There skilled Stil Time - craftsmen design cut assemble and linish To every piece of vour Register kilchen from scratch They don t use pre for buill parts from out side suppliers because such parts FALL wouldn I meet their exacting standards Restaurant • Besides we sunpfjr oouldn t sell them as ours CLASSES And that s important B> making a lutchen I hat s all ouis—in de.sqgn Featuring. . , Gifts craftsmanship engineering and style—we pve vau a kitchen you II Internationa! Cuisine with be proud to call, al. yours. Mode Come tn our showroom. See IMwd-Made's made-from-scratch qu,alily: many delicious Greek Specialties to Order! Start making your - Widle. V ariety of Steak, , Christmas Gifts now! Veal &• Seafood. OPEN 5 NIGHTS A 'WEEK 274-2555 Lunch: 11:00-2:30 Tues ,-Sai. Sunday ' Dinner: Tues.-Thurs. 5-9 Dinner 12-8 C & L CERAMICS Fri.ASat. 5-10 ' ' ., " 239 Whitewood Rd. IMiterbury Barclay Square - Wood bury (on Bunker HM Aw.) (Boiiom of Ben Sherman Hill) 574-0018 or 574-0011 * 56 ECHO' LAKE ROAD Reservations: 263-4555 HOURS: QBA Watertown Building Supply Co.; Inc. Mon.-Fri. 7 p.m.-10 p.m Tues.., Mom... 10 a.m.-l p.m. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown,, Conn. Society) Oct. 17, 1:985'Page 19"

America's most, beloved essayists, Education supplies the pattern- Small's the advantage gained by National Theatre Gives the late E.B. White. individuals cut the cloth. taking advantage of a friend. •"Model T owners1 didn't get Enthralling Performance rearview mirrors because they ORIGINAL AST, CHAISE-LONGUES, VIOURMN' LACE didn 'l care what was behind them., CLARICE CLIFF, OAK, PINE, MAHOGANY... The .National Theatre of (he Deaf per- killing the husband. it soon would be in front. " AT: formed an evening of two plays if the But after he raped, 'the woman she The Ford Classic was figurative- Tafl School BuiBham Auditorium on told, him, she could no! live with, her ly taken, apart: in this extremely fun- The Churchill Gallery Wednesday, Oct. 2, .as part of a. tour go- ny adaptation of the White essay. ing to six continents and 26 countries. husband, after the sin. The two men Antiques from England must fight and she would go with The production exemplified the simple pleasure of driving, back 681 Main Street North . Tel. 203-2634)648 By R.L. Sherman. the winner. The bandit killed the husband. when families would actually take Woodbury, Connecticut §6798 Open Wed. thru Sun, Watching the National Theatre of a Sunday drive for the heck of it. Opposite Charcoal Chef _^_^_ the Deaf perform is quite unlike That's his testimony. anything in theatrics. The audience The wife (Sandy Inchas) admit- Now, with, gas prices what, they could find itself equally enthralled ted that she killed her husband- are. driving pleasure: is a mythical with how the .shows are being After the bandit had raped her the dinosaur except for the people for- presented, as well as with what wife said, she saw a, look in her hus- tunate enough, or rich enough, to shows are being presented. band's eyes, a look that. own, sports cars "built to hug the told her to kill him.,. She took a roads." A Review . knife and plunged it: into his chest. After the play was over, an old The just live by faith. That's her testimony. cliche would run through one's Galatians..3 What's so magical about watch Whodunnit? head. "They don't build, "em; like ing the actors perform, this show is Now the husband (Charles that anymore." Which -is good. the combination, of talents between. Baird). speaking through a medium had, no dashboard in- the characters themselves and. the (Susan Jackson), gave his struments, gas was poured into a speakers (Charlie O'May and testimony. He said the bandit raped container underneath the car seats, Dolores Hughes)—the people who his wife and the wife said to kill the 1 there were no such things as shock translate the sign language for the husband and she would go with the absorbers, and you discovered "Where the difference is'worth the distance! "j audience. bandit. The bandit knocked the something was wrong, with the .'2245 Litehfield Rd., Watertown What you have is two people do- wife down and left the grove. And engine "by circumstance." ing the same part. One acting, and then he told the authorities who had • . Sunday School 9:30' a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m the other speaking. 'The actor, killed him. In this day and age we have cars Prayer' Service 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer &. Praise 6:00 p.m. through the sign language presen- He did. It was suicide. that tell us our seatbelt is undone, tation, displays the visual emotions The play was directed by Arvin or we left our keys in the car. We WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m. BIBLE STUDY graphically while the speaker lends Brown, have digital, speedometers, com- the spoken emotions through tone 'The Model T' puter transmissions, and cars that, and inflection in, voice. The second plaj b) the Company go from 0 to 60 in five seconds. Such, emotions ran high in the was a tribute to the Ford Model T. \ far cry indeed from, Henry DAVtMJTS group's first play of the evening, based on a work b) one of Ford's invention. In a Grove,,""" which is based, on a short story by Ryunosuke Short Akutagawa. adapted by the Com- pany through a translation by JON, inc. Tadashi Yokayama. 280 Railroad Hill, Street and Murder. It's never black and Watorbury, Connecticut white. There are three witnesses to Sassy the crime: the victim, his wife, and KITCHENS the man in the grove. Whodunnit ? is in And why? Only the dead man says • Expert UtaunMp at for sure. Mortal!* Mm Style A body is discovered in a grove Cat, or Iril en imam by the local woodcutter. He gives Evening taws by appointees! his testimony to the authorities, as ., '573-1855 " 25 Candee Hill Road do the village priest, the policeman, and the parties directly involved. Watertown 274-8851 The bandit, (Mike Canatolo). the It's all about our Great. Styles for the fall one arrested by the policeman for HAIR PLA\€!£ the crime, admits that he did kill the man. He said he had seen the man's . wife before and knew that he had " RAM'S Boutique to have her and hadn't, intended, on Colonial Plaza • Waterbury 755-9146 SPECIAL PURCHASE!! Limited Time Only! KING KOIL Home Heating Oil On Sale Now! § IQQ-300 gal. 103.9 2 Piece Rayon Sets Over 300-500 gal. ggm9 PRICE SALE Over 300-1000 gal. 93'a Wool Coulottes • Wool Ponchos s CO D. ONLY 'The prices are eye-catchers and . O the fit, so very comfortable!!! • Come and Sec Us Today. m Buy Mattress Get STACK OIL SERVICE NEW COSTUME IDEAS FOR HALLOWEEN! Box Spring FREE Watertown . Waterbury - Complete Women \ Alterations Done - 274-1751 755-2121 Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-6, Thurs. & Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-4 on all models \"f 1,8 Falls Ave.. Oakville

The League of Women Voters of Watertown'. Presents The Candidates LIVE ON LAUREL; CABLE TV Channel "5 FREE BED FRAME • Town Council - Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. with every set purchased Board of Education - Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m.. 'Twin—Full'—Queen,—King in Stock Watch - Phone in your 'Questions Sale Wed thru Fri. at 567-8571 Sponsorship of this ad by: WATERTOWN BEDDING SHOP LaBonne's Epicure Market . • • . : "h „ .^ ; ' t ' : •

Post. Office Drag Store •" • . •• 519 AA|nStv Watertown i" • V • ' ' . (next to Country Cnemar- •'•--'•{. '•" • ,. •' •• • '• '. -• 274-0124' " ' , .,•!•• • ' * PageProperty 20 Town Times CWatertown of, Conn. the) Oct. 17, . Watertown1985 Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgAUTOS TRUCKS CYCLES

ing; Kevin Chouinard—athletics; Krawczewski, tenderfoot; Eric Quartermaster—Chris Black; Mark. Cunilla—astronomy and North, second class scout; and Eric Historian—Anthony Bleach; and fishing and wildlife management; Frazer, star, Librarian—John Clampett. Chris Ferry—mammals; Eric • B.S. 'Troop 188 The troop welcomes two new Frazer—lifesaving, athletics, en- This past: month, the scouts of scouts to the ranks—William Davis vironmental science, wilderness Troop 188, United Methodist and. Shane Ricciardi. B.S. Troop 52 be going home. On Nov.. 2-3, a. survival, and canoeing; Tim. Church, have been busy with troop Belter Breathing The boys of Troop 52, Union backpacking trip is scheduled for Gav a lias—nature; Barret activities and troop elections. Congregational Church," have 1.3 year olds who are First. Class Guerrera—swimming; and. John On Saturday, Sept. 2!, the troop The American Lung Association several events planned for the Scouts... Then, a troop camping, trip Gugliotti—canoeing and personal held its first annual spaghetti din- of Connecticut will sponsor a. Bet- weeks ahead. at Lost Lake has been set forNov . fitness. ner which was so successful it ter Breathing Class for adults who This weekend is the Scout Cam- 16-17. Also: David Hughes.—wilderness, enabled the troop to purchase five suffer from chronic obstructive poree in Bridgewater, and on Oct. 'The next troop committee survival and. swimming; John new tents for a night campout. pulmonary disease on Mondays, 23, the fund raising M&R kits will meeting will be held on Monday, MacDonald—nature; Eric North,— The weekend, of Sept,' 27-29 beginning Oct. 21, from. 3:30 to 5 Oct. 28. 'The committee pointed out swimming and wilderness survival; found the troop camping out. at the p.m. BARON'S BEST BUYS all fathers, of scouts can become in- Mike Piourde—canoeing; Chris White Memorial Foundation, par- The meetings will be held in the volved in, the committee.. Slupczewski—personal fitness and. ticipating in the Family Nature Day Chase Community Park House, liERSPECl". canoeing; Jeff Soucy—archery and, and working on their skills for the 12: MEHCUHY—Grand Marquis The year's first Parent's Night, 150 Sunny side Ave., Waterbury. Cpe. loaded inciuding hatter swimming; Bob Soucy—small boat, Scout. Jamboree in Bridgewater on For further information, call lint., .2 tone tan & brown which was held on Oct. 2, offered not only the usual Court, of Honor, sailing and swimming; Jarret, Oct. 18-2,0'. 1-800-992-2263. NADA $8500' Our Price $7995 True—swimming; Andy 84 Citalion FWD S5995 but a skit perfo.rm.ed. by the Badger The scouts braved 'the rainy B4 Ponl 6000 4 dr FWD VB S8195 Patrol as well. Other highlights of Tscheppe—swimming and sports; Oktoberfest weather as they set up 83 N!issa,n IPO 5 sp AMFM $4695 the evening were slide and movie Brian Turner—small boat, sailing to sell pita bread and. potato pan- 83 Buiefc LeSabre Wagon SS195 83 Dodge 600 ES 4 dr $6995 presentations detailing the summer and citizenship in the nation; and cakes. After the morning's 83 Buiiclk. Regal 4 dr S7695 trips taken, by Troop 52. They Craig Warren—wilderness sur- downpour, the boys decided to 83 Olds Omega 4 * FWD S599S 82 Olds Toronado Coupe S8995 looked at the Maine, Philmont, and vival, athletics,, .and environmental close down, .and go home to dry out. 82 Ford Crown Victoria S6995 New Mexico trips. science. Despite 'the conditions, their booth 82 Malibu Class Wagon S5995 Several rank advancements also . didn't: do too bad after the final 82 Honda Civic 4 dr $5195 During the Court of Honor, 56 81 Buick Begat Coupe 56395 merit badges were presented: were noted during the Court of count, 81 Olds Cultass LS 4 dr S5795 Honor. These include: Tim The scouts worked, towards some IBANK FINANCING & Rick Be 1 vai—fo restry, . EXTENDED WABRANITIIE.S AVAILABLE wilderness survival, and pioneer- Gavallas, tenderfoot; Tom phase of their swim, awards on Fri- We Rent Used Cars day, Oct. 1.1, during a swim at the Wateitown High School pool. BARON MOTORCAR EVERITT'S Following awards, were earned: MAIN SI WATERTOWN Swimming, Skill Award— Matthew Welton and William m-mi mm GARAGE, INC. Davis; First Class—John Sturges; Crestwood Fold's Tenderfoot—Anthony Bleach and Select List of Oakviiic 274-2147 Ricky Rinkowski. The following positions have Pre-owned Autos been filled .as. of 'the September • Front End Alignments with elections: $1,500 Computer Balancing Senior Patrol Leader—Jay DAVE. KINDER, of South Wind- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CRESTWOOD'S • Brakes•Tune Ups* Emission Testing Allard; Assistant Senior Patrol sor and formerly of Walerfown, EVER POPULAR — • Complete Exhaust Installations .Leader—Vance^ Kusaila; Patrol, has. been promoted, to vice president PUSH • PULL • TOW Leaders—John ' Sturges, .Danny of finance and administration, of Slason, and Vance Kusaila; .Assis- Northern States Metals and NSM Minimum Tirade tant Patrol •Leaders—Scott Sturges, Corp.., West Hartford. A 1971 1984 MUSTANG GT FASTBACK - On- Carles Clampett, and Christopher graduate of Wateitown High ly 7,000' original miles, must be seen. Perry; Scribe—Danny Slason; $10,476 less $1,500'. You pay $8,971. ACCID£NT?( School, he came to' Northern, States as its controller' in January, 1,9.84 84 BUICK LE SABRE - Custom 4 Dr. Two tone' blue, 'only 14,000' original Don't Be Sad! from. Coopers, and Lybrand. He has miles, immaculate in and out. $11,078 a B.S. degree in accounting from less $1,500. You pay $9,578. Central Connecticut: State Univer- 1.963 FORD' LTD - 4 Dr. Sedan, 6 cyll., CALL... SI INVENTORY sity, and is a certified public ac- A, PB. PS, S AC. Only 30,000 mi. S8.478 less $1,500. You pay $6,978. Prices too Low countant and a member of the Con- 1983 CHEVROLET C-10 Pick up - V-8, Water bury Auto Body necticut Society of CPAs. He is A, PS, PB, deluxe 2 tone paint, Leer i to List!! married, to the former Tina Habeg- fiberglass cap w/lable & cushions that ger of Wateitown, and they reside can be converted lo bed. $9,578 less We'll make your car look like NEW! A/ y with fteir son, Jon, 4, and daughter 51,500. You pay $8,078. Must 1982 CHEVROLET 'CAPRICE 'CLASSIC • EMISSION TESTING Renee, 1. - 4 dr. Sedan, 8-aui. with overdrive, full • BODY REPMRS power, 2-tone paint, excellent family •FREE ESTIMATES 'Motorcycles He who hesitates may be lost, but car! Only 44,000 mi. $7,478 less • TOW SERVICE most failures occur because folks SI .500. You pay $6,978. • .MASTER. CHARGE • PAINT JOBS start befa're they're ready. 1981 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Emerg. TeL SUPREME BROUGHAM - 4 dr. Sedan, FAMILY CYCLE CENTER 1 owner, 44,000 mi. Immaculate inside 1713 Thomaston Aw.., Wtby. 7S3-1143 753-4254 "Ttie Hem* of Hand*" & out, full power, AC, stereo, V-8 t., Wttartxuy $TEDTIETZ,JR. Diesel. 55,478 less $1,500. You pay > TRUCKING $3,978. 4,Qua»uk R. Woodbury 19B3 MERCURY MARQUIS Station Wagon, wood grain paneling, A, PS, A Well Planned > 263-3972 PB. Only 2:7,000' mi. $8,478 less YOU' CALL. WE HAUL $1,500. You pay $6,900. ANYTIME, ANY PLACE SERVICE SQUEAKY CLEAN CRUSHED STONE . 19813 MERCURY ILNI7 - Black & Silver, only 16,000 mi,, AT, AC, Stereo. $7,295 GRAVE! • IOAM • SAND less $1,500. You pay 55,795. BULLDOZING 1902 MAZDA 626 - 2 dr. $7,478 less PROGRAM .. MASON ABU ft A US $1,500. You pay $5,978. You're Always Abend 1982 CHRYSLER CONVERTIBLE - When you Call Ted •4 JEEP— Wagoned Limited. Real'sporty, burgandy with white roof, Sell... auto. 14,000 miles. AT, PS, PB, AW. $9,078 less $1,500. DOESN'T COST 84 ENCORE—Air conditiomni. You pay $7,578. S3. ALLUMCE—4d!r auto A/C... - 83 ALLIANCE—01 2'*., sun 19R1 FORD FAIRMONT - 4 Dr. Wagon. roof, stereo. Da;* Green Metallic. Only 47,000 mi. IT PAYS!!! 83 NllSAll—Scnlra 2dr. De- Inn. .24..0iOO miles.. Looks & runs like new. $6,478 less 83. JkLLMUME—Silver 2dr $11,500. You pay $4,978. •2 FORD—Escort 2dr A/C. Keep your Honda well maintained •2JEEP—Wagpneer. 3IK mi 11980' MERCURY MARQUIS - 4 Dr.. 82 EAOLE—Wagon automatic. and avoid expensive repairs Air cond. Sedan, A.C., Tinted Glass, Stereo, 1 •2 JEEP—CJ-S. owner car, only 56,000 mi., looks & runs SZ D0DQE—Omni. like new. $5,995 less $1,500. You pay S2 MAZDA—626 Lax Sdn. ' $4,495. U MAZDA—GLC Sport. at EA8LE—Wagon. 81 CHEVETTE—4dr, IN Oil ill Plus 50' More Pre-Owned 81 DATSUH—310. Cars & Trucks to Fit 80 RENAULT—ILeCai. 2dr De- 85,000 %. Ft, LOCATION lime. Everybody's Pocketbook 18 PLYMOUTH—Arrow 71 DODGE—Charger. Rent: Cars - Tracks ••77 JEEP—CJL-5. IS MATADOR—Wagon. Partj Goods CRESTWOD 76 PACER—AT. AIT. Power Tools I FOR WONDA - Construction "12:30 Main' Street:. CALL, ELLEN GR. DEBBIE 274-9257 Equipment— Wateitown IC/hpi/IIll 816 STRAITS TURNPIKE WATERTOWN 2100 SOUTH HI' 274-2501 • 754-2501 SSIllSUfiltiE (Former Rlsdon Mfg. Building) OPEN' MONDAY-FRI DAY 7:30AM-4:30PM NOBODY WALKS AWAY 27M834 274-2064 WATERBURY 756-3624 ' Ibvni"times (Watertown, Conn.) Oct., ""17, 1985 Page'll

Property of the Watertownbeing made abroad. Historical Society f. It is imperative that we. adopt policies ' that address our basic • "FALL INTO THAT needs and interests. Last summer i•the European Common Market slapped, on. a variety of quotas LIKE NEW USED CAR li because foreign, bearings were be- ing dumped on their markets and YOU'VE BEEN destroying their industry. And 'this summer •• during my talk.' with .Japanese Prime Minister LOOKING FOR!" Nakasone, he suggested 'that order- ly marketing, agreements might be required to preserve vital interests. 85 BUICK 82 ELECTRA We should do no less, both, to assure 'the vitality of our manufac- SKYLARK ESTY WAGON turing capability and to assure our Limited, Choice of 7 White, Red; int., full power continued, ability to defend the free world. •• 85 BUICK 82 FORD We should develop updated, in- ventory of specific 'tariffs and non- • SKYLARK MUSTANG LOOKING OVER SO'ME BOOKS available at the Baldwin School tariff barriers used, by other coun- Custom 4 drs., choice of 6 Blue, Matching int. 4 spd. Open House and PTA Book Fair are teacher Mrs. Karen Ligi, tries, and use it as a basis for more background, and some of her students. (Hobson Photo) aggressive. U.S. negotiating posi- 85 CELEBRITY 82 CAMARO Z28 tions. We shopuld. adopt im- White,, Buckskin interior mediately the tariff structure we WAGONS Auto, PS. PB, AC, PW had for bearings in the mid-'lOs, 3 sealers., choice of 4 and, take a number of other actions 82 HONDA Nancy Johnson's in this area,,, some of which I am ad- vocating with the Pentagon. 85-CHEV S10 CIVIC Congressional Report Our government, must assume its 4 dr., SilverJGrey wf matching 4WD PICKUP" interior, standard Sixth District Connecticut proper and legitimate role in level- ing the playing field in the global, Brawn Toll Free 1-800-382-0021 arena and. protecting OUT legitimate 82 PONTIAC (202)225-4476 interests. It can. start by supporting 84 CHEV 223-8412, New Britain efforts, to provide relief to the Ti 000 •CAVALIER 4 dr. White, 4 spd. American bearing industry. 4 dr. sedan choice' of 4 Hurricane Gloria • 82 AMC Connecticut Industries mediate needs, and to ensure our Like everyone, I was greatly Busy Testifying competitiveness into the next. relieved when, the hurricane pass- 84 CAMARO Z28 CONCORD • 5 spd. Black Hi-Performance Testimony I delivered on two century. ed and inflicted less damage than 4 dr.. sedan. Maroon, matching int. separale occasions last week in There is no better example of an initially expected, and my belief in, 6 cyi, AT. PS. PB, AC Washington provides a vivid exam- American industry that would us all was affirmed, by the decency • 84 CHEV ple of the varying responsibilities benefit from such, a. trade package and. helpfulness of neighbor for 82 PONT I have in representing the interests than that of the ball bearing in- neighbor throughout, the Sixth CAMARO of Connecticut. dustry. Earlier this year I rallied District. PHOENIX members of the Connecticut. Con- Like so many others, our home "BERLINETTA 2 dr., PS, PB, AC At a Congressional hearing, I Charcoal Gray, V6 Automatic urged that Congress move quickly gressional, delegation to urge the In- was without power for nearly a to appropriate money to counter ternational Trade Commission -to week, and. Ted and I spent most of 82 CHEVETTE subsidies provided by foreign investigate unfair foreign trade the weekend, clearing the yard and 84 CHEV C10 Blue, 4 dr.. Auto governments to their companies, practices in the bearing industry. driveway of fallen trees. The fact putting Connecticut companies at a During my testimony before the that so few lives were lost in the Vz TON PICKUP 81 CAPRICE disadvantage in the global market, ITC last week, I pointed out storm is a tribute to the Black Auto. VB, PS 4 dr., 2 tone Ivory and costing us jobs. The following bearing-related jobs have declined preparedness and advance warning day I testified at. an International from more than 61,400 in 1966 to provided to people throughout 84 DODGE 81 OLDS Trade Commission hearing on. approximately 30,000 now. In, New Connecticut and. up and down the behalf of the ball bearing industry Britain, Bristol, Torrington, and, East coast'.. OMNI TORONADO so vital to our state's economy and virtually every other town in, the Grey, 4 dr., 4 spd. . Brougham, 2 dr. Brawn our national security,, •calling on the Sixth, District, years of layoffs in Buckskin top & int.. lull power ITC to recommend relief from un- the bearing industry have caused 84 MERC LYNX fair trade practices. greater hardship. 81 TOYOTA GLOBAIJG 4 dr., 5 spd. These layoffs, this contraction of A strong trade policy requires "BENCH SYSTEM CELICA both passage of new legislation and the bearing industry, can, be clear- 84 PLYMOUTH timely,, tough enforcement of ex- ly laid, to the unfair trade practices, Repairs All Unlbody Models 2 dr. Red, 4 spd. isting laws... As I told 'the interna- and, the, implications for our na- Call RELIANT SE tional, trade subcommittee, it is time tional security are very sobering. "4 dr., Brown, IPS, PB, AC 81 CHEV to stand tall, to meet fire with fire, During the 'Vietnam conflict a lack, NEIL'S AUTO to level, the playing field where we of replacement bearings grounded MALIBU have the information, and resources some helicopters for two years, .and BODY, INC.- 84 DODGE 2 dr., Maroon, w/matching int. Automatic to do so with respect to countering that was at. a time when the 23 'A Houf unfair and. illegal foreign subsidies, American bearing industry was 'Towing Service CARAVAN which put our companies at a com- more than. 50 percent larger than Le Van, fully equipped 82 OLDS petitive disadvantage. today. Heavy Duty Towing 98 REGENCY Collision Work •Painting The Coalition, for Employment Since then, 'the U.S. has become 83 CADILLAC Brown witan top & int. through Exports, a business, labor dangerously dependent, upon Mil collision work guaranteed Loaded, Like Mew! and government group, estimated foreign sources for critical bear- ELDORADO its membership, which is only a ings. For example, 80 percent, of 274-2463 274-3105 Biarritz, Black, red! leather, fullpower 80 CAMARO portion of the business communi- the miniature precision bearings days nights 2 dr., Brown, V6, IPS. PB, AT ty, lost $7 billion in sales due to essential, to the guidance of any 1029 Main St. Watertown 83 CHEV K10 • foreign mixed, credit subsidies in. a sophisticated fighter or weapon are 80 TOYOTA, nine-month period during 1983 and 4 X 4 PICKUP 1984. 4 spd. w/plow, low miles COROLLA Connecticut companies are THIS WEEK'S 2 dr.. Brown, Tan ..interior, frustrated, with, our government's Automatic . reluctance to meet the challenge 83 "CHEV .. posed by foreign, governments us- CAPRICE 79- TOYOTA • ing •mixed credits, which, are a 4 dr. .sedan. Green ' COROLLA .. combination, of commercial finan- wiimalching interior cing and government grants that 2 dr., 5 spd. enable companies to sell products more cheaply. 83 CHRYSLER 79 HONDA My legislation, which, I introduc- LE BARON PRELUDE ed both in the last Congress and in { Black & Silver 4 dr. 2 dr., Silver, Sunroof, 5 spd., Sharp •>. ^ this session, and. which President, ACi Sunroof. Low ;inIles,,AiI Reagan has endorsed in, concept, is Blade.' only part of a forward-looking ! I 1 comprehensive trade package I "Expect, to $ave Money! '" have developed, to meet OUT im- Ask About Our 12 Month/12,000 $5y995 Mile Mechanical Protection Plan "The West Way" FUEL OIL :\;i • ;••.. 1983ibateiin.&#t 9 Wagon,. 5 Speed, AC, :Suraroof. WEST $1.02 'pergal-CO-D. Ui5'0 stsal'll o o. noiinin.rim,uimii Only $54995 CHEVROLET Strileckis Oil Co. 729 Main St. South 274-4364 I1THOI« A m wm*OMDA WOODBURY t Asphalt Paving o Loan -816 STRAITS TURNPIKE, WTN. • 274-9257' 263-2500 263-2500 • Landscaping " OPEN -MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30 AM-4:30 PM Page 22 PropertyTown Times (Watertown, Coon. of) Oct the. 17, 1985 Watertown Historical Society These Fish Didn H Get A way-Local SPEAKING watertownhistoricalsociety.orgFisherman Lands Three Beauties '. OF By Kim Harmon. When. Emie Visockis talks about SPORTS 'the 33-pound Caho salmon he pull- ed out. of Salmon River Lake in By Bob Palmer Canada, he's not talking about the one that got away. On Thursday, Oct. 1,0, Ernie had. himself a. banner day in 'the Ontario river. Not only did he the mammoth fish, but he managed 'Two of the high flying teams in match for Holy Cross last. Friday two others of slightly lesser town are coach Joe Shupenis' night at Municipal Stadium. weight—25-pounds. Watertown High soccer team, and "Too many mistakes and I'm But, it was on the 33-pounder he Larry Stone's Big Red of Tail foot- getting kind of tired of having to spent the better part, of a half hour. ball squad, say that," a disappointed coach, The catch wasn't a. record, Last week, Watertown played Bill, Gargano, said following the however. The largest fish, caught, in one of its best: games of the season one-sided loss. the Salmon River Lake, Ernie said, with Eddie Rice's Kaynor Tech Things won't get any easier this •was about 45 pounds. soccer club. The Indians won, 3-1, week as the Indians travel, to New "'That's the biggest salmon I ever and it was a much more disciplin- London to face Robert Fitch. caught,"" he said. "The salmon run, ed and better played contest than After that, Watertown. will meet up there is the greatest it's been, in the first meeting between the two Crosby, Ansonia, Kennedy, and, six years." %g Torrington. Crosby, Kennedy, .and "schools, which Watertown also He fought hard with, the fish, .and A 33-POUND CAHO salmon was caught by Ernest Visock]sr777~Ela!j won. Torrington are possible victories. it: was a battle he almost lost. Lake Road, Oct. 10 during a three-day fishing expedition to Salmon The Indians have two of the The Kennedy kids were the hap- Someone netted it, he dragged, it. River Lake in Ontario, Canada. It took him 30 minutes to land the fish. state's best scorers in John Rinaldi piest people in. the world following up a, bank and to his car,, brought, Two otfier Caho salmon are behind him on the fence. (Valuckas Photo) and Fabiano Corvalho. In 'the se- their first victory in, three years last it home, and now the fight, is over. a, 600-mile trip and, when, taking fishing when, he was five. Back, cond Kaynor game, Rinaldi notch- week at Torrington. Neighbor Bill. Moskaluk, Park into account, lodgings and other then, the. old watering- 'hole was ed his 16th goal and Corvalho his It's been many years since Road, gets to wrestle with, the fish, necessities, his three fish, ended up Turkey Pond on Falls Avenue and 15th. That's a one-two punch that Watertown lost five in a row, but now. being quite expensive. he fished, with a loop pole. is carrying the Indians .right to the you can, bet one thing—these kids "I'm gifted to have a neighbor "I catch so many fish I love giv- "When kids ask me what I'm, state tournament - and put WHS will go all out each, week trying, for like Bill Moskaluk," Ernie said. ing them away," he said. "It's a catching (fish) on," he said, "I|ell right back at the top of the that first victory which will come. "So I 'think he deserves the biggest great sport: and it's exciting wat- them '64 years of experience."" scholastic heap once again. In the meantime, the under- fish." ching the women and, kids classmen on the team, are gaining c Mike Svab, one of the top all- Ernie goe to Salmon River Lake fishing " Dividing friends • into assets and much-needed experience, which around athletes throughout his about 10 times a year, he said It's Ernie, now 64 years old, started liabilities adds up to zero. career at WHS, is the goaltender will pay off in the •future. Go get and the key to the string of WHS "em, guys. town Jayvees to a 24-6 victory over victories and only one defeat, that Holy Cross Monday. a surpirse at.the hands of Fred Far- CUFF NOTES: Speaking of the Grid Turnovers Costly Conti opened 'the scoring in 'the rell's Pomperaug team of future, Watertown jayvee quarter- first period with, a 30-yard, pass to Southbury. back Chris Conti gave the Indians For Struggling Indians Garen Arisian, and followed that a. small, portion of revenge as he up with, a conversion run. passed for two touchdowns and a, At Taft, the Big Red has piled up By Kim. Harmon 12-of-21 pasises foe 131 yards, was Watertown and Holy Cross trad- pair of two-point, conversions to a winning streak of four games and There is nothing, repot,, nothing kept, in, check by 'the Holy Cross ed, scores in the second period, 'the lead, the WHS jayvees to a convin- is led by senior quarterback Ed that: kills a football, team's* drive defense. Brogna was pressured and Indians scoring on a 50-yard toss cing 24-6 victory over Holy Cross Travers. towards the goal line better than a •the receivers were covered, all, from Conti to Ed Green. The 'Tribe last Monday. Coming on top of The Big Red will be at Avon this •fumble or interception,,. What-does preventing the big play that could led 1,6-6 at the half. Saturday and then will play con- coach Keith Bienkowski's WHS it matter if the 'team drives 98 yards have kept, the Tribe in the game. freshman 'beating Crosby recently,, John, Cronan, closed, out 'the scor- secutive home games against Kent to the one-foot, line, only to 'have Crusader coach Jim Shove ing with a three-yard run followed and Loomis, and finish with a road maybe there- is a, light at the end, of the running' back-'" or quarterback respected the •'ability of Brogna and. the tunnel. by a. Conti to Cronan conversion game at Lakeville against cough the ball up? the defense didn't want a similar piass. The jayvees are 1-2 on the Hotchkiss. The Watertown High Indians, fate as one garnered at the hands of year. This season marked the first: time The big, soccer match of the already beleaguered with problems the Ansonia Charger's and Jeff that: Taft has beaten Andover and scholastic: season will, 'take place this season, played beneath the Coppola's highly talented arm. Choate in the same season. Friday as Holy Cross' undefeated shadow of The Turnover1 against Watertown actually had. seven Tribe-Soccer The Taft. backfield of Travers, Crusaders invade Watertown's Holy Cross. 'The 'Tribe lost the ball more first downs in the game than Darren Bragg, Nick Du.ra.nt, and Deland Field to face the Indians. four times, once on, a, fumble and Holy Cross,-punted, fewer times, Team Scalps Wayne Michalka has been perfor- Both teams are undefeated in the three times through interceptions.. and. had fewer penalties for less ming exceptionally well, but the ef- NVL. Holy Cross having a 4-0 That, coupled, with a. tough yardage. But all of it meant little. 2 More Sides fective play of the linemen has league mark and 7-0-1 overall. Crusader defense, kept the Water- 'The Tribe didn't get. into the end For the Watertown High boys pleased coach Stone to .no end. Watertown, is 2-0-1 in, the league, town offense harnessed for most, of ••zone until less than a. minute "re- soccer team,, it seems like things Larry, in. a, pre-season chat, was having: a tie with Torrington and. the game and. on the short, end of mained, in the fourth, quarter. Mark are just getting better and better. a little concerned that his line might the Tribe is 8-1-1 overall. The a 29-8 score:,. DeFeo set up the score: with a The Naugatuck Greyhounds not be as strong as many lines the game has all the ingredients of be- Holy Cross kept its drives alive 31-yard, jaunt, and Avery Tyler and 'Kaynor Tech. Panthers both Big Red has had, but so far they ing the best of the year with the by regaining 'the ball both, times it. followed the run up with a. one-yard felt, the Indian, scalpel for the se- have performed very well. valley league championship hang- fumbled, and' having no Scott Blun- plunge. Brogna connected, with. cond time this season, as Water- ing in, 'the balance. do passes picked, off in 12 Steve Bamowski on the conversion town raised its record to 7-1-1 MEANWHILE' AT WHS, the opportunities. attempt. on respective 2-1 and. 3-1 football team still is looking for its It's a mistake to try to correct a Watertown's sophomore quarter- The Crusaders opened the scor- victories. first victory. The Indians were no friend's mistake. back Rico Brogna. who completed ing with/under nine minutes gone Fabiano Corvalho,, Brazilian in the first quarter. Blundo tossed exchange student, .sank 'the win- a 44-yard pass to Ron, Kubick, but. ning, goal, against Naugatuck the kick failed. The next posses- with nearly 20 minutes left to sion, however, Holy Cross march- play. Jaret Kulmann scored, the ed 45 yards for another score. At: first, goal for 'the Indians. the half, 'the Crusaders led 22-0. Corvalho made his presence Holy Cross led, Watertown in known against.- the Panthers, total yardage on 'the afternoon—296 scoring, two goals in. overtime to to 200. The Crusaders gained 124 lead, Watertown. John Rinaldi on .the ground, and 1,72 •through the scored the first: goal. Mike Svab air, while the Tribe collected 69 recorded 10 saves. yards on the ground and 'the 131 Holy Cross is 4-0-0 in 'the yards passing. Naugatuck, Valley League, As "the numbers go, the game ahead of Watertown's 2-0-1. was somewhat more closely played, •than the final score, indicates. But on the field, it was The Turnover that decided. This Weekend The Indians travel to New Lon- don this weekend to take on Robert Fitch High School. The Tribe will come home to face Sacred Heart and, running back: Emie Garlington •the following Friday night, "The .Ansonia, Chargers will come the following week. AflerArisonia, what can. come to Nightcrawlers be known as the weak part of the THE OAKVILLE PIZZA METROS of the Watertown Association for Youth Soccer "B" Division were" the Watertown schedule, will take awarded a pizza party for being the top-selling side in the league's 1985 candy drive. Players front row, place. 'The Indians will face left to right, are Michael Ehrler, Kevin Campbell, and Sal Solla. Second row: Robert King, Galen Dionne, Crosby, Kennedy and Torrington. Andrew Stinson, Gary Fogg, and Jeff Desrosiers. Third row: Ben Carlson, Richard Andrews, Arie Bram, J.V. Football Jesse Johnson, Derek Buone, and Ricky Solla. Back row: Coach Doug Campbell, League President Robert Chris Conti threw for two Monnerat, and team assistants Richard Fogg and David Campbell. Missing are players Mike Palleria and touchdown passes and John Cronan Troy Moran, and, assistant Mike Palleria Sr. (Valuckas Photo) .. ran, for another to lead, the Water- \ Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertowii, Conn. Society) Oct. 17," 1985 'Page 2 3 'The seminar, designed, tor Goaltender Post College management personnel, will, cover Swift Stickgirls Boost •such, topics as professional respon- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgRecords Pair Fraud Seminar " sibiity for prevention and detection Fine Unbeaten Streak A one-day seminar sponsored by of fraud. Of Shutouts Post College, titled "Fraud: Its By Kim, Harmon Identification, Detection, and For registration and, further in- Coaches look at 1984' as one season, and 1985 as another. But when Stringing together goose eggs is Prevention," will, be held at the formation, call Charles H. Zwicker looking at the Swift Junior High field hockey team's performance over getting to be habit for Heather -Waterbury's Sheraton Hotel, on or James E. Roberts, director of the course of nearly a season and a half, one could see the team has Palomba, goaltender for the girls Thursday, Oct. 2.4, from 9 a.m. to Post's Management, Center, at a nice little record .going for itself. 14 and. under side in. the Wateitowm, 4:30 p.m. 755-0121, ext. 259. Go back 17 games. Association for Youth Soccer. Seventeen games ago the Eagle girls, put a finish on a mediocre 6-6-2 After blanking two opponents record for 1983. After graduation cleaned house, coach Beth Grant was over the weekend. Miss Palomba left with six players from which to base her 1984 team. now has six shutouts to her credit. Whatever she did, it worked. Falling victim recently were Dan- " COME And it's working again, in 1.985, as again she is faced with the the bury, 1-0, and Brookfield, 6-0. loss of almost her entire team,. Five members of the 1984 squad have Cybil Primus and Meeghan Cof- INDOORS** returned. fey scored two goals apiece,, 'while Now, after 12 games last: year and four games in 1985, the Swift, Amy Monnerat, Michele Pilon, , Don't lot the Mew Eagles have compiled a, slate of 13-1-2, holding an, unbeaten streak of and Amy Catlin Fitzgerald scored 10 games. Rochambeau beat 'the Eagles in. Swift's sixth game of 1984. the others. England weather Rochanbeau nearly broke up another wonderful, start for Miss Grant, get you down and her field,hocke y team. After blitzing its first two opponents. Swift Both the boys 1,0 and under team faced Rochambeau and the two teams tied. Dandle Decoteaux scored and. the girls 1,2 and under team the only goal in a 1,-1 draw. Amy Stinson set up the score with, a, comer competed in, the Tunxis Meet, shot. Shootout Tournament, in, RACQUETBALL But Swift wasn't out of the proverbial woods yet. Dodd followed Farmington. Rochambeau, the, toughest team Swift faces according to Miss Grant. " The boys were beaten by Gran- Challenge Court Again, 'there was a, tie. Miss Descoteaux and Brooke Skyrme scored by and Wethersfield, but tied a Sun.. 10:15 -11:45 a.m. :|5 m *6 nm goals in a 2-2 final. Sharon Tomlinson and Kathy Tullo had 'the respec- strong Manchester team. Ben Sim- tive assists. mons, Shaun Bearce, and Jason lien's Top Level Challenge Court "The girls are playing so much better," coach Grant said. "I feel, Geise scored two goals apiece, Mon. 6:15-8:15 p.irn,. *6 m *7 nm they've improved, since the first game. I'm really proud of them,." while Dan Ford and John Schmidt netted single goals. Ladies Round Robin The scoring output: hasn't, been as inflated as the 1984 team, displayed,, ( but having two victories and no losses is what counts. In four games, The girls lost to Wethersfield, Wed. 9:45-11:15 a,m. «5m 6nrn Swift has scored seven, goals and has allowed only three. Glastonbury, and Wallingford. Fri. 9:45-11:15 a.m. *5 m *6 nm Miss Descoteaux has scored six of those goals and Miss Skyrme the Shauna, Bisson kept the Watertown other. Miss Skyrme, along with Vanessa, Holroyd, are the captains of team in contention while guarding the team and the self-proclaimed. "Battling Swift Sweeties." the nets. TENNIS One good reason. Swift, is where it, is now, and why Dodd and The girls 1,0 and. under team, had Rochambeau left the field'with no better than a, tie with the Eagles, is a match, against New Fairfield Round RO'bin Mania the play of goaltender Danelle Gerard. In, her first four games of 1985, canceled, but return to action; she has recorded 24 saves. against Brookfield this weekend. Mixed Int. Round Robin "She's improved 300 percent, since the first, time I saw her," Miss Mon. 12-2:00 p.m. *1Q m *12 nm Grant, said. "'Against. Dodd she was remarkable." • MARJORIE O'NEILL* Six players returned last, year and. five returned this year. Whatever • FUNERAL DIRECTOR* Thurs. 12 - 2:00 p.m. M0 m M2 nm coach Grant, is doing to make her team a winner, it sure is working. Men's Open Round Robin Jbfcn aONcUl Sat. 12-2:00' p.m. M0 Girls Soccer Club Gets runanl Hmt Career Women Round Robin 742 Main Sheet, Qakville Tues. 7:30 - 9 p.m. *8 m MOnm 2nd Place In Tourney Connecticut - 06779 Please call for Information 203>274-3W:5 & sign up. Last season, 'the Watertown High tougher during regular season play, team, went into the St. beating Watertown, 3-2, in over- • JOHN O'NEILL* it. 188 • Middlebury, Ct Margaret McTeman's Invitational, time on a goal from Clare • FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Tournament and lost -all four of its Cosgrove. .Misses Gauthier and EMBALMER* • • • 758-* 1727 • games. This season it was different. G'Neil scored for the Indians. The second-year team,, with, vic- tories over Notre Dame Academy of Waterbury, and Hale High of Raleigh, N.C., tied for second, GRAM) OPENING place in. the tournament.. Rachel Blais was named Watertown's Most. Valuable Player forth e tourney, SALE 20%OfT EVERYTHING!! "This is kind, of a. nice feather in our cap," 'freshman coach George York said. He leads a team with, a We car•-if a full line of men's and womens' athletic apparel and present 2-5 regular season record, over 2OO styles off athletic and leisure shoes- four games left to play. Among 'the fine defensive players in the tournament were Kate Come in and let our professional staff fit four athletes foot! Coviello and LeeAnn Nadeau. The offense was geared by Denise DOOR DOOR Sirens and Tina ..Gauthier, who PUBS Running Suits PRIZES displayed all-around skills. Nike Watertown, defeated Notre Warm-up Suits Dame, 2-1,, on two goals from. Miss Adidas Blais, and beat Hale High 1-0 on, Goretex Cycling Clothes Saucony a goal from Tracey O'Neil. 'Laurie Singlets by Descente Rimmick provided, the assist. Turntec The Indians lost, to St. Shorts Maragret's Mc'Teman, 1-0, .and fell Tretorn to Ethel Walker of Simsbury by an T-Shirts identical score. Kim Bovin played" Puma in net for the Indians, giving up just Ski Jackets the three goals. Etonic Regular Season Notre Dame Academy was a bit Converse Sub-4 BINGO B.R. at Avia i American St. Mary .Magdalen and more Express •Church Hall, Home Fitness Equipment Oakville LEAD PACK SPORTS 7 p.m. The Ultimate Sports Shop Every Thursday .Pioneer Plaza • 544 Straits •Turnpike,-Watertown. 1 Extra Card Free with this ad HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10-9: Sat. 10-6: Sun. 12-5 274-2466 ftge'r2f:l£iin 'times "Ofatertown, Conn.)" Oct."-17, 1985' Property elderlofy an dthe others sufferin Watertowng from to seven days. Historical Society .Health Service chronic diseases because weaken- The department said last season ed conditions leave them open to was a moderate one for the general Dept. Issues flu complications, like pneumonia. public. Several, nursing, homes, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgInfluenza vims infections occur however, experienced extensive Flu- Reminders every year in the United States. outbreaks. . The Connecticut Department of Persons with the. disease usually ex- Flu season usually runs from Oc- Health. Services has issued a perience a rapid onset of fever, tober through April. Shots are reminder recommending a flu shot chills, headaches, and muscle aches available any time, but. those who for people over age 65, and any followed by a runny nose, sore need, (lie shot should, get one as ear- children or adults, who have various throat, and. cough. ly as possible near the beginning of diseases. The cough is often severe and October. Normally, the department says, lasts several days. Most persons Private health care will provide healthy youngsters and adults don't with, influenza recover within two the shot, as well, as various local need shots. But concern is high for public health departments and public health nursing agenices CASH around the stale. We will, pay a top price for HEMLOCK your house.' Naturalist Club — Any Condition — WHITE PINE "Cosmos," a multi-media slide Confidential Service show by Jay Bacca of Torrington, will be presented by the Waterbury OurI8th Year! FOURTH AND FUTH GRADE students, at. Judson School learned All Sizes Naturalist Club on Tuesday, Nov. to identify wild, edible plants following a lesson with a, Talcott Moun- Call: Fred Meyfcer 12,at 8 p.m. in the Salvation Ar- tain Science Center instructor. Pupils tasted, rose hips and wild grapes, 754-4178 Anytime Wholesale - Retail my Citadel, 74 Central- Ave., then made and sampled spearmint tea. Project Explore sponsored 'the ucL iC /<«//< Waterbury. lesson. Making spearmint tea, lei to right, are fifth graders Kathy An- There is no admission charge. drews, Laurie Smith, Derek Buono, Christine Loomis, and Tara Lee. 66 Willow St.. 274-4585 For further information, call (Boston Photo) Waterbury 754,4,7,64,, -¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»»¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ The people who say all real estate Prompt, companies are Professions! .Results. Buying or selling created equal, never a home? Talk with had to buy or sell Jim. Furman realestatem REALTY WORLD' over lETIANI 1,197 Main. Street. Watertown 29 million in sales • 274-5431 Darit. over discount our discounts on 4 homeowners and auto 1 million in listings insurance **** #% over 392 ProPer"fcies sold 111 Perhaps you're paying more for homeowners and auto insurance than you should,. months 1985 We'll bring you up to date on all available discounts. In addition, we'll give you personal service and the. maximum pro- tection for your premium dol- lars. Comprehensive "'coverage, competitive pricing; that's the REALTY WORLD, NGM way. Call us today and get the facts. SETTA Ml EDSCHLEGEL FOURNIER INSURANCE ASSOCIATES AGENCY, INC. 135 MAIN STREET OAKVILLE, CONN. 06T» 274-35C9 WATERTOWN NAUGATUCK SOUTHBURY BRIDGEPORT ,2/4-5431 723-1414 264-6665 - 335-1,289 Pioudl f re p f esenti n gi

WATERBURY 1 MIDDLE BURY DANBURY I • 7S34000 | 758-1788 797-0315 1 ••

National Grange Mulutl - The Americm Of earn' Insurance Company ' Kctne New Hampshire 03431 ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥• ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ • ! Town Times (Watertown, Conn,.). Oct. 17, 1985 'Page 25 PropertySunday , Octof. 20—Bibl thee Classe sWatertownGrades 3 through 9. 4 to 5 p.m. HistoricalWednesday, Oct. SocietyWHOSE VERSION? for all ages, 9:30 a.m.; Cof- Wednesday, Oct. 23—Prayer 2,3—Testimony, 7:30 p.m. fee/Fellowship, 10:40 a.m.; Wor- and Sharing 'Time. 7 p.m.; Singles When asked to listen, to reason, ship Service, 11 a.m.; Beginner agree--but make sure you kino* Group, 7 p.m.; Junior and Senior Evangelical Christian Center and Junior Church, 11:30 a.m.; whose version you're hearing. The Bible Church watertownhistoricalsociety.orgYouth Groups, 7 to 8:30' p.m. 1317 Watertown Ave., Wtby. Evening Service, 6 p.m. AS SMART 240 Dwight St., Wtby. 756-1293 755-01.97 Monday, Get. 21.—Men" s Christian Science Sunday, Oct... 2,0—Worship Ser- It's good advice to play it safe— Thursday, Oct. 17—Women's Basketb&i! at the Bucks Hill School 37 Holmes Ave.,, Wtby. vice. 11 a.m.. always give the other guy credit for Weight Program, 7 to 9 p.m. gym, 7 to 9 p.m. 756-0726 being just as smart as you are. Friday, Oct. 18—Intercessory Tuesday, Oct. 22—Women's • Sunday, Oct. 20—Sunday Ser-. Prayer Group, 11:30 a.m.. to 12:30' Weigh: Program, 9:1.5 to 11:30 vice and Sunday School. 10:45 Dishonest practices make mincemeat out of honest motives. Blessings may come disguised p oi. a.m.: Children's Bible Hour. a.m. but trouble never puts on make-up.

Walerlown - Investors - Farmers - Horse Lovers - Appro;* inlaid): 30 acres of pome Id nil I! mile from center with 400" frontage tin Rlc. 63. Included an B room ranch with fireplace,. 3-4 BRs. fa mil)1 room. In add i lion, is 50' i 25" healed building, currently tic ing-used as a nursery business plus greenhouses which need TLC. Land is ideal foe subdivision in R-60 zone. Mosily level, open. Call for more details!! R0OT& BWD% Better

R1 •• A 1.1-STATE. | Tf** Ufiri

756-72:58 WATERTOWN WATERTOWN Let the selling power of REALTY WORLD iiWIANl ASSOCIATED help you get a better price for 3*"* your home. 2 $124,900. RANCH - $87,900 2 or 3 br raised ranch on approx. 1 acre of prime Watertown WATERTOWN WATERBURY JUD5ON SCHOOL DISTRICT land jdomed with fruit irees majestic evergreens and view. 3 BEDRMS—Custom Built quality home, spacious Liv. rm,. &. Din. Fr » tin bar game room or den utility room or lower level 274-5431 753-90-00' rrn w/pieture: windows in. each, oversized kitchen w/greenhouse win- LOU Id be ideal inlaw setup Many plus features including cen- MIDDLEBURY NAUGATUCK dow, attached garage w/breezeway. large level jot, city utilities. f tral \a«. <\$k or Barbara Bricketi. 758-1788 723-1414 IEII4NI 274-5431 DANBURY BRIDGEPORT ASSOCIATES Watcrtowu Office 797-0315 335-1289 lA/edtburu r\eaitu THE RESULTS PEOPLE. Everything We Touch Turns To SOLD ,967 Main St., Watertown 274-9661 REALTY WORLD


MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR, HOME SERVICE r^v' CALL THE LEADER IN CORPORATE RELOCATION ALSO FREE!.! WOODBURY-MIWoodlake units are nL " • > munj - ft* tor a momey-SEMimg quote Irani William flawis Iraniranca Company. custom features & privacy it's ham) in believe il'i a con do. A bun dan I slorage. • Find oyi: how William BWeis Morigage Company can help joo secure 3 hrs. Ig. FR. bll-ins A a spacious open feeling. SI 15.000. UALITY Lois Bergrriiiiller e»cs 264-0625. MIDDLEBURY SOUTHBURY "M; 758-173.3 264-2880' MLS SUCCESWE OFFER S OUTSTANDING REPUTATION RK LOC AT1ON CUSTOM ERS MORTGAGE FINANCING - COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE UNIQUE & LUXURY PROPERTIES DIVISION CONDOMINIUM' DIVISION NEW LISTING PROFESSIONAL MARKETING SERVICE SOPHISTICATED' COMPUTER, SYSTEM WATERTOWN CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 'RESULTS Smashing 9 rrn. tn-level Tudor camlemporarj', scl high on hill Beach Meadows w/paooomie views, ingrnund pool, professionally landscaped lot. 4 bed rms , I "A bains, formal din. rm., Ig. eat-in kit., liv. run w/cathedral LIST VIII'It IIO.Mi; WITH Tilt H KOI, tSTATK K.-13 ceiling, baj window, ceiling lo floor brick fpl. Fam rm. wi'woodl burner, i Florida rm. wfekylighl $194,900 i ' New Homes i : Many styles and. lots to choose from if you call, today. These i 3 #1, And Still Caring, quality built homes in, a choice location won't, last long. Prices i LAND start, at $125,900 and up. Bethlehem - 38 Acres $95,000 For more details call: Middlebuiy - 11 acres $ 115,000 Washington/Roxbuiy - 77 acres $663,000 WUI4M RWMEIS Woodbuiy -4.19 acres $100,000 mis REAL ESTATE Woodbury - 11 acres •. .$60,000 16 Sherman Hill, Woodbury, CT 06798 NORMAN .LTD. REAL ESTATE.. 274-6786 i ; 262-6500 Woodbuiy - 2.29 acres $64,500 (203) 263-0200 1269 Main St., Watertown or 756-8915 Pag;e'26'Tt)wPropertyn Times (Watertown of, Gam..) the 'Oct.'17, 1985Watertown' Historical Society

IN THE TOWN TIMES PHONE: 274-6721 TODAY!! 'THE FABRIC BARN.Remnants, ALL CLASSIFIED MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. FLORIDA HOME. .RENTALS trim. Wednesday-Sunday, 10-5, available. Completely furnished. 11. TAG SALES Tuesday noon is the deadline fur classified advertising. Rt. 63, East. .Morris. 567-5823. $'275/week. Located in southern .Rales:: $2.25 minimum charge for the first 12 words, plus Closed. Mon. &,. Orlando, minutes from. Disney 2-FAMLY -'TAG SALE: "Pool fable, clothing, TV, and odds & $.'40 per line for each additional line beyond the minimynl World.' Call, 274-0368 or ANTIQUES FROM ENGLAND. 274-7555. ends. 31 Barnes Rd., Wtn. 9-3 (approx. four words per line). In addition to Town Times, Peter & Gloria Churchill, 681 .Sat.,, Oct. 19. all classifieds are carried in the Water-Oak Shoppers' Main St., Woodbury. WATERTOWN-4 nn. apt., 1st COME .AND HAVE COFFEE Guide at no additional charge. fir. One.bdrm. Heat & hot water CHRISTMAS 'TREK. Tag ear- incld. No pets. Inquire at 24 WITH' US AT A 3-FAMLY ly for best selection. Overlook Westbury Park Rd., Win. - TAG SALE. Oct. 19-20, 9-4 rain or shine. Clothing* for infants, HOME HEALTH AIDES, com- Greens, 526 Guemseytown Rd., 1. SERVICES OFFERED Wto., 274-5355. Open Sat. & FURNISHED ROOM, Non- children, & adults; tires; fiirn.; TV; panions, homemakers, RN's & 1 motorcycle; antiques & many,- LPN's available for long & short- Sun.., IG a.m. to 4 p.m. smoker, Kitchen, privileges. On bus . EIMIL'S JEWELERS line. $275 monthly. Taft School 'many more items. 2 Warwick Rd., 70-9 Main St. term home care assignments. Call. Wto. Second left: off'Guemseytown PRIMARY CARE, INC. for af- GREY MEN'S 3-pc. suit, size .44, area. Call 274-8392. Watertown $40; men's black shoes, size 10'A, Rd. Follow signs. Expert watch. repairing. fordable rales and special services, 283-4745. $20. Both, worn once. 274-8545. OAKWLLE DUPLEX, 4'/4 rm., Guaranteed workmanship. clean, privacy with your own 'TAG SALE: Sal,., Oct. 1,9, 9-3, CLOTHES': Sfee'44 white nurses' driveway. Inclds heat, appliances,- 146 Beach, Ave., Wto. MARANATHA ATTENTION BRIDES to be! Oc- tober special, on. custom made uniforms. Six white chrome kit- w/d hookup. $450' plus sec. CHIMNEY SWEEPS chen chairs & other odd furniture deposit. 274-0423 after 4 p.m. DON'T MISS IT! 3-Family Tag .. Chimneys cleaned, professionally. gowns. 25% off .all .materials, 50'% Sale: Sat., Oct. 19, 104, 100 off all gowns and headpieces, in pieces. 274-8377 after 5 p.m. Quick, clean, efficient service. .APT1. FOR RENT: Bethlehem, 1 Westbury Park Rd., Wto,. 729-6l« or 573-1255. stock only. We also do silk flowers and alterations. Expires 10/31/85. FOUR-PIECE drum, set. Call bedim., private entrance & quiet Call soday for appt: Ruthie's 274-4223. location. Single person. No pets. 1, TAG SALE: 10-4 Sat,., Oct. 19. I WILL DO your WALLPAPER- yr. lease. Refs. and sec. required. No .early birds. 12,4 .Franklin Ave., ING .and. exterior and interior pain- Bridal, 917 Woodtick Rd., Wolcott:, Ct., 879-3327. COLONIAL COUCH and chair, $450, includes utils. 266-5731. Okvl. Dishwasher "& many ting. Excellent references. Call Bob $200; stereo, $75; queen size mat- household items. Perkins, 274-2990. tress, box, spring, w/frame, $225; DAY CARE-in my home. Infants 6. WANTED TO' RENT 'TAG SALE: Baby items;, crib to 4-years-old. 274-0635 after 11 brown, S-shaped chair, $75. CARPETS & RUGS repaired and' 274-1050 after 5 p.m. swing; walker; carry bed,; infant, installed. Twenty yrs. exp. Insured a.m. License #17629. NEEDED. Two or 3 bdrm. rent for working lather and 2 school-age children,, men's & women's & reliable,. Danny's Carpet Ser- clothing; tires; household items; ,. COLONIAL entertainment center, children,.. Call 274-2750 or vice. 757-1696. SNOW SHOVELING is for the and more. All in exc. cond. One birds! Residential and commercial $95; 6-drawer bureau, $35. Call 57444.83. Ask for Preston. 274-7162. • day only. Sat.,, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to PAINTING: Int,.-ext. painting. " snow plowing. Fully insured and 4 p.m. 63 Camp St., Okvl. Free estimates. Quality work. Ex- reasonable. Call. N. Cipriano PROFESSIONAL COU- 274-1727. SECTIONAL living room, set, ,3 PLE/desirable tenants. Exc. refs. cellent references. All. work pieces plus Ottoman,,, 'Two months TAG SALE: Oct. 19-20. Country guaranteed. Ray Lawlor, 274-2283 Seeking 2-bedroom apt. or house. old. Asking $1,250. 274-4807. Litchfield, .Bethlehem, Watertown, Club Rd.,., Middledbuiy. Fum., ap- or 274-2225. BROKEN OR LOOSE windows pli.,, household items, etc. and screens can be repaired, or 3. HELP WANTED or .surrounding areas. Would prefer replaced at your house. Call Mike, short-term lease. Call Mick • or HOMEOWNERS Lynne, 574-5842. ' TAG SALE: Sat. & Sun.., Oct. General home repairs & im- 755-2361. PARTr-TTME FULL-TIME 19-20, 9-5, Osage Circle, Wto. provements. Carpentry, electrical CASHIERS Follow signs from, Taft. 10-spd. & plumbing. Interior or exterior. AL'S SHARPENING SERVICE. SHELF STOCKERS . 7. REAL ESTATE bike, skiis, clothes, and, much, .No job too small. Prompt service 'Chain saws $2.50-$3.00 (off), cir- • CLEANING/MAINTENANCE much more. at reasonable rates. Quality' cular saws, etc. Phone 274-2,361 $3.50 per far. to start. Rapid ad- VACATION HOMES workmanship. Free estimates. Ful- after 1.1 a.m. vancement. Woodbury Arco Berkshire, Otis, MA. 'TAG SALE: 1,50 Edward, Ave., ly insured. References available. AM/PM Mini Market, 263-2726. Lakeview, 4-bedroom, porch, Wtn. Fri. & Sat., Oct. 18 & 19. Call William M. Cooke, 263-5400'. E&R HOME IMPROVEMENT $69,000 Domestic fiirn., small electrics, Garages, additions, roofing and Chalet, 2 br, 2 bth, near feke. cookbooks, encyclopedias. A, little new construction. 274-6545, Ed, PART-TIME OR, FULL-1IME $89,000 of everything. Rain, or shine. HOME REPAIRS, remodeling,- or 274-228,3, Ray. waitress needed for Marathon Piz- additions. For free: estimate call. Bill Contemporary, 3 br, lake, tennis, za Rest., Woodbury,, 263-4442. Clock, 274-2859. 2 acres 12, AUTOS APPLIANCE SERVICE. $75,000 Washers, dryers, refrigerators, PART TIME. RN's & Certified GILE 'REAL ESTATE MAGICAL ENTERTAINftlENT Home Health, Aides needed for 1,965 LINCOLN Continental. for children's parties and shows. stoves, air conditioners.. Call 413-26SH4M8 Needs work. Two 1969 Line. 274-6319 or 274-4654. private duty service with visiting Vacation Home Specialist Call. Mr. Miracle, 274- 61.1.5. nurse agency. All shits. Excellent Cents. One for parts. All three for rale. Call Watertown Public Nurs- $500. Call 274-3439 after 5. MASON-WOOD SNOWPLOWING. Winter's TWO-BDRM. CONDO, end unit. near! Call now for early bird ing Assn.,, 274-7531, for Full basement. .$45,000'. Call ^CONTRACTORS appointment. 1978 AUDI 5000, 23,000' mi Additions, remodeling, decks, in- specials. Senior citizen, discounts. 264-7344, Early House Realty, Perfect cond. .inside & out, no rust. M.F. Snowplowihg. 274-6278 Soutbbury. Auto., air, stereo., cruise control. terior renovations, garages, custom after 3 p.m. 'HELP WANTED for car wash on building. Roofing, a specialty. Call. weekends. Call 274-9443. 9. WANTED TO BUY $4,500 or best offer. 274-0563. Rick, 274-0456 or Joe, .274-5839., LORRAINE OF HAMMOND WAITEB/WAIimSS full or part WANT TO' BUY old clocks and. 1979 AMC Spirit. Silver w/black COUNTRY SANITATION Sep- ORGAN STUDIOS is back in int.. Mint cond. Asking .$2,300'. town offering professional piano, time. Apply in person: Zoiba's Piz- pocket watches. Also, Grandfather tic 'tanks, cleaned. Reasonable rates. clock, repair. Call, Phil Dunn, Sr,., Call 274-6243 after-5. 274-0456 or 274-5839. organ & music 'theory lessons. Call za & Restaurant, 1101 Huntingdon Are., Wtby. at ,274-19,32. evenings, 274-6678'. 1983 CUTLASS Supreme. Im- . APPLIANCE ft PLUMBING maculate cond... Asking $8,000'. repair. Call 274-2295 after 3 p.m. SMALL ENGINE REPAIR, ROOFER/CARPENTER to 10;. LAWN & GARDEN 2744534 after 5. .Lawn mowers, snow-blowers,, chain finish roofing and siding job. Con- saws, tune-ups, rebuilding. tractor got sick. Call 274-6969 for RESTORE YO'UR MEADOW SMALL ENGINE REPAIR. 1977 CHEW Nova. PS, P.B, 6 274-6036 after 4 p.m. interview Friday, Saturday and Have it bush hogged, mowed. Call Lawn mowers, snow Mowers, Sunday mom. Professional Outdoor Services, cyl. Good .running cond... Asking chain saws, tune-aps, .rebuilding. 266-7075. $1,200. 274-5092. 274-6036 after 4 p.m. TYPING • WORD .PROCESSING WAITRESS: for Sat. &. Sun. , .moms, 1.2 noon to 5 weekdays. ' TOP SOIL., wood, chips, crushed 1957 PONliAC Super Chief. T&B PAINTING & maintenance:, Resumes, letters, term, papers, manuscripts, mailing lists, Country Cinema. Rest., Main, St., stone delivered. Call, Professional Runs and looks great. $800. Call .inside .and outside your home. Gut- repetitive letters, topes transcribed. Wto. 274-81,16. Outdoor Services, 266-7075. 274-9443. ters, cleaned. Chimneys tarred. 'Call. Notary Public. Woodbury 2744578. 1982 MERCURY LN7, ex. cond., Secretarial Services. 263-2279. 4. SEEKING'EMPLOYMENT ONLY 26 WEEKS UNTIL SPRING, 1986. Call, LAWN PS, P.B, AC, AM-FM can., .POOL COVERS & •tarpaulins on CHILD CARE needed for 15 RESPONSIBLE 13 y,r. old, good GUYS for your lawn needs, Ziebart mstproofing. Super clean. special now through 'the Fall at The ,274-0608. Asking $3,877. Call 274-8775.' Watertown Auto Upholstery, Can- ' month old in my home. Mon. to with children. Looking for babysit- Fri,., 8 a.m.-12 noon. Refis. re- ting job weekends & after school. vas & Awning Co. Call, 274-9671. quired. Call 274-0260. References. Call 274-0033 after 5 CONRAD'S MOWER REPAIR 1:971 MGB, needs brakes, $500 or p.m. Lawn, mowers, 'small riding best, offer. Call 274-5129 after 6. RAY BERRY ft SONS, painting START YOUR holiday gift mowers, and snowblower repairs contractor. Quality workmanship, preparations now. Ceramic Distrac- on all makes. Free, estimates. Pick- 1.W1 MIDGET engine and trans., competitive prices. Insured. Free tion in my home studio. 274-8720. up and delivery. 274.-9497. $150 or best offer. Call 274-5129 estimates. 574-1435. • .5.'FOR RENT " after 6. ORLANDO. Private'home, fur- 'WE. WILL MAKE. & dispose of 17. LOOKING-FOR A HOME SNQWPLOWING, business or 2. FOR SALE " • nished, minutes from Disney & Sea, your leaves. Call •274-7134 bet- residential. Very reliable. Call Worlds. $275 weekly. Call ween 4:30-9 p.m. 274-6414 LONG-HAIRED' adult guinea, pigs JUST ARRIVED Chintz. "N Prints, 723-2740 or 274-6751. free to good home. Large cage with of Newtown, an enormous number. LAWN CDTTING IS FOR 'THE. ramps. Call 274-0033 after 5 p.m. PICKUP FOR. HOffi.. Attics, of Decorator Slipcovers, Drapery- YEAR ROUND, beautiful, private BIRDS! Let the LAWN BIRDS cellars, garages, -yards cleaned. Upholstery fabrics at enormous campsite. Club bouse, pool. The cut your lawn, in 1986. Free FREE: 5 healthy kittens, 7 weeks Reasonable rates. Call Robert, savings. S. Main St. (Route 25) Berkshire. Call 723-2740 or estimates. N. Cipriano Landscap- 274-651.7. old. Each one a beauty. All, colors.; Newtown, Conn. 274-6751, ing, 274-1727. ' trained. Call 274-9384. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown, Conn.Society) Oct. 17, 1985-Pag e 27"

hours of 9:00 a.m.. and 5:00 p.m. and registered nurse Susan, V. The workshop, which will help Hi -S££l- M • until Friday, October 25,1985. An Chellis. particpants gain confidence In and "Wfffli Iftifilr '** watertownhistoricalsociety.orgequal opportunity employer. No registration is required. For reduce 'the fear of public speaking, IN THE TOWN TIMES PHONE: 274-6721 TODAY!! TT 10-17-85 further information, .call the will ran from, 6:30 to 9 p.m. in hospital at 573-7350 or 573-7144. Room 440' of UConn Hall, 750 LEGAL NOTICE Shelter Hill Avenue,, Oakville. Chase Parkway, Waterbury. LEGAL NOTICES The Planning and Zoning Commis- Speak Up With Dated in, Watertown, Connecticut, sion of the Town of Watertown, at For further Information, call the this 1,7th day of October, 1985. a, regular meeting held on October MCC Program, center at 575-8027. Stale of Connecticut Norman Marcoux, Secretary 8, 1935, voted to approve Section Court of Probate Planning and Zoning Commission ;$32, Bal Moral Subdivision, con- "Speak Up With Confidence," District of Watertown XT 10-17-85 sisting of four lots on, Neil! Drive, a systematic training program,, will Oct. 8, 1985 watertown. be offered, by the Professional NOTICE TO' CREDITORS .LEGAL NOTICE Dated in Watertown, this 17th day Development Center at Mattauck •EMIS'V^AY. • Estate of ALFRED NARDI The Planning and Zoning Commis- of October 1985. Community College on Mondays, ~*xttrit:rt The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, Judge, sion of the Town, of Watertown,, at ATTEST: Stanley Masayda beginning Oct. 21 and 'running through Nov., 25. of the Court of Probate, District of a regular meeting held on October Zoning; Enforcement Officer Watertown at a hearing held on 8, 1,985, voted to approve the site TT 10-17-85 Oct. 8, 1985 ordered that all claims plan, of Corbo Associates, for con- GRAZIANO OIL CO. must be presented to the fiduciary struction of a building at Main on, or before Jan., 17, 1986 or be DIVISION OF MATTY'S PAVING CO. NYLON AND Street, Watertown, subject to City Hospital barred as by law provided. —over 35 years service— conditions. POLYESTER Kathleen B. Navin Clerk Dated in, Watertown, Connecticut, Support Group The fiduciary is: this 17th day of October, 1985 • FUEL OIL SEWING THREADS Ruth M... Nardi ATTEST: Stanley Masayda, A support: group for people with . K-1 KEROSENE 13 Rockdale Ave., Zoning Enforcement. Officer cancer and, their families is meeting Oa.kvi.lle, Ct. 06779 TT 10-17-85 everj' Wednesday from 3:30' to 5 * * * * TT10-17-85 p.m., in the waiting, room; of the On- • 24 HOUR cology Clinic on the first floor of LEGAL NOTICE BURNER SERVICE A WATERTOWN Waterbu ry Hospital,. State of Connecticut The Planning and Zoning Commis- INDUSTRY SINCE 1888 The program, "Coping, with Court of Probate sion of the Town of Watertown, at 274-0600 274-3636 Cancer,,'" * is designed, to help par- District of Watertown a regular meeting held, on October Oct., 10, 1985 ticipants learn ways of handling 8, 1,98,5, voted to approve the site their illness while providing a NOTICE TO CREDITORS plan, of Home Plate Restaurant, Estate of DONALD McKELLAR, forum for discussion, guidance, Main Street, Watertown, for an ad- and moral support. III dition to their building, subject to The Hon.. Carey R. Geghan of the The program, a joint effort of .the Providing care and training to handicapped adults in com- conditions. hospital's Social Work Department, Court of Probate, District of Dated in Watertown, Connecticut, munity oriented group homes. Watertown at, a hearing held on and oncology nursing, is conducted this 1,7th day of October, 1985. by social worker Richard K. Smith Contact: PERSONNEL Oct. 10, 1,985 ordered that all ATTEST: Stanley Masayda, claims must be presented to the Zoning Enforcement Officer DATAHR, INC. fiduciary on, or before Jan., 1,7, TT 10-17-85 BEAUTIFUL NAILS: Miry Brook Road 1986 or be barred as by law Sculptured-Gel Nails Danbury, Conn. 06810 provided. LEGAL NOTICE To be proud of your 203-748-5857 Kathleen B. Navin, Clerk E.O.E. -M-F-H The fiduciary is: EMPLOYMENT Lovely Nails, Take William D. McKellar The Town of Watertown, is accep- . Advantage of our 249' Smith Rd,., ting applications for a full time & SCULPTURED HAILS SPECIAL Meter Reader, in its Water and We own and 0 rate OUf Thomaston, Ct. 06787 w ab-tu :P* own •equipment r.,,, , ,e Sewer Department. Starting salary S - only $30 3 TT 10-17-85 (reg. 550) *. !* »«are not agents! pirh T is $12,852.00 per year. Applicants Trips To FORA may apply at the Water and Sewer ^ Helen Frances Beauh'Salo: ESTIMATFREE E LEGAL NOTICE Department,, 747 French Street, New England ^ . 1 7,23-1:483 At a Regular Meeting of the Plan- Oakville, Connecticut, between the p-*- I'" DAI~EEV ' * w: ning and Zoning, Commission of 900CCO9SSOSO9 Watertown, Connecticut held on Tuesday, October 8, 1985, it, was voted:: Danbury to approve Special, Use #55 for An- F I N L E Y Waterbury WEEKLY TRfPS TO -*M 797-0567 thony D. to construct an 757-8070 NewMilford addition to an, existing dwelling for Custom Carpentry & Remodeling f FLORIDA T HOSES* iranux WAHCHOVSC nmtmej 354-1050 the purpose of creating a two fami- WE (Ml AND OKMIIE Oil EQUIPMENT ly dwelling to be located at #11,1 274-3451 Torrington 482-8506 BOOKKEEPER/CLERK, Call for Free Estimates Ail Moving HUes OVER 5'0YE*3S OF SERVICE AmMotTlmSima MOVING & STORAGE, INC Florida • Remodeling • Additions ' • Kitchens TOUT IMIMIO., PRESIDENT Start: at once, part-time We Invite TIIII Wirtl •>•«, Diil% Dl'.y •••«, Ita W«M (30S)524-4:2«J About 25 hours/week • Repairs • Roofs • Doors & Locks Comparison Up to $125/week to start • Zero Clearance Fireplace Installation Regular Raises for Experienced Person NOTICE DRIVERS WANTED D.0AE. WATERTOWM WATER. AND1 SEWER AUTHORITY Job in, Watertown WATER CUSTOMERS Class 1 Drivers for Local Pick-up & Deliver}' Work Call 274-6969 For Interview Friday & Saturday All water mains will be flushed starting Monday, October Applicants Must: Be at least 2,3 years of age 21,1985 and, continuing through Friday,, October 25, ••.1985. Pass a Department of Transportation Flushing will be resumed on Monday, October 28, 1985 and Physical Examination lOHTeAGES will continue through-Friday, November 1, 1985. Flushing At least 1 year all-seasons driving experience preferred hours each day will be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00' p.m., as Applicants Requested to Apply in Person. FIXED weather allows. Sufficient water for drinking, cooking, and. Tuesday-Thursday 10 a.m..-3:00' p.m. RATES washing should, be drawn each day before flushing as the water may be discolored during the-flushing operation. ROADWAY EXPRESS,, INC. HOME EQUITY LOANS Thank, you, for your cooperation. 10 Dinunzio Road Oakville, Conn. FIRST MORTGAGES on JJpratanw Adam/Equal Opportunity Employer Qualified Minority and/or Female Applicants are FIXED RATE, WATERTOWN WATER, & SEWER AUTHORITY Encouraged la Apply MORTGAGES ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGES Help Unlimited, Inc. JUMBO MORTGAGES 285 Main. Street, Oakville [£ HELP WANTED '' Your Home Care Registry" [ ^ Need, person for general maintenance OFFERING PERSONALIZED SERVICES IN \f ^ UP TO' 95% YOUR HOME, 24 MRS. A DAY,, 7 DAYS A WEEK. N^. work. Must have good driving record. FINANCING .• Registered Nurses • Personal Aides Overtime and good fringe benefits. m Licensed Practical Nurses • Companions SETHI • Bath and Nu frit ion A ides Please apply in person at Abo Offering "COMMUNI-CALL" MORTGAGE A Unique Voice to Voice Communication System BRAXTON COMPANY For Emergency Help • Accident, Prevention 2024 East Main St.. Waterbury and Companionship Manufacturing Company., Inc. a Division of Our Help is Unlimited...If you need help in any "way- Echo Lake Rd,, Watertown REALTY WORLD PLEASE CA LL: 274-7511 Rate Schedule and Settani Assoc. Inc. Denise Charette, Nancy Colson Brochure Available Equal Opportunity Employer Male/Female 575-0011 Co-Directors Upon Request PagPropertye 28 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. the) Oct. 17 ,Watertown 1985 Historical Society peared to have been soundly re- should be expanded. I support, the For information on immediate jected, I am well aware of how un- Superfund and I will work to en- registration, phone 755-01,21, ext. popular this decision will be to sure that, the cleanup of this waste 259. ' • watertownhistoricalsociety.orgNew Yorkers. I fully expect that an is completed promptly. appeal will be filed by the city, and The health, and safety of Connec- Gibney-Bruce I will continue to monitor any ef- ticut families is not, a, matter to be Advertising Specialties fort by New York to place the treated lightly. I continue to be for 24 years residents of the Fifth District at un- hopeful, that the federal necessary risk. bureaucracy realizes this and is tak- Beacon Falls may be one of the ing action, to protect our state's ir- • Calenders • Business. Gifts smallest towns in the Fifth District replaceable environment. A clean, • Pens* Key Tags • T-Shirts but it has been forced to deal with, healty environment is a major & much more one of the nation's biggest toxic priority of mine for the sake of this waste problems. For decades the generation, and other generations to Ray Sjostedf Beacon Heights landfill was the come. Personal Service dump site for a variety of industrial Bus. 274-2700' Res. 2,74-1471 waste, placing its neighbors at risk and contaminating local wells with Bess Myerson pollution When the Environmen- tal Protection Agency began the Talks Friday Superiund program in 1980 to Bess Myerson, commissioner of clean, up such, sites they listed cultural affairs for New York, Ci- •if A CERTIFICATE DESIGNATING her as a College Scholar for the . Beacon Heights as one of 'the na- 13 ty, will be the keynote speaker at w 1985-86 academic year was presented by Donald R. Neiser, registrar tion *s worst, dump sites. the Friday, Oct. 18 Women in. for all your at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pa., to Kristin E. Gusky, Unfortunately, little progress Business "85 "The Spirit of Suc- residential or daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gusky, 116 Honey Hill Road. was made on a cleanup method for cess" seminar. commercial need's The presentation came at a recent luncheon honoring the. college five years. The event will take place from. 8 scholars. Miss Gusky, a Walertown High School graduate, is a junior Since taking office I have work- majoring in computer science. (Elizabethtown Photo) a.m.. to late afternoon: at the ed with the EPA. and Beacon. Falls Sheraton Hotel, in Waterbury. It is PAR GLASS First. Selectman. Leonard. D'Amico being sponsored by the U.S. Small te» get 'the ball rolling with, a cleanup 117 Echo Lake Road Business Administration and Post Watertown 274-21151 plan. For years the EPA has been College. •negotiating with waste generators •to reach a plan, that would be financed by the responsible parties, I felt 'that it was clear, however, By U.S. Rep. John G. Rowland that., a. solution for the town of A n n i ve rsa ry Specials Fifth District Connecticut Beacon Falls should, not be held Watcrbory: 573-1418 hostage to these negotiations and * Good Shepard Yarn-brushed Yarns Washington: (2»2) 225-3822 that the EPA should begin im- mediate efforts to correct the *1.15 a ball (in stock, only) ' ' problem. * Limited First Edition Precious One of the most important dif- ticut's favor New York's effort to One Sept. 23,, the EPA finally ferences between Connecticut and obtain a "nonpreemption deter- Moments Doll Kits 15% off virtually every other state of the gave the town, of Beacon Falls mination "--to override the federal reason for optimism. The EPA. an- * Bernat Dreamspun Union is 'the beauty of our natural" standards for" nuclear waste environment. nounced, that it will go forward with, ' 40% Angora, - 30% Lambs woo! shipments.—was denied. a. $20 million program, to eliminate In spite of Ae fact that Connec- 15% off (in stock only) In rejecting New York's call for waste runoff and extend municipal ticut is among the most crowded special treatment, DOT stated what. water to those with polluted wells. Many mom unadvertised and industrialized states in the na- I have been saying from the start- It will take two years to complete specials tion, we still have an abundance of that the city's arguments lacked the project, which will involve cap- fine beaches, clean streams, and come & browse merit and would set a dangerous ping the landfill and setting, up a quiet, woodlands. precedent making a. coherent leaching system, to prevent runoff. Recently two very important national policy impossible. Finally, 57 homes that have been decisions were reached that will New York City had urged the forced to use. bottled, water will now help safeguard the environmental IVA MAE'S YARNS DOT to force all nuclear waste get clean public water-something quality of life we enjoy in. Connec- shipments from Long Island's most, of us take for granted, 264-4838 ticut. One involved. New York's ef- Brookhaven National Laboratory to The Beacon Heights1 cleanup has fort to route nuclear waste be routed around the city, across shipments across Connecticut. The been a longtime in coming. Its Long Island. Sound by barge, and prompt, completion is dependent other .involved, the long effort qf the through Connecticut... people of Beacon Falls to' have the upon Congressional reauthorization The. Department ultimately deter- of the Superfund program.. Beacon Heights toxic waste site mined, however, that, shipping the cleaned up. Thankfully, the program appears waste across Long. Island Sound safe and the major question is how Our state was the winner both and across Connecticut's highways much the budget for such cleanups times. was far more dangerous than, the BUILDING SUPPLY CO., ICj From the first: days that. I held of- approved route, which utilizes in- fice I have made the battle against terstate highways for 'the entire trip. KTHE WATERTOWN 2/4" 25 5 5 New York City's plan to move .After1 the application, was denied MUMS 56 ECHO LAKE R.D., WATERTOWN| nuclear waste-through Connecticut New York officials started groan- (One Block From Mo in St.) a top priority. I submitted written ing loudly that, the city's high MORE THAN 30 VARIETIES objections to the plan; organized population density entitled, it to * Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-3. local officials in opposition; preferential treatment when hazar- Ptitted or t/.cified at hearings in Connecticut dous wastes are shipped. These Dig Your Own, and in Washington; and. finally, criticisms are hard to justify when Be$t. Buys Forl.October Pumpkins & Vegetables took, our case to the top by inviting one considers New York's alternate Transportation Secretary Elizabeth routes would have moved nuclear Foliage Plants Dole to my office to explain our waste through downtown Hartford, £AMES side of the case... downtown Waterbury, and 15 of Please Call 274-0685 On Sept.. 9, the Department of the 25 towns of the Fifth District. 6 Chimney Sd., Win. .Across Buckingham. 5f.' off Nova Scotia ,&(,. Transportation ruled in Connec- Although. New York's case ap- I9-2OD\ ( 721*0j WHILE SUPPLIES LAST GREENSWEEPER SOMETHING NO LAWN MIKE 26 tine poly rake won't rust, lines can't OTHER COMPANY came loose or pull out. With 48" handle. RC Industries WHILE: SUPPLIES LAST CAN CI¥E YOU... YOU IP AY I ! FACTORY HAROIX4 STOWE REBATE .. / O1A1Q\ YOUR. If you think all oil companies are alike, meet { 86277} FINAL. Harold Stowe. He's been a part of Wesson Oil COST fair over 17 years so he knows his business and Fyr-tFyter he knows just: how much you rely on Wesson to FIRE EXTINGUISHER keep your home warm and comfortable,. Economical, multi-purpose extinguisher forl You .see. at Wesson Oil we make sure our wood, cloth, paper, plastic, grease, oil, fuels or I people are 'trained professionals, dedicated to meeting your total energy and home heating electrical fires. Includes mounting bracket.[ maintenance fteeds. After all. you want some- Features exclusive pressure test indicator.!

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