Portland Daily Press : March 19,1873
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ——— — ■m.»— «■ «k m. ». PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY MORNING^ MARCH !9, 1873. τπρβιιιμ #8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. robbed of his wallet, the Till' PORTLAND DAILY PRESS WANTS, FOUND. containing several TO LEI. LOST, REAL ESTATE. EDUCATIONAL THE PRESS. he 1-8-7-3. hundred dollars with which was to defray Published (Sundays excepted) by the overy day the expenses of the trip. In the rear of to het. 19. that PUBLISHING Stores Wanted Mass. Institute of WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAR. PORTLAND CO., Street, head Geo. R. Davis & Co's Technology. gentleman's Syracuse house may be seen a No. 154 and 156 Commercial MAN to do work and repairing furni- Entrance Examinations June 2 and 3, an«l Oct. 1 man POETLAlfD. of Union ^riiarf. ture. çabinor thoughtful wood in his AT 109 ExenANGIS St, STORE ^ A None but a good workman need apply. and 2. For recent entrance examination chopping shirt N°' 3 BULLETIN. catalogue, and Gleanings. A· ,C· SHURTLEFF. E· LORD, papes, or further Inf rmation, apply to Prof. SAM- Gossip sleeves, while a woman Terms : Dollars a Year in advance. sad-eyed within spat* Eight marlf-lw marlStf 130 Exchange Street. UEL KNEE LAND, Secretary, Boston, Mas*». in «uni· butter and are to loan money mar!5dlm and if sighs. To Lei. We prepnred Greatness stands upon a precipice, THE MAINE"~8TATE PRESS amount <lc»ircd, on β»1 Lost. from $100 to any The Maine a man never so little beyond very pleasant and desirable front rooms on Ktiza· State Press prosperity carry This is tilt 50 a In Portland Cape and dashes him to manner in which the famous is pibllshed every Thursday Morning at $2 TWOCongres* St.. between High and Green Sts. Saturday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock, claim mortage· Eaton Family School his ρ <ise, it overbears if at a at li>8 ONin the street car at the Grand Trunk De- or Deerinff. Parties iki- "Wild Bill" met year, paid in advance, §2 00 year. Tenus reasonable. Apply Fore Street. Spring both, Weetbroob, his to a pot. or between the car and ihe pieces.—Colton. death, according marl2 tf steamer Polynesian building can alaa beaccemmoda of in a br >wn silk book oironsof private lei Iter from Rates of Advertising : One inch space, UMRRELLÀ with chain and belt Salina Couuly, Kansas : aitachcd. ted with loan·· FOR BOYS, "Wild eng h of column, constitutes a "square." The finder will be suitably rewarded by Men are often capable of Kreater Bill "—you remember 75 cents per Board. Middle It. A things him?—has been S 50 per square first week: leaving the same at M. G. PALMER'S, 132 GEO. DAVIS CO,, IS ΤΠΚ- killed daily contlnu- FEW than are sent A gentleman from w sk three insertions, or less, il 00; GENTLEMEN can be accommodated at street. roch!7d3t* they perform ; they into the Texas, whose after; cents. Real Eetatc and Mortgage Brokers. brother the other after first week, 50 A— at 16 Myrtle street, corner ot wild one had sent to the ng every day one Cumberland. tf world with bills of and seldom spirit or less, 75 cents, Also table F0p24 Maine. credit, draw to Half square, three insertions boarders, teb25*lm Wanted· Norridgcwock, land, came up to Kansas to have a shot at week their full extent. we Jk. $1 00; 50 cents i>er take tlie of the MiLE.-Ποηκ No. 16 Bramball William. He shot the one third additional. bus'ness men to Agency Wild William ro dead Spécial Notices, MACHINÉ. The Street, «even room», finished in 82 00 per square To Lot· GOODVICTOR SEWIIVG FOR parlor that he never quivered. Think of a man's Under liood of "AMCSMEMESTe," easiest to manage and will blaek n-alnat. marble mantel. Parlor or less $1 50. connected Victor is the most reliable, Little a per week ; three insertions furnished rooms with board at 119 of machine in the mar- and hall freecoed. Honw beated fur- BEST WEEKLY PAPER differences between men in buying grand horse, riding him nine hun- inserted in the "Maine State Cumberland the best sati.-£action an» by Georgia \ Ivertisements TWO cor. of Franklin Sts. the easiesl ma-lnne to sell. naee. Good cellar. Water and I.ot are dred miles to kill a fellow. When the bas a circulation in fiveot, and in consequence gas. the just Prkss" (wh'ch largo every part Ieb21 tf is oi- on of the Eaton School will amicably adjusted by application of a lor first To the man an excellent opi>ortunity 5Ux(>4. A|ipl;loF.C!. PATTEBgOIV SPRING TERM Texan thot Wild he as ked the crowd of the State) for $1 00 per square insertion, right town iii New Bill, in fered. We want agents in every Eng- tbc promiieH, or to OEO. R. DA VIM Λ. CO. commence four-pound to the of one and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- 1 hose THE weight eyebrow of the bar-room, if any had a desire land where there is not one already. looking mar7 o(h12w gentleman tion. Quiet Board, wi'l do well to call in or th-im. to in if he should for a good paying business "mix so, take great Address all communications to GENTLEMAN and Lady wishing a quiet home MACHINE CO., 511 Tre- add oss VICTOR SEWING FOB SALS—A $10,000 Farm lor MARCH 24tli. in killing bim. No gentleman ex- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. A can tind pleasant rooms with board at No. 4 Fellows' Building, Boston. mlil7dlw pleasure mont St., Oda Δ youn? were a desire to be the Cotton street, second door from Free street. One or $5000 !! Situated in Cumberland IN MAINE: And continue thirteen weeks. couple married at Crestline, pressing killed, Texan got two single gentlemeu can be accommodated also. For Circulars address six on his and remarking that he had busi- Lost. Co., on line ot both Grand Trunk Ohio, years ago, and the secret only came horse, Jan7 marl0c!3w HAMLIN F. EATON. ness started for the BUSINESS CARDS. an ■ out the other in Ttxas, slowly Lone or about the Maine Central Depot a Ladies' Maine Central Railroads. day. The wife's mother has A Few Good Rents a comiderable sura Star State. INPORTMONNIE, containing Address, enclosing return stamp, quit her ears. also a ticket on the P. & O. R. R. ! boxing O. W. once. of money, mileage School ΗΤΟΓΚΜ AN. M. applied for at _ GEO. K. DAVIS & Portland, I»., ihe owner's name. Tlie finder will be CO., Navigation IF MATTOCKS & FOX, containing Me. Because it gives more reading Recent Publications. 88 Middle street. suitably rewarded by leaving the above at D. W. Physician and novSdtf fel>20 4w Surgeon, True & Co.'b, Comme· cial or at the Maine Parchment paper is the correct street, matter than NAVIGATION SCHOOL will be opened at No. material 207 Portland. Central Depot with E. Higgins. mchl4eodlw any other; Woman in American Abba Congress St., STORE TO LET. For Sale· A 1.51 Exchange street, March 3d, to be under upon which to write your and Society, by Opposite the Park. marlSdtf the fharge of Capt. Edward Breen and C. H. Farley. invitations, Gooi.d Woolson. Because it is a NEWS must a 45 Melbourne head of North thoroughly Instruct! ·η will be given every afternoon Cai»t. you have huge wax seal on the en- brick store in the Rackloff Block, corner A Gold Ring Found, No. Street, by is a and large locations and and H. This thoroughly enjoyable satis- T. W. EITIERSOIV, of Middle and Ceurch streets—basement, and the same at HOUSEStreet; said house is one of the best Breen, Monday Friday eveuings by C. A the owner can have by railing PAPER: The velope. first finished and adapted to jobbing and on the street, tine neighbourhood; consists of a two Farley. course will begin with decmal arithme- book. It is one of the few floor, eleganth ANDthis office, proving property, paying and well factory publica- Hanger. or ott1er similar trade. mr!3dlw story frame house and ell contains 12 rooms, con- tic, comprise Plane, Traverse. Parallel Mid- Plain and Decorative Paper dry goods charges. "! The tions of late which have Apply to ALLEN HAINES. venient for two families or noe, seven years old, two Because it has a larger Editorial dle Latitude sailing; the u.«o of Logarithms: the use Western press avows its willingness to year* compelled walk from horse will he sold at a and a istment of Nautical septlldtf minuets cars; very g Instruments; Latitude from us the tribute of at on· receive Wanted. witbin bv Sun and accept the theory of spontaneous being read through Ord-rs left at Lorine, Short & narmon'a reasonabl price thirty days. force than any other paper in Star's, anil Longitude by Chronometer generation, one has had For ac WM. K. 327 Lunar ol servattons will not be in if of it immeJiate attention. Residence, APOTHECARY CLERK, that particulars inquire NEAL'S, included the course potato bugs appear after such a winter as sitting. Although the articles which is To the Honorable Charles W. Portland. marlîdlm but will be Walton, ANtwo or three years experience. Address Apoth- Congress Street, taught if desire I. So. Anderson St. one of the J untie· of the «fu- Maine; The the one we have composed were written for a 3, Supreme ecary, P. O. Box 1787 Portland. mar!0*2w evening instruction will be given before the just passed.