Hireach Model
Deliverable 2.2 Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users AUTHORS TOBIAS KUTTLER (TUB, MAIN AUTHOR) MASSIMO MORAGLIO (TUB), SIMONE BOSETTI, COSIMO CHIFFI (TRT), PATRICK VAN EGMOND (LUXM), DELPHINE GRANDSART (EPF) JANUARY 2019 Deliverable No.: D2.2 Deliverable Title: Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users Version: 2.0 Project Number: 769819 Project Acronym and Title: HiReach - High reach innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty Work Package No. and Title: WP 2 – Analysis of mobility needs and capabilities Responsible Author(s): Tobias Kuttler (TUB) Responsible Co-Author(s): Massimo Moraglio (TUB), Simone Bosetti, Cosimo Chiffi (TRT), Patrick van Egmond (LUXM), Delphine Grandsart (EPF) Reviewer(s): Delphine Grandsart (EPF), Silvia Maffii (TRT) Date: 24/05/2019 Status: Final Dissemination level: Public This document should be Kuttler T., Moraglio M, Bosetti S., Chiffi C., van Egmond P., referenced as: Grandsart D., D2.2 Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users, HiReach project. January 2019 Project partners Abstract The deliverable D2.2 presents the results obtained from stakeholders’ interviews and focus groups with vulnerable users in 6 EU study regions: Counties of Esslingen and Göppingen (Germany), Naxos and Small Cyclades (Greece), Inner Area Southern Salento (Italy), Guarda and Torres Vedras (Portugal), Buzau (Romania), North and South-East Luxembourg. These activities identify the mobility needs of vulnerable groups (low income and unemployed, elderly people, people with reduced mobility, women, migrants and ethnic minorities, children and young people, people living in rural and deprived areas) and compare them with results from the desktop research on transport poverty from D2.1.
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