Buenos Aires, August 31st, 2006 Supports Argentina Aluminum Products – not have CNLWs From: Ivan Poklepovic [
[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:03 PM To: FN-USTR-FR0052 Subject: 2006 GSP Eligibility and CNL Waiver Review Dear Sirs, Please find attached our petition. Sincerely Ivan Poklepovic Chief Foreign Trade Officer ALUAR Aluminio Argentino SAIC
[email protected] phone: (54 11) 4725 8067 fax (54 11) 4725 8091 www.aluar.com.ar ALUAR Aluminio Argentino SAIC–Sede Social: Marcelo T. de Alvear 590- 3er. Piso–(1058) Capital Federal Tel /Fax: (54-11)4313-7593/4311-9026 Administración: Pasteur 4600 – (1644) Victoria B –Prov. De Buenos Aires – Tel.: (54-11) 4725-8000 Fax: (54-11) 4725-8087 Planta Industrial: Puerto Madryn – Provincia de Chubut – Argentina – Tel. Conmutador (2965) 459000 Telefax (2965) 451501 To: The Office of the United States Trade Representative Subject: 2006 GSP Eligibility and CNL Waiver Review In regard to the 2006 GSP Eligibility and CNL Waiver Review, Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C., also known as Aluar, being a producer of Primary Aluminum with some extent into downstream activities, wish to take this opportunity to respectfully submit our comments herewith below in connection with and consideration of the re authorization of the GSP program by Congress. In particular, our comments and beliefs focus on the need for the continuance of the GSP program for the importation into the United States of some aluminum articles included in the Chapter 76 of the HTSUS, produced in Argentina. We believe that the beneficiaries of the current GSP system for mentioned aluminum articles from Argentina have not just been the country and people of Argentina but also for workers of many U.S.