

Medicine : Cardiology

Davidson, M.H., Toth, P.P., Maki, K.C. (Eds.) Therapeutic Lipidology

Provides comprehensive coverage of all core aspects of clinical lipidology as well as relevant basic science and management strategies Updated to include new guidelines, novel therapeutic agents, and changes in the understanding of specific / and risk Highlights recent advances in the field such as novel biomarkers and the , of cardiovascular risks, PCSK9 inhibitors, as well as imaging technologies and separation/measurement methodologies The second edition of this important book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of clinical lipidology. Brand new chapters focus on recent advances in the field including novel biomarkers and the microbiome, genomics of cardiovascular risks, PCSK9 inhibitors, imaging technologies, and of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The book describes Humana new guidelines, novel therapeutic agents, and changes in the understanding of specific 2nd ed. 2021, XV, 689 p. lipoproteins and subclasses with regard to their relationships to cardiovascular disease risk. 2nd 140 illus., 114 illus. in color. edition The second edition contains more than thirty chapters covering such topics as the history of lipidology, lipoprotein and vascular , disorders of metabolism, lifestyle /dietary and pharmacologic management for dyslipidemia, the management of dyslipidemia in certain subgroups (e.g., women, children, older patients) and lipid testing, as well as an Printed book examination of other biomarkers and testing procedures related to atherosclerosis and Hardcover cardiovascular disease. The second edition of Therapeutic Lipidology is an essential Printed book for physicians, medical students, residents, fellows, and allied health professionals in lipidology, Hardcover cardiology, endocrinology, pharmacotherapy, and health promotion and disease prevention. ISBN 978-3-030-56513-8 £ 199,99 | CHF 259,50 | 219,99 € | Order online at springer.com/booksellers 241,99 € (A) | 235,39 € (D) Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Available Customer Service Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 Sale price valid through September 30, 2021 69121 Heidelberg Germany £ 114,00 | CHF 153,50 | 129,99 € | T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 142,99 € (A) | 139,09 € (D) [email protected] Discount group Standard (0) Product category Professional book Series Contemporary Cardiology Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-56515-2

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