Graellsia, 74(1): e068 enero-junio 2018 ISSN-L: 0367-5041

Notas / Notes

First record of the leaf-gall inductor sonchi (Vallot, 1827) (Diptera: ) for Portugal and some notes about its Iberian distribution

Francisco A. López-Núñez1,*, Hélia Marchante2 & Elizabete Marchante3

¹Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra. Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal. ORCID iD: 2Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra. Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal. Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra. Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal. ORCID ID: 3Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra. Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal. ORCID: *Author for correspondence: [email protected]


One frequent limitation in zoology and ecology studies is that the current spatial distribution of several species is only partially assessed, based on museum or amateurs’ records, underestimating the real distribution of the species. Although this limitation could be partially solved by different tools (e.g., species distribution models), the correct functioning of many of such tools is related to the number of occurrences, requiring a minimum number of occurrences to be correctly validated. The genus Cystiphora Kieffer, 1892 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) has three species in the Iberian Peninsula and is mainly characterized by the induction of galls in species of sow-thistle (Sonchus spp.); this genus has an added value since some species are used as biocontrol against invasive sow-thistles in the Nearctic and Australasian regions. However, little is known about its actual distribution in Iberia. Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, 1827) is a Palearctic species whose presence in Iberia Peninsula was until now restricted to four records in the East of Peninsula and in the Balearic Islands. We found three new popula- tions of this species in Coimbra, central Portugal, adding a new species to the Portuguese fauna. Additionally, in order to complete as much as possible its current spatial distribution, a methodical search was carried in dif- ferent Biodiversity Databases. These two approaches, expanded the distribution area of C. sonchi in the Iberian Peninsula, with five new occurrences (three for Portugal, one for Galicia and one for Andalusia) and establishing a new west limit in the current distribution of C. sonchi in the Palearctic region. Key words: Diptera; Cecidomyiidae; Cystiphora; Sonchus; Portugal; Iberia; gall; spatial distribution.


Primeros registros para Portugal del inductor de agallas foliares Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, 1827) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) y algunas notas sobre su distribución en la Península Ibérica

Un problema habitual en los estudios de zoología y ecología es la evaluación parcial de la distribución espacial actual de muchas especies, pues subestima su distribución real al estar basada en los registros de naturalistas y de museos. Aunque esta limitación puede ser parcialmente resuelta por medio de diferen - tes herramientas (p.e. modelos de distribución de especies), el correcto funcionamiento de dichas herra - mientas está condicionado por el número de localizaciones disponibles, necesitando además de un número mínimo de ellas para que los modelos puedan ser validados. El género Cystiphora Kieffer, 1892 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), con tres especies en la Península Ibérica, está caracterizado principalmente por la formación de agallas en las especies de cerrajas (Sonchus spp.); sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de su distribución actual en Iberia. Además, como valor añadido, varias de las especies que pertenecen a este género son utiliza - das como agentes de lucha de control biológico contra las cerrajas invasoras en las regiones del Neártico y de Australasia. Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, 1827) es una especie paleártica cuya presencia en la Península Ibérica estaba restringida hasta hoy a cuatro citas en el Este de la Península y en las Islas Baleares. Se encontraron 2 Notas / Notes

tres nuevas poblaciones de esta especie en Coimbra (Portugal centro), añadiendo una nueva especie a la fauna portuguesa. Además, con el objetivo de completar lo máximo posible su distribución, se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en diferentes bases de datos de biodiversidad. Con esos dos enfoques, se estableció un nuevo límite occidental del área de distribución de C. sonchi y se expandió su área de distribución actual en la Península Ibérica con cinco nuevos registros (tres para Portugal, uno para Galicia y uno para Andalucía). Palabras clave: Diptera; Cecidomyiidae; Cystiphora; Sonchus; Portugal; Iberia; agalla; distribución espacial.

Recibido/Received: 14/11/2017; Aceptado/Accepted: 8/03/2018; Publicado en línea/Published online: 20/04/2018 Cómo citar este artículo/Citation: López-Núñez, F. A., Marchante, H. & Marchante, E. 2018. First record of the leaf-gall inductor Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, 1827) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) for Portugal and some notes about its Iberian distribution. Graellsia, 74(1): e068.

Copyright: © 2018 SAM y CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

Several studies highlight the importance of the this family are of concern for agriculture because they Mediterranean basin as one of the thirty-four biodi- are considered pests of several crops (i.e. Contarinia versity hotspots in the world (Mittermeier et al., 2004; nasturtii (Keiffer, 1888) on broccoli, Stenodiplosis Fonseca, 2009; Hewitt, 2011), probably because it sorghicola (Coquillett, 1899) on sorghum, Contarinia was a climatic refugia during the Quaternary glacial maculipennis Felt, 1933 on orchids, etc.). On the other cycles (Rand, 1948). Consequently, the fauna and hand, the high specificity between gallers and host- flora of the Iberian Peninsula are quite well studied, plants supports the use of gallers as biological con- but paradoxically, Fontaine et al. (2012) remark that trol agents against invasive plant species, decreasing Old World, and because of that, Iberian Peninsula, can the probability of unwanted direct non-target effects be considered as an important reservoir of unknown on non-target species (Pearson & Callaway, 2003; species. Despite the importance of describing new Thomas et al., 2004; López-Núñez et al., 2017). species and improving knowledge on the spatial dis- The genus Cystiphora Kieffer, 1892 belongs to tribution of existing species, these aspects are often Cecidomyiidae and includes six species in Europe, forgotten. The spatial distribution of several species three of those recorded in Spain: C. sanguinea (Bremi, in Old World is often only partially assessed, based 1847), C. schmidti (Rübsaamen, 1914) and C. ­sonchi on museum or amateurs’ records, underestimating the (Vallot, 1827). All members of this genus are gall real distribution of the species. inductors on the leaves of several species of Cichorieae Cecidomyiidae is the second most species rich (Asteraceae) and some of them were introduced into family of thread-horns (Diptera: Nematocera) in the Nearctic and Australasian Regions as biological con- world with particular importance in the Iberia where trol agents for introduced Asteraceae weeds (Carles- 292 species (out of the total 6200 reported species) Tolrá, 2002; Skuhravá & Skuhravý, 2009; Gagné & occur (Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014; Carles-Tolrá, 2002; Jaschhof, 2014); for example: C. sonchi and C. tarax- Sánchez et al., 2012; Sánchez, 2016). This family is aci (Kieffer, 1888) were introduced into Canada to mainly characterized by the establishment of a highly control Sonchus arvensis L. and Taraxacum officinale specific trophic relationship between a and a plant (L.) Weber ex F.H. Wigg respectively; and C. schmidti species: the induction of a gall. This type of trophic was introduced in Australia, California and Argentina specialism can be considered as an intermediate situ- against Chondrilla juncea L. (Gagné & Jaschhof, ation between parasitism and herbivory (Redfern & 2014). Shirley, 2011) because the gall is a reaction of the host- The midge C. sonchi is a leaf-gall inductor plant to the oviposition by the galler in their in ­species of sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis L., S. inner tissues. This reaction causes the growth of an asper (L.) Hill, S. oleraceus L., S. maritimus L. abnormal plant structure that results from hypertrophy and S. ­tenerrimus L.), and in sporadic situations in followed by hyperplasia of the vegetal cells, providing bulbous hawksbeard (Aetheorhiza bulbosa Cass.) a nutritive tissue that feeds the galler larvae; simultane- (Peschken, 1982; Peschken et al., 1989). This is the ously, the insect larvae induces a physiological cascade single gall species induced by a midge described in to promote the growth of the nutritional tissue by the sow-thistle; the gall is a dark red blotch with about host-plant (Nieves-Aldrey, 1998). In many cases, the 5 mm in diameter, located on the leaves. The lar- specificity of the relationship is so high that the gall is vae feed between the upper and lower epidermis considered as the extended phenotype of the inductor of the leaf. In many cases, one leaf can harbor sev- genes (Stern, 1995; Crespi et al., 1997), allowing pos- eral blotch galls, distributed in rows throughout the sible to identify the galler insect only by the presence leaf length. Depending on the season, the larvae can of the gall and by its morphology. Some species within pupate in the leaf (in spring generations) or in the

Graellsia, 74(1), junio 2018, e068 — ISSN-L: 0367-5041 – Notas / Notes 3 ground (in winter generations); the adults emerge and We report for the first time C. sonchi for Portugal after mating females lay the eggs on the underside mainland, expanding its known distribution to the fur- of mature leaves, avoiding the youngest and oldest ther west corner of Europe. Three populations were leaves (Peschken, 1982). This species was released for spotted in Coimbra (Portugal) (Figs. 1-2): the first time in Canada, from 1981 to 2008, as a bio- logical control agent against S. arvensis, which was (1) López-Núñez, FA, 2017; 40.19868333333333, accidentally introduced with imported seeds of fod- -8.408333333333333; 10/X/2017; Rua Afonso der, promoting losses in crops production (Peschken, Albuquerque, Bairro Norton de Matos, Coimbra, 1982). The occurrence of this species is mostly scarce, Portugal; 57 m a.s.l.; between 3 and 5 blotches on with some records of locally abundant, but it has an leaves of isolated ­individuals of S. oleraceus in Euro-Siberian distribution, being recorded in almost the edges of the street sidewalk, 30 European and in five Asian countries (Peschken, (2) López-Núñez, FA, 2017; 40.211288888888895, 1982; M. Skuhravá, comm. pers., 2017). The presence -8.452769444444444; 10/X/2017; main build- of C. sonchi in Iberian Peninsula is only confirmed ing of Escola Superior Agrária (ESAC), Instituto in Spain (Skuhravá et al., 2006) on three localities in Politécnico de Coimbra. Bencanta, Coimbra, the Basque Country (in 1901), Catalonia (in 1902) Portugal; 43 m a.s.l.; 6 blotches on leaves on iso- and in Balearic Islands (in 1997; Fig. 1) (Trotter, late individual of S. oleraceus in the left corner of 1902; Cogolludo, 1921; Skuhravá & Skuhravý, 2004; the parking and Blanes-Dalmau et al., 2017). From Portugal there is (3) López-Núñez, FA, 2017; 40.216825, -8.45023​ only one dubious cite in Tavares (1907) pag. 129: 8888888888; 10/X/2017; Rua do Freixo s/n, green- “[…] Cecidomyia, probably new […]” in S. olera- house of ESAC, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, ceus; but this material was not preserved and is not Coimbra, Portugal; 18 m a.s.l.; several blotches available to be confirmed. on leaves on several individuals of S. tenerrimus

Fig. 1.— Updated distribution of Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, 1827) in Iberian Peninsula based on literature, biodiversity databases and field observations during the period 1901-2017; some occurrences are roughly positioned due to the lack of accurate location (see Table 1 for more details). The inset frame shows a zoom of the occurrences recorded in Coimbra (Portugal). Fig. 1.— Distribución actualizada de Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, 1827) en la Península Ibérica durante el periodo 1901-2017, basada en los registros en la literatura, bases de datos de biodiversidad y observaciones de campo; algunas localidades están toscamente ubicadas debido a la falta de datos de localización más precisos (ver Tabla 1 para más detalles). El recuadro muestra una ampliación de las citas registradas en Coimbra (Portugal).

Graellsia, 74(1), junio 2018, e068 — ISSN-L: 0367-5041 – 4 Notas / Notes

Fig. 2.— Example of several blotches of Cystiphora sonchi (red arrow) recorded on a leaf of Sonchus oleraceus L. in ESAC. Fig. 2.— Ejemplo de varias pústulas de Cystiphora sonchi (flecha roja) registradas en la hoja de Sonchus oleraceus L. en la ESAC.

in the open area near the water well. Galls were specimens to examine (Gardiner et al., 2012), in this identified following Dauphin (2012) and Chinery case the clear morphology of the gall and its host-plant (2013) and confirmed to be C. sonchi. specificity confer a high confidence to the identifica- tion based on photographs. Records were only found Assuming that the three records of C. sonchi in in GBIF and in BV, in total of eight more records for Spain and the new records now confirmed in Portugal Spain, two of them being a novelty for Spain and the were most probably not representative of the real rest contributed to extend its distribution area (Table 1, distribution of the species in the Iberian Peninsula, Fig. 1A). we did an additional search to increase distribution Concluding, the three new populations in Portugal records. A systematic search was performed through together with the new records in Spain expand the dis- the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) tribution of C. sonchi in the Iberian Peninsula, from the ( and a set of different citizen science north-west (A Coruña, Spain) to the west (Coimbra, biodiversity databases: iNaturalist (www.inatural- Portugal) and further south (Seville, Spain)., Naturdata (, Biodiversity4all ( and Biodiversidad Virtual (BV; iNaturalist and Acknowledgements GBIF are global biodiversity databases, while the oth- ers are developed and focused in Portugal (Naturdata We thank Marcela Skuhravá for her help and comments on the and Biodiversity4all) and in Spain (BV). In these data- manuscript, and to Maria Blanes-Dalmau for the provided data. The authors would like to thank the editorial committee and the bases, any registered citizen can upload a photograph two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and sug- of a species and a community of specialists can either gestions to improve the quality of this short note. This research and identify the species or validate the identification made FLN was supported by FCT and COMPETE/FEDER, through proj- by the citizen. Although such citizen science database ect “INVADER-IV – INnoVating Approaches to Detect invasive can carry some identification uncertainty by lacking of ­spEcies and biocontRol agents” (PTDC/AAG-REC/4896/2014)

Graellsia, 74(1), junio 2018, e068 — ISSN-L: 0367-5041 – Notas / Notes 5 . (2017) al

et GBIF (2017) GBIF (2017) BV (2017a) Blanes-Dalmau BV (2017a) Trotter (1902); Cogolludo (1921) Trotter BV (2017a) Trotter (1902); Cogolludo (1921) Trotter BV (2017a) New record BV (2017a) New record BV (2017b) References New record Skuhravá & Skuhravý (2004) , Pistacia pinea

P. Urban garden Small dry hill with weeds and small shrubs Meadow Road margin between wet meadow and orchards Near ruderal and garden plant species between meadows and orchards Pyrenaic population In a car parking, between sparse native forest and gardens Sparse forest with Pinus halepensis , Near the river Habitat Road margin and Ceratonia siliqua 19/X/2015 20/X/2015 21/X/2010 27/IX/1920 11/V/2010 VIII/1901 16/VI/2008 VIII/1901 02/VIII/2012 10/X/2017 08/VII/2013 10/X/2017 19/VI/1997 08/V/2016 Collection date 10/X/2017 0 24 183 192 18 43 50–70 8 Altitude (m a.s.l.) 57 3°7’29.73”E 3.1585055555555557 0.6003888888888889 2.694841666666667 -8.450238888888888 -8.452769444444444 2.578044444444444 − 5.9923 Longitude -8.408333333333333 39°46’20.15”N 39.753838888888886 41.54461111111111 39.69923333333333 40.216825 40.211288888888895 39.546277777777775 37.37645 Latitude 40.19868333333333 Portugal

(Vallot, 1827) in Iberian Peninsula. 1.— Summary description of the occurrences Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, Table 1827) en la Península Ibérica. 1.— Resumen descriptivo de los registros Cystiphora sonchi (Vallot, Tabla Son Bosc, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Can Picafort, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Pedralbes, Catalonia, Spain Montoliu, Lérida, Catalonia, Spain Catalonia, Spain Buñola, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain San Sebastian, Spain A Coruña, Spain ESAC, greenhouse, Rua do Freixo s/n, Coimbra, Portugal Lérida, Catalonia, Spain ESAC, main buidling, Bencanta, Coimbra, Portugal Alcúdia, Castillo Bendinat, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Paseo de las delicias, Seville, Spain Locality Rua Afonso Albuquerque, Coimbra,

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Graellsia, 74(1), junio 2018, e068 — ISSN-L: 0367-5041 –