

The following are the minutes of the Council Meeting that was held on Tuesday 17th October 2017 in the Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell, commencing at 7:30pm.

PRESENT: Councillors: V P Games H Johnson P Williams (Mayor) Chair O Williams A Jeremiah L Alexander-Carter E Corfield-Walters C Dietz A Green I Jessopp


CRICKHOWELL VOLUNTEER BUREAU 5214 Kerry Crosfield, accompanied by 3 high school aged volunteers, gave a short presentation/overview of the voluntary work undertaken in the including a befriending project, help with IT, community car scheme, advice service and litter picking. They explained that, whilst the majority of the volunteers are in older age groups there are many younger volunteers, some of whom are completing their Duke Of Edinburgh badges, and who are always willing to help in the community provided they are given the right equipment. They have public liability insurance.

Councillors asked a number of questions around how the Town Council and Volunteer Bureau could work together for the benefit of the community, e.g. projects such as bench painting and poppy planting.

Councillors unanimously commended the volunteer bureau for their efforts and agreed that there was a need to increase awareness/publicity of their community work. Cllr P Williams thanked them for their recent effort in trying to secure the future of Maesyffynnon Day Centre.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 5215 Cllr I Kovaleva, and Cllr A M D'Anna.


MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 5217 It was agreed by those in attendance at the previous meeting that the minutes of the full council meeting held on 19 September 2017 could be signed.

INFORMATION FROM MINUTES 5218 Minute number 5202 (Rest & Refresh refurbishment) – the Clerk confirmed that an email of thanks had been sent to Dr Clive Grace for his generous donation. Cllr P Williams confirmed that he had agreed for any residual monies to be donated to the Crickhowell Resource & Information Centre. Cllr I Jessopp advised that he had asked the owner of Red Indigo to monitor the condition of the structure and to help with litter picking as and when required.

Minute number 5199 (neighbourhood policing) – Cllr A Green had contacted the neighbourhood police team and invited them to attend the next meeting in November. The Clerk asked if consideration could be given to their attendance at the December meeting instead as there were already 2 other confirmed attendees for the November meeting (the CC Cabinet Members for Education & Waste).

Minute number 5203 (Lychgate) – Cllr P Williams advised that the applicants had made a mistake in their contingency figures but as a gesture of goodwill he has agreed to personally donate some materials and that the stone tiles etc could be stored within the cemetery free of charge to reduce the cost of removing them from site. It was agreed that the Clerk should confirm in writing that the Town Council’s grant should be used specifically for the restoration of the Lychgate within a project specific timescale and not be held in a general account for an unspecified future purpose. It was agreed that if the restoration was not undertaken the grant money should be repaid.

Minute number 5207 (Remembrance Sunday) – the Clerk advised that the further information promised by the attending member of the public had not been received. It was agreed that the base of the memorial needed to be cleaned in preparation for the parade ceremony and that a rehearsal date had to be scheduled.

Minute number 5209 (Crickhowell in Bloom hanging baskets) – Cllr O Williams advised that a VAT element would need to be calculated for this.

COUNTY COUNCILLOR JOHN MORRIS REPORT 5219 Deferred item. Cllr P Williams advised that he had met with him to discuss future ATM location options following Nat West’s decision to remove the existing ATM on Beaufort Street.

GRANT APPLICATIONS RECEIVED 5220 Citizens Advice Bureau – it was agreed that the Clerk should contact them and ask for further information on the Crickhowell-specific cases that have been helped and to contact the Five Councils group to ascertain if a collective contribution could be arranged.

SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS FOR 2018/19 5221 The person currently charged with opening and closing the toilets during the week had given notice in writing. It was agreed that the Clerk write and establish an agreed timescale for a replacement resource to carry out the same task and Cllr E Corfield-Walters would prepare a new job description and contract for a replacement within the next 30 days. There was a discussion around the need to set a budget and service level agreement for the future operation of the toilets as the grant funding from Powys CC only provided to the end of the current financial year. It was agreed that the Town Council had a duty to meet its obligations to Powys CC for the duration of the grant period.

There was disagreement over the adequacy of the existing arrangements from a contractual point of view. Cllr A Green verbally resigned his position on the Town Council and left the meeting at this point. There was a further discussion around the specific contractual requirements for the continued operation of the toilets. Cllr I Jessopp left the meeting at this point. It was agreed that Cllr E Corfield- Walters would investigate and audit the toilet provision and report back to councillors.

It was proposed, seconded and majority agreed that the Clerk contact Cllr A Green and formally ask him to reconsider his decision to resign.


Communications – Cllr Helen Johnson – meeting arranged with Clerk and Cllr E Corfield-Walters. Housing – Cllr Tony D'Anna – meeting held and report circulated Parking – Cllr Carmen Dietz – meeting held and report circulated Services – Cllr Lesley Alexander-Carter – meeting held at high school to look at problems of litter and householders using school bins for waste disposal. Possibility of new company and eco-students being paid to recycle/sort. Economic Regeneration – Cllr Ian Jessopp – nothing to report. Infrastructure – Cllr Orinda Williams – nothing to report.


The following payments were approved:-

Payee EAD Cleaning C Hall October salary C Hall October office rental CRiC toilets Wayne Phelps toilets etc. Wayne Phelps cemetery Ocean Business Supplies 1 Ocean Business Supplies 2 HMRC Cllr P Williams – Bevan Memorial refurbishment RSL Bristol Ltd Petty Cash – post office stamps

The following receipts were noted:-

Income Dr Clive Grace donation

CORRESPONDENCE 5224 Items 1 & 2 (adverts in toilets) – agreed that the Clerk write and accept proposals on temporary basis until 31 December 2017. Item 4 (Bullpit Meadow gate) – noted that this had now been fixed. Item 6 (Rights of Way Improvement) – noted that Cllrs P Williams and L Alexander-Carter had completed the questionnaire and others were encouraged to do likewise. Item 14 (Silver Lane resurfacing) – agreed that the Clerk write and ask the cabinet member to reconsider the decision not to resurface the lane and point out the accident risk of not doing so. Item 17 (Lychgate funding) – agreed that the Clerk write and clarify the purpose of the donation. Item 19 (Independent Remuneration panel report) – Cllr A Jeremiah advised that the recommendations had implications for the Town Council and it was agreed that all councillors would read the report in full so it can be discussed at the next meeting and a consultation response sent. Item 25 (burial charges for children) – agreed that the Clerk contact other cemetery providers to establish current charges and for the burial group members to review the current pricing policy in light of Welsh Government’s emerging policy.

OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 5225 Cllr A Jeremiah – primary school full governing body meeting. Cllr P Williams – Cllr J Morris (ATM locations), Maesyffynnon Day Centre funding, retrospective planning applications meeting. Cllr O Williams - Maesyffynnon Day Centre funding, Vale of Grwyney retrospective planning applications meeting. Cllr V P Games – One Voice AGM (any reports to be given to the Clerk for circulation with CTC meeting agenda papers). Cllr C Dietz – parking working group meeting. Cllr L Alexander-Carter – parking and housing working group meetings, sports facilities meeting.

ITEMS FOR THE CLERK TO ACTION 5226 Flowers to Cllr I Kovaleva who is currently on maternity leave.

ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA 5227 Regular item – Any Other Business as in the opinion of the Chair is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration. Prepare a list of tasks for the volunteer bureau to consider helping the Town Council with.

The meeting closed at 9:20pm.

Approved at Council meeting held on 21 November 2017: