Starch Grains Reveal Early Root Crop Horticulture in the Panamanian Tropical Forest
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letters to nature sulphides can have different Os isotope compositions. Care must therefore be exercised in interpreting whole-rock PGE and Re/Os data without detailed information on these sulphides. • Starch grains reveal early root crop Received 29 February; accepted 23 August 2000. horticulture in the Panamanian 1. Snow, J. E. & Schmidt, G. Constraints on Earth accretion deduced from noble metals in the oceanic mantle. Ncííurc 391, 166-169(1998). tropical forest 2. Lorand, J. P., Gros, M. & Pattou, L. Eractionation of platinum-group elements in the upper mantle: a detailed study in Pyrenean orogenic peridotites. /. Petrol. 40, 951-987 (1999). Dolores R. Piperno*, Anthony J. Raneret, Irene Hoist* 3. Rehkämper, M. et al. Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in oceanic mantle lithosphère: & Patricia Hanseiit Petrogenetic signature of melt percolation. Earth Planet. Sei. Lett. 172, 65-81 (1999). 4. Borisov, A., Palme, H. & Spettel, B. 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Sharma for assistance with the analytical 1S5E (316-1) 0 3 0 0 0 3 facihties. We thank Y. Lahaye for comments on an earlier version of this Letter, and 3W7N(318) 0 2 0 0 1 3 R. Carlson and M. Rehkämper for comments on the final version. This is a GEMOC Block/geographic orientation indicates tlie excavation unit. Field catalogue number for each National Key Centre publication. artefact is given in parentheses. Ali artefacts except tool 26a, a boulder miiling stone base, are edge-ground cobbles. Artefacts with a blocl< number are from the 1973-1975 excavations, and Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to O.A. those with a geographic orientation are from the 1997 excavations. The single beli-shaped grain (e-mail: [email protected]). from tooi 26b is very likeiy to be from manioc. 894 A! © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE I VOL 407119 OCTOBER 20001 letters to nature (NZA-9625), 7,061 ± 81 BP (NZA-9624) and 5,560 ± 80 BP (UCR- had a limited selection of modern comparative starches to identify 3462), all direct accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dates on domesticated plants. The 1997 excavations were designed to sediment phytoliths*'. The 5,560 ± 80BP date was run on a very increase the sample of milling stones and starch and to study the small sample that was recovered in a soil column directly under- context and chronology of archaeological starch grains in more neath a larger sample dating to 6,910 ± 60 BP.