The Presidency Described the World’S Reaction As Said

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The Presidency Described the World’S Reaction As Said TWITTER CELEBS @newsofbahrain OP-ED 10 The wrong way to fight a drug war INSTAGRAM Lady Gaga /nobmedia 9 heads to Vegas LINKEDIN THURSDAY newsofbahrain AUGUST 2018 Pop star Lady Gaga on Tuesday announced a WHATSAPP 200 FILS 38444680 ISSUE NO. 7833 residency in Las Vegas with twin shows to FACEBOOK /nobmedia display her two sides -- extravagant and glitzy, MAIL [email protected] and stripped back and jazzy. WEBSITE P16 Jolie, Pitt yet to settle divorce 16 SHOW WORLD 12 Rescued stateless footballers given Thai citizenship Russia backs Saudi Arabia Milestone in brotherly ties Finance Minister Shaikh Dubai Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Transportation ussia sided with Saudi and Telecommunications RArabia in the ongoing Minister Kamal Ahmed, diplomatic rift with Canada Kuwaiti Ambassador to yesterday, issuing a state- Bahrain Shaikh Azzam ment accusing the latter of Mubarak Al Sabah and attempting to “politicize senior government officials human rights issues.” yesterday received Kuwaiti The statement said Russia Finance Minister Dr Nayef rejected the “authoritative Falah Al Hajraf and his tone” of Canada toward accompanying delegation, Saudi Arabia, adding that who arrived at the Bahrain the Kingdom had the full International Airport (BIA) sovereign right to manage aboard Kuwait Airlines’ its own affairs. inaugural flight from Kuwait “We consistently and International Airport’s (KIA) firmly advocate compli- new passenger terminal, T4. ance with universal human The new terminal, which will rights with due regard for be used exclusively by Kuwait Airways and its subsidiaries, the specific national cus- will play an important role in toms and traditions that de- the ongoing development of veloped in a given country Kuwait’s aviation industry. over a long period of time. It also brings the country We have always said that another step closer towards the politicization of human its Vision 2035 of becoming rights matters is unaccept- a leading financial and able,” Russian Foreign Min- commercial centre. istry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a state- ment posted on the minis- try’s website. She added Russia believed the Kingdom had entered a path toward large-scale so- cioeconomic reform. No room for mediation US braces for Iran Several countries back Saudi in its rejection of Canadian government’s interference in its internal affairs cyberattacks in the dispute with Canada. He told Saudi citizens that the tients to Canadian hospitals, told Washington Al Jubeir also Adel Al Jubeir said that Ottawa Kingdom is keen on protecting Saudi trainee doctors in Canada • knows what it needs to do to “fix their interests in Canada. to come home, suspended edu- he US is bracing for cy- said the kingdom its big mistake”. Al Jubeir also said the kingdom cational exchanges, and moved Tberattacks Iran could was considering He also confirmed that the was considering implementing Saudi scholars to other countries. launch in retaliation for the implementing economic measures taken by additional measures against Can- Saudi’s state airline said it was re-imposition of sanctions additional measures Saudi Arabia only affect new in- ada, but he did not elaborate. suspending flights to and from this week by President Don- vestments by the Kingdom and Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic Toronto. ald Trump, cybersecurity against Canada. that previous investments are ties and halted new investment Saudi Arabia’s main state and intelligence experts say. still ongoing. in Canada on Sunday night after wheat buying agency told grains Concern over that cyber Saudi Arabia cut Speaking at a press conference the Canadian foreign ministry exporters it will no longer ac- threat has been rising since diplomatic• ties and in Riyadh, Al Jubeir said several urged the Kingdom to free civil cept Canadian-origin grains in There is nothing May, when Trump pulled halted new investment in countries stand with Saudi Ara- and women’s rights activists ar- international tenders, European out of the 2015 nuclear deal, bia in its rejection of the Canadi- to mediate. rested in the Kingdom. traders said. under which the US and Canada on Sunday night. an government’s inference in its Ottawa knows Saudi Arabia accused Cana- Bilateral trade between Can- other world powers eased internal affairs. what it needs to da of interfering in its internal ada and Saudi Arabia is worth economic sanctions in ex- Jeddah He also said that Canada do to fix its big affairs. nearly $4 billion a year. Canadi- change for curbs on Iran’s should change its approach in mistake. The kingdom has taken several an exports to Saudi Arabia were nuclear program. The ex- audi Arabia’s Foreign Min- dealing with Saudi Arabia, add- measures to punish Ottawa. about $1.12 billion in 2017, or 0.2 perts say the threat would ister said yesterday there ing that it “knows what it needs MR AL JUBEIR In addition to the trade freeze, percent of the total value of Ca- intensify following Wash- Swas “nothing to mediate” to do.” Riyadh has stopped sending pa- nadian exports. ington’s move Tuesday to re-impose economic restric- tions on Tehran. ALERT CALL Pilgrims urged to abide by Hajj instructions DON’T MISS IT including taking preventive The Consul General vaccinations against epidem- • ic diseases in health centres in stressed that Saudi the Kingdom, in order to avoid Rent at your authorities currently infectious diseases. 03 prohibit the entry of The official urged pilgrims to own risk! non-pilgrims to Mecca. adhere to all instructions, advice and guidance issued by the con- Sturdy partners cerned authorities. 04 in growth Manama The Consul General also warned that this year’s tem - Woman ‘molests, he Bahraini Consul Gen- I urge pilgrims perature is expected to rise way robs Asian eral in Jeddah, Ebrahim to adhere to Hajj pilgrims arrive at a bus station in Saudi Arabia. above average in comparison to TM Al Meslimani has all instructions previous years, which calls for 05 laundryman’ urged Bahraini citizens, pilgrims issued by Saudi He stressed that Saudi au - during the Hajj season to avoid campaigners to fully prepare and residents to abide by the di- thorities currently prohibit the violating the laws and the expo- pilgrims. rectives and instructions issued authorities. entry of non-pilgrims to Mecca. sure to legal accountability and He assured complete support by the Saudi Hajj authorities. MR AL MESLIMANI The Consul General called seizure of vehicles. for Bahraini Hajj pilgrims, ap- Mr Al Meslimani said that on Bahraini travellers, who are He also stressed the need to preciating the efforts of all min- the Bahraini pilgrims will have checks at the request of security not pilgrims, to not enter or ap- complete all instructions for the istries to help pilgrims success- to show Hajj permits at border personnel. proach the borders of Mecca Hajj season for the current year, fully complete the pilgrimage. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2018 03 THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2018 big story Rent at your own risk! Owners who rent out private vehicles illegally warned of possible dangers TDT|Manama checks on them, they needed thing Bahrainis and expatriates a business owner’s point of Mohammed Zafran to have a valid driving licence should stay away from as the view, it harms all of leasing with more than a year of driving risks tied to this are aplenty. companies since they invested n their quest to make addi- experience and I did not want to Social Activist and commen- in their establishments legally tional revenues, many resi- give it to young people.” tator, Mahmood Al Balooshi and expect legal, fair market Idents and citizens have been “I made a mistake when some- said that this arrangement is competition. I believe that it engaging in a dangerous act by one I knew asked for one of my unfair to renting and leasing should be prohibited by law and giving their personal vehicles for cars for his son to go to the uni- companies who have invest- discussed by the Consultative rent or lease illegally. versity. Due to his persuasion I ed heavily in providing a legal Council.” They are putting themselves agreed. His son wrecked my car service. Sharing a similar view, Social in legal risks by giving their in two days. He had taken the car He added that people should activist and Al Fateh Youth co- personal vehicles for rent to for some illegal racing and stunt consider the fact that insurance alition member Yaqub Al Sulais strangers without caring for event. He came out okay but the This arrangement It is difficult companies do not cover such said, “It is quite surprising that consequences, as a good number car was badly damaged. It took is unfair to to understand arrangements and the other this sort of thing happens at all, of these ‘customers’ would use me six months to get my money companies renting how people give risks involved. that people would give their them for illegal activities. back from them.” out vehicles their own cars “This act has many sides to own car for rent. It is difficult In most cases the residents However, the final blow came consider. From the legal point to understand how people give find the lessee either online when one of those who rented as they have to strangers of view there are no regula - their own cars to strangers or through friends. “Various the car got involved themselves invested heavily without any legal tions that govern leasing of without any legal documen - online websites that are used in a hit and run, injuring a pedes- in providing the documentation. personal use vehicle to inde - tation.” for buying and selling products trian. “Police informed me that service. MR AL SULAIS pendent lessee.
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