Greens - default template order Greens - for sequential/hierarchical data Red Lighter Darkest Green Lightest Light Darker Darkest Darker Green Light Lighter Lightest Red Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Use to 1st/highlight 2nd53rd 4th th 6th 7th 1st32nd4rd th 5th6th highlight Oranges - default template order Oranges - for sequential/hierarchical data Red Lighter Darkest Orange Lightest Light Darker Darkest Darker Orange Light Lighter Lightest Red Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Use to 1st/highlight 2nd53rd 4th th 6th 7th 1st32nd4rd th 5th6th highlight Assessing prime market conditions across France’s key second home destinations Prime France Report 2019 PRIME FRANCE REPORT 2019 PRIME FRANCE REPORT THE PRIME FRANCE REPORT The Prime France Report provides an overview of prime market conditions across Knight Frank’s key second home destinations: Paris, The French Overview Riviera, Provence, The French Alps and South- West France. For the world’s wealthy, France remains the DEFINITIONS ultimate home away from home Where we refer to Prime Property this equates to the top 5% of each market by value. Prime Kate Everett-Allen markets often have a significant international bias International Research in terms of buyer profile. Editor – Kate Everett-Allen
[email protected] rance’s appeal needs little and look ahead at some of the transport explanation, it remains projects and events that will shape these Marketing – Sarah Guppy
[email protected] Knight Frank’s number markets over the next five years. one market for lifestyle Media enquiries – Astrid Recaldin purchases and the country’s
[email protected] second home hotspots rank high on the Design – Quiddity Fwish lists of the world’s wealthy, but its appeal extends beyond its climate and Head of European Sales – Mark Harvey cuisine.