SOMERSET, LKELLY's Formed Into a Separate Parish, Known As "Bishops Hull Henry Smerdon Esq

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SOMERSET, LKELLY's Formed Into a Separate Parish, Known As 138 BISHOPS HULL WITHOUT. SOMERSET, LKELLY'S formed into a separate parish, known as "Bishops Hull Henry Smerdon esq. are the chief landowners. The soil Within." The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a build­ is rich loam ; subsoil, gravel, principally grazing land. ing of stone, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, The area is 1,423 acres of land and r8 of water; rate­ nave, aisles, and an ancient octagonal tower containing a able value, £7,550; the population in rgn was r,o74 in clock and 6 bells : the stained east window is a memorial the civil and 929 in the ecclesiastical parish. to Sir Edward and Lady Dance, and there is another, placed in r886, to Samuel Pitman and his wife, and one RUMWELL is a hamlet about I mile from the parish to the late Col. Henry William Rawlins and his wife, church. Here is a farm-house called " Castleman's Hill," placed in r8g8: the church· has some fine carved in which the Duke of Monmouth is reported to have slep~ benches, dating from about 1530; the chancel contains the night before the battle of Sedgmoor, 6 July, r685. some good monuments to the Farewell family : there are sittings for 300 persons. The parish register dates GALMINGTON is a hamlet ecclesiastically in Wilton, from the year r56o. The living is a vicarage, net but for civil purposes connected with Bishops Hull. yearly value £r75, including 6o acres of glebe, with Sexton, Percy Merson. residence, in the gift of trustees, and is at present (I9I3) vacant. Here is a Congregational chapel, Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Harold James Turner, sub­ founded in 1662, and seating 220 persons. A ceme­ postmaster. Letters received from Taunton at 6.55 tery for the parishes of Bishops Hull and Taunton a.m. & 3·5 & 8.Io p.m. Box closes for dispatch at St. Mary has been formed in this parish on the 7.30 & IL45 a.m. & 3.2o, 6.30 & 8.15 p.m Taunton road. There are charities of the annual Wall Letter Boxes. New Road, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & value of £6o. Court or Manor House, the property and 3·45 p.m. except sundays; & Rumwell, cleared at residence of Mrs. Rawlins, is an ancient building in the r r. 15 a.m. & 7.15 p.m. except sun days Elizabethan style, believed to have •been built in the J ames M ayes, school attendance officer year 1538 by Simon Farewell, and originally served as Public Elementary School, built in 1893, at a cost of the court house for the general court baron of Taunton £2,ooo, for 300 children; average attendance, ISO; Dean. W. G. Maclean esq. ; The Misses Easton ; E. J. W. J. Blatchford, master; Miss M . .A. Best, mistress Blake esq. of Crewkerne; 0. G. Waiters esq. of Ford House, Wellington; the Rev. H. T. Rogers and John Police Station, Sergeant Sweet, in charge BISHOPS HULL. Trump Samuel, Mountway road Peters Edward "Partridge, farmer• Parsonage farm PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Veevers Rev.John W.(Congregational) Walsh Col. Hy. Alfd. C.B. Hillmore Rudd Richard George, grocer .A.ddington Mrs. Roughmoor house Watson Mrs.TheCottage,Wellington rd Smerdon William Richard, farmer, .Archer Mrs. Swete-, Oldbury lodge Williams Eubulus, Homeleigh, Dinham house Baker Miss, Clarendon villa Mountway road Thomas William & Oo. Lim. (William Bastard Charles Wood W. Chapman, Hill view Moss, manager), brick & tile Batten Henry C. Mountway road COMMERCIAL. Jnakers & coal, manure, slate & Bull Waiter, Mountway road Allin Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, timber merchants; & at Milverton Chambers Thomas, Mountway road Colston view & Wellington Channer Osborn Robert Moseley, Allin William Summer:field, basket Thomas Samuel, shopkeeper W oodmead maker, Florence terrace, New road Tong Arthur, Red Lion P.H Olarke Major Robert Stuart, Ivy cot Anning John Henry, painter, New rd Tuck Edward, baker, New road Cornish Edward, Waterloo Baker Edwin, baker Turner Harold James, carpenter & Corni~h Lionel, Laurel cottage Best .John, boot maker sub-po•stmaster Cowan Thomas William, Upcott ho Coles Albert, shopkeeper Daniel Edgar Charles, Mountway rd Constitutional Club (A. H. Cowan, RUMWELL. Drapes Miss, Springfield bon. sec) Easton The Misses, Rumwell hill Hanbury Theodore d'Escury, Mount- Cornishes' Lim. brick & tile makers, Fox Cba~. Leslie B. A., J. P. Rumwell hall way house New road Moger H. G. Derwent, The Mount Hill John Smith, Kimberley villa Davey John, farmer Rodgers Lt.-Col. J. W. Rumwell ldg Lewis George, Mountway road Davis Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bevis Thomar;, farmer, Ritherdins Lewis George, jun. Mountway road Drewe Capel S. butcher Chedgey James, Crown P.H Luckes Miss, Bishop's Hull cottage Durman William, New inn WebbPr William John, farmer Lyall David Robert C.S.I. Nether- Durman William, Old inn Yeo William, farmer, Castleman's hl clay house Eveleigh George, farmer, Haydon fl'm Lyon Capt. Claude D. G. Frethey Fry James .A.lbert, blacksmith GAI4MINGTON. Lyth~ll Misses, Barr house Gilham Henry, farmer, Long r!ln PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Mead Herbert James, iMountway road Greed Henry George, painter Betchley Thomas, Colley villa Mills Miss Greenslade Thomas, Royal Crown inn Edwards Mrs Mogridge Henry John, Mountway rd Gregory George, farmer, Fideoak Lloyd John Willett Pope Ernest James, Mountway road Gregory John, water miller, Fideoak Pollard Geo. Hugh, Galmington lodge Pulman Misses, Bishops Hull house Hutchings John, miller (water), Rich William Henry, Oakleigh Raban Mrs. The Vicarage Bridge mills Southwood Thomas Charles B Rawlins Mrs. Manor house Jon('s Llewellyn, farmer, Newley farm Ward Herbert Charles Roots Mrs. Tytherleigh Kinglake Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Waye _James Thomas, The Cottage Salway Mrs. Mountway road Mayes James, assistant overseer for COMMERCIAL. Sandwith Misses, Bramdean Bishops Hull Within & Without & Gould Joseph, builder Sibley James, Mountway road Norton Fitzwarren, assessor & Jewell John, farmer Smith Charles, Milligan hall collector of taxes & school attend- Kellow Henry, coach builder Smith Misses Mountway road ance officer & clerk to the Parish Rowsell Thomas, Galmington inn '.frenchard William John, Shute ho Councils Shattock Carl, road contractor Trott William Henry, Coloba Shattock Robert, grocer BISHOPS LYDEARD is a parish, head of a petty persons : in the churchyard are two ancient crosses. The sessional division, and considerable vi19.age, pleasantly register dates from the year I64o. The living is a vicar­ seated on the road from Taunton to Minebead, with a age, pet yearly value £290, including II acres of glebe, station on the West Somerset branch of the Great West­ with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of ern railway, and is 5 miles north-west from Taunton, 8 Wells, and held since I9I3 by the Rev. George Pepys north from Wellington, and 151 from London, in the Whately M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, and rural Western division of the county, hundreds of Kingsbury clean of Wellington. Here is a Congregational chapel, West and Taunton Dean, Taunton union and county court with a Sunday school attached. There are almshouses ' district, rural deanery of Wellington, archdeaconry of for ten poor people, founded and endowed by Sir Taunton, and diocese of Bath and Wells. The church of Richard Grobham kt. of Great Wishford, Wilts, in St. Mary is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, I6I6 : the funds have ~ince been increased by a dona­ consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, transepts, tion from Mrs. Mary Hill in r8SI ; the yearly income south porch and an embattled western tower, with pin­ is now about £233· The Horticultural Society holds nacles, containing a musical peal of ·8 bells : there are an ar.mual meeting and distributes prizes. Sandhill several stained windows, and in the south transept is a Park, partly in this parish, is the property and resi­ brass with effigies and inscription to Nicholas Grobham, dence of Capt. Sir Wroth Periam C. Lethbridge bart­ oh. August 7, 1585, and Eleanor (Troble), his wife, ob. J.P.; Wa.tts House is the residence of Lieut.-Col. September 27, 1594: the church was restored and re­ Dennis Fortescue Boles M.P., J.P. Capt. Sir Wrath seated about I85o, the ancient carved oak bench ends P. C. Lethbridge bart. who is lord of the manor, and screen being preserved: there are sittinga for 450 C. E. J. Esdaile el!q. of Cothelstone House, and GeOTge • .
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