The New Hampshire, Vol. 77, No. 51 (May 1, 1987)

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The New Hampshire, Vol. 77, No. 51 (May 1, 1987) The NeW Hampshire Bulk Rate,U S Postaoe Pa,n Vol. 77 No. 5J (603)862-1490 Durham,N.H: Oµrham I\J H Perm,t 113(j....,, Rap~ hearjngs begin on campus By Stephen Melisi and Chris was _dancing wildly, leaning on 'Pollet people. and posts, and swaying, Tension filled room 127 of _according to Huzar. Hamilton-Smith as the UNH · "It was like she was in outer Judicial Board heard the first ,space or something," Huzar testimonies concerning the 'said. ·events of February 19th and Huzar said she left the party, ,20th, the night of the alleged at approximately 11: 30, after rape of a Stoke Hall resident. .attempting to get Sarah to leave The defendants, S,toke res­ with her. San;1h declined, saying idents Gordon Williams, John 'Fox, and Chris Spann, al age she was having a good time, said 20, disagreed with all of the Huzar. charges filed against.them by "I have never done that to the University. These charges anyone before," Huzar said. "I came as a result of violations don't know why I did.'! involving respect fo~ others Huzar said the next morning (sexual assault), indulging in Sarah came to her room and told lewd or indecent behavior, and her "she had partied with the acting in concert to violate SAE guys . on the other end University rules. · (wing) last night, and she Opened to the public, the thought she had kissed one of 'hearing began 45 minutes late 'them." . · ..I\ freaky Ap~il snow ~~orm on Tuesday made-walking tQ class sloppy on-W ednesd~y morning. and was hampered by questions She also told Huzar they had (Craig Parker photo) of procedure posed by the de­ come to Sarah's room after­ fense council. The councilcun­ wards and apologized to her ·according to Huzar. _sisted of four student represe;;­ · "But she didn't know why tativ,es, who served as advisors,. ,they were apologizing," Huzar and three defense attorney-..i. 'said. · present in a "passive role." .-.,. In their round of questioning, J The questiQns involved Uni­ .the defense attempted to bring versity rule 12.44 (dishonesty the storm, although a little :sarah' s prior b_ackground in­ · unprepared for the storm. These before a judicial hearing). The By Ed McDaid people were seen and heard surprised at its intensity. The ,volving drinking and sexual defense council·challenged if ·,activity into the proceedings. Just when you thought it was around campus Wednesday, weather reports had called for the use of depositions was safe to go back outside, it's back trudging through the slush minimal accumulation, but a The Judicial Board decided only applicable to a University hear- ;general, not specific, informa- again. That white, powdery puddles in their Reeboks and steady downfall causeq. the snow . iqg, and also 'stressed the im­ substance which fills our Christ- cursing their choice of New removal crew to be cailed up~n. ', rion: be given in reference to this portance of setting apart wit­ ,background. This eventually led mas dreams and gives us so Hampshire as a home. Brett . Althougr;i the storm did not .nesses so they can not discuss much fun on the . slopes has Chamberlain, a sophomore, was create a big problem for the ,to a discussion of drinking testimony after it is given. habits. made a return visit to interrupt among the unsuspecting. snow removal crew, who were The prosecution was repres­ our spring: snow. As many as "When I woke up in the aided by the warm weather, "it ' Huzar said of Sa_!ah, "Usually ented by Sergeant Paul Kopreski ·she is e.mbarrassed or shy to talk 5 inches fell in the Durham area morning," he complained, "the did put us a few days behind in and Major Roger Beaudoin of Tuesday night and Wednesday walkways were covered with wet Spring cleanup," Assistant Man­ to guys unless she is good friends University Public Safety. They with them. After she has been morning. snow. I was able to make it to ager of the Grounds and Roads began their case by arguing the You would have thought it class, but my sneakers and feet Department Ron La Voie said. 'drinking, she is more easily alleged victim, who was referred 'convinced to go up and talk to to be done by now; especially got soaked." Spring storms like this are to as "Sarah" throughout the after last weekend. Didn't the The storm did manage to not all that much of a rarity. In ·some guy, more forward, not proceedings, had become intox­ ;as self-conscious." Spring Jubilee signify that the cause other· problems besides 1982, snow was reported ori icated ana was "helP,less to snow season was over, and a few wet feet. Numerous power April 10th and 11th, and in resist" her alleged assailants. When asked by the defense spring had begun? The campus outages were reported through­ 1945, as much as 5 inches of . The two witnesses called were . if Sarah was "in control" enough showed all the signs of spring out the seacoast area, and driv­ snow feU in Concord, NH on ,Michelle Huzar, a close friend to walk from the fraternity back last weekend; carnival rides, ing conditions became danger­ May 5th .and 6th. of the alleg~d victim, and John to Stoke and get back to her wiffle ball games, people in ous. The hardest hit area was The forecast for this· weekend Prescott, the Stoke fourth floor room, Huzar simply said, "She resident assistant. - could walk.'' Jams, and, of course, the Kappa the Manadnock region, with is for fair weather and clear · · · Huzar's testimony centered Sigma Keg Toss. But as we New towns like Henniker, Peters­ skies. You might want to get The prosecution then called on her knowledge of Sarah's ,Prescott to testify. His testim­ Englanders should well know boro, and Goffstown. reporting your Jams ready. But to be on .activities and her state of mind by now, never trust the weather. · as much as 18 inches of snow. the safe side, you better keep ony concerned the events of ,on the night of February 19th :early Friday morning, and his Quite a few people forgot this The UNH Grounds and your boots and jackets out. In ·and morning of February 20th. golden rule, and they were Roads Crew was prepared for New England, you m:ver knQw. 'relationship to the alledged Huzar and Sarah had attended 'incident. ' a party at Pi Kappa Alpha Prescott said he had been '- fraternity at approximately informed of "a situation" going Inside ·10:15 that evening. Sarah had Storm delivers consumed so much alcohol she HEARINGS, page 10 A UNH student was­ power shortage one of 561 arrested By Bryan Alexander · Cavanagh reported there are at a CIA protest in Many UNH students were still 6,600 residents without part of 43,000 people in the power as of Thursday morning. Washington D.C. last New Hampshire area who lost Spring storms are very dam­ week-end. their power Tuesday due to the aging on power lines according winter storm which hit the area , to Cavanagh. He said the· heavy, Also, UNH will not according to a spokesperson wet snow "breaks up trees and from Public Services of New tears up powerlines." follow other universi­ Hampshire, . In the Durham area the elec­ No estimate concerning the tricity was out in the late hours. ties in eliminating dollar damage this has caused So for many students the power SA Ts from its admis­ has been released at this time. outage was a nuisance which John Cavanagh, from PSNH, caused stubbed toes·on darkened sions criteria. said the storm caused power to furniture and missed classes , fail at approximately 5:00 a.m. because of deprogrammed elect­ on Tuesday. He said power was ric alarm clocks. Se~ stories on pagE restored to most areas but there Michael Rose, a resident of are still over 200 work crews Sigma Phi Epsilon was one Heavy wet .;\pril snow downed p'ower lines in Durham on 3. working to complete the the Tuesday nigh~. (Stu Evans photo) ..., repairs. POWER, page 7 J ~: & 6 ,,,1 ·' ' .. .. ,, J I , • , ... l'. f \ 1' t:,, .. _,_,r_,.', i ' , '.: '! .. ' -PAGETWO · THE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1987 Ablondi safified with year'sacCo111plishments ~ ·-·,' . By Jay Kumar troubled Student Television committee he said. Also, "We too s,=rious." Senate at ease." finally g·ot the university to Last night, amidst the jokes Network, and saved the students Jim Griffith, Student Activity Ablondi thanked "the student commit to a snack bar plan that and laughte.r of friends, current thousands of dollars in the Fee Organization business man­ body for their continued support future." · the students wanted .:. the ager, said, "I think the best thing . Student Body President Jay throughout the year," and he Senate-worked hard this year Ablondi packed up his belong­ Ablondi added, "Above all, was how Barbara (Cerreta, the wished next year's student se­ not to compromise on their ings and cleared out of his off ice this year we maintained a good SBVP) and Jay worked together. nate "the best of luck." position" regarding what kind in the MUB. working relationship with the A lot of the things they did were Asked for some final words of snack bar to get. Ablondi was-in good spirits administration while maintain­ behind the scenes." of wisdom, Ablondi la\lghed and Ablondi wished incoming as he reflected on his presidency ing an uny"ielding stance on Rob Rodler, chairperson of said, "Ask not what UNH can SBP Warner Jones the best of over the past year.
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