Noteworthy Bird Observations from Baja California, Mexico

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Noteworthy Bird Observations from Baja California, Mexico NOTEWORTHY BIRD OBSERVATIONS FROM BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO STEVE N. G. HOWELL and SOPHIE WEBB, Point ReyesBird Observatory,4990 ShorelineHighway, Stinson Beach, California 94970 DespiteBaja California'sproximity to heavilybirded southern California, its avifauna remains surprisinglypoorly known. The paucity of data reqardingbirds in Baja Californiawas highlightedby Wilbur (1987). In particularit is apparentthat few ornithologistshave studied Baja California in summer,i.e., the periodbetween a species'spring and autumnmigration periods.For example,the occurrencein June 1991 of summeringCom- mon (Gavia iramet) and Pacific (G. pacifica) loons, Great Egrets (Casmerodiusalbus), Greater Yellowlegs(Tringa melanoleuca),Long- billed Curlews (Numenius americanus), Short-billedDowitchers (Limno- d rornus griseus), and CaliforniaGulls (La rus califo rn icus), all seenat Bahia San Quintin, would barely be worth noting had they been in southern California,yet there appear to be no previouspublished summer records for thesespecies in Baja California!ILlinas et al. (1989) and Escofetet al. (1988) did not specificallydistinguish oversummering individuals, and the former'sdefinition of •'summer"moreaccurately reflects autumn for shore- birds.] While muchof the increasedknowledge in recentyears can be attributed to improvedaccessibility, real changesin bird distributionare occurringin conjunctionwith man'simpact on the environment.For example,intensive cultivationof the Llano de Magdalenaaround Ciudad Constituci6nand CiudadInsurgentes, dating from the 1960s (AutomobileClub of Southern California 1990), has created habitat for White-tailed Kites and Western Meadowlarks,while the reservoirat EjidoH•roes de La Independenciahas allowedTricolored and Yellow-headedblackbirds to nest sideby side. This paper is basedmostly on our fieldwork in Baja Californiafrom 1 to 20 June 1991, whenwe twicedrove the entirelength of the peninsula.Our primaryobjective was to determinesummer and breedingdistributions of birds•particularly in the three mainsierras (Sierra de La Laguna,Sierra San Pedro Mfirtir, and Sierra Jufirez). We also include a few records from our trips to Baja California in December 1982, December 1983, Januaryand February1988, and October 1991, and someobservations contributed by other observers.Figures 1 and 2 locate placesmentioned in the species accounts. In total we detailnew informationconcerning 52 speciesin Baja Califor- nia. includingthree speciesnew to the peninsulaand four probablebreed- ing speciesunreported from Baja California (and Mexico as a whole) in summer. SPECIES ACCOUNTS LeastGrebe Tachybaptusdominicus. At Muleg•, on 5 June 1991, we saw a pair and a singleadult. and on 13 June 1991 a pair,an adultwith two full-grownjuveniles, and an adultwith two half-grownjuveniles. We estimateda maximumpopulation of Western Birds 23:153-163, 1992 153 BIRD OBSERVATIONS FROM BAJA CALIFORNIA 32øN 30 ø N 28 ø 1OO Km / 116øW 114ø Figure1. NorthernBaja California, showing locations mentioned in the species accounts.Stippled areas represent sierras. A, SierraJfiarez; B, SierraSan Pedro M6rtir;C, RioColorado; D, RioHardy. l, IslasLos Coronados; 2, Tijuana;3, La Misi6n;4, Ensenada;5, Islas de Todos Santos; 6, Esterode Punta Banda; 7, Laguna Hanson;8, EjidoI-l•roes de la Independencia;9, Durango;10, Coahuila;•1, NationalObservatory (from the observatory, Vallecitos meadow is approximately 4 kmto thesouth-southeast, La Grulla meadow approximately 17 kmto thesouth); •2, SanFelipe; •3, Bahiade San Quinfin (La Pinta Pond is just south of the bay, see Palaciosand Alfaro•991); •4, San Fernando;•5, Catavifia;•6, Bahiade Los Angelesjunction; •7, GuerreroNegro; 18, EjidoVizcaino; 19, SanIgnacio. 154 BIRD OBSERVATIONS FROM BAJA CALIFORNIA about five pairs along the river at Muleg•, an area from which there are no historic records.Least Grebes were foundat Muleg• in 1987 (T. E. Wursterpers. comm.) and 1988 (D. Wimpfheimerpers. comm.), and it seemsthat they have been overlooked there(cf. Belding's Yellowthroat) rather than being recent arrivals. The lastpublished recordsof thisspecies in the peninsulaare from 1930 (Grinnell1928, Wilbur 1987). Clark•s Grebe Aechmophorusclarkii. As Wilbur (1987) pointed out, virtually nothingappears to be known,or at leastpublished, regarding the statusof Clark'svs. Western Grebe (A• occidentalis) in Baja California. We here put on record our observationsof Clark's Grebe (and numbersof Westernssimultaneously present): Bahia San Quintin, 14 June 1991• one Clark•s, three Western; Guerrero Negro, 1 December 1982, one Clark's, 12 Western; 9 December 1983, 12 Clark's, 20 Westerm San Ignacio, 9 December 1983, two Clark's, one Western; Bahia • 26øN =4 o 100 Km , / 112øW 110ø Figure2. SouthernBaja California,showing locations mentioned in the species accounts.A (stippled),Sierra de La Laguna.1, Muleg•;2, Loreto;3, Tripuiresort; 4, CiudadInsurgentes; 5, CiudadConstituci6n; 6, BahiaMagdalena; 7, La Laguna;8, Cabo San Lucas;9, San Jos• del Cabo. 155 BIRD OBSERVATIONS FROM BAJA CALIFORNIA Magdalena,31 Januaryto 1 February1988, 12 Clark's,43 Western;San Jos• del Cabo, 4 February1988, one Clark's,two Western;26 February1988, one Clark's, one Western. Wedge-rumpedStorm-Petrel Ocear•odroma tet/•ys. In the companyof J. and K. Hortonwe sawtwo Wedge-rumpedStorm-Petrels, in looseassociation with numer- ous Least Storm-Petrels (O. microsoma), at 25ø50'N, 110ø00'W, about 40 krn southeastof Loreto, on 12 June 1991. While Wilbur (1987) reported only one previousrecord from the Gulf of California,J. and K. Horton (pers.comm.) have, since 1989, regularlyseen up to ten Wedge-rumpedStorm-Petrels off Loreto betweenMay and July.We haveseen thousands of Wedge-rumpedStorm-Petrels in the tropicalPacific Ocean and are very familiarwith the species.The Loretobirds' smallsize (similarto the Least Storm-Petrel's),blackish plumage with a bold, very longwhite patchon the uppertail coverts,and flightmanner enabled us to identify them readily. American White Pelican Pelecarmser•tl•rorl•yr•cl•us. We saw five iramatures alongthe Rio Hardy on 20 June 1991, whichsuggests that somebirds oversummer in the Rio Coloradodelta. Reportedonly as a "wintervisitor in smallnumbers" to Baja Californiaby Wilbur (1987), althoughHowell and Pyle (1990) saw 450 at LagunaSalada on 15 May 1989. MagnificentFrigatebird Fregata magnificer•s.We saw one soaringwest over CiudadConstituci6n at 1920 on 11 June 1991, and 34 headingnorth at kilometer post45 betweenCiudad Insurgentes and Loreto, elevation300 m, at 0820 on 12 June 1991. AlthoughWilbur (1987) reportedonly one previousinland record from BajaCalifornia, Magnificent Frigatebirds commonly cross the peninsulavia the Santo DomingoValley (R. Rodriguez-Estrellaand E. Palaciospers. comm.). Least Bittern lxobr•cl•us exilis. Single males at San Ignacio, 5 June 1991, and near Durango,in the Rio Coloradodelta, 20 June 1991, suggestthe speciesis an overlookedbreeding resident in the peninsula. White-facedIbis Plegadiscl•il•i. One immatureat San Jos• del Cabo, 11 June 1991, is the firstof this speciesreported from BajaCalifornia in summer(cf. Wilbur 1987). Black-belliedWhistling-Duck Der•droc•grm au•umrmlis. Our sightingof a wary full-wingedadult at San Jos• del Cabo, 11 June 1991, representsthe firstrecord of this unmistakableneotropical duck for Baja California.Presumably the bird was a wandererfrom the Mexicanmainland where the speciesis common. Brant Branta bernicla. One at Estero de Punta Banda, 2 June 1991, and 18 at BahiaSan Quintin,15 June1991 appearto constitutethe firstsummer records from Baja California(cf. Wilbur 1987). A few Brant typicallyoversummer in southern California (Garrett and Dunn 1981). MallardAr•as plat•rl•r•cl•os. On 19 June 1991 we sawa femalewith nine small ducklingson the reservoirat kilometerpost 96 on Highway3, 8 km southof Ejido H•roes de la Independencia.There were also11 otherMallards (including four pairs) at the reservoir.Other breedingrecords for the peninsulawere in 1925 (Huey 1928) and May 1989, near La Misi6n(Howell and Pyle 1990). Northern PintailAr•as acura. In 1991 we saw 50 at GuerreroNegro on 4 June and three at the reservoir8 km southof Ejido H•roes de la Independenciaon 19 June.There is onlyone previoussummer record from BajaCalifornia, in June 1926 (Grinnell1928); Wilbur(1987) mistakenlyindicated that Grinnell(1928) citeda July record. Blue-wingedTeal Ar•as discors. A maleat the reservoir8 km southof EjidoH•roes de la lndependencia,19 June 1991, is the first reportedfor summerin Baja California (cf. Wilbur 1987). CinnamonTeal Arms cyanoptera.We sawa femalewith nine ducklings,plus two courtingpairs and threesingle males, at the reservoir8 km southof EjidoH•roes de 156 BIRD OBSERVATIONS FROM BAJA CALIFORNIA !a Independenciaon 19 June 1991, and a pair with one smallduckling on the Rio Hardy on 20 June 1991. Howell and Pyle (1990) reportedother recentsummer observationsin northernBaja California. GadwallAnas strepera. A pair at Ejido H•roes de la Independenciaand three malesat the reservoir8 km southof EjidoH•roes de !a Independencia,all on 19 June 1991, are the firstreported for summerin Baja California(cf. Wilbur 1987). RedheadAythya americana. A pair at Ejido H•roes de la Independenciaand another pair and singlemale at the reservoir8 km south of Ejido H•roes de la Independencia,all on 19 June 1991, are the first reportedin summerin Baja California (cf. Wilbur 1987). White-tailedKite Elanus leucurus.We observedfive birds (including one adultand twojuveniles) 11 km southof CiudadInsurgentes on 12 June 1991.
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