
DOI: 10.2478/fbgp-2013-0001 Jiří Pešek & Karel Martínek, Observations concerning the thickness of rocks eroded between


Jiří Pešek1 & Karel Martínek1

1Charles University in , Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, ; email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: outliers are found west of the late Carboniferous West Bohemian basins and also south of the West and Central Bohemian basins. The West Bohemian group is Asturian (= Westphalian D) or younger and is notably coal-bearing, the other group of outliers consists mostly of coal-bearing upper Carboniferous volcaniclastic rocks of Bolsovian (= Westphalian C) and/or Asturian age. They form a discontinuous belt extending through the area between and around the towns of Merklín and Beroun. These rocks are underlain chiefly by rocks of ages varying from the or Cambrian up to the . If the nappe structure of the Barrandian Lower proposed by Melichar and Hladil (e.g. 1999) is not widely present, then it can be assumed that as much as 1850 m of Lower Paleozoic sediments and volcanics could have been eroded prior to the onset of sedimentation of the Bolsovian rocks. In the upper Carboniferous outliers near Mirošov, Skořice and Kamenný Újezd, where sedimentation began as late as in the Asturian, the thickness of eroded deposits might have been even greater, reaching as much as 3150 m.

Keywords: Carboniferous, outliers, Cambrian, Ordovician, Central and Western Bohemian basins, pre-Carboniferous erosion, coal-bearing relics

INTRODUCTION There are a number of questions about the geolog- Hluboká, ca 3 km W of Žihle: Are these Barrandi- ical evolution of the Bohemian Massif (Figure 1) an and/or Saxothuringian Cambrian or Ordovi- which remain unanswered either because of a lack cian? Was only the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic of consens ususually or because there is not intensely folded (cf. Chlupáč et al. 2002) or is the enough data. For example, is the Barrandian Ordovician- complex of the Barrandian Neoproterozoic an upper part of the Moldanubi- synclinorium a nappe structure as inferred by cum or did separate microplates exist originally? Melichar and Hladil (e.g. 1999)? At what depth were the Variscan granitoid intru- The answers to these questions depend on the sions (e.g. Central Bohemian Pluton, Čistá-Je- rate and depth the sediments and metamorphic senice and Štěnovice massifs) emplaced and how rocks and the plutonic and hypabyssal dykes and fast were they exhumed? Some granitoid bodies intrusive bodies and their cover were eroded. It is form the footwall of the oldest unit of the Central not clear how thousands of cubic kilometers of and/or West Bohemian Carboniferous (Radnice rock were removed prior to deposition of the late Member – Bolsovian did the Central Bohemian Carboniferous (= ) sediments as and/or West Bohemian basins receive eroded sedi- there are no known deposits of an appropriate age ments from these granitoid bodies? The most west- to record this removal and transport of sediment. erly occurrences of the Lower Paleozoic deposits of The Central and West Bohemian basins were the Barrandian Unit lie on the SE outskirts of the supplied with weathered material from both the city of Plzeň and in the environs of the town of crystalline complex and the Barrandian Lower Mirošov: How far to the west did they originally Paleozoic. Evidence of this is provided by the rela- extend? Veleman and Cháb (1974) described con- tively large blocks of upper Cambrian acid volca- tact metamorphosed para-conglomerates, shales nites found in mines in the Kladno region (Oplušt- with pebbles and banded shales near the village of il 2000) and the Lower Paleozoic rocks that form a

1 Folia vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2012

Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Czech Republic. Modified from Chlupáč et al (2002) and GEOČR500 (2010). 1 – , 2 – , 3 – neovolcanites, 4 – Upper , 5 – Upper Paleozoic, 6 – Lower Paleozoic, 7 – Neoprotero- zoic of the Teplá-Barrandian unit, 8 – Moldanubian crystalline complex, 9 – granitoid massifs, 10 – faults and thrust faults, 11– inferred axes of sedimentary basins. Abbreviations used to identify individual basins: PJ – Příbram-Jince (Cambrian), P – Prague (Ordovician – Middle Devonian), K – Kladno-Rakovník (upper Carboniferous) M – Krušné hory piedmont (). significant proportion of the pebbles in conglomer- Carboniferous. In this context, recent finds of ates intersected by borehole HV-21 drilled in the limestone containing Devonian fauna in the envi- Bolsovian outlier near . Kraft (1962) rons of Jesenice NE of Žihle are very surprising found that 47 % of these pebbles were derived (K. Žák, R. Lojka, oral communication). It is evi- from the local source rocks. Gregorová (1961) de- dent that at least some of the granitoid massifs, scribed pebbles of quartz conglomerate and shown by Kukal (1984) to be the obvious major quartzite, possibly of Ordovician age, in the kaolin source of material for the upper Carboniferous overburden near Kaznějov in the Plzeň region. arkoses, must already have been exposed to ero- Large pebbles of quartzite, volcanics and other sion by the beginning of deposition of the Radnice rocks are also known from a road cut near the vil- Member (Bolsovian). Evidence for this conclusion lage of Lísek. An occurrence of breccia at the vil- is that the Čistá-Jesenice Massif extends towards lage of Železná near Beroun is more problematic. the NE in the immediate footwall of the Radnice It contains fragments of Devonian limestone and Member in the Rakovník region, and there is also Kodym (1933) placed this breccia in the upper a significant increase in the sand content along

2 Jiří Pešek & Karel Martínek, Observations concerning the thickness of rocks eroded between the eastern edge of the Plzeň Basin (PB) and as Radnice Basin (RB) and the KRB are elongated in well as along the southern boundary of the Klad- a NE–SW direction. The large majority of the dis- no-Rakovník (KRB) Basin (cf. Appendix VIII in continuous outliers forming the belt that extends Pešek 1994). from Merklín, SW of the city of Plzeň, as far as Based on this evidence, it is supposed that the the NE environs of Beroun, are coal bearing. depth of erosion in the Bohemian Massif must have In contrast, the upper Carboniferous outliers of been significant. There were at least two periods of the so-called Řešín depression do not contain coal intense erosion following the major movements of deposits, with the exception of small outliers at the Cadomian and Variscan orogenesis. Due to this the villages of Skapce, Těchlovice and Vranov near tectonic movements the depocenter shifted from (Kalibová-Kaiserová 1979, 1982, Šetlík in the Příbram-Jince Basin in the Cambrian north- Pertold et al. 1966). Gold has been mined from the westward as far as the Krušné hory Piedmont upper Carboniferous at the village of Křivce N of basins into the Miocene (Havlíček 1980, Fig. 1). the town of Konstantinovy Lázně as early as in 1342 Spengler (1939) proposed that almost 10 km (Klomínský et al. 1979). had been removed from the eastern part of the The occurrence of Carboniferous outliers raises Krušné hory Mts. in the early Carboniferous the following questions: (= ). Later Sattran (1957) estimated 1) What was the initial extent of sediments of Cen- that at least 5 km had been eroded from the same tral and West Bohemian basins? region. This stands in contrast to the total thick- 2) How did the outliers that are found in the area ness of 1500 m of rocks that have been eroded bordering these basins originate and why were during the period since the Westphalian until the they preserved in their present positions? Recent. Bearing in mind that only very approxi- 3) What is the approximate thickness of chiefly mate estimates can be made, by using the rocks Lower Paleozoic rocks that was eroded from immediately underlying the Central and West Bo- these basins? hemian basins and the Carboniferous outliers in their neighborhood, it is possible to calculate the The original extent of Carboniferous thickness of rocks eroded prior to the sedimenta- units west of the Manětín Basin, west tion of the Radnice Member (Bolsovian) and/or and south of the Plzeň Basin and south Nýřany Member (Asturian) for which there are of the Radnice and Kladno-Rakovník reliable palaeontological dates. While the base- ment of the West and Central Bohemian basins is basins formed by volcanosedimentary rocks of the Bar- The composition and age of the upper Carbonifer- randian Neoproterozoic or Cadomian or Variscan ous outliers in the neighborhood of the above- granitoids, with the exception of SE edge of the mentioned basins has recently been summarized Mšeno-Roudnice Basin, in the footwall of a few in a study by Pešek (2003). The best predictions Carboniferous outliers and in their neighborhood, about the extent of individual formations in the Lower Paleozoic deposits, mainly of Ordovician West and Central Bohemian basins are graphically age, are also preserved. illustrated in studies by Holub et al. (1975), Havle- The Upper Paleozoic fill of the Central and West na and Pešek (1980) and Pešek et al. (1998). As re- Bohemian basins extended beyond these basin. gards the oldest, most productive Radnice Member This is evidenced by the Carboniferous outliers (Table 1), it is evident that sediments of this unit west of the Manětín Basin (MB), west and south occur chiefly in parts of the PB, RB and KRB and of the Plzeň Basin (PB) and south of the Kladno- south of these basins. In West and Central Bohe- Rakovník Basin (KRB) (Figure 2). These outliers mia, these deposits mainly fill depressions, the are arranged in two discontinuous belts with differ- roughly NE–SW trend governed by the regional ent orientations. Isolated islands of Carboniferous structure. In addition, there are pre-sedimentary rocks west of the PB and MB form a belt running (?) and obviously syn-sedimentary depressions of roughly NNW–SSE. Vejnar and Zoubek (1962) NNE–SSW trend (Central Depression of the Plzeň called this belt the “Řešín Depression”. In con- Basin) and depressions elongated in a NNW–SSE trast, Carboniferous outliers south of PB, the direction (Rakovník part of KRB and depression

3 Folia vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2012 between the Třtěno and Peruc villages in the Klad- age), there are also upper Carboniferous outliers no part of this basin). With the exception of the occurring between Merklín and the village of Malé Mirošov-Skořice and perhaps the Kamenný Újezd1) Přílepy NE of Beroun. It is believed that the Rad- Carboniferous outliers where sedimentation began nice Member did not extend further W of the PB as late as the Asturian (boreholes and underground and MB because there the outliers consisting exclu- workings, chiefly in the Mirošov region, prove their sively of Asturian or younger deposits. Sediments belonging to the Radnice Member do not occur in the MB and only one locality in the Žihle Ba- sin (ŽB). Bolsovian sedi- ments fill the majority of upper Carboniferous outli- ers S of the Central and West Bohemian basins. However, it is not clear whether these outliers were an integral part of a larger, more continuous area covered by the Rad- nice Member (Pešek et al. 1998, Appendix 34), or whether deposition took place discontinuously along the NNE – SSW trending belt because, in none of the basins mentioned above do the sediments of the Rad- nice Member have the same composition as those deposited along their edges. Similarly, the sedimentary successions in all the outli- ers, except for the Carbon- iferous outlier near Lísek, indicate that these deposits must have covered a larger area than they do at present. At Lísek, coarse conglomerates with well rounded cobbles; averaging Figure 2. Schematic depiction of the extent of Central and West Bohemian late Car- 20 – 25 cm in diameter; of boniferous basins and outliers in their neighborhood. Modified from Pešek (2003) and quartz, quartzite, igneous Holub et al. (1979). Basins and outliers in West and Central Bohemia – basins: PB – and other rocks are found Plzeň, MB – Manětín, ŽB – Žihle, KRB – Kladno-Rakovník, MRB – Mšeno- Roudnice; often interbedded with sub- outliers: KřR – Křivce, TěR – Těchlovice, SkR – Skapce, VrR – Vranov, MeR – Merklín, LeR – Letkov, MiR – Mirošov, SR – Skořice, KÚR – Kamenný Újezd, HoR – Holoubkov, horizontal beds of coal close ŽeR – Žebrák, LíR – Lísek and Hýskov, PřR – Malé Přílepy. to the basin margins. The Radnice Member flora 1) Only a short note exists in the study of the Carboniferous outlier at Kamený Újezd by has not been found in any Kraft and Kraft (2006), including a remark about the coal-bearing part of the sequence. of the upper Carboniferous

4 Jiří Pešek & Karel Martínek, Observations concerning the thickness of rocks eroded between

Table 1. Simplified stratigraphy of the late Carboniferous basins of Central and Western Bohemia. Based on Heckel (2002) and authors.

W. European W. European local stages local substages subs. stages substages (Formations) (Members) Autunian Líně C Kounov Upper B Slaný Ledce Malesice Jelenice Kasimovan Barruelian Týnec Cantabrian Nýřany Asturian Kladno Middle Moscovian Radnice Bolsovian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Westphalian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Pennsylvanian Duckmantian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678



Langsetian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678


1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Yeadonian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678



Marsdenian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678

1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 CARBONIFEROUS



Lower Kinderscoutian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678


1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Alportian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678



Chokierian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678


1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Arnsbergian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678

Upper Serpuchovian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678


Pendlian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678


1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Warnantian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678



Middle Visean Visean Livian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678


1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Molinisian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678

1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Mississippian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678

Ivorian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Lower Tournaisian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 Hastarian 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 outliers W of the PB nor in the MB. In those in- ers probably extended only slightly beyond their stances in which the age of the sedimentary fill is present SE boundary. known (Vranov E and Těchlovice N of Stříbro and The Týnec Formation (Barruelian) resting on at Skapce S of Stříbro) the floras are of Asturian Neoproterozoic or Lower Paleozoic basement has age. Based on plant remains the upper Carbonif- only been documented in the MB and KRB. The erous outliers near Mirošov and Skořice are of possibility that this relationship existed elsewhere Asturian age. The age of the outlier near Kamenný cannot be excluded with certainty. This uncertain- Újezd deposit is not certain, but also Asturian age ty is due to the lack of fossils in The Týnec For- is assumed. No Bolsovian sediments are known in mation and the character of the sediment of the the footwall of the Mirošov-Skořice outlier (Čepek Nýřany Member where it was deposited along the 1951). Bolsovian strata are also absent in the Ka- original boundaries of Central and West Bohemi- menný Újezd outliers.These are not part of the an basins are indistiguishable from sediments of belt of outliers extending between Merklín and the Týnec Formation. This facies of the Nýřany Malé Přílepy near Beroun, but lie ca 10 km SE of Member were described and refered to by Havlena it. Based on this evidence, deposition of Radnice and Pešek (1980) as the Kačice facies. The prob- Member or equivalent sediments did not occur lem of assigning the uppermost coarse detrital near Mirošov, Skořice and Kamenný Újezd, SE of units of Carboniferous Týnec Formation near . Thus sedimentation around these outli- Křivce, S of Konstantinovy Lázně, to one or the

5 Folia vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2012 other two members is pointed out by Klomínský et at Letkov (Figure 4), E of the PB, Neoproterozoic al. (1983). Another example is in boreholes V4b/62 shales, graywackes and lydites of the Kralupy- and 6b/62 at Těchlovice, south of Stříbro (Pertold Zbraslav Group occur, while the remaining part of et al. 1966) in which thin coal beds were incoun- this outlier is bordered by shales and quartzites of tered. This coal south of the village mined for a the Dobrotivá (Dobrotivian) and quartzites of the short period of time (Pešek 1960). Therefore, the Libeň (Berounian) formations (Table 2) (Mašek discovery of a Stephanian flora by Šetlík (Šetlík in 1994). To the south, west of Mirošov (Figure 5) Pertold et al. 1966) in borehole 12b/63, at the vil- Havlíček (1951a, 1951b, 1951c, 1986) and Mašek lage of near Stříbro, is crucial since the sed- (1990) identified the Neoproterozoic Kralupy- iments in the core resemble those of the Malesice Zbraslav Group (shales, graywackes and spilite Member at the base of the Slaný Formation in the tuffs), and the eastern and north-eastern edge of MB and along the NW and N boundary of the this outlier contains erroded sediments from the KRB. About 50 m of conglomerate and feldspathic lower Cambrian conglomerates, arkoses, sand- sandstones is present in the footwall of these de- stones and graywackes of the Holšiny-Hořice posits. These sandstones could be either anoma- Formation (Table 3). The area in the immediate lous facies of the Jelenice Member of the Slaný north-eastern and north-western of this outlier Formation or typical sediments of the Týnec For- consists of andesites, basalts and pyroclastics of mation. Upper Stephanian volcaniclastics of the the upper Cambrian Strašice Complex, locally con- Líně Formation do not occur in any of Carbonifer- taining intercalations of the Pavlovsko Formation. ous outliers W and S of the Central and West Bo- According to Čepek (1951), Algonkian (= Neo- hemian basins. However, some boreholes, drilled protoerozoic) rocks were found in footwall of up- into the basement, contain sediment distinct from per Carboniferous sediments only in the aban- the Líně Formation overlaying the Neoproterozoic doned Antonín mine NW of Mirošov near the NW basement along the NW edge of the KRB (e.g. borehole Vm-3 Velemyšleves N of Žatec).

Reasons why the Carboniferous outliers bordering the Central and West Bohe- mian basins were formed and preserved at their present locations The majority of upper Carboniferous outliers oc- curring W of the MB and PB unconformably over- lie Neoproterozoic deposits. The outliers S of the PB, RB and KRB overlie, unconformably, slightly metamorphosed Neoproterozoic shales and graywackes, and pre-Variscan granitoids of the Stod Massif (at Merklín). Elswhere they uncon- formably overlie Neoproterozoic shales, graywack- es, lydites, spilites and tuffs or Lower Paleozoic rocks (at Letkov, Mirošov-Skořice-Kamenný Újezd and between Lísek and Malé Přílepy) or rest di- rectly on tectonically deformed Lower Paleozoic (outliers at Holoubkov, Žebrák and Malé Přílepy). The western part of the upper Carboniferous outlier near Merklín is formed by sediments de- Figure 3. Simplified geological map of the environs of the rived from Neoproterozoic shales and graywackes, upper Carboniferous outlier at Merklín. Based on the maps while granitoids of the Stod Massif lie E of the by Vejnar and Pelc (1997), Seifert et al. (1995) and GEOČR50 (2010). The map depicts only Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic outlier and contributed to the detrital sediments units. Upper Carboniferous volcanogenic and sedimentary of the eastern part of the Merklín outlier (Fig- rocks include Nýřany Member (Cantabrian and Asturian) ure 3). North of the upper Carboniferous outlier and Radnice Member (Bolsovian).

6 Jiří Pešek & Karel Martínek, Observations concerning the thickness of rocks eroded between

Table 2. Simplified stratigraphy of the Barrandian Ordovi- cian. Based on Kraft (pers. comm.).

system stage regional stage Formation Kosovian Kosov

Katian Králodvorian Králův Dvůr ...... Bohdalec Zahořany

Sandbian Berounian Vinice Letná Libeň Dobrotivian Dobrotivá

ORDOVICIAN Oretanian Šárka ...... Arenigian Figure 4. Simplified geological map of the neighborhood of upper Carboniferous outlier at Letkov. Modified from the maps of Mašek and Straka (1994a) and GEOČR50 (2010). Mílina Tremadocian Only Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic units are depicted on the Třenice map. edge of this outlier. On the other hand, in the neigh- the Třenice and Mílina formations (Tremadocian), borhood of the outlier near Skořice (Figure 5) only overlain by shales of the Libeň and Vinice forma- detrital deposits of the Holšiny-Hořice Formation tions (Berounian) observed in the cores from bore- are found. Isolated upper Carboniferous outliers holes drilled to the basement below the Radnice located W of the NW edge of the Mirošov outlier Member (e.g. borehole Ž-22). Some volcaniclastic and in the environs of Kamenný Újezd are - rocks of the Zahořany Formation (Berounian) also dered by Neoproterozoic shales and graywackes, occur in the neighborhood of this outlier. Based on then deposits of the Pavlovsko Formation of late the map compiled by Havlíček and Štorch (1986), Cambrian age, volcaniclastics and sediments of Neoproterozoic shales and graywackes of the Kra- the Olešná Member of the Klabava Formation lupy-Zbraslav Group occur along the boundary of (Arenigian) and Šárka (Oretanian) and Dobrotivá the upper Carboniferous and to the W and N, per- (Dobrotivian) formations, all of them Ordovician haps beneath the largest outlier located between in age. Four small upper Carboniferous outliers lie Lísek and Hýskov (Figure 8) NW of Beroun. Its between Holoubkov and Těškov (Figure 6). Por- eastern edge is bordered by shales and quartzites phyritic diorites of the Křivoklát-Rokycany Com- of the Dobrotivá (Dobrotivian) and Libeň (Berou- plex crop out north-west and north of Holoubkov. nian) formations, followed by shales of the Letná According to Havlíček (1986), in the neighborhood Formation (Berounian) and volcano-sedimentary of all these outliers, shales of the Klabava Formation rocks of the Komárov Complex. Sediments of the (Arenigian) occur. Klabava Formation like sedi- Dobrotivá (Dobrotivian), Libeň, Letná and Vinice ments were obtained from borehole HV-21 in the (all Berounian) formations and the volcanogenic footwall of the Bolsovian SW of Holoubkov (Kraft Komárov Complex occur near the small outlier 1962). The south-western edge of the outlier near SW of Železná, N of Beroun (Figure 8). Shales, Holoubkov is bordered by shales of the Šárka For- graywackes and quartzites of the Dobrotivá (Do- mation (Oretanian). Shales and quartzites of the brotivian), Libeň, Letná and Vinice (all Berou- Dobrotivá (Dobrotivian) Formation and volcanites nian) formations are reported by Havlíček and of Komárov Complex occur along the north-west- Štorch (1986) near of the upper Carboniferous ern edge of the outlier near Těškov. As reported outlier at Malé Přílepy, NE of Beroun. Holub by Havlíček (1986), there are detrital deposits of and Obrhel (1967) reported Ordovician rocks in

7 Folia vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2012

Table 3. Simplified stratigraphy of the Barrandian Cambrian. Based on Fatka (pers. comm.) and Chlupáč et al. (2002).

system series stage Příbram-Jince Basin Křivoklát-Rokycany Basin Stage 10 Stage 9 volcanics volcanics Pavlovsko Fm. Ohrazenice Fm. Series 3

Jince Fm. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345Buchava Fm.


1234567890123456789012345678901212345 Stage 5 Chumava-Baština Fm. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 1234567890123456789012345678901212345

1234567890123456789012345678901212345 Klouček-Čenkov Fm. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 1234567890123456789012345678901212345

CAMBRIAN Series 2 Stage 4 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 Holšiny-Hořice Fm. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 Stage 3 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 1234567890123456789012345678901212345

Sádek Fm. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345

1234567890123456789012345678901212345 Žitec-Hluboš Fm. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345 Stage 2 123456789012345678901234567890121231234567890123456789012345678901212345




Fortunian 123456789012345678901234567890121231234567890123456789012345678901212345

the immediate footwall of the Radnice volcano-sedi- mentary rocks, but no fur- ther details are given. Upper Carboniferous outliers be- tween the villages of Lísek, Hýskov and the villages of Železná and Malé Přílepy near the city of Beroun lie either on the Prague Fault or in its immediate proxim- ity (cf. Kříž 1992) and/or at the south-eastern edge of the 3rd Domain of Protero- zoic rocks (sensu Hajná et al. 2010), i.e. on the bound- ary between the -Šár- ka belt of age (Röhlich 1965) and the Bar- randian Lower Paleozoic area.

Figure 5. Simplified geological map of the neighborhood of the upper Carboniferous outliers at Mirošov, Skořice and Kamenný Újezd. Modified from the maps compiled by Havlíček (1951a, 1951b, 1951c, 1986), Mašek et al. (1990), Mašek and Straka (1994a, 1994b) and GEOČR50 (2010). Only Neoproterozoic and Paleo- zoic units are depicted on the map.

8 Jiří Pešek & Karel Martínek, Observations concerning the thickness of rocks eroded between

Figure 6. Simplified geological map of the neighborhood of Figure 7. Simplified geological map of the neighborhood of upper Carboniferous outlier at Holoubkov. Modified from the upper Carboniferous outlier at Žebrák. Modified from the the maps of Havlíček and Štorch (1986) and GEOČR50 maps of Havlíček (1986), Mašek et al. (1983) and GEOČR50 (2010). Only Paleozoic units are depicted on the map. (2010). Only Paleozoic units are depicted on the map.

Figure 8. Simplified geological map of the neighborhood of the upper Carboniferous outlier at Lísek, Hýskov, Železná and Malé Přílepy. Modified from the maps of Havlíček and Štorch (1986) and GEOČR50 (2010) Only Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic units are depicted on the map.

9 Folia vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2012

Rough estimates of the thickness of ments preserved in the upper Carboniferous outli- Neoproterozoic and Lower Carbonifer- ers south of the Prague and in the Radnice and ous rocks eroded from the footwalls of Kladno-Rakovník basins. Even using the thick- Carboniferous outliers south of the nesses of the units reported by Chlupáč et al. Central and West Bohemian Late Paleo- (2002), we estimate that a few thousands meters of volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks to have zoic basins been eroded prior to the Carboniferous basins for- There is a lack of direct evidence that would mation. enable the thickness and volume of Neoproterozo- The thickness of Neoproterozoic rocks and the ic rocks, eroded prior to the onset of sedimenta- amount of the roof of the granitoid eroded at tion of Lower Paleozoic and/or upper Carbonifer- Merklín is difficult to estimate. If the greater part ous deposits, to be calculated. However, the upper of the Ordovician (ca 1000 m), (350 m) Carboniferous outliers located south of Central and Lower Devonian volcaniclastics (200 m) were and West Bohemian basins provide very interest- eroded at Letkov, then at least 1550 m have been ing indirect evidence that there was intense ero- eroded from this area. Prior to deposition of the sion of the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic. However, Asturian sediments, roughly 1300 m of Cambrian, it is absolutely evident that the surface of Neopro- up to 1300 m of Ordovician and as much as 550 m terozoic rocks, differently resistant to erosion and of Silurian and Lower Devonian rocks might have deformed by faulting and folding, was not com- been eroded from the area around Mirošov, pletely flattened to form a peneplain prior to the Skořice and Kamenný Újezd. At Holoubkov onset of sedimentation of the Cambrian Příbram- and all the other Carboniferous outliers in which Jince Basin and/or before the formation of the sedimentation had started by the Bolsovian the Prague Basin. The initial differences in thickness erosion and removal of all Ordovician, Silurian of the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic could have also and Lower Devonian volcano-sedimentary rocks resulted from different rate of the basement sub- amounting to 1850 m must have been removed by sidence and its individual tectonically isolated seg- erosion. A similar thickness of Ordovician to Low- ments both in the Příbram-Jince Basin (Fatka in er Devonian rocks could have also been eroded Geyer et al. 2008) as well as in the Prague Basin. from the footwall of the Carboniferous outlier be- The evidence of segmentation in NE part of the tween Tlustice and Žebrák. Similarly, approxi- Prague Basin was demonstrated by Kříž (1992). mately 700 m of Ordovician volcano-sedimentary Significant differences in thickness of sediments rocks and 550 m of Silurian and Lower Devonian filling both basins are believed to have also result- rocks could have been eroded prior to the deposit- ed from partial or complete erosion of Lower Paleo- ion of the Bolsovian starta that has become the zoic rocks of certain units due to their local defor- Carboniferous outlier between Lísek and Hýskov, mation by intense folding during the early stages near Železná and at Malé Přílepy near Beroun. of Variscan orogeny (see the synclinal and anticli- These estimates are not in disagreement with the nal structure of the Barrandian near Holoubkov thickness of Cambrian rocks that Fatka and Mergl described, e.g., by Halíček and Prantl 1951) and (2009) estimated as being present in the Příbram- their subsequent pre-Bolsovian or pre-Asturian Jince Basin. However, based on an investigation of erosion. We here first presume that Cambrian de- the maturity of organic matter and the analysis posits SE of the Prague Basin and S and SE of the of fission tracks in apatite from the Barrandian Radnice Basin were likely deposited close to the Lower Paleozoic, Franců et al. (1998), Glasmacher SW and NE edge of the Příbram-Jinec Basin (cf. et al. (2002), Šafanda et al. (2003), and Filip and Havlíček 1971) and that the Ordovician rocks Suchý (2004) concluded that the Middle Devonian were deposited close to the edges of the Prague rocks were covered by no less than 2–3 km of pre- Basin (Havlíček 1982). Because of small number upper Carboniferous rocks. If this was the case, of boreholes that were drilled to the basement then a significantly greater thickness of pre-Bols- complex, it is difficult acurrately estimate the ovian and/or pre-Asturian deposits must have thickness of Lower Paleozoic rocks eroded prior to been eroded prior to deposition of the Radnice and the deposition of Bolsovian and Asturian sedi- Nýřany members.

10 Jiří Pešek & Karel Martínek, Observations concerning the thickness of rocks eroded between

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS outliers, Asturian in age (= Westphalian D) or younger, coal is rare, the second group of outliers Despite of many basin analyses, sedimentological, consists mostly of coal-bearing Bolsovian (= West- mineralogical and geochemical studies, some as- phalian C) or the productive Asturian south of the pects of the palaeogeographic setting of Late Plzeň, Radnice and Kladno-Rakovník basins. Palaeozoic continetal basins of Central and West- These rocks are, in general, of late Carboniferous ern Europe remain open to debate. Skoček in Ho- age and overlie Neoproterozoic rocks, mostly sep- lub et al. (1991) and Becq-Giraudon et al. (1996) arated tectonically from Cambrian or Ordovician argue for mountainous terrain with high-altitude units. Only at Merklín is the basement of outliers periglacial conditions in Bohemian Massif and formed by Neoproterozoic rocks and also by gran- Massif Central during the Westphalian and Autun- odiorites of the Stod Massif. ian. According to these authors, poorly weathered feldspathic clasts and presennce of illite-chlorite- In the Barrandian Basin it is clear that before irregular interlayered clays are indicative of cold the deposition of Bolsovian rocks, (after the As- climatic conditions. The flora and entomofauna turian in the area of Mirošov) the Lower Paleozoic and the presence of seasonal lamination in lacus- basin fill sediments must have been folded and trine deposits (Martínek et al. 2006) indicating strongly deformed before being eroded. We esti- a seasonal climate, point in an equatorial of a mate the thickness of rocks eroded from their mountain range higher than 4500 m a.s.l. basement about half that of the thickness of Cam- Alternativly Holub and Pešek in Holub et al. brian to Lower Devonian rocks reported by (1991) interpret the Permo-Carboniferous palaeoto- Chlupáč et al. (2002). This rough estimate is based pography of the Bohemian Massif as low moun- on assumption that the upper Carboniferous out- tains. Their assumptions are based on the small liers near the city of Plzeň are near the SW and thickness of basal clastics, which are localised at NW edges of the Příbram-Jince Basin and similar- the basin margins, low pre-depositional relief (max- ly also Ordovician rocks in the basement of other imum elevation difference is 200 m) of oldest for- upper Carboniferous outliers were deposited close mations, and relatively low maximum elevation dif- to the Prague Basin margin, where thicknesses ference of the basement – 1800 m (present-day, in- were probably reduced. Even at this level of reduc- cluding post-depositional deformation). Based on tion and assuming that the concept of the nappe the study of numerous basins in Czech, Germany, structure for the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic made France and Morroco, Roscher and Schneider by Melichar and Hladil (1999) is not correct, we (2006) argue that a Trans-Pangean Mountain Belt estimate that as much as 1850 m of Lower Paleo- was eroded and no longer exists but never exceed- zoic deposits were eroded prior to deposition of ed an average elevation of 2000 m since at least the Bolsovian sediments. At Mirošov, Skořice and Stephanian B. The lack of an orographic barrier Kamenný Újezd the thickness of these rocks could led to a strong seasonality which is explained by have been 3150 m before the Asturian sedimenta- moving Inter-Tropical Zone of Convergence (ITC) tion took place. The estimate corresponds more or over larger distances than today. ITC was moving less to the inferred thickness of Cambrian rocks in to the north and south during dry winter and the Příbram-Jince Basin given by Fatka and Mergl summer seasons. Data from Erzgebirge Basin (2009). However, if we take into consideration the point to very fast exhumation of Variscan crystal- conclusions of studies based on the maturity of line complexes and to very rapid erosion prior the organic matter and the analysis of fission products end of Mississippian. Its palaeotopography is in- in apatite from the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic terpreted as low mountains with maximum eleva- that the Middle Devonian rocks were covered by a tion about 1000 m a.s.l. (Schneider et al. 2005). sequence of pre-upper Carboniferous rocks at Upper Carboniferous rocks are preserved in least 2–3 km thick, then a significantly greater rather small outliers W of the West Bohemian late thickness of pre-Bolsovian and/or pre-Asturian Carboniferous basins and S of the West and Cen- rocks must have been eroded prior to sedimenta- tral Bohemian basins. While in the first group of tion of the Radnice or Nýřany members.

11 Folia vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2012

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