Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org i-3 c ••-;>; hi Htmee > O *:•" Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litehfield County if - • -i V- Vol. 40 No. 42- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI2.00 PER YEAR Car. Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS Oct. Neighborhood Watch On Agenda For Fellowship Townwide Vote On Detective Sgt. Ronald Blanctaaid be the central, 'point, of notification. of the Watertown Police Depart- If anything suspicous is observ- ment will speak on the ed, two calls are made. The first 4 Capital Projects Neighborhood. Watch Program at a goes to the police department, meeting; of'the Adult. Fellowship of which responds, and the second Voters 'wi.ll 'be asked to decide the sewer and water main installations and rest, rooms. There will be no United Methodist Church, 30.5 goes to 'the neighborhood captain, fate of four major capital, projects on, a portion of French Street; locker rooms nor a lounge. Main St. who alerts the rest through a chain, on. Tuesday, Oct. 22, during a. $150,000' for constructing a new Mr. Stepanek said, 'the relocation The program, which will 'be held, of calls. townwide referendum, ballot. pro shop and making other golf of the shop from the present main tomorrow (Friday) at 7:30'p.m., is Detective Blanchard points out Polls will be open, from, 12 noon course improvements, at Crestbrook restaurant building will, mean fewer basically a self-help plan, and •this is a "watch" program, and to 8 a.m. at the Heminway Park, Park; and'$101,000 for designing persons will be needed to work in presently is being utilized, by 12 members, are urged not to become Judson, Polk, and Swift Junior handicap and fire code safety 'the starter shed. He continued, 'there families in. 'the Northfield Road- physically involved.. The police High Schools polling places. changes for the public schools. are no plans right now for the old Merriarn Lane area. Around 11,200' 'voters will, be eligi- The referendum, on, the ap- pro shop, although possibly it will respond with trained ;: In the beginning, 'the police personnel. ble to cast ballots. " propriations was slated aier the might be converted into more din- department representative meets "The projects, involve $1.2 million projects went to a public hearing ing room, area. with the interested, parties to help A. question and answer time will that will be bonded, over many •Sept. 16. Simple yes-no ballots will "There is very important, and with 'the organization, and when, all. follow the talk, The program, will, years. The cost breakdown will be be required on all. four questions, needed work, to be done at. details are worked, out, a leader or be preceded, by a covered dish sup- $400,500 for various road, which will be listed separately. Crestbrook," Mr. Stepanek ex- captain is chosen by •the members per at 6:30 p.m. Babysitting will be drainage, and bridge im- Course Discussion' plained., noting the Parks and of'the group to keep records and to provided for children up to age 5. provements; $566,000' for sanitary At the hearing last month,, im- Recreation Commission carefully provements to' the town-owned has considered 'the improvements, Crestbrook Park generated, the. and the "unique" method of finan- United Way Drive Chairmen Chosen most comments. 'Some of them cing 'them. were misleading. Parks and He said players" fees—which are Recreation Director1 Donald, being increased .50' .cents per nine Stepanek has indicated. holes and $1 for 18—are expected He said only $50,000 of the to generate the necessary $150,000 $150,000 being sought will, be us- over the next 15 years. Player ed for the pro shop, to be built bet- memberships will not go up in ween the first and 10th tees. He price next, season. said the two-floor facility will In essence, he said, 'those that use primarily be a retail pro shop outlet the course will be,,paying for the -•• *-w.. • &<*ev.!R3| improvements. The financing J method has, been tried at courses in • Abandonment New London and West Hartford, and is legal, he said. Is Prohibited; "If you vote 'yes' for the Hearing Nov. 4 (Continued on, page 2) A Waterbury Superior Court judge has ordered the Town, Coun- Youth in, Govt. cil to send a representative to a Monday, Nov. 4 show cause hear- Day Tomorrow ing on why a, temporary injunction prohibiting the town from carrying For Seniors The Watertnwn Junior Women's Florence Lodge Richard F. Cignoli out an abandonment of Old Wood- bury Road should, not, become Club will sponsor a '"Youth in Fl- rirn.j jr.j T.i- • 'i..- L<\,geand 'Richard F. Cignoli solicits proprietors with less than 20 employees. permanent. Government Day" tomorrow (Fri- h ..\; h. i n app' 11- u - r. .n, jn of 'the 1985 Watertown. He is affiliated with 'the .American Institute, of Bank- Judge Charles Gill has ordered day), beginning ,:•• 9:30 a.m.. at the United Way Campaign, according to John J. Moran, ing, is a member of the Watertown. Rotary Club, and Council Chairwoman Barbara First. Congregational Church. 40 general campaign chairman. is a member of the 'Watertown-Oak.vil.le Chamber of Hymel, as an, agent for 'the board DcForest St., Mr. and Mrs. Lodge will chair the. residential cam- Commerce Board of Directors. and town, to appear at the hearing. Several students will be bused paign, which solicits individuals who are unable to Last year, 6,308 residents in Watertown benefitted The temporary stay was obtain- from the high school, to learn the contribute at work. from United, Way services. Overall, 85,274 people in ed by Any.' Sean Butterly on behalf mechanics of local government for four' hours. Each student will take Mrs. Lodge is town coordinator for Planned. Paren- the '1.0-town Cental Naugatuck Valley service area of Stuart and. Vivian Kirkfield, 459 over the duties of a designated town thood, and is past 'board member of'the Girls Club and were helped by 81 programs in 38 agencies. Old, Woodbury, who claim closing Waterbury 'Day Nursery. Mr. Lodge is a. past, board off part, of the road would create official—town, manager, fire chief, member of 'the Watertown. Golf Club. The campaign, which runs 'through Nov. 8, is at- hazardous traffic and safety police chief, town clerk,,, etc.—for Mr. Cignoli, assistant vice president for Colonial. tempting to achieve a goal, of $2,050,000' represen- problems. that time peiod. Bank, is heading the small, business campaign, which ting an increase of 18.3 percent over the 1984 total. Residents in a hotly contested, A luncheon will be served, and town meeting Oct.- 7 voted 86-84 a mock Town, Council meeting will to okay the abandonment in favor be held. 'GodspelV Taft Benefit of Vincent O. Paiadino, a neighbor Youth in Government is a year- who wants to erect some type of ly activity sponsored by the Junior For Friends Of Library barrier to protect his property, Women, in cooperation, with the which has undergone damage on, Board of Education, Watertown "Godspell," a. musical based on Road. Prodigal Son, the Good Seed and several occasions from motorists High Principal William, P. the Gospel of Matthew, will 'be per- 'The performance is the annual, theJ3ad, the Sermon on the Mount, failing to negotiate a sharp bend in. Williams, and School Superinten- formed by the Taft School's Mas- benefit, for the Friends of 'the and. many more. The teles will be the road. ' dent Dr. Philip Fallen.. que and Dagger Society on. Friday, Watertown Library. reinforced by the great song hits of Mr. Palladino said 'there have The club will be celebrating Oct. 25, at 7:40 p.m. in the A cast, of 10 clowns retell 'the "Day By Day," "All Good. been 19 serious accidents on the "Junior Women's Week" Oct. 19 Bingham Auditorium.,, Woodbury familiar parables of Lazarus, the (Continued on page 2) curve the past. 1.4 years. to 2,6. REFERENDUM October 22,1085 YES NO YES NO YES YES NO' 1. SHALL THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN 2. SHALL THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN 3 SHALL THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN APPROPRIATE, 1150.000 IFOR CON- 4. SHALL, THE T0i.NI OIF WATERTOWN APPROPRIATE $400,500 IFOR VARIOUS APPROPRIATE 1566,000' FOR SANITARY STRUCTING A GOLF PRO SHOP AND GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS AT CREST- APPROPRIATE (101,000 IFOR SCHOOL ROAD. BRIDGE AND1 DRAINAGE SEWER If ID WATER MAINS • ON BROOK PARK AIND AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE O'lF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME CODE DESIGN AT WATERTOWN IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE FRENCH STREET AND AUTHORIZE AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID APPROPRIATION? SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OIF BONDS AID NOTES IN THE ISSUE OF BONOS AND MOTES IN THE ISSUE OF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID THE SAME AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID THE SAME AMOUNT TO DEFRAY SAID APPROPRIATION? APPROPRIATION? APPROPRIATION? Page"! Tdwn 'times '(1teitertown, •Conn.)" Oct. 17, 1985 TownwldPropertye Vote Monroe, Daltonof, anthed Heath Watertownbring •them into state-mandated, Historical Society Streets. (Continued from page I) compliance with revised, handicap The town also will spend and fire safety code regulations. Crestbrook improvements, you're $165,000 for repairs to the historic saying let 'the golfer who plays Skiltonwatertownhistoricalsociety.org Road bridge, which has 'GodspelT there pay for.them," Mr. Stepanek 1 been closed to traffic for months. (Continued, from, page 1) opined.. The estimated payback The town expects to receive period will be 15 years. $50,000 back from, the stole. • Gits," and "All for the Best," Other intended improvements The installation of sewer and The cast.
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