St. Andrew Lutheran Church C: Yet, oftentimes we fail to trust fully in You, and call upon Your name in times of need. & Early Childhood Campus P: Like King Hezekiah, we can be rattled by life’s storms. 7750 State Hwy. 144 North C: For troubles surround us—too many to count! West Bend, Wisconsin 53090 P: Our sins pile up high. Phone: (262) 335-4200 (Church), (262) 808-7974 (Pastor’s cell) C: They outnumber the hairs on our head. Worship Hours: Sunday 9:00 a.m. P: Dear Lord help us! Bible Class: Sunday 7:45 a.m. C: Forgive us where we have failed You in thought, word and deed; Church E-mail:
[email protected] forgive us for the things we have done and what we have left Early Childhood Campus E-mail:
[email protected] undone. Cleanse our hearts and do not take your Holy Spirit from Website address: us. P: We bow in Your presence this morning. THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST August 22, 2021 + Silence for reflection on God’s Word and for self-examination + P: Who can we trust? Who can we turn to for deliverance? PRESERVICE MUSIC WHILE WE PREPARE FOR WORSHIP ALL: The LORD is His name! The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress! WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS P: Brothers and sisters, our Heavenly Father loves you with an everlasting love. Your Savior Jesus bled and died to take away all your sin. The Holy Spirit has brought you into the family of God—the Church.