Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon Dedicated to the Enjoyment, Conservation and Study of Oregon’S Native Plants and Habitats

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Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon Dedicated to the Enjoyment, Conservation and Study of Oregon’S Native Plants and Habitats Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation and study of Oregon’s native plants and habitats VOLUME 39, NO. 8 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2006 Stalking the Ancient Asparagus: a.k.a. Spiranthes porrifolia by Lucy A. Dueck ack in 1949, William T. Baker col- fication, or links to distant relatives? had no luck. By this time my disap- B lected specimens of an orchid he While attending the Native Orchid pointment began to show, and Veva re- thought was Spiranthes romanzoffiana Conference (NOC) meeting in June membered she had taken a sample last (hooded ladies’-tresses) from a meadow 2006, conveniently held in Ashland, year from the meadow site for a USFS not far from Agness, Oregon, in Curry Oregon, I heard that the local S. por- herbarium specimen. So we stopped County. Those specimens later ended rifolia looked suspiciously like S. infer- by the USFS in Gold Beach and she up in the University of Idaho herbari- nalis. Now I had to get fresh samples graciously loaned me her specimen to um, but were re-identified there as Spi- of it to test the validity of Baker’s old sample. Driving back to Ashland via ranthes porrifolia (creamy ladies’-tresses) specimen! One group member offered the Redwood Highway that evening, by Dr. Charles Sheviak of the New a location for S. porrifolia in Agness, I was pleased that I didn’t get totally York State Museum, who specialized in and another member provided the skunked, but a fresh sample from that studying Spiranthes taxonomy. name of a local botanical specialist, area would have been more dependable Baker’s specimens proved to be an Veva Stansell. I contacted Veva and for a complete analysis. invaluable link for a current DNA study made arrangements to meet her in Much to my surprise, I got a call of Spiranthes orchids that I’ve undertak- Agness on the last day of the confer- en route that another NOC member en the last four years, together with my ence. She even knew of the exact site had also crossed the mountains that collaborator, Dr. Ken Cameron of the where Baker had collected his sample, day and had actually found a few New York Botanical Garden. I needed so we planned to check both areas. continued on page 88 to collect samples from all 26 Spiranthes However, I ran into some road- taxa that are listed in Flora of North blocks that day—literally. The only America online, plus one newly de- route over the coastal mountains, a scribed species, as well as a close relative one-lane gravel road, sported a new to root the ‘family tree’ of this genus. “Road Closed” sign, which I ignored In This Issue However, S. porrifolia remained elusive, and drove around—after all, Veva Volunteer Opportunities ...80 despite engaging several West Coast and her friend Kay Butler were wait- contacts to find and collect it. As with ing on the other side. After getting Chapter Calendar ..............81 most terrestrial orchids, this one is fickle chewed out by a road crew boss at the about appearing every year, especially crest for interfering with construction, Other Events ....................84 during these times of climatic change. I finally met up with my two local Luckily, two herbariums allowed guides and we were off to Baker’s site. NPSO Members Enjoy me to take small leaf parts of S. porri- The expansive wet meadow, dotted 2006 Annual Meeting .......85 folia specimens in their collections for with oaks, failed to yield any sign of genetic analysis. But the results were S. porrifolia to the three of us, though A Weekend of Flowers perplexing—in one of the three plant it had produced blooming plants in in the Ochocos .................86 genomes (the only one I got to work), recent years. Next, we checked the site the sample from San Diego matched pointed out on the map to me by the IAE Volunteers Needed .....87 the widespread S. romanzoffiana, while NOC member that was farther towards Baker’s Oregon sample matched the the coast. It had begun to rain by then NPSO Contacts..................89 rare and unique S. infernalis from and the site looked unlikely to the local Nevada. Were these cases of misidenti- guides, so I checked it out alone, but August/September 2006 79 Rare & Endangered Plants Committee OCIE T S TY N O A F L regon has ten species on the Federal list of R&E plant species and 29 on the P O R E E State list (with nine overlaps). The state-wide R&E Committee wishes to V G O I O T monitor these species and to determine which additional species warrant listing. A N N We would like to develop educational programs that describe the state’s flora and to increase our conservation activities by providing appropriate and specific informa- tion about local plants to city and county committees on management, planning, Fo 1 and parks and recreation. unde 196 d If you are interested in learning more about R&E plants and helping to in- crease public awareness of our wonderful flora, contact Les Gottlieb (Siskiyou Native Plant Chapter) at [email protected] or 541-488-0731. Society of Oregon NPAW Coordinator Needed World Wide Web ay 1-8, 2006 marked the second annual Native Plant Appreciation Week http://www.NPSOregon.org M (NPAW). The list of activities included wildflower shows, plant hikes, art ex- hibits, plant sales and impressive slide shows. With Governor Kulongoski’s support, E-mail Discussion List this statewide event is building society recognition as well as helping to increase To join send a message to membership. We need a new NPAW coordinator as I am taking on duties as the [email protected], with the Corvallis chapter president. The new coordinator will encourage chapter presi- following in the body of the­message: dents to schedule events, facilitate the production of a poster, and work with the subscribe npso webmaster to provide online information. If you have any questions please contact Matt Blakeley-Smith at [email protected]. General Business Address P.O. Box 902 Eugene, OR 97440 or correspond directly with Officers and Committee Chairs listed on the inside of the back page. Membership Inquiries Only Clayton Gautier 3927 Shasta View St. Eugene, OR 97405-4442 Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon Editor: Tanya Harvey ISSN 0884-599. Published 11 times per year. Subscription price $18/year. Date and issue number on page 1. The submission date is the 10th of each month for the following month’s issue except for the Aug./Sept. issue which is July 24. Send submissions by e-mail to [email protected]. Y ARVE Opinions expressed in this publica- H A Y tion are those of the authors of the AN T articles. They do not represent the Big Summit Prairie in the Ochoco Mountains is well known for its outstanding displays of opinions of the Native Plant Society mule’s ears (Wyethia ssp.) in spring. But after they’re gone the area still yields many botanical of Oregon, unless so stated. delights including this stunning display of big pod mariposa lilies (Calochortus eurycarpus). For more about the Ochocos, see p. 86. 80 NPSO Bulletin NPSO CALENDAR plant research. Avery House, Avery August 20, Sunday, 5 – 8 pm Blue Mountain Park, Corvallis. For more information For information on the Blue Mountain Event: Morse Ranch Potluck/Picnic. contact Matt Blakeley-Smith mattbs@ We have reserved the picnic shelter at Chapter call Jerry Baker at 541-566- peak.org 541-752-1091 2244. the Morse Ranch in South Eugene. NPSO members and families are in- vited. Bring a table setting and dish to Cheahmill Emerald share. There will be a Board Meeting Please note all Emerald Chapter presen- at 6:30 pm at the shelter. For more in- September 28, Thursday, 5:30 pm tations will now be held at the Eugene formation call Dave at 541-345-5531. Water and Electric Board Training Room Potluck Barbecue & Meeting at September 7, Thursday, 9 am Miller Woods. Kick off the fall sched- at 500 East 4th Avenue in Eugene. From ule with a tour of Miller Woods and the Fifth Street Market go one block Herbarium Work Party: Assist with a barbecue. 5:30 pm tour, 6:30 pm north and one block east. For more info mounting and organizing specimens dinner and slide show of the history call David at 541-746-9478. in the Rowe-Love Herbarium at Lane and future of Miller Woods by Tim Community College. Meet in the Stieber of the Yamhill County Soil Science Building Rm 117 from 9 am and Water Conservation District. The to noon. Refreshments provided. No property was donated to the district background necessary and all assistance and its vision statement reads, “A is appreciated. Learn some valuable IMPORTANT NOTE TO collection and preparation skills and Unique Place to Learn about Natural FIELD TRIP PARTICIPANTS Resources.” Flyers and e-mails will be contribute to adding to our collection sent out in early September with more Field trips take place rain or shine, of over 3000 specimens. Notable and information on the barbecue. Miller so proper dress and footwear are historic herbarium specimens from the Woods is located off Orchard View essential. BRING waTER AND Herbarium will be on display. Contact Rd, four miles northwest of McMinn- LUNCH. Trips may be strenuous Gail Baker, Science, Lane Community ville. For more information on Miller and/or hazardous. Participation is College, 541-463-5085 or bakerg@ Woods, see YC SWCD website: www.
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