The Evolution of the Library Media Center: a Study of the Past, Current, and Projected Future Library Services Available in John

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The Evolution of the Library Media Center: a Study of the Past, Current, and Projected Future Library Services Available in John East Tennessee State University Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations Student Works 5-2016 The volutE ion of the Library Media Center: A Study of the Past, Current, and Projected Future Library Services Available in Johnson City, Tennessee Johnnie Sue Hawley East Tennessee State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Educational Leadership Commons Recommended Citation Hawley, Johnnie Sue, "The vE olution of the Library Media Center: A Study of the Past, Current, and Projected Future Library Services Available in Johnson City, Tennessee" (2016). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 3046. This Dissertation - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Works at Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Evolution of the Library Media Center: A Study of the Past, Current, and Projected Future Library Services Available in Johnson City, Tennessee _____________________ A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis East Tennessee State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership _____________________ by Johnnie Sue Saylor Hawley May 2016 _____________________ Dr. Eric Glover, Chair Dr. John Boyd Dr. Lee Daniels Dr. Virginia Foley Mrs. Deborah Parrott, MLS Keywords: Library, Media Center, Librarian, Media Specialist, Collection Development, Collaboration, Role of Librarian, Makerspace ABSTRACT The Evolution of the Library Media Center: A Study of the Past, Current, and Projected Future Library Services Available in Johnson City, Tennessee by Johnnie Sue Saylor Hawley The purpose of this qualitative study was to indicate changes in library services available to the citizens of Johnson City, Tennessee. The study covered library services available in educational and public settings for patrons from preschool to adult ages. Librarians in this study all worked in either a public library located in Johnson City, TN or worked in the Johnson City School System as a media specialist in either an elementary, middle, or high school. This qualitative study was conducted using interviews of librarians to gain their perceptions of the library and their roles within the libraries of Johnson City. Librarians were interviewed to determine their views in the past, present, and future of the library as an establishment. Documents from the various libraries were also analyzed to determine changes in library services. Various themes emerged from the data analysis. Participants discussed their roles as librarians, the library as an institution, and collection development. Other themes that emerged were discussions of library materials that were now or would become archaic. Participants also made projections as to the future of the library itself and whether or not it would become obsolete. 2 The results of this study suggest that libraries will continue to evolve as technologies and community needs and expectations change. The appearance of the library will evolve to contain more learning spaces for active and group learning. The role of the librarian will evolve as the technology evolves. It will become more focused upon teaching patrons how to use learning tools and access information rather than simply managing and controlling the library’s assets. The librarians’ role has the potential to become one of service leadership in the community and in the school setting. The impact of the library and the librarians’ role will directly affect students, teachers, and community members. Recommendations from this study may assist in transitioning the librarian/media specialist’s role to a great service leadership model that supports individual growth and community development. 3 DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this study to my many family members who were there for me throughout this process. To my husband Craig Hawley, thank you for your patience as this endeavor took much more time for me to complete than it should have. To my children Gabe and Isabel Hawley, thank you for constantly encouraging me and being my special cheerleaders. The dedication you show in your undertakings encouraged me. To my mother-in-law Marcy Hawley, for being a support for me and for pushing me when I needed it. To my brother John and sister Sarah, thanks for picking me up when I was falling apart. And finally, thank you to my late mother Phyllis Saylor, who instilled in me a hard work ethic and a love for education. I remember studying with her when she worked on advanced degrees and how proud I was of her when I went to watch her graduate. I hope she feels that same pride, and I am excited to repeat that moment with my family watching. 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to extend a special thanks to the participants in this study. The librarians in Johnson City are a special group of professionals who truly have a heart for the community and a desire to offer the best library services available. I have enjoyed working with each of you and look forward to continuing our professional relationship. Thank you for the insightful conversations. Your enthusiasm for our profession inspires me, and I want to express my undying respect and gratitude for the support you have given me. I would like to express a special thanks to my committee members as well. Thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and encouragement. I’d like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Eric Glover my committee chair. Thank you for not giving up on me as I demonstrated just how good of a procrastinator I could be and also for being willing to work overtime when I finally got started and wanting to finish so quickly. You lead me rather than manage me. Thank you for taking this journey with me. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 2 DEDICATION ..................................................................................................................... 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................. 5 Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 10 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................... 11 Research Questions ................................................................................................... 11 Significance of the Study .......................................................................................... 12 Scope and Location of the Study .............................................................................. 12 Statement of Research Bias and Limitations ............................................................ 13 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................... 14 Overview of the Study .............................................................................................. 15 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...................................................................................... 16 History of the Library ............................................................................................... 16 Past: Origin to 2000 AD .................................................................................... 16 Current: 2000 to 2015 AD .................................................................................. 19 Types of Libraries ............................................................................................... 20 Academic Libraries ....................................................................................... 20 Public Libraries ............................................................................................. 20 School Libraries ............................................................................................ 21 Special Libraries ........................................................................................... 21 Sources Available in Libraries ............................................................................ 22 Obsolete Sources ................................................................................................. 25 6 Projected Future: Beyond 2015 AD .................................................................... 28 New Uses of Space ............................................................................................. 29 Learning Commons ....................................................................................... 29 Makerspaces .................................................................................................. 30 New Technologies .............................................................................................. 32 Video Games ................................................................................................. 33 3-D Printers ................................................................................................... 35 E-Books and E-Readers ...............................................................................
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