The London Gazette
. 40662 7209 The London Gazette Registered as a Newspaper For Table of Contents see last page * * FRIDAY, 23 DECEMBER, 1955 Westminster, 21st December, 1955. Crown Office, House of Lords, S.W.I. This day, the Lords being met, a message was sent 22nd December, 1955. to the Honourable House of Commons, by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, acquainting The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent them that The Lords authorised by virtue of a under the Great Seal bearing date the 22nd day Commission under the Great Seal, signed by Her of December, 1955, to appoint the Right Honour- Majesty, for declaring Her Royal Assent to the Acts able Richard Austen Butler, C.H., to be Keeper of agreed upon by both Houses, to desire the Her Majesty's Privy Seal. immediate attendance of the Honourable House in the House of Peers to hear the Commission read, .and the Commons being come thither, the said Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop of Crown Office, House of Lords, S.W.I. Canterbury, and several other Lords therein named, 22nd December, 1955. to declare and notify the Royal Assent to the said Acts, was read accordingly, and the Royal Assent The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent given to:— under the Great Seal bearing date the 22nd day of December, 1955, to appoint the Right Honour- Finance (No. 2) Act, 1955, able Maurice Harold Macmillan to be Chancellor Aliens' Employment Act, 1955. Friendly Societies Act, 1955. and Under Treasurer of Her Majesty's Exchequer. Agriculture (Improvement of Roads) Act, 1955.
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