Informal Berlin Talks — Revived Talk of Federal Tax Sale — Shurfine 1962 Crop Foods Must Keep on Hand As Reiierves Ning of the Boss-Ruled Demo Mrs
.. ^■ . - , . , : ■ . ,:. ■' =■ -Me I.. - <- •4 ' f , .•»• ■■ y . /• ,V ■ ■f ■ :. - 7 * ■ J', 1 -• PAGC TWEIfSk^ niURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 19«t . I ilattrftpHtpr lEwfning Hfralh Amim Average Dailx Net Press Run An Informal study of Bunyan'a The French 'Giub of Maijchester Chapman CoOlrX, Order of Ama George Thurber, 58 TumbuU Rd., Side Rec. Hie group will produce For the Weak Chided The Weather "Pilgrim's” will be con will meet tomorrcoiv at 8 p.m. at ranth, will meet tomorrow at 7:45 has been elected vice president of the plays for Chnatm public V- October IS, 1088 Fereeeet of U. 8. Weather Bereeu About Town ducted by Major E. Walter Lamie Orange Hall. Followixjg the meet p,m. at the -.Masonic Temple. Vis the student council of Morse Col school assemblies. at the Salvation Army tonight kV ing a card party witji refresh iting mat-fms and patrons night lege, Hartford. He is' a graduate of Cub Si'out Pack 144 will meet to ments will take place. The Club will be o^erved. Mrs. ' Walter Manchester High School. 13,645 Fair, not eelte aU eod tooIgM. morrow at 7 p.m. at Keeney St. 7:15, Attorneys Organize will also meet for a ham and bean Brown of Rainbow Court, Willl- Low 85-40. Fair, mild Saturdag. School. Boys will be admitted -to Member of the Audit Mrs. Edith Ford o f 177 Eldrl<Jge supper Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the mantic, and Arthur J. Langdon of Mrs. Malvin Jochimsen, 41 Jar NORWICH (AP)—The forma RUMMAGE SALE Bureau o f OIroulatioa High near 70.
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