ÑContra MundumÑ Volume IX, Issue 5 December 2006 The Congregation of St. Athanasius A Congregation of the Pastoral Provision of John Paul II for the Anglican Usage of the Roman Rite http://www.locutor.net When an Eastern monarch visited NOTES his country, the advance party went first, preparing the way, literally pre- FROM THE paring the road the king would travel: filling up the quagmires and muddy CHAPLAIN paths, leveling and smoothing the OME years ago we had occasion rough places, and taking the kinks Sto be traveling by automobile in and curves out of the road where the Utah and Nevada desert. It was possible. bids us pause for a while on the at night, and the darkness is particu- warns us that larly intense and clear in the desert. highway and prepare ourselves by repentance. That is the only way we when Christ comes to His people We were flying out of Las Vegas on He finds exactly the same obstacles the next day. will worship and welcome the Christ Child aright. which opposed Him at His first com- In the west, there are far greater ing: hills and marshes, devious ways Christmas is a subtle presence, distances between cities than we and stony paths, What are these hills and all the glitz and clamor of De- know at home, and we had driven for if not mountains of pride and the cember, with its frenetic shopping well over 100 miles without seeing deliberate grievous sins which block pace, reminds me of the contrast a single light. And then over a ridge Christ’s path to our hearts? Any faith- between Las Vegas and the peace- ahead the entire city of Las Vegas ful examination of conscience will ful desert. I am sure that most of spread out below us far ahead. It reveal them. What is it that hinders the people who visit Las Vegas are seemed every light was lit and the growth in the spiritual life? It is gen- not aware at all of the desert. It is effect was stunning. erally some positive fault or habit of possible for you and me, likewise, It would be at least another hour sin which becomes a barrier like a to miss the coming of Christ. And it before we arrived, but from that first mountain to the influence of grace. was that way at His very first com- sight onwards our thoughts were in ing. Jerusalem was where the movers What of the valleys to be filled? the city we were approaching, all its and shakers lived. Bethlehem was the Are they not our laziness in the ser- glamour and glitz and gambling, and hick town. vice of Christ? Our contentment with how we would travel through it to our low ideals and all the things we call And so, lest we miss the coming hotel and to our flight home. sins of omission? of Christ lost in all the hustle and Holy Church gives us Advent bustle, Holy Church gives us The crooked must be made to be like that. These days are mile- John the Baptist, himself picking up straight. Does this call to mind all stones on the road which leads to on the ancient themes of the prophet our compromises with the world Bethlehem. And before we enter . “Prepare the way of the Lord, and its spirit, its insincerity and that little town and seek the stable, make his paths straight.” This mes- self-deception and lack of honesty which is the throbbing heart of hu- sage gives us in a very vivid way the in conscience with God? man history, to kneel at the unlikely meaning and purpose of Advent. And the rough places plain, the Manger-Throne of Christ, the Church Page 34 Contra Mundum

rocks and ruts and potholes; are they Book of daily devotions are on sale Evensong on the Solemnity of Christ not our venial sins, scattered like an at the rear of the chapel. $3.00 each, the King. Fr Powers is Pastor of Saint obstacle course on LaGrange Street while supplies last. Church in Lynnfield. in February. They don’t actually The SOLEMNITY OF THE An Every Member Canvass let- prevent Christ from coming to us, is ter has been mailed to our readers yet still they make His way more Friday, December 8th. It is a holy day and members. Please consider your difficult because of our rough ways of obligation. Anglican Use Mass is pledge to the Congregation of Saint of speaking, judging, looking. Often at 7:30pm in the convent chapel. Athanasius and return it to us at your you and I look so unlike the One we A QUIET EVENING FOR AD- convenience. Many thanks. call Master. VENT will be conducted for us by A pilgrimage FROM WALSING- Has something I have said got Father Peter Stravinskas on Friday, HAM TO ROME has been organized you dead to rights? Good. I’ve got December 15th beginning at 7:00pm for nine days next September and is me in the cross hairs too! And a in the chapel of St Theresa of Ávila being led by The Most Revd John J. good salesman knows how to make Church. Fr Stravinskas is editor Myers, who is Archbishop of New- the sale and then stop making the of Catholic Response magazine, ark and Apostolic Delegate for the pitch. author of many books and tracts, Pastoral Provision. A brochure is and in demand as retreat conductor available upon request. Copies are It is our business, like no other, and speaker throughout the country. also to be found in the rear of the during Advent, to throw down the He has visited us on previous occa- convent chapel. hills and fill up the low places and sions, most recently as conductor of straighten and smooth the high- Congratulations and best wishes a parish retreat in November, 2001. way for the progress of the King to Fr John A. Dooher and Father Please plan to attend, and bring your Robert Hennessey who have been of Kings. I am not talking about a friends. road that leads to December 25th. chosen by the Holy Father to be That is a twenty-four hour day and Many thanks to Fr James auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese O’Driscoll and Deacon of Boston. Fr Hennessey will be our it will come and go. But we can see Connolly for assisting at the Re- regional bishop. Fr Dooher is known Bethlehem ahead on the road, and quiem Mass on All Souls’ Day. And to many of you as our “host” pastor our thoughts are in the city we are thanks to Fr Hugh O’Regan for the at St Mary’s Church, Dedham, when approaching. In the Cradle of the loan of vestments from Holy Trinity members of the congregation were Christ Child are to be found treasures Church for our use that day. preparing to become Catholic. Fr of graces and love that are stored up Dr Terry Maltsberger returned Dooher was very kind and encourag- there for you. The only question is, ing to all of us in those days, and our will you have them? home from sunny Italy with glowing reports of a lovely trip to Rome, Flor- initial reception Mass and my ordina- a sermon preached by Father Bradford ence, Assisi, among other places. tions as deacon and priest took place on December 6, 1998 in his parish church. The ordination Christmas Flower envelopes are will take place in the Cathedral of the available in the rear of the chapel Holy Cross on Tuesday, December for your use in offering memorials 12th. SHORT NOTES to loved ones and helping us with On Sunday, December 3rd, the the cost of decoration for the season. season of Advent begins with Litany Your generosity is much appreciated! "The faithful, living in the liturgy in Procession at Mass, includes the Readers of the parish paper may send the spirit of Advent, by thinking blessing of the Advent Wreath, and their instructions and contributions about the inexpressible love with clearly marked for Christmas Flow- the Exhortation, which is the long which the Mother awaited ers. Memorials are printed in the form of invitation to general confes- her Son, are invited to take her as Christmas service leaflet. sion. Sunday readings from Cycle C a model." begin that day. Many thanks to Fr Thomas J. POPE PAUL VI Powers for being our preacher at Copies of the Magnificat Advent Marialis Cultus Contra Mundum Page 35

conversion, we need to turn around that he was eventually reduced to inside, as it were, to overcome the little more than a skeleton. Father illusion of what is visible, and to Beesley was sentenced to death for develop the feeling, the ears and the being a priest. At his execution, fac- eyes, for what is invisible. This has ing a brutal death by drawing and to be more important than anything quartering, he quoted Saint Paul’s that bombards us day after day with words, “May I never boast except in such exaggerated urgency. Metanoe- the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” ite: change your attitude, so that God (Gal 6: 14). Before dying, Father may dwell in you and, through you, Beesley said to the onlookers, “Good in the world. John himself was not people, I beseech God to send all spared this painful process of change, felicity.” of turning around. Reprinted from MAGNIFICAT, Issue: July, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 5, and Page 43 With permission of POPE BENEDICT XVI THE ADVENT MAGNIFICAT® USA, LLC, P.O. Box 822, Yonkers, ¶The Holy Father was Prefect of the New York 10702. To order call 1-866-273-5215 or Web site: www.magnificat.com. All rights Congregation on the Doctrine of the reserved. OHN the Baptist and Mary are the Faith when he wrote Co-Workers of Blessed WILLIAM CARTER Jtwo great personages typifying our the Truth, 1992. existence in Advent. They, therefore, Martyr (1548-1584) dominate the liturgy of Advent. Let us William Carter, a married bookseller, first gaze on John the Baptist. Chal- established his own printing press in lenging and active he stands before THE BRITISH London to publish Catholic literature us, a “type” of the manly vocation. for England’s persecuted Catholic In harsh terms he demands metanoia, MARTYRS Population. Continuously in danger a radical transformation of attitudes. VER the years 200 men and from the Elizabethan authorities, be Those who would be Christians must Owomen have been beatified for is said to have done his printing with be “transformed” ever again. Our their heroic witness to the Catholic a press so small that he could produce natural disposition, indeed, finds us Faith in the British Isles during and no more than one page at a time, and always ready to assert ourselves to after the Protestant Reformation. sometimes had to resort to copying pay like with like, to put ourselves Here we continue brief mention of books by hand. Previously he had as- at the center. Those who want to find some of these individual martyrs. sisted the imprisoned Catholic cleric, God need, again and again, that inner Blessed GEORGE BEESLEY Nicholas Harpsfield (remembered conversion, that new direction. And Priest and Martyr (c. 1563-1591) for his biography of Saint Thomas this applies also to the total outlook More). William’s publication work on life. Day by day we encounter the In 1587, George Beesley, of Goos- led to his imprisonment in the Tower world of visible things. It assaults us nargh, England, was ordained a priest of London. In a futile effort to obtain through billboards, broadcasts, traf- upon completing his studies at the names from him, his captors tortured fic, and all the activities of daily life, English College in Reims, France. him on a rack, questioning him about to such an enormous extent that we Returning to England late in 1588, several chalices and vestments that are tempted to assume there is noth- he ministered to the country’s perse- had been entrusted to him for safe- ing else but this. Yet the truth is that cuted Catholics for two years until he keeping, and about the books found what is invisible is greater and much was captured by the infamous Eliza- in his possession, which contained more valuable than anything visible. bethan government agent, Richard Catholic prayers, meditations, and One single soul, in Pascal’s beautiful Topcliffe. At the time of his arrest, spiritual exercises. At his trial, as words, is worth more than the entire Father Beesley was a robust young the jury was deliberating, William visible universe. But in order to have priest in good health, but Topcliffe received the sacrament of penance a living awareness of this, we need subjected him to such severe torture from a priest who was also facing a Page 36 Contra Mundum

likely death sentence. William was man who was given everything from charity, being forward in bringing executed the next day. birth. And he may be your true lost comfort and relief to all, as far as Reprinted from MAGNIFICAT, Issue: January, sheep. For your scheme of things, their circumstances shall require, and 2003, Vol. 6, No. 12, and Page 154 With per- which we mistakenly call justice, is ours permit. mission of MAGNIFICAT® USA, LLC, P.O. Box 822, Yonkers, New York 10702. To order call secret and profound and you plumb Grant, O Lord, that thus we may 1-866-273-5215 or Web site: www.magnificat. the hidden depths of poor men’s prepare to meet our redeemer. com. All rights reserved. puny frames as carefully as those JOHN GOTER of kings. Spiritual Writings Vol. 13 (1718) JEAN ANOUILH Fr Goter (or Gother) lived from Jean Anouilh was a French dramatist 1650-1704. He was an apologist who wrote many plays after 1932. (defender) of the Catholic faith. Becket was written in 1959 and translated into English the follow- ing year. THE ADVENT SEASON AN ADVENT The season of Advent is always SAINT , the season of hope. We think of the PRAYER patient hope of men and women Bishop and Martyr Most gracious Lord, by whose across the centuries who listened to Becket: I am sure that to the hard- direction this time is appointed for the words of the prophets and lived ened sinner, who drops to his knees renewing the memory of thy infinite in joyful expectation. We think of the for the first time and murmurs your mercy to man in the incarnation of hope of Mary, who welcomed God’s name, marveling, you tell all your thy only Son; grant that we may plan with great faith. We think of the secrets, straight away, and that he live, this holy time, in the spirit of hope of the Wise Men who set out understands. I have served you like a thanksgiving, and every day raise on a long journey guided only by a dilettante, surprised that I could still up our hearts to thee in the grateful slender promise traced in the stars. find pleasure in that service. And acknowledgement of what thou hast We are reminded of the hope that the for a long time I was on my guard done for us. grandest purposes of the Almighty because of it. I could not believe this Besides this, we ask thy grace, can be found in the humblest places. pleasure would bring me one step O God, that we may make a due use And we embrace the hope that all the nearer you. I could not believe that of this holy time, for preparing our love and gifts that come to us in this the road could be a happy one. The souls to receive Christ our Lord com- life are the signs and symbols of even hair-shirts, the fasting, the bells in ing into the world at the approaching a greater love and gift that came on the small hours summoning one to solemnity of Christmas. a holy night. The old carol speaks meet you, on the icy paving-stones, Christ came into the world to do of a “thrill of hope, the weary world in the sick misery of the poor ill- good to all. Grant, O God, we may rejoices, for yonder breaks a new treated human animal - I cannot thus prepare to meet him. Grant we and glorious morn.” And every year believe that all these are anything may be watchful at this time above at this time we feel the thrill of hope but safeguards for the weak. In all others, in avoiding every thing as we wait on Christmas Day. power and in luxury, and even in that can be injurious to our neigh- Excerpt of remarks made by the the pleasures of the flesh, I shall not bour, whether in afflicting him, or President of the United States at cease to speak to you; I feel this now. giving him scandal, or drawing him a Pageant of Peace in December, You are the God of the rich man and into sin, or casting any blemish on 2004. the happy man, too, Lord, and you his reputation; but in all things, O do not turn away your eyes from the God, may we follow the spirit of Contra Mundum Page 37

Father and Mrs. Bradford The Congregation of Saint Athanasius, The Revd. Richard Sterling Bradford, Chaplain Sunday Mass 10:30am St. Theresa Convent Chapel 10 St. Theresa Ave. West Roxbury, Mass. SCHEDULE Fellowship and Coffee in the Lounge after Mass all services in convent chapel except at noted Rectory: Sunday, December 24th at 8:00pm 767 West Roxbury Pkwy. Procession, Blessing of the Creche, Solemn Mass & Sermon Monday, December 25, at 10:30am Boston, MA 02132-2121 Christmas Day Low Mass Tel/Fax: (617) 325-5232 Christmas Day is a holy day of obligation http://www.locutor.net Tuesday, December 26 at 10:00am ’s Day Mass at 10:00am Wednesday, December 27th at 7:30pm A FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS LESSONS AND CAROLS Saint Theresa of Avila Church A reception follows this service. Saturday, December 30th at 9:00am Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas Low Mass at 9:00am Sunday, December 31st at 10:30am The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Solemn Mass at 10:30am Saturday, January 6, 2007 The Feast of the Epiphany Procession, Solemn Mass & Sermon at 9:00am Bruce Rand, Epiphany Proclamation thurifer extraordinaire Page 38 Contra Mundum St. Theresa Church and Convent Chapel, West Roxbury, MA 02132 Pine Lodge Road (off St. Theresa Avenue) Park either in the church parking lot or on Pine Lodge Road. The side door of the convent is open during the time of our services. Directions by Car: From the North: Route 128 to Route 109, which becomes Spring Street in West Roxbury. Spring Street ends at a traffic light at Centre Street in sight of the church. At this light bear left onto Centre St.. and immediately turn right at the next light onto St.. Theresa Ave. From the South: Route 1 north through Dedham to Spring Street. Turn right onto Spring Street then follow the directions above. From Dorchester and Mattapan: Cummins High- way to Belgrade Avenue to Centre Street left on St.. Theresa Ave. From Boston: VFW Parkway to LaGrange Street. Turn left onto LaGrange Street, crossing Centre Street and turn right onto Landseer Street. Turn left into the church parking lot. Directions by Public Transportation: Orange line to Forest Hills terminal. Bus to West Roxbury. #35 bus to Dedham Mall. #36, #37, and #38 also stop at St. Theresa’s. Commuter train to West Roxbury Station is a short walk to St.. There- sa’s. Departs from South Station, but no Sunday service is available.

Contra Mundum The Congregation of St. Athanasius 10 St. Theresa Avenue West Roxbury, MA 02132