Jelena Zlatar Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Croatia e-mail:
[email protected] THE QUALITY OF HOUSING AT THE SUBJECTIVE LEVEL: AESTHETIC AND ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ABSTRACT The quality of life and housing can be examined at two lev- els: the objective and the subjective level. This paper studies how residents evaluate the quality of housing in their neighbourhoods at the subjective level, regarding aesthetic aspects (neighbourhood attractiveness), ecological aspects (clean neighbourhood and environment) and citizen participation (planning and decision-making about the neighbourhood). The question- naire used in this part of survey contained questions pertaining to these neighbourhood characteristics. Research findings are generally positive regarding ecological and aesthetic aspects of neighbourhoods. People are quite satisfied with the visual appearance, maintenance and cleanliness of their neighbourhoods. Citizen participation, on the other hand, is rated as weak, almost non-existent. The research shows that citizens need to play a more powerful role in the organization of life in their neighbourhoods. By shaping the space in which they live, people contribute to the total quality of housing. Key words: quality of housing, subjective level of the quality of housing, aes- thetic aspects of the neighbourhood, ecological aspects of the neighbourhood, citizen participation. 75 Jelena Zlatar 1. Introduction Quality of life (QOL) is a highly complex concept and the subject of research of many authors. It consists of various components: hous- ing, work conditions, nutrition and health, leisure time and recreation, education, commuting and transport. Among different philosophical and other definitions of quality of life, there are three which stand out (according to Diener and Suh, 1997): the first one explains that QOL means following normative ideals of philosophical and religious sys- tems.