Proposed Second Way Cleared High School Vote on Projects

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Proposed Second Way Cleared High School Vote on Projects a $55$0&5'2&2& sa $ 2&S$ 2asaS2£ a £ & & 51 2 a &, All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete Ne'lvs Coverage of All thf~ Pointes Home of the News VOL 25-NO~.-4;;8;--------------:E;:ih:::tee::rep:::;~~sr::s-;Osff;;:~=cC°e=-nd-;-at-;CD;;:lae::StrS~oMi:;t.a:::tM1t::e=-rCb-=a.i~------G=-=R:-::O=-=S=S=-E-:P~O=-:-:IN--:T=-=-E-,-M-I--C-...H-IG-A-N-,-N-0-V-E-M-B-E-R-2-6-.-.-19-6-4------$5-.-00-P-er-y-e-ar-------------------- .. lOc Per Copy 36 PagGli-Two Sections-Section --------~----------------------------------._------------------------0 HEADLINES Plant Tree to Honor President Kennedy Proposed Second Way Cleared of the WEEK To Proceed As Compiled by the High School Vote On Projects Grosse Pointe News Set for March 22 R~;~e;~r~:dinf~:tu~~ Thursday, November 19 for Permission to Enlarge INFORMED SOURCES in ~l"scow said yesterday that ap- Referendum Tentatively Scheduled for that Date, I Beach Park parently the new Soviet leaders Superintendent Wilson Tells PTA Council; are planning more changes in Reviews Steps Taken The Park will get its the Communist party and eco- Iong-hoped-for bottom filled nomic organizations. Last J.~on- The date for the referendum on the proposed sec- land at the foot of Alter day it was announced that the ond high school has been tentatively scheduled for road, and Detroit will get division of the party into two March 22, Dr. Charles H. Wilson, Superintendent of the e a s e men t it seeks organizations, agriculture and Schools, said at Monday evening's meeting of the P~TA through the Park for its industry, wou'.d be abolished. The next change. it is thought. Council, held at the Central Library. multi-million-dollar Mac k will he the abolition of regional "However." he added, "this. Avenue Relief Sewer. councils established in 1957 in is only the third or fourth time P T At is regular meeting on Mon- an attempt to improve the effi- the date has been set ill the last arents urn day. November 23, the Park ciency of industrial production. six or eight months" Dr. Wil- council, on recommendation of City Attorney Richard Rohr, * >I< * Ison t 0 I d the representative Deaf Ear to J. EDGAR HOOVER, head of ~group of P-TA officials that gave its approval to a single the F.B.I., said in a three hour conflicts with state elections S f Pl resolution to be prepared by the interview yesterday, that the ha~e arisen to postpone Grosse a ety ea city attorney, whereby the coun- Warren commission report on Pomte property owners' vote cil gives its consent to the the assassination of President' '.:~ on the IOC.1I issue. agreements. Kennedy was unfair in its cri~i-! :l The Board of Education had School Guards Still Having In the agreement approved cism of the Federal Bureau of i , .• ~I. wished to hold the election in Much Trouble In Woods by Detroit, the Park will be Investigation's neglect in not J September or October, but the given a permit for the occu- notifying the Secret Servic~ that I "') date of the primaries in Sep- Because More Kids pancy of and Detroit's conse:!t Lee Harvey Oswald was in Dal- Won't Walk to the Park's purchase of a J..',i tember eliminated this possi- las. He accused the commission's bility. The national election of 66-by-760-foot strip of bottom panel of ''taking out of context November 3 ruled out dates in Woods citizens who drive land jutting out into the De. the testimony of certain wit- November or December. their children to school, troit River. The strip is actual- nesses." He aIso charged that It was determined that March apparently seem to pay lit- ly an extension of Alter road, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther On Friday, November 20, pupils at Maire Elemen. C. HOWE, JULIET MASER and JAMES CIOE. The 1 was available, when Governor tle heed to a plea by Police to which title is claimed by the King Jr. was "the most notori. tary St:>hoolpaused to honor the memory of the late children, sixth graders, were the principal speakers at Romney called a state special Lt. Roland Symons, issued State, under the Michigan Sub. ous liar in the country" for say- President, John F. Kennedy. Following brief ceremo- the ceremonies preceding the planting. Dr. Howe con. primary election for February merged Land Act. ing that F.B.I. agents in Georgia 15 and a special general elec- last September, to permit Detroit Consent Needed had failed to act on Negroes' nies in the gymnasium, the student body watched as a ceived the idea of the "living memorial" to President tion April 15. Under the gov- their children to walk to In order to acquire the land civil rights complaints because memorial tree was planted on the school grounds. Kennedy. Other local schools have participated in vari. ernmental organization of the school if they are within from the State Comervation De- the agents were Southenlers. Shown above (left ~o right) are PENNY MILLER, ous programs honoring Mr. Kennedy in recent days. Grosse Pointes, local school easy walking distance. partment, a consent to purchase * * * JOHN HAMMEL, principal of Maire, DR. ALBERT elections may not be held in Symons, Woods tr:rrfic safety must be received from the MEANTIME IN McCOMB, conjunction with those at a officer, disclosed on Monday, neighboring municipality, in this Miss., racial customs were bra- Santa Claus State level. November 23, that school cross. case, Detroit. ken yesterGay when 20 N('groes City Treasurel- Reveals Chorus Set Review Steps Taken ing guards are still having prob- In return for Detroit's con. patronized without incident In the body of his remarks, lerns with driving parents who sent to 'allow the Park to buy previously all-white restaurants, D F.da "The Latest on the Second High insist on blocking cross walks the strip, the Park will gra.nt motels and theaters. It was the ue rl Y Changes in Procedures For Concert School Situ3ltion," Dr. Wilson and causing congestion in the \Detroit a perpetual right-of-way first test in the area of the reviewed the steps taken to school areas. for the purpose of constructing, public aceommodRtions proposi- \ In V;Zlage date by the officers and trustees The lieutenant disclosed that I operating and m~intaining the tion in the Civil Rights Act of ., Taxpayers Fa.ce This Year !his Sunday of the Board of Education ~D.d his plea to parents to permit j Mack Avenue ~elIef Sewer. 1964. Charles Evers, state field I __ the members of the schools' their children the "luxury" of The sewer WIll begm at Mac.k secretary of the National Asso. _ County and School Levy Due December I Can Be Paid 12th Ann u a I Christmas staff. walking to classes, in the in- a!1d Bedford, .on the DetrOlt ciation for the Advancement of Populor Gentleman Usmg Without Penalty Through February 15; These include countless meet- terest of safet.y, has brought slde, !o BuckIDgha~ on the Event To Be Held At some results, but not what had Park SId:, down Buckmgham .to Colored People, led the Negroes Helicopter To Be On Next Tax Covers 15 Months ings with teacher!:. in the vari- i~to the various business estab- Hand f~r Holiday Parcells Junior High ous subject. matter areas, visi- been hoped for. Char1~:,oIx, east on CharleVOIX, lIshments. S Grosse Pointe City taxpayers will receive on Tues- At 3:30 O'clock tations to buildings recently- Some parents, he said, have and (Ilagonal1y t h r 0 ugh. the * >Ie ... eason constructed and those in vari- allowed their offspring to walk Park t? the s~w~r water-samtary day, December 1, and right on schedule, their bills for to school but there are still a plant 10 ~amstlque str~et. Friday, November 20 Wayne County and the Grosse Pointe school district The Grosse Pointe Com- ous stages of construction, and , , The entIre sewer project WIll SECRETARY OF DEFENSE A d' t t . t munity Chorus will present the division of representatives nu~ber of parents who appear cost Detroit approximately four Robert S. McNamara announced ccor mg 0 repor s JUS taxes. of the secondary departments to Ig~ore the fact that t?ey ~re million dollars. By permitting yesterday that the Administra- received from the North its 12th Annual Christmas Robert Bendzinski, City trea- (.: Concert December 6 at 3:30 into two groups. One will assist creatmg. a ~dous SItuatIOn IDetroit to cut through the tion will close a total of 95 basr,s Pole, Santa Claus is on his surer told the News on Tues- City taxes April 1 of next year. in the planning stages of the ?y blocklllg sIdew!llks and callS- Park, it was said, approximate. here and abroad in an effort to way to Grosse Pointe. Show- day, 'however tha.t there is a The ~mendment pr?vided. f~r p.m. in Parcells Junior new high school, while the mg these co~gestlons. ly 700 feet of construction will effect military economy. The ing that he has kept up ehange this year in the due date changmg Grosse POIllte CIty s High School, Mack at Ver. other will study the existing Symolls saId that t~e crossmg be eliminated, at a savings to annual savings are predicted to .
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