Marion County Schools
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Marion County School/Staff Listing Revised 5/14/19 Esther Whittlesey 317-706-4990 [email protected] Etta Moran 317-759-2880 [email protected] Karen Rusk 317-210-3171 [email protected] Bridgett Morales 317-759-2500 [email protected] Spanish Speaking-Aura Roblero 317-900-4680 [email protected] School Name Staff Allisonville Elementary School Etta Amy Beverland Elementary Esther Andrew Academy Etta Andrew Academy Etta Andrew J Brown Academy Etta Andrew J Brown Academy Etta Anna Brochhausen School 88 Bridgett Arlington Community High School Etta Arlington Elementary School Esther Arlington Woods Elementary School 99 Etta Arsenal Technical High School Bridgett Arthur C Newby Elem School 2 Karen Avondale Meadows Academy Etta Beech Grove Middle School Esther Beech Grove Sr High School Esther Belzer Middle School Esther Ben Davis High School Karen Ben Davis Ninth Grade Center Karen Ben Davis University High School Karen Blue Academy Bridgett Bridgeport Elementary School Karen Broad Ripple Mgnt HS for Prfm Arts Etta Broad Ripple Mgnt Jr HS-Prfm Arts Etta Brook Park Elementary School Esther Brookside School 54 Bridgett Brookview Elementary School Esther Bunker Hill Elementary School Esther Carl G Fisher Elem School 1 Karen Carl Wilde 79 Etta Carpe Diem - Meridian Campus Etta Carpe Diem - Northwest Etta Carpe Diem - Shadeland Etta Center for Inquiry 2 Bridgett Center for Inquiry 27 Bridgett Center for Inquiry 84 Etta Central Elementary School Esther Central Elementary School Etta Chapel Glen Elementary School Karen Chapel Hill 7th & 8th Grade Center Karen Chapelwood Elementary School Karen Charles A Tindley Accelerated School Etta Charles A Tindley Accelerated School Etta Charles Warren Fairbanks Sch 105 Etta Christel House Academy South Bridgett Christel House Academy South Bridgett Christel House Academy West Bridgett Christel House DORS South Bridgett Christel House DORS South Bridgett Christian Park School 82 Bridgett Clarence Farrington School 61 Etta Clinton Young Elementary School Bridgett Cold Spring School Etta College Park Elementary School Etta Creston Intermediate Academy Esther Creston Middle School Esther Crestview Elementary School Esther Crispus Attucks Med Mgnt Jr HS Bridgett Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School Bridgett Crooked Creek Elementary School Etta Damar Charter Academy Bridgett Daniel Webster School 46 Bridgett Decatur Central High School Bridgett Decatur Discovery Academy Bridgett Decatur Middle School Bridgett Deer Run Elementary Etta Douglas MacArthur Elementary School Bridgett Eagle Creek Elementary School Etta Early Learning Center Esther Eastbrook Elementary School Etta Eastridge Elementary School Esther Eastwood Elementary School Etta Eastwood Middle School Etta Edison School of Arts Bridgett Elder W Diggs School 42 Etta Eleanor Skillen School 34 Bridgett Eliza A Blaker School 55 Etta Emma Donnan Middle School Bridgett Emmerich Manual High School Bridgett Enlace Academy Etta Ernie Pyle School 90 Bridgett Excel Center For Adult Learners Bridgett Excel Center for Adult Learners Bridgett Excel Center, Lafayette Square Mall Bridgett Fall Creek Academy Etta Fall Creek Academy Etta Fall Creek Valley Middle School Esther Fishback Creek Public Academy Etta Flanner House Elementary School (Charter) Etta Floro Torrence School 83 Etta Forest Glen Elem School Esther Fox Hill Elementary School Etta Francis Bellamy School 102 Etta Francis Scott Key School 103 Etta Francis W Parker School 56 Etta Frank H Wheeler Elem School 4 Karen Franklin Central High School Esther Franklin Township Middle Sch West Esther Franklin Township Middle Schl East Esther Garden City Elementary School Karen George H Fisher School 93 Etta George S Buck 94 Etta George W Julian School 57 Bridgett George Washington Carver 87 Bridgett George Washington Comm Jr HS Bridgett George Washington Community HS Bridgett Glenns Valley Elem School Bridgett Gold Academy Bridgett Grassy Creek Elementary School Esther Greenbriar Elementary School Etta Guion Creek Elementary School Etta Guion Creek Middle School Etta H L Harshman Middle School Bridgett Harrison Hill Elem School Esther Hawthorne Elementary School Esther Herron High School Etta Herron High School Bridgett Hilltop School Etta Homecroft Elementary School Bridgett Hoosier Acad Virtual Charter School Esther Hoosier Academy - Indianapolis Esther Hoosier Academy Virtual School Esther Hope Academy Esther Hope Academy Esther Hornet Park Elementary School Esther Imagine Ind Life Science West Etta Imagine Life Sciences Academy Etta Indian Creek Elem School Esther Indiana Acheivement Academy Etta Indiana Connections Academy Etta Indiana Math & Science Academy Etta Indiana Math and Science Academy - Indianapolis Etta Indiana Math and Science Academy - North Etta Indiana Math and Science Academy - South Etta Indiana Virtual School Etta Indianapolis Academy of Excellence Esther Indianapolis Lighthouse Charter School Bridgett Indianapolis Metropolitan High School Bridgett Indianapolis Metropolitan High School Bridgett Indianapolis School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Etta Indianapolis School for the Deaf Etta IPS Career Technology Center Bridgett IPS/Butler University Laboratory School 60 Etta Irvington Community School Esther Irvington Community School Karen James A Allison Elem School 3 Karen James A Garfield School 31 Bridgett James Russell Lowell School 51 Etta James Whitcomb Riley School 43 Etta Jeremiah Gray-Edison Elementary Bridgett John Marshall Community High School Etta John Marshall Community Jr High School Etta John Strange Elementary School Etta Jonathan Jennings School 109 Etta Joyce Kilmer School 69 Etta Key Learning Community Elem School Bridgett Key Learning Community High School Bridgett Key Learning Community Jr High School Bridgett KIPP Indpls College Preparatory Etta KIPP Indy College Prep Middle School Etta KIPP Unite College Prep Elementary Etta Lakeside Elementary School Esther Lawrence Central High School Esther Lawrence North High School Esther Lew Wallace School 107 Etta Liberty Early Elementary School Bridgett Liberty Park Elementary School Esther Lillie Idella Kitley Elementary Esther Lincoln Junior High School Etta Lincoln Middle School Etta Louis B Russell Jr School 48 Etta Lowell Elementary School Esther Lynhurst 7th & 8th Grade Center Karen Maplewood Elementary School Karen Mary Adams Elem School Esther Mary Bryan Elementary School Bridgett Mary Evelyn Castle Elem School Esther McClelland Elementary School Karen Meredith Nicholson School 96 Etta Monument Lighthouse Charter School Etta New Augusta Pub Aca-South Etta New Augusta Public Academy-North Etta Nexus Academy of Indianapolis Esther Nexus Academy of Indianapolis Esther Nicholson Performing Arts Academy 70 Etta Nora Elementary School Etta North Central High School Etta North Wayne Elem School Karen Northview Middle School Etta Northwest Community High School Etta Northwest Community Jr High School Etta Oaklandon Elementary School Esther Padua Academy Etta Padua Academy Etta Paramount School of Excellence Bridgett Paramount School of Excellence Bridgett Paul I Miller School 114 Bridgett Pendleton Elementary School Etta Pendleton Heights High School Etta Pendleton Heights Middle School Etta Perry Meridian 6th Grade Academy Bridgett Perry Meridian High School Bridgett Perry Meridian Middle School Bridgett Phalen Leadership Academy Etta Phalen Leadership Academy - IN, Inc. Etta Pike High School Etta Pleasant Run Elementary School Esther Ralph Waldo Emerson School 58 Bridgett Raymond F Brandes School 65 Bridgett Raymond Park Intermediate Esther Raymond Park Middle School Esther Rhoades Elementary School Karen Riverside School 44 Etta Robert Lee Frost School 106 Etta Robey Elementary School Karen Rosa Parks-Edison Elementary Bridgett Rousseau Mc Clellan 91 Etta Shortridge International Baccalaureate HS Etta Shortridge Law & Pub Pol Mag Jr High School Etta Shortridge Law & Public Plcy Mg HS Etta Sidener Academy for High Ability Students Etta Skiles Test Elementary School Esther Snacks Crossing Elem School Etta South Creek Elementary Esther South Grove Intermediate School Esther Southeast Neighborhood School of Excellence (SENSE) Bridgett Southport 6th Grade Academy Bridgett Southport Elementary School Bridgett Southport High School Bridgett Southport Middle School Bridgett Speedway Junior High School Karen Speedway Senior High School Karen Spring Mill Elementary School Etta Stephen Foster School 67 Bridgett Stephen Decatur Elem School Bridgett Stonybrook Intermediate Academy Esther Stonybrook Middle School Esther Stout Field Elementary School Karen Sunny Heights Elementary School Esther Sunnyside Elementary School Esther SUPER School 19 Bridgett Theodore Potter School 74 Bridgett Thomas Carr Howe Comm High School Bridgett Thomas D Gregg School 15 Bridgett Thompson Crossing Elementary School Esther Tindley Collegiate Academy Etta Tindley Collegiate Academy Etta Tindley Genesis Academy Etta Tindley Preparatory Academy Etta Tindley Preparatory Academy Etta Tindley Renaissance Academy Etta Tindley Renaissance Academy Etta Tindley Summit Etta Tindley Summit Academy Etta University Heights Preparatory Academy Bridgett Valley Mills Elementary School Bridgett Vision Academy at Riverside Etta Warren Central High School Esther Warren Early Childhood Ctr Esther Washington Irving School 14 Bridgett Wendell Phillips School 63 Bridgett West Newton Elementary School Bridgett Westlake Elementary School Karen Westlane Middle School Etta William Henry Burkhart Elementary Bridgett William J. Gambold 708 Etta William McKinley School 39 Bridgett William Penn School 49 Bridgett William Tell Elementary School Bridgett Winchester Village Elementary Bridgett Winding Ridge Elementary School Esther Zionsville West Middle School Karen.