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Book Groups March 2018 Feb Inside this newsletter Pastor Andy’s Letter Milestones/Attendance One Another Meals in Homes Dear Church Family, interpretation (sometimes cit- Christ CC News On February 21st, 2018, Billy Graham breathed his last, and— ing Jesus’ conversation with the February Photos April 29 at last—his faith became sight. I missed the majority of Graham’s Samaritan woman at the well as Pancake and Sausage Day August 5 active ministry years, but even so his impact has shaped my own “proof” that Jesus wouldn’t en- Missionaries November 4 February Book Groups We had four groups meet during the Sun- ministry in some ways, and certainly the landscape of the Ameri- dorse Graham’s rule). Thus, it’s day School hour throughout the month of February. John Dirks , Grant worth pointing out that Graham imposed this Stauter & Derek Meiss, Mark & Stacy Ludy, and Denny Foor each led a can church today. In the wake of Graham’s pass- small group discussion covering these four books: Uncomfortable; 12 ing, many have written eloquently about his life rule not on every Christian, but found it wise for One Another Meals were held on Feb- Ways Your Phones are Changing You; Evangelism; Look and Live. and influence,1 and in what follows, I’ll offer a few himself given his life of travel, fame, and—most ruary 11th. This is one way the local body likely—personal temptations. of Christ can encourage, edify and break observations as well. bread together. If you would like to sign up Simplicity in Preaching As I began preach- Additionally, Graham was strict about the for One Another Meals contact Denise Bene- Moms’ Group ing occasionally in college, I remember trying rule, but not silly.
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