LIVING. MOVING. BREATHING. Ranking of European Cities in Sustainable Transport #cleanairnow Living. Moving. Breathing. Ranking of European Cities in Sustainable Transport Santhosh Kodukula & Frederic Rudolph Wuppertal Institute This report is the result of research commissioned by Greenpeace. The sole responsibility for the report's contents lies with the authors. Please cite this report as: Kodukula, Santhosh; Rudolph, Frederic; Jansen, Ulrich; Amon, Eva (2018): State 'Living. Moving. Breathing.' Hamburg: Greenpeace Germany Project coordination at Wuppertal Institute: Santhosh Kodukula Wuppertal Institute, Mobility and International Cooperation E-Mail:
[email protected] Project Coordination & Review at Greenpeace: Barbara Stoll, International Project Lead, Clean Air Campaign Email:
[email protected] Authors: Santhosh Kodukula, Frederic Rudolph, Ulrich Jansen, Eva Amon Project duration: October 2017 – May 2018 Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the colleagues at Greenpeace and Wuppertal Institute for their quality inputs and comments. Their support has allowed us to make the study methodology coherent and the report into a quality piece of research. Disclaimer: Greenpeace e.V., Hongkongstr.10, 20457 Hamburg, Tel. +49 40 3 06 18-0,
[email protected], Politische Vertretung Berlin Marienstr. 19–20, 10117 Berlin, Tel. +49 30 88 99-0 V.i.S.d.P. Benjamin Stephan Contents 1 Executive Summary 1 2 Sustainable Urban Mobility in Europe 5 3 Methodology 7 4 Overall ranking 10 5 Modal Share 12 6