OA 2015 Annual Report

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OA 2015 Annual Report OPPORTUNITY AUSTIN 2015 ANNUAL REPORT MESSAGE TO INVESTORS CONTENTS To our Opportunity Austin Investors, ECONOMY Following a record breaking 2014, we continued building DIVERSIFICATION | 5 upon the strong achievements in 2015 with excellent progress RELOCATIONS | 6 in our strategic areas of Economy, Talent and Place. BUSINESS RETENTION & The positive results were accomplished in a year marked by several EXPANSION | 8 changes that reshaped the business and political landscape: INNOVATION | 10 • Voters welcomed a new Texas governor, a new Austin mayor, and an historic new 10-1 Austin city council. • We witnessed significant merger and acquisition activity TALENT with Amplify Snack Brands, Dell, HomeAway, chip maker Freescale, now NXP Semiconductors, and SolarWinds. EDUCATION & TALENT | 13 • Our region’s population crossed the 2 million mark with no indications of slowing. Our team drove efforts to attract 53 new companies, the second PLACE best year for relocations since the inception of Opportunity Austin in 2004. Businesses in diverse industry sectors included Amazon, AIR SERVICES | 17 Fashion Forms, Finspeed, Natera, and Proportion Foods. A complete TRANSPORTATION & list of company relocations can be found in the Economy section. INFRASTRUCTURE | 18 Another key indicator of our thriving economy, 70 existing employers announced they were expanding. This represents the highest number since the Great Recession of 2008. Businesses OA 3.0 adding to their payrolls included Accenture, Google, GM, Oracle, Progressive Insurance, Spiceworks and Under Armour. FINANCIALS | 20 All told, the Austin metro area added 34,900 net new jobs from Dec. REGIONAL PARTNERS | 21 2014 through Dec. 2015. That represents a growth rate of 3.8%, the OA 3.0 BOARD | 22 third best performing among the Top 50 Metro areas in the U.S. OA 3.0 INVESTORS | 23 While there is still more to be done in terms of venture capital, there was $911.3 million worth of investment in 151 venture deals last year. Three more local area companies also went public, which included two drug developers and a popular snack food maker. In addition, our A-list of the Hottest Startup Companies in Austin have now received nearly a billion dollars in funding and exit proceeds since the program began in 2011. 2 On the talent and education front, we launched a unique voters overwhelmingly approve State Proposition 7, initiative with superintendents from nine area school which provides more needed funding for highway districts as well as local business leaders. The new Direct construction and maintenance. Our local advocacy to College (DTC70) achievement plan drove a regional efforts also played a role to keep mobility projects commitment to increase our direct college enrollment rate moving forward. This included the approval in May of to 70 percent, the national average, for the Class of 2016. the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) 2040 regional transportation plan as-is. One key metric that we track is the poverty rate for our This will help provide more relief for congested areas region. A stronger economy isn’t meaningful if many like MoPac South, 183 North, and of course I-35. of our friends and neighbors are left behind. When we launched Opportunity Austin 3.0, poverty was on the rise Since it began, Opportunity Austin has worked to add and projected to be 22 percent of our population by 2018. an estimated 298,000 new jobs with a payroll increase This was not acceptable. Our goal was to create jobs with of $16 billion to the greater Austin region. This growth good incomes and reverse that trend to 15.8 percent. is one of the reasons why the Austin region remains According to recent data from the U.S. Census, our region’s on a plethora of “best of” lists. However, Austin and poverty rate is currently below that level. Things are better, Central Texas must avoid complacency. Jobs are not but more work is needed. We will continue to be diligent a guarantee. Going forward, we must remain diligent in identifying and developing opportunities to create and and focused on the needs of the community – energy, grow jobs, especially those important middle-income jobs. mobility, talent, infrastructure as well as an affordable way to do business – to protect the Austin we love. Our transportation advocacy efforts again resulted in positive outcomes. We were pleased to see Thanks for your continued support of Opportunity Austin. Phil Wilson Gene Austin 2015 Chair 2015 Chair Opportunity Austin Austin Chamber 3 ECONOMY DIVERSIFICATION 53 COMPANIES RELOCATED TO THE REGION. RELOCATIONS BY INDUSTRY SECTOR CLEAN ENERGY DATA MANAGEMENT CREATIVE/DIGITAL MEDIA HQ/REGIONAL OFFICE LIFE SCIENCES MANUFACTURING SEMICONDUCTOR SOFTWARE OTHER IT OTHER COMPANIES JOBS 64 8,380 53 7,047 50 5,131 5,098 34 29 31 3,779 3,128 17 547 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 OA 2.0 OA 3.0 5 RELOCATIONS EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT1 COMPANY EMPLOYMENT (MILLIONS) (MILLIONS) Indirect/ Indirect/ Direct Induced Total Direct Induced Total AllianceBernstein• 75 102 177 $8.22 $4.49 $12.71 $9.74 Amazon• 250 279 529 26.11 11.87 37.98 48.92 Amazon 1,000 657 1,657 42.56 26.30 68.86 129.04 Amica Mutual Insurance Company• 75 244 319 7.00 11.36 18.36 34.09 Assured Enterprises• 150 371 521 13.73 16.77 30.50 48.99 Betts Recruiting 10 4 14 0.40 0.15 0.55 0.89 Brasil Aeroespacial• 10 8 18 0.59 0.34 0.93 1.31 CivicSolar• 10 14 24 0.98 0.61 1.59 3.22 CS Disco 25 43 68 3.37 2.05 5.42 11.56 Cyphre 60 67 127 6.27 2.85 9.11 11.74 Digital Turbine 100 171 271 13.49 8.21 21.70 46.25 eClinicalWorks• 50 86 136 6.74 4.10 10.85 23.12 EOS 75 108 183 9.26 4.93 14.19 21.55 Excel Filters• 30 34 64 1.65 1.65 3.29 5.32 Farm Business Consultants• 100 54 154 4.30 2.20 6.51 12.08 Fashion Forms• 140 199 339 13.68 8.54 22.22 45.13 Finspeed• 100 129 229 4.75 6.26 11.01 26.21 Freebirds 30 38 68 1.97 1.73 3.69 5.81 Gaikai (Sony)• 25 43 68 3.37 2.05 5.42 11.56 Galvanize• 30 18 48 0.86 0.71 1.57 2.59 GreenRoad Technologies• 15 26 41 2.02 1.23 3.25 6.94 Gumi• 50 86 136 6.74 4.10 10.85 23.12 Hired• 10 4 14 0.40 0.15 0.55 0.89 Hull & Associates 10 8 18 0.59 0.34 0.93 1.31 Integreon• 25 26 51 1.96 1.03 2.99 5.53 Kony• 50 86 136 6.74 4.10 10.85 23.12 Lake | Flato Architects 10 14 24 0.94 0.60 1.54 2.13 6 1 EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT COMPANY EMPLOYMENT (MILLIONS) (MILLIONS) Indirect/ Indirect/ Direct Induced Total Direct Induced Total Live Music Tutor• 60 316 376 5.28 14.58 19.86 34.85 LiveOps• 155 384 539 14.19 17.32 31.52 50.62 Medway Plastics• 100 90 190 5.87 3.95 9.81 16.34 MemoryBlue 25 11 36 0.94 0.47 1.41 1.97 Monolith Semiconductor 10 38 48 1.54 1.86 3.40 7.49 Natera• 356 261 617 21.82 11.09 32.91 48.68 Novitex Enterprise Solutions• 400 310 710 16.84 12.81 29.65 47.66 Onit 15 26 41 2.02 1.23 3.25 6.94 Oracle 500 1,238 1,738 45.78 55.89 101.66 163.29 Oskar Blues Brewery 70 148 218 2.59 7.01 9.59 28.00 PotentiaMetrics 50 124 174 4.58 5.59 10.17 16.33 Precision Ammunition 50 42 92 2.22 1.99 4.22 10.01 ProPortion Foods• 400 375 775 15.01 17.95 32.96 55.63 Quantcast• 50 124 174 4.58 5.59 10.17 16.33 RedFlow USA• 15 21 36 1.41 0.90 2.31 3.19 SmarterHQ 30 51 81 4.05 2.46 6.51 13.87 STEAM Engine• 30 51 81 4.05 2.46 6.51 13.87 Teza Technologies• 35 60 95 4.72 2.87 7.59 16.19 V2COM• 100 248 348 9.16 11.18 20.33 32.66 Virtuix 15 38 53 1.68 2.00 3.67 7.08 ViZn Energy Systems• 40 56 96 3.76 2.40 6.17 8.51 Volex• 45 50 95 4.70 2.14 6.84 8.80 World First 32 43 75 3.51 1.91 5.42 4.15 TOTAL 5,098 7,022 12,120 $368.98 $314.38 $683.36 $1,174.60 • Projects directly assisted by Austin Chamber Note: Three companies are not reflected in the chart above as they were not known to have created at least 10 jobs. The three are reflected in 2015’s total relocations because they took more than 10,000 square feet. 7 BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (BR&E) 70 COMPANIES EXPANDED IN THE REGION. EXPANSIONS BY INDUSTRY SECTOR CLEAN ENERGY DATA MANAGEMENT CREATIVE/DIGITAL MEDIA HQ/REGIONAL OFFICE LIFE SCIENCES MANUFACTURING SEMICONDUCTOR SOFTWARE OTHER IT OTHER COMPANIES JOBS 4,970 70 62 3,955 55 55 52 54 3,520 3,072 2,568 35 2,307 2,115 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 OA 2.0 OA 3.0 8 2015 BR&E RESULTS NEW JOBS ANNOUNCED NOTABLE EXPANSIONS: 4,970 GENERAL MOTORS: 500 employees REGIONAL COMPANY EXPANSIONS FROM 2014 ACCENTURE: 13% 400 employees JOB CREATION FROM 2014 GOOGLE: 400 employees 62% MAIN STREET HUB: EXECUTIVE SURVEYS EXECUTED 300 employees 414 2015 SCORECARD FOR RELOCATIONS, BR&E PROGRAM TO DATE OA 3.0 GOALS 2015 RESULTS (2014/2015) 2014-2018 NEW JOBS 34,900 63,000 102,663 PAYROLL INCREASE $1.91 billion $3.46 billion $7.08 billion CORPORATE RELOCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 53 117 150 OUT OF REGION VISITS 299 543 650 PROSPECT VISITS TO CENTRAL TEXAS 117 252 250 REGIONAL RETENTION SURVEYS 414 642 1,500 9 INNOVATION INVESTED SECTORS 49.7% | INTERNET 19.2% | MOBILE & TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6.6% | HEALTHCARE 6.0% | FOOD & BEVERAGE 4.0% | SOFTWARE (Non-Internet/Mobile) 2.6% | COMPUTER HARDWARE & SERVICES 2.6% | ELECTRONICS 2.6% | FINANCIAL 2.0% | INDUSTRIAL 2.0% | CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES 1.3% | LEISURE 0.7% | BUSINESS PRODUCTS & SERVICES 0.7% | AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORTATION DELL MEDICAL SCHOOL & INNOVATION DISTRICT UT-Austin is the 1st Tier-1 university in 50 years to establish a new medical school.
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