FEBRUARY 2021 THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON REPORT HOMELESS SERVICE PROVIDERS & HOMELESS PEOPLE: THE MIGRANT PERSPECTIVE European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless REPORT The Impact of COVID-19: The Migrant Perspective Coordination by the FEANTSA team Simona Barbu, Sergio Perez, Ruby Silk and Aoife Coyne With contributions from: Europa Brücke Münster, Germany, Rotthove Luisa and Stefanie Beckman Praxis, UK, Maria Iglesias, Head of Operations Projekt Frostschutzengel 2.0, Germany, Svenja Ketelsen and Marta Felicja Reddemann Like us Project OUTSIDE, Denmark, Anne-Sofie Maini-Thorsen /FEANTSA St. Brother Albert Aid Society, Poland, Aneta Szarfenberg Follow us European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless @FEANTSA 194 Chaussée de Louvain, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Cover and illustrations provided courtesy of Sergio Carrés T +32 (0)2 538 66 69 •
[email protected] Connect with us For more info contact Simona Barbu at
[email protected] www.feantsa.org FEANTSA 3 REPORT The Impact of COVID-19: The Migrant Perspective Contents 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Reactions to COVID-19 during and post first 2 lockdown 4 2.1 Innovative measures for supporting homeless migrants 5 2.2 Potential dangers to migrants’ rights 7 3 Impact on homeless service providers 9 4 Impact on homeless people 12 4.1 Main findings 13 4.2 Case studies revealing the impact of COVID-19 on homeless migrants 15 5 Conclusions & Recommendations 19 4 REPORT REPORT The Impact of COVID-19: The Migrant Perspective The Impact of COVID-19: The Migrant Perspective immigration status did not count as an excluding The data collected for this report was gathered Introduction factor in several cases.