Arxiv:1905.08907V1 [Astro-Ph.EP] 22 May 2019 Ture and Interior Rotation Rate, Matched to the Cassini the Gravitational Potential

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Arxiv:1905.08907V1 [Astro-Ph.EP] 22 May 2019 Ture and Interior Rotation Rate, Matched to the Cassini the Gravitational Potential Models of Saturn's Interior Constructed with Accelerated Concentric Maclaurin Spheroid Method B. Militzer Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 and Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 S. Wahl Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 W. B. Hubbard Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 The Cassini spacecraft's Grand Finale orbits provided a unique opportunity to probe Saturn's gravity field and interior structure. Doppler measurements [21] yielded unexpectedly large values for the gravity harmonics J6, J8, and J10 that cannot be matched with planetary interior mod- els that assume uniform rotation. Instead we present a suite of models that assume the planet's interior rotates on cylinders, which allows us to match all the observed even gravity harmonics. For every interior model, the gravity field is calculated self-consistently with high precision using the Concentric Maclaurin Spheroid (CMS) method. We present an acceleration technique for this method, which drastically reduces the computational cost, allows us to efficiently optimize model parameters, map out allowed parameter regions with Monte Carlo sampling, and increases the pre- cision of the calculated J2n gravity harmonics to match the error bars of the observations, which would be difficult without acceleration. Based on our models, Saturn is predicted to have a dense central core of ∼15{18 Earth masses and an additional 1.5{5 Earth masses of heavy elements in the envelope. Finally, we vary the rotation period in the planet's deep interior and determine the resulting oblateness, which we compare with the value from radio occultation measurements by the Voyager spacecraft. We predict a rotation period of 10:33:34 h ± 55s, which is in agreement with recent estimates derived from ring seismology. I. INTRODUCTION a fit with significant determination of even zonal harmon- ics up to J12, as well as odd zonal harmonics J3 and J5 Although Saturn's deep interior was not a primary tar- [21]. get of the Cassini spacecraft's 13-year mission monitor- The distribution of mass within a planet depends on ing the Saturnian system, the final phase of the mission the equation of state of hydrogen-helium mixtures at high provided unprecedentedly precise measurements of the pressures [38], as well as the radial distribution of heavier planet's gravitational field [21]. This phase, from April 23 elements [48]. The interior density distribution influences to Sept. 15, 2017, culminated in 22 Grand Finale orbits, the observed structure of the gravity field through devia- during which the Cassini spacecraft dived between the tions from spherical symmetry arising from rotation and planet and its innermost ring. These measurements were tides. Thus, the measured field can place constraints, al- contemporaneous with the ongoing Juno mission, which beit non-uniquely, on the internal structure of the planet. is providing analogous measurements for Jupiter [8]. As For the rapidly rotating Jovian planets, such terms are a result of both studies, the measured gravity fields are primarily determined by the balance between centrifu- far more precise than ever before, warranting a closer gal and gravitational forces. In the absence of internal look at the theory and numerical techniques linking the dynamics, the density distribution and resulting gravity observed gravity to the interior density structure of the field are axisymmetric and north-south symmetric, im- planet. Here we present models of Saturn's interior struc- plying that only even zonal harmonics J2n contribute to arXiv:1905.08907v1 [astro-ph.EP] 22 May 2019 ture and interior rotation rate, matched to the Cassini the gravitational potential. measurements, along with an acceleration technique for If a planet in hydrostatic equilibrium rotates uniformly the Concentric Maclaurin Spheroid (CMS) method [20] like a solid body, the magnitudes of even zonal harmon- n for calculating a self-consistent shape and gravity field. ics decay as jJ2nj ∼ qrot, where qrot is the ratio of the Prior to Cassini's Grand Finale, the best determina- centrifugal and gravity accelerations at the equator. The tion of Saturn's gravity field was from earlier flyby mis- J2n of Jupiter measured by Juno spacecraft are broadly sions and from perturbations of the orbits of Saturn's nat- consistent with this relationship [8], meaning that it is ural satellites in combination with the orbit of Cassini it- possible to find models with a uniform rotation rate that self [23]. However, this yielded significant measurements match the observed J2n, at least in the absence of other of only the first three even zonal harmonics of the field, constraints, from the hydrogen-helium equation of state J2, J4 and J6. By contrast, X-band Doppler measure- and atmospheric composition. However, Fig. 1 illustrates ments during five of the 22 Grand Finale orbits produce how the observed even moments J8 and higher for Saturn 2 deviate significantly from the expected relationship. Iess ing differential rotation into gravity models. The first et al. [21] demonstrated that these observations cannot is to approximate the wind profile as rotation on cylin- be reproduced with models that assume uniform rota- ders, which can be described using potential theory [18] tion, and that deep differential rotation [18] is required and can therefore be integrated directly into the poten- instead. In this paper we expand upon the interpretation tial used in the CMS simulation [58]. This method has of Iess et al. [21] and introduce new analytical tools for the benefit of being fully self-consistent; the dynamic high-precision gravity modeling. contribution to the potential modifies the shape of the equipotential surfaces, which feeds back into the calcu- lated gravitational field. The downside is that the wind A. Differential Rotation profile must be constant on cylindrical surfaces and thus cannot decay inward, as would be expected due to in- Over many years prior to and including the duration teractions with the magnetic field as hydrogen becomes of the Cassini mission, optical tracking of clouds has re- increasingly more conductive with increasing pressure [3]. vealed large-scale zonal wind currents with respect to the For instance, winds at high latitude could not be in- average Saturn atmosphere, in particular a pronounced cluded in this method, because they would correspond eastward jet centered on the equator [11, 45]. However, to cylinders extending all the way through the center prior to the gravity measurements discussed here, the of the planet. Differential rotation on cylinders is also data were insufficient to constrain the depth of such zonal north-south-symmetric by definition, so the odd Jn are flows, and their effects were not considered in previous identically zero and cannot be modeled. The models pre- modeling studies of Saturn's interior [17, 43]. With the sented in this paper are subject to these limitations. Grand Finale gravity data, it becomes possible to test The second method starts with a gravity solution as- a model in which the cloud-level zonal wind belts are suming uniform rotation, using CMS or a similar method, mapped onto cylinders that extend to great depths. If the and then uses the thermal wind equation [10, 25] or zonal-wind velocity profile continues to depths of many the gravitational thermal wind equation [29] to calcu- scale heights, it will affect the observed gravity field in late a correction to the density and gravitational mo- two ways. First, it modifies the axisymmetric gravita- ments. While this introduces additional approximations and does not produce a self-consistent solution for the tional field, and thus changes the even J2n from the val- ues expected for a uniformly rotating body with identical gravitational field, it allows for more flexible wind fields, internal structure [18]. Second, to the extent that the ve- including cylinders of finite depth and flows with north- locity profile is not north-south symmetric, there arises a south asymmetries. Iess et al. [21] includes calculations corresponding asymmetry in the gravity field, manifest- in which the observed Jn are calculated with a decaying wind profile based on the observed cloud-level winds. ing itself in non-zero odd Jn [25]. The values of J3 and J5 reported by Iess et al. [21] thus exhibit the north-south Nevertheless, the models with differential rotation on asymmetric component of the differential rotation. cylinders that do not decay with depth are an impor- There are currently two basic methods for incorporat- tant class of endmember models to consider for two rea- sons. They fit all even gravity moments measured by the Cassini spacecraft and they are fully self-consistent, which means that predictions for the core mass, composi- Saturn: Cassini measurements 104 Saturn: uniform rotation model tion of the envelope and rotation profile will be obtained Jupiter: Juno measurements from just one theory. 103 Jupiter: uniform rotation model 102 6 0 B. Interior Model Background 1 × 1 | 10 n J | Differential Interior models of Saturn, like the ones presented here, rotation 100 have previously been fitted to gravity data from Voyager [13, 14, 46] and pre-Grand Finale Cassini data [17, 43]. 10 1 In all cases they take into account a reduction of helium mass fraction (Y ) in the outer envelope arising from the 10 2 immiscibility and rainout of helium [49], although there 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Degree, n are some differences in the degree of rainout considered. The models differ primarily in the material equations of FIG. 1. Comparison of the gravity harmonics measured for state used, whether the heavy element concentrations (Z) Jupiter and Saturn with predictions from models assuming are homogeneous or inhomogeneous between the inner uniform rotation throughout the entire interior of both plan- and outer envelope, and whether they consider differen- ets.
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