J-0010 Distribution '<i4'.-s" ' • -> Today > Waatber, page 2. 20,525 Frldtr. (MOW! CUM PMttfl BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1962 omen. 7c PER GOPY PAGE ONE Mikoyan Confers Today In UN on Cuban Crisis HAVANA (AP)-Tbe Cactra ceaBrau dismantling of bases proposal for winding up the jects such Soviet-Cuban demands and economic points, rejected by government offered today to al- from which eounler-revolu. dwindling Cuban crisis. as a withdrawal of U.S. forces U.S. officials ever since Castro low Inspection of Soviet with- ttonartes are operating against Soviet sources said Mikoyan from the Guantanamo naval base made them, the 14-point Soviet- drawal of offensive weapons the Castro regime. wants to find out first-hand what and an end to the economic boy- Cuban proposal is said by Com- from Cuba If the United Natlooj The government tbo repeated has been said at the United Na- cott of Cuba. munist sources to embody much that Prime. Minister Fidel tions and in the United States Mikoyan, In a farewell appear- already done to settle the acute Castro's five-point package, in- while he was spending 24 days ance on Havana television Sunday crisis which erupted In October cluding US. abandonment of with Prime Minister Fldet Castro. night, again voiced Soviet support with discovery of Soviet offensive the Guantansmo Naval Base; He probably will leave for Mos-"by all possible means" for Cas-weapons in Cuba. remains "todtspensable to a cow Tuesday after talks with U.N. tro's. > so-called five guarantees Communist Informants said the true and definitive solution of Cuban and U.S. officials. against U.S. intervention. the crisis." proposal contains President Ken- Mikoyan had a dinner date to- "When Castro speaks, the So- nedy's and Premier Khrushchev's night with acting UN. Secretary- viet Union listens and supports his agreement of Oct. 27-28 that the UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (AP) General U Thant. words," Mikoyan said. Soviet Union would pull its of- — Soviet First Deputy Premier • Reject Demand He also warned the United fensive Weapons out of Cuba un- Anastas I. Mikoyan returns to U.S. chief delegate Adlai E. 5 States it would wage its last war der U.N. inspection and that the New York from Havana today to Stevenson was expected to tell i! it ever attacked the Soviet Un- United States would lift its naval W^F^r^f^ ?^! r an expected U.S. turndown Thant in advance of the dinner ion. Blaze of key points of a Soviet-Cuban session that the United States re- In addition to the Guantanamo (See CUBA, Page 2) Levels Group to Report House On Youth Center SEA BRIGHT-HA large three- MIDDLETOWN — A newly ing could be Used for a youth atory bouse at 1203 Ocean Ave. formed committee named to inves- center. tigate the possibility of obtaining Committee members are Town- vu destroyed by fire yesterday. facilities for a youth center will ship Committeemen Ernest G. At 7 p.rh. yesterday, the smol- makes its report to the TowasNp Kavalek and Earl Moody; James dering ruins of the vacant sum- Committee Wednesday night. Carton, a member of Hie Recre- mer bouse burst into flames The committee spent several ation Commission; Frank Grimes, again. Tired firemen were called hours yesterday inspecting'Ridge- acting guidance director at the back to the scene to aid the fire- wood Inn, Ridgewod Ave., Leo-high school, and Arthur J. Sul watchers. nardo, to determine V the build- livan, a Leonardo resident. The first alarm for the fire Mr. Kavalek, chairman of the sounded at 1 a.m. The firemen group, said the oomnitte went were at he scene most of the day, through the building with New- aided by fire companies from Principal, ton A. Mallett, building inspector. Rumsop and Highlands. $|A MlftHT HIH—A firaragad through » vacant thr«e-itory house in the south The. building Is owned by beach arM of Sea Bright early yesterday morning. Above, the house if seen just Barrnn Hollow Country dab. GagUak 52, Dies At before tumbling into its own foundations. Tht Termini of the leveled house which The country dub postponed The bouse, reportedly owned by public auction of the building Luke A. Salvatl of New York, nes stood at 1203 Ocean Ave. are seen below. In tha background is'thai horn* of Ed- Grid Game Saturday so that the committee not been occupied for a number ward W. Remberf, Jr., Meriui La., which exploded and burst into flames thanksgiv- PERTH AMBOY (AP>-Herman could inspect it and make a re- of yean although It was fur- port to the governing body. nished throughout. ing Day. Horn, principal of Carteret High School, collapsed and died Sun- The club has set (14,900 as the The fire scene was adjacent to day while attending a Carteret- starting price on bidding for the the noose of Edward W. Rembert, Perth Amboy football game. budding. Jr., Marios La. That house a- Man's Death .. Hen, «, of Cattmt, was stt- Tte youth cammitt«s> met TH- -ploded and bunt Into flames 4 Arrests Follow Hafto-.U* Carimt bench with day awit and discussed the pos- Thanksgiving day. That Incident aUUty'of a youth center for the has been Named on a leaking Baffles Police the! teaja «*en ie street gas main. stamped over. 'He -was taken 2 Armed Holdups Perth Amboy General Hospital - Need Organisation "' NoOaekHoMe In Bergen •ben ha m* avoaoanced dead &.#w generally agreed by the JUNIOR MISS «f MONMOUTH COdNTT -^ Mil. Carol EATONTQWN — Police here to theWaflTOrtsliipservice sta- "That part of Sex Bright foot* PALISADES PARK (AP)-Ber- trnvai. members that an organizatio; Ann Bruno, Mi, * R*d Bant High School unior, crownad as if there,bad been a war in Howell Township have made tion. would be needed to supervise any gen County authorities were trying The principal's son, Robert, 17, Junior Miss of Monmoufh County Saturday at Shore Re- there," a resident commented four arrests in connection, with Police here said the.men held was playing with' the Carteret operation of a center. last night upup jEarrWhiteEari White,, managfmanage/r of ththee »*» '«*** «•» °» «"*« Mr. Grimes and Mr. Moody gions! High School, displays trophy! to her sister, Pat- armed holdups. Friday here; snd ; Involved band at the game. He saw his Firemen said there was no one motel, and took an undrterminetf In the death of a 21- fatter collapse, rushed to him said that such an organization ricia, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amarico F, Bruno, In Wall Township. year-old service station attendant should be formed before a build- In the bouse at the time the fire, amount of money from the cash and accompanied him to the hos- at their home, 77 Elm La., Shrewsbury, Patricia is also was reported. It had been Now in the Monmouth County drawer and. from his wallet. found 'crushed to death beneath pital in-an emergency squad am- ing is sought to serve as a cen boarded up since last spring's Jail pending grand Jury action an hydraulic lift bulance. ter. a titleholder. She was electee) 1962 Queen of the Mon- On charges of armed robbery and They fled the service-station Tf»' location of Ridgewood Inn, storm when considerable damage after, wounding Mr. Patterson, The dead man, Thomas Guil- Horn's collapse came during the mouth College Fetfival earlier in the year. was caused, neighbors sail atrocious assault with a deadly foyle, a part-time attendant at its proximity .to a tavern, parking weapon are Walter Lee McGbee, however, without taking any second quarter of the game, and and general conditions were dis- . (Sea story,-page 3) Utilities had been disconnected money,- police said.; ITU's Gulf service station, had the players learned of his death 22, of 142 Sylvan Ave., and Julio more than $150 clutched in his cussed. ' . • also. DeLeon, 27, of 920 Monroe Ave., at half time. They had been lead- Howell Township, police were hand when found. ing Perth Amboy 7-0 at the time Mayor John T. Lawley, who During the long fight, firemen both Asbury Park. unable to provide details of the sat in on the meeting, cautioned wet down two neighboring houses Guilfoyle's body-was discovered and woo by a 144 score. Police also have apprehended arrests. late Sunday night by the station that the location was not ideal Decision is Delayed to prevent a spread of the flames. George Wright, 90 North 16th St., A 1929 graduate of Carteret, and noted that there are prob- Detective Fowler said a glove owner, Ferdinand Uhl of Rldge- Horn was football coach for the lems of maintenance and parking East Orange, who will be ar had been dropped at the motel field. Uhl told police he drove to raigned on similar charges in school in the 1930s and had served to be considered in reviewing the which apparently belonged to Mr. the service station to pick tip theas wrestling and track coach. He On Disposal Service Wants All Wall and Eatontown courts to- Wright. He said the due was onenight's receipts. site. morrow. was' basketball coach ' duxinc KEANSBURG —. Mayor Louis equipment—trucks and a bull- of several which led to Mr. He found the body, lying face up World War II and became princi- Express Interest Howell Township state police Wright's arrest in Newark yes- Officials noted that many serv. T. Collichio said yesterday that doier —. from private contrac- Of'Hook' beneath the lift, police said. Guil- pal in 1947. final decision has not as yet torsln the, area.
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