Virus & Malware Removal COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Computer Repair Have a Virus? Spyware Trouble? Computer Just Running Slow? Backup & Restore Wireless Networks Computer Upgrades Data Recovery 403.924.HELP (4357) Remote Support 403 Main Street, Three Hills Same Day Appointments
[email protected] | We make house calls and also offer a pickup & drop-off service Y R C N PETERS 403.443.2433 419 Main St., Three Hills PHARMACY
[email protected] THE WEAR A MASK If you are handy with a needle consider making a P T H simple face mask. Homemade masks help contain Volume 107 - Number 37 saliva that may be projected when we talk or cough Wednesday,CAPITAL June 10, 2020 thereby reducing risk of viral transmission. FREE Monday to Saturday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Bus: 403-556-3371 Cell: 403-443-0180 Arlin Koch - New/Used Sales Three Hills / Olds / Kneehill County P4 THAT'S LIFE P5 PHASE TWO RELAUNCH ANNOUNCED P9-21 KNEEHILL GRADUATION GUIDE Show ‘n Shine or Bust Saturday, June 6 would have seen several thousand P22-23 people and hundreds of vehicles of special interest fill “The Big L” in downtown Three Hills, in a normal year. Cruise Weekend and the 39TH Annual Street CHILDREN'S Freaks Shown n’ Shine were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But Three Hills is a “car town” ACTIVITY and about 20 vehicle enthusiasts arrived on Main Street, Saturday afternoon, to keep the tradition alive. PAGES Sunday was cold and rainy so it would have been a nasty day for the annual bracket races.