Salmon Field Office OHV Designation

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Salmon Field Office OHV Designation ek k Burns Gulch re e Camel Gulch C e ill r m C Deadwater Gulch aw S k La k e Buster Gulch e le tl tt C k e i e ree L Maxwell Gulch r -m Fan Gulch Magpie Canyon amp C a w Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Designations- Salmon Field Office - D g u S m la g p S i Cre ek B Napoleon Ridge Bobcat Gulch BLM-Administered Routes 100 101 Napoleon Stormy Peak Gulch 100 100 M oo Bear Gulch s e Cre e 102 k Napoleon Hill 103 Road Brushy Gulch Virginia Sawmill Gulch Tower Creek k Gulch Pirimids Day Gold Star ee k Gulch Cr ek e Use Area e re lle r Arrastra Point of Rock Comet C ve C Gulch ra ine r k G M Pine Creek e 110 111 Ajax Peak e Ridge r k 107 C ee ATV/Motorcycle Trail r Diamond Gulch r C e we Pine Creek s To o k 212 o e re 107 M Bird C 108 e tl 109 112 it L Sims Mine Tower Rock 333 Bea Campground 114 113 v Public Access Easement e r Copperhead C Ho Peak r rn e e 333 e t eek k Haystack C r 112 115 k 116 ree Mountain Badger ut C W ond o Jackass Ridge iam Cr Spring m D ee S e k OHV Designation Gulch b Allen f o C o 340 Ore Cash Mine t 117 r 331 93 ee Davis Canyon k C 150 re Sierra e 149 k Gulch ly Da C k Freeman Peak r e e re Golway Gulch k e e C 190 Closed to OHV Wallace C Freeman Cre k re ek 113 n me 138 148 Car 143 144 Monument Peak 329 147 pias Cre k 331 Na e 142 143 145 Cr eek 146 by 330 Morgan Bar 138 Ham D 141 139 J e Campground 138 e r Sacajawea f Queen of the ia R f 140 Seasonal Closure (12/16 - 4/30) e r r 152 Haidee Mine rs Hills Mine C e Peaks a o e k p n 137 153 p Carmen Geertson Cr 327 s Smith Gulch e Oregon Gulch 121 Shelter k C e 133 e k 132 165 re r Wards Gulch 328 Davis e C Gulch Italian e 136 y k rr Mine e E k 165 B n e 164 gl e S F re 131 er C a b Seasonal Closure (3/1 - 6/1) enster 129 Center Fork ne r g C P e 135 h i o a in 130 Mountain rt e a 165 u Gold Bug Ar o k w China n N C ett Je g Gulch Gulch s r Cre s e ek e C h re e ek C k 120 126 r e re e C ek Kirtley Creek B e k ob Moor 128 134 135 R 127 abb 119 Pion it 324 ee ek Forest Service Road ek r Cr e Cre 124 336 336 151 118 166 121 Discovery k r Jureano e 325 re e ve G Cre k Morning Glory Peak 93 Hill 122 164 C hnke Creek R i o Placer ny 123 125 y Ja le ve o 323 r o rn Turner Gulch Lemhi Valley a H Diggings P G 166 o 123 161 163 g r ackinaw i C M Pollard k B k Non-BLM Route C e r e ek e e ree Cre r e k Canyon e mpey C Missouri r Wi n k Salmon 159 rk ia Gulch 160 C o d F re Cre In n t O ek o s 154 B Phelan Ridge 158 s e t o r W Ringbone e h 169 a White Cayuse Mine 162 e Gutzman Ridge n G Horse n k ek 154 ee re o 168 Wilderness Study Area (non-motorized) Basin r s C C p n n Ch ip ark ors reek la C D h e C Phe 157 r e 156 e Hidden Cr k k e 170 ee ek 167 C r M 162 v r Baldy 155 e o ek to re Surface Management c n C c Phelan 171 S a 28 Le e a D k s Mountain m k i e n e h e e 269 i 171 r Goldstone r P C C k y a Gorley Cr R e Mine C r e i e e 261 267 i ee y k v p r n e 268 e a k r im C t S e 172 W y lw e u r 266 p r e Bureau of Land Management rv yo C S C 175 m e reek i k CL re e C 264 258 W k e e k e Cr k re re e rk C rk e e 257 262 259 o tt Pa r st F ra k C 322 268 Ea P yC r D 257 255 Goldstone oone ree e 174 M k e e 321 Mountain th p n Tormay Mine 176 a Cr 271 Shoup Bridge 274 U.S. Forest Service P e Perreau 255 Barracks Lane 173 e C reek Campground 256 k 320 Trailhead k 319 272 e Lo 257 176 re d 270 179 C g e y Bl 273 o p Deep Creek d o 274 254 n dyD o 318 280 178 a ic r Ridge 277 177 Eas Ce le L k t e S k C C C i Baker t H o 274 y t 180 r r o l E y k e 275 e e t State d 317 e e S Cre e e k k D e e k unice v e C e e k C e r 181 e e e Eightmile n r re 251 e p m C C F Day Use Area il ree Pope k C k 251 n y a e C Shenon o 182 e t r 177 r 251 n e w e n Mine g e Pepper e e 0 5 10 n n i K k C k 253 183 r Creek 270 h 191 e 270 t k i e ek Ridge 192 re Private k C W ee y Miles k r t 183 Kenney C it k e 313 309 rk K ree e Fo C r st Blackpine Ea Ho s C pp Mine 189 Jensen k M Cr r e ee ek e nry Cr 312 Idaho p e o H k p 188 e e 245 n P 315 re C t 250 a me Permission from land owner is required to cross 316 250 y 183 Gri s Creek 186 n ne 243 184 ree k T e C a e h e n 187 tte k m C 187 a i 185 e Williams Lake le P re C h C private land, unless access is provided by a Campground reek tc 249 Du Lake Mountain 309 Kenney Creek Swan Peak 309 Elevenmile Day Use Area 246 Federal,S State, or County road with legal access. p 314 93 r 194 in 309 Sal Harmony 246 193 g ileC Mountain Mine 248 reek C Twelvem r C r ee e k 247 e e Sharkey Hot m k lu Springs F k 310 310 K Mountain e 240 e r 242 Route data is subject to change. Please check with C 310 ek 239 k e Cr 237 241 Kelly Creek c Haynes 195 i 310 dt o 238 the local office prior to using travel network. o 236 Gould Basin W Moyer Peak k Ca mpCr e 234 e e r ek Camp Creek 223 River Access C k e e e 234 i r r ke C 232 i tle a Twin Peaks a at s n Briney Lak e r R 283 Baldy Basin P 218 195 231 e 28 T s 216 r r Goldbug Ridge Copper a o k k 229 il e e H re Degan Twin Peaks re 230 Queen Mine C C Mine Second Creek 215 Mc C r Jack s Mountain D y 228 e a s ev 220 d ek Bal A 214 itt C 227 l Tendoy W k re h e i a 196 195 k Agency Creek te l 210 C i 222 226 Campground ree C B 223 A k estF 307 197 225 gency r W o e r a L Badger 306 ost Creek 211 C reek e k d k Ir g on Basin 196 222 reek er r Dug Out Dicks k C Ce 195 223 Sh e e k 196 ar yCre e 195 k e e r 306 221 k C Lim August 2021 r e Sawmill C 197 e r Canyon R y 294 ee Mormon Canyon ap o Lime Creek k e Cr k 195 ee 206 B M Trailhead ek 202 k Big Dry Gulch l Peel Tree ek re 196 ee a Cre C 205 r c k G pring Basin e ras s C k e I Ry S 208 y e r Cr 204 d C S r o n e m d e r Copper Basin o C k 202 198 u C ek a ut de W a 196 M ow re h li North Basin C ny S k F Elk Bend o o e 196 r 203 n k k Ir e 207 196 S eek on r 199 h Cr e C 202 C enon e re C r r r e e C Taylor N rth k Goldbug Hot e o Fork k e e Ha ree p l C k Mountain t Springs b Poison Peak p 201 o o G s N Sheephorn Trailhead Watson ne s C r k C Mountain Peak o 200 r reek us a e Little H 287 C Dry Gulch 300 Midd ork 287 re 338 200 k le F H e e at e Creek 298 93 P First Basin k k onCr r 299 ha Napo Canyon ee ers ee nt arian Cr v k C om e k E n 297 Creek k Y For J ek e S e k th eff e s e r u D Cr n o a r Ramsey o avis u F 296 C So H t l H l Mountain h th a 301 t F u u C 289 o B o R r r S e i 302 ngl k M e ree E e C k Poi on C aid z e s r e k ra Cr eek 339 Iron Mountain n 303 e C k r Lemhi e 303 e 338 k Wards Butte Kilpatrick 304 289 Beaver Gulch 304 Day King 297 Use Area Mountain 288 No r rianCreek Montana t k ek Yea Sc h ree re hw rtz Cree F C C Hayden Basin a k ork im M ek Mc K c Nutt e H S r Idaho Big at C k Cre a l e e il e East and k lm r m C West Peak o w e n F McKimC a s C re S e Goat Mountain h e e South Gulch k l Re a i k e t e 288 e ti r L k ll l C d e is k e O a e Peterson Creek F L r ie f C fi l c h d e p Bear e O Va Z r lley C Ce ek ff ree McFarland on ic k ny Campground a e Struggle C k r e Gulch Grizzly Hill n C eek e o Lem Peak r D C Gulch Buckhorn Alli s C Maryland k Mine k e r re Mine k c C Commodore ree e u rt Kate Creek C v t i B o k a N h e Mine R o Cedar Gulch ittle H rth eek S e L F wCr r n ork Co C Berg-Green Gulch o t h k Swanson Gulch ig e lm Wr e a r C Hood Gulch S ek re k C e z tz e t Table adle rd Cr r K o ek a Mountain F re C w Apple S F ra n k Black Canyon E H Dad Creek a a l T s ob l t C ia Mollie Gulch F r s e C Waugh Gulch Cronks Canyon o e r e r k e k Long Mountain k H H a C Alder Creek Mineral Hill r k Pa a Ce o yd Sal t e e o e s y e k r s d p n e e C Cree C r k n r Bates Gulch i C r o e C v re Stroud Gulch r e r e th C e e e ree k r e k k Jack Smith k Hil d k Ellis Creek e s Gulch e Deer Gulch r e k Jakes Canyon R Cherry Creek ree C C e l Thompson y i ra k Gulch k M m B e o t re e g h k C e g g k e e r C i e e is Baby Joe r Pahsimeroi d C r E e a k e Gulch r k C r e e k g e Valley a e e i C e d e e e r k r P a r B g May Mountain n C C C Smokey Cubs a l o n W l il o Morgan Creek Li M is s S o ttle Campground r r k r k a Mill Mountain e o ic e k r C r M C e E l Left Fork e Fred and il r M Rock Canyon C Mary Draw C rgan Cre ol Leadore og Salmon Mo ek d B k C L k River r re ee Cree 28 East o ek Mogg Mountain Mountains F Ennis Gulch Rocky Canyon k C e se reek H r e or awl C M Te e r x yC e a r v s eek ra C Idaho C r e Spring Gulch St Creek e B Montana roud k i k g Devils Canyon e B Mud Spring e e S r a h k r C Gulch e C e e r r r e p a Gerry Gulch C k on e C T s ek e Creek k a r e r e r te e r e e e r C E v C b ek re r B e e k im re k r T e C k C l k a e p e l t i P t t t re r k it i C e il L L e e e Lemhi Range y D M 93 ir h Burnt Da Salmon Spring W Gulch P Fuller Gulch atte sr Blue Jay Mine Salmon Field Office on Dry Gulch C r ee k ee k k e Cr s e m r da C k A r Stephens ree ek e C Gunsight Peak re b Gulch aws on r C Baldy L mi Ellis ork k be rth F Leadoreree Ray Lode Mine im Mountain No e T T tl g n C it i Ch lis Creek o L Leadore Hill k al ork B ws North F e Round Valley a k L e e e Challis Swan Basin r S impson C Grouse Peak ork r r Dodge F C C Perk e l ek h n l Canyon Basin t si e 21 u a o B urc S k P 93 e re Penwell Gulch C y an Challis Field Office k g o e h e Dubois r a Eighteenmile 28 C M ex Creek r T u Devils Basin WSA h P lp a u h 15 s S i Mackay m ek ero Rocky Peak re White Hills 22 i R Grove Creek C i rk a r ve Ima Mine o Cle k Rexburg r F e yo Creek e rC e In k 33 La n e y C reek rd Arco Rock Ga Upper Snake Field Office ork k rk F Yellow Peak Cre e Pa k 20 c Ro Leaton Gulch Idaho Falls k Junction Peak e k re Sheephorn e e C Cr n Spud Basin Peak e o rc k o is Pe e P C z re lim Ne C 28 Horsethief b Creek n Canyon
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    batical leave in Scandinavia, I finally reached the 5895m summit of Africa’s high- est mountain. In 1986, the year after I climbed Kilimanjaro, Dick Bass, Frank Wells, and Rick Ridgeway published Seven Summits, an account of Bass and Wells’ attempt to climb the highest peak on each of the world’s seven continents. I bought their book and devoured it. Inspired by it, I devised my own climbing goal—to climb at least ‘Three-and-a-Half Summits’: namely, at least three of the six highest of the Seven Summits plus Australia’s Mt Kosciuszko, which is a mere 2228m above sea level (i.e., less than half the height of Antarctica’s Vinson Massif, the sixth-lowest of the Seven Summits), and Kosciuszko can therefore, as a Kiwi I quipped, really only be regarded as a half-summit. I made reasonably quick progress towards achieving my goal. In August 1994, I climbed Russia’s Mt Elbrus, 5642m, the highest mountain in Europe. In December the same year, I summited 6962m-high Cerro Aconcagua in Argentina, the highest mountain in South America (which I like to tell people is ‘the highest mountain in the world outside Asia,’ and then hope their geography is so weak that they don’t realise how huge an exclusion clause those two words, ‘outside Asia’, are). I then decided to have a crack at climbing Denali, and on 6 July 1997 stood proudly on the 6194m-high summit of North America’s high- est peak and held up a t-shirt from Victoria University (which is where I taught political science for many years).
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