
Perception & Psychophysics 1987, 41 (6), 563-575 The paradox: Effects of spectral variables

DIANA DEUTSCH University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

A paradoxical two-tone pattern is explored, which is heard as ascending when played in one key but as descending when played in a different key. The pattern thus provides a striking coun­ terexample to the principle of invariance under transposition. In addition, the pattern in any one key is heard as ascending by some listeners but as descending by others. This study examines the effects of spectral variables on how the pattern is perceived.

In general, when a melody is played in two different keys, the perceived relationships between the tones are unaltered. For this reason, transposition has been de­ scribed as analogous to translating a shape to a different @) position in the visual field; the perceptual identities of the patterns are preserved under both transformations (Von Ehrenfels, 1890). ® This paper concerns a two-tone pattern that provides a striking exception to the principle of invariance under transposition. It is heard as ascending in one key, but as @ descending in another key. As a further paradox, the pat­ tern in anyone key is heard as ascendingby some listeners but as descending by others. This phenomenon is here in­ vestigated in detail, and is shown to persist under vari­ ous spectral manipulations. ® The research was conducted from the viewpoint that pitch consists of two components: The circular compo­ nent of pitch class, or chroma, defines the position of a ® tone within the , and the rectilinear component of ® height defines its position on a continuum from high to Figure 1. The pitch class circle. low (Babbitt, 1960, 1965; Bachem, 1948; Deutsch, 1969, 1982; Forte, 1973; Meyer, 1904, 1914; Revesz, 1913; Ruckmick, 1929; Shepard, 1964, 1982; Ward & Bums, monically interchangeable and chord inversions are con­ 1982). Although traditional psychoacoustical approaches sidered equivalent to their parent chords (Piston, 1941). to pitch have focused almost exclusivelyon the latter com­ Similar bidimensional representations of pitch exist in ponent, the present assumption has long been considered the music of other cultures. In one version of Indian mu­ self-evident by musicians. Thus, the Western musical sical notation, for example, a note is represented by a let­ scale consists of the notes, C, C#, ... , B, formed by the ter, which designates its position within the octave, division of the octave into 12 sernitonal steps (Figure 1); together with one or more dots that designate the octave this series of notes is repeatedly presented across , in which it is placed. Thus, the symbols .pl, m, m, in, and so at different pitch heights. Thus, the symbols D3, and •in represent notes that are of the same pitch class D4, and D5 represent notes that are of the same pitch class but placed in different octaves. Indeed, with very rare ex­ but placed in three different octaves, and the symbols D3, ceptions, it appears that the principle of octave equiva­ F~3, and G3 represent notes that are of different pitch lence holds true cross-culturally (Dowling & Harwood, classes but placed in the same octave. In Western tonal 1986; Nettl, 1956). music, and octave intervals are considered har- Experimental evidence for such a bidimensional repre­ sentation may also be cited: People with absolute pitch This work was supported by a grant from the System Development sometimes make octave errors when assigning names to Foundation. I am indebted to F. Richard Moore for the use of the Com­ notes (Bachem, 1954; Baird, 1917; Lockhead & Byrd, puter Audio Research Laboratory at the UCSD Center for Music Ex­ 1981; Ward & Bums, 1982). Conditioning studies have periment, to F. Richard Moore and Mark Dolson for software used in obtained generalization of response to tones that stand in synthesizing the tones, and to Lee Ray and William L. Kuyper for tech­ octave relation, both in human subjects (Humphreys, nical assistance. Requests for reprints should be addressed to Diana Deutsch, Department of Psychology, University of California, San 1939; Demany & Armand, 1984) and in animals (Black­ Diego, La Jolla, California 92093. well & Schlosberg, 1943). Interference effects in short-

563 Copyright 1987 Psychonornic Society, Inc. 564 DEUTSCH term memory for pitch exhibit octave generalization direction. One possibility is that the perceptual system (Deutsch, 1973). Tone pairs that are related exactly by refers to the absolute positionsof the tones along the pitch­ octaves are judged as closely similar in a musical context class circle. Iftones in one region of the circle were tagged (Krurnhansl, 1979). as higher and those in the opposite region as lower, an At the theoretical level, a number of representations of opportunity to resolve the ambiguity would be provided. pitch that accommodate both the pitch class and the height In Shepard's experiment, the data were averaged across dimensions have been proposed. For example, it has been pitch classes, so that such a possibility was unexplored. suggested that pitch should be described as a helix that Deutsch (1986) performed an experiment to examine completes one tum per octave, so that tones that are an this issue, using a few musically trained subjects. Tone octave apart are situated in close spatial proximity (M. W. pairs were employed whose pitch classes were related by Drobisch, 1846, cited in Ruckmick, 1929; Shepard, 1965, a half-octave, and each tone consisted of six octave-related 1982). Another proposal is that the rectilinear dimension components. Subjects judged for each pair of tones of height and the circular dimension of pitch class be whether it formed an ascending or a descending pattern. represented as two separate arrays, with the pitch class The data were analyzed for each subject separately as a array formed of projections arising from the height array function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. (Deutsch, 1969, 1982). However, very little is known A striking relationship between pitch class and perceived concerning how these two dimensions interact in deter­ height was obtained: The judgments of most subjects de­ mining the pitch of a complex tone. Rather, it has been pended in an orderly fashion on the pitch class of the first assumed, by default, that the dimensions are orthogonal. tone of the pair, so that tones in one region of the pitch­ So, for example, the statement "G is higher than D=" class circle were perceived as higher and those in the op­ is considered meaningful only if the octaves are also speci­ posite region were perceived as lower. Another surpris­ fied; G4 is higher than D=4 but lower than D~5. ing finding was that the direction of the relationship be­ One experiment that explored the relationship between tween pitch class and perceived height varied considerably pitch class and height was performed by Shepard (1964). among subjects. He employed tones that consisted of 10 octave-related Deutsch, Kuyper, and Fisher (1987) investigated this sinusoidal components, the amplitudes of which differed phenomenon in a large group of subjects who were un­ in accordance with a fixed, bell-shaped spectral envelope. selected with regard to musical training, the only selec­ The pitch classes ofthe tones were varied by shifting the tion criteria being that the subjects have normal hearing sinusoidal components up or down in log frequency, keep­ and be able to judge reliably whether pairs of sine-wave ing the shape and position of the envelope constant. Be­ tones formed ascending or descending patterns. The judg­ cause the envelope was fixed, it was predicted that the ments of the large majority of these subjects were found perceived heights ofthe tones would remain invariant in to reveal an orderly relationship between pitch class and face of differences in pitch class. perceived height, showing that this phenomenon is not Listeners were presented with ordered pairs of such confined to a specialized group of listeners. tones, and they judged, for each pair, whether it formed The experiments of Deutsch (1986) and Deutsch et al. an ascending or a descending pattern. When the tones (1987) employed envelopes that were placed at several were related by one or two steps along the pitch-elass cir­ different positions along the spectrum and spaced at half­ cle, judgments were overwhelmingly determined by prox­ octave intervals. The results obtained under these differ­ imity. So, for example, when G was played followed by ent spectral conditions were then averaged. This proce­ G=, the sequence was heard as ascending. Analogously, dure provided an internal control for explanations of the when D was played followed by C, the sequence was phenomenon in terms of the relative amplitudes of the heard as descending. When the tones were separated by sinusoidal components of the tones. However, it left un­ greater distances along the pitch-elass circle, the tendency explored possible superimposed effects of variations in to follow by proximity decreased, and when the tones the position of the spectral envelope. Such variations were separated by exactly a half-octave, ascending and could, in principle, produce effects in two ways: first, descending judgments occurred equally often. through resultant differences in the overall heights of the Shepard's experiment demonstrated convincingly that tones, and second, through resultant differences in the for tones in which the usual cues for height attribution relative amplitudes of their components. are missing, the perceptual system will invoke proximity The present study was undertaken to examine both these in making judgments of relative height (see also Bums, possibilities. In Experiment 1, eight spectral envelopes 1981; Pollack, 1978; Risset, 1971; Schroeder, 1986). were employed, whose peaks were spaced at 1/4-octave However, it left open the question ofwhat happens when intervals, so encompassing a 2-octave range. The employ­ the cue of proximity is also removed. This situation arises, ment of these envelopes enabled a partitioning of the ef­ for example, when the tones within a pair are separated fects of the relative amplitudes of the components of the by exactly a half-octave (or tritone), so that the same dis­ tones from their overall heights. In Experiment 2, four tance along the pitch-class circle is traversed in either further envelopes were employed, again with peaks spaced THE TRITONE PARADOX 565

at 1f4-octave intervals, encompassing a further octave's 38.8 Hz), F#4 (370 Hz, !min = 46.2 Hz), and A4 (440 Hz, !min range. Thus, the effects of varying the envelope position = 55.0 Hz). It can be seen that the relative amplitudes of the sinusoi­ were explored altogether over 3 octaves. dal components of tones generated under the C5 envelope were iden­ tical to those generated under the C4 envelope. 1 The same held true for the 0#5 and 0#4 envelopes, for the F#5 and F#4 envelopes, EXPERIMENT I and for the A5 and A4 envelopes. This enabled the partitioning of the effects ofoverall heights of the tones from those ofthe relative Method amplitudes of their sinusoidal components. Stimulus patterns. Each tone consisted of 6 sinusoids that were It should also be noted that for tones at any pitch class, the rela­ related by octaves, and their amplitudes were determined by a fixed, tive amplitudes of the sinusoidal components when generated un­ bell-shaped spectral envelope. The general form of the equation der a C envelope were identical to those at the pitch class a half­ describing the envelope is octave removed when generated under an F# envelope. Similarly, for tones at any pitch class, the relative amplitudes of the compo­ nents when generated under a 0# envelope were identical to those AU) = 0.5 - .05COS[~IOg~(L)] !min $! $ (3Y!min "I !mm at the pitch class a half-octave removed when generated under an A envelope. Thus, when results obtained under C, 0#, F~, and where AU) is the relative amplitude of a sinusoid at frequency of A envelopes were averaged, these relationships enabled a balanc­ ! Hz, {3 is the frequency ratio formed by adjacent sinusoids (so that ing out of the effects of the relative amplitudes of the sinusoidal for octave spacing, (3 = 2), "I is the number of {3 cycles spanned, components of the tones. and!min is the minimum frequency for which the amplitude is non­ Twelve ordered pairs oftones were generated under each of the zero. Thus, the maximum frequency for which the amplitude is non­ eight spectral envelopes, corresponding to the pitch-class pairings zero is -y{3 cycles above!min. The values {3=2 and "1=6were used C-F#, C#-G, O-G#, D#-A, E-A#, F-B, F#-C, G-C#, G#-O, A-O~, throughout, so that the spectral envelope always spanned exactly A#-E, and B-F. Ninety-six ordered tone pairs were thus produced 6 octaves from !min to 64 Imino altogether. These were presented in blocks of 12, each block con­ This envelope was placed at eight different positions along the sisting of tones generated under one of the spectral envelopes and spectrum, with peaks spaced at Y4-octaveintervals, so encompass­ containing one example of each of the 12 pitch..class pairings. Within ing a 2-octave range. Figure 2 displays the four positions of the blocks, the tone pairs were presented in any offour orders. These envelope within the higher octave, with peaks at C5 (523 Hz, !min were random, with the restriction that no two consecutive pairs be = 65.4 Hz), 0#5 (622 Hz,fmin = 77.7 Hz), F~5 (740 HZ,!min composed of the same pitch classes. Thus, 32 blocks were created = 92.4 Hz), and A5 (880 Hz,fmin = 110 Hz). Figure 3 displays altogether. These were presented across two sessions, each session the four positions of the envelope within the lower octave, with consisting of 16 blocks. The entire procedure was repeated three peaks at C4 (262 Hz, !min= 32.7 Hz), 0#4 (311 Hz, !min = times, so that each subject participated in six sessions.

spectral peak = 740 Hz (F*'!i) spectral peak = 880 Hz (A5 ) o I I I /~i I / ---~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I II m-20 ,I I I I I , (iII I I ""0 I I I I i~II II I ...... I I I I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I II -40 I I I I \I I I I I I I I I /I I 'I --J I I I I I I I I I :I I W I I I I II I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I > -60 I I II I I I I W I I --J (~) spectral peak 523 Hz (C5 ) spectral peak = 622 Hz w 0 , I <, I I > /~ I ~ I I I I I I- I [ I [ 'i\[ I II I <[ -20 I II I I I :1\II I I I I, !: I II I --J I I I I I I I I I I I I I W I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0::: -40 I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I , I I I I I -60 I I I 100 1000 100 1000 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 2. Representation of the spectral composition of the tones comprising a D-G ~ pattern in Experiment 1, generated under the four envelopes centered in the higher octave. Dashed lines indicate tones of pitch class D, and solid lines indicate tones of pitch class G~. The two sets of spectra are superimposed in the illustration, although the tones were presented in succession. 566 DEUTSCH

spectral peak = 370 Hz (F#4) spectral peak = 440 Hz (A 4) 0 I I :- I I I ~ / I I ~ / I I I I I I I I I I -20 ,I I rn I I I I I I -0 I !~II ...... II II I I I II I ~ I I I I -40 I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I I -.J I I I I I I I W I I I I I I I I I I I I II -60 I II I I I I , > I I , W -.J

spectral peak =262 Hz (C4 ) spectral peak = 311 Hz (0#4) w 0 I > I , I - I r-. I I ~ I I I /!I I I I I -r I I I I -20 II I I I I II II I I -.J I il\ I I I I I I I I , I I I W I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I 0:::: I I I I I I , I I , -40 I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I , I I I I I , I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I -60 I I 100 1000 100 1000 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure 3. Representation of the spectral composition of the tones comprising a D-G ~ pattern in Experiment I, generated under the four envelopes centered in the lower octave. Dashed lines indicate tones of pitch class D, and solid lines indicate tones of pitch class G~. The two sets of spectra are superimposed in the illustration, although the tones were presented in succession.

Procedure. The subjects were tested in soundproof booths. On class of the first tone of the pair. Figures 4 and 5 display each trial, an ordered pair of tones was presented and the subject the results for each subject separately. Those in Figure 4 judged whether it formed an ascending or a descending pattern. were averaged over the four envelopes centered in the All tones were 500 msec in duration, and there were no gaps be­ higher octave (C5, D~5, F~5, and A5); those in Figure 5 tween tones within a pair. Trials within a block were separated by 5-sec pauses, and blocks were separated by l-min pauses. A break were averaged over envelopes centered in the lower oc­ of5 min intervened between the 8th and 9th blocks. A few warm­ tave (C4, 0=4, F=4, and A4). A number of characteris­ up trials were given at the beginning of each session. tics are readily apparent from these averaged data. First, Equipment. The tones were generated on a VAX 111780 com­ each subject showed a highly systematic effect of posi­ puter, interfaced with a DSC-200 Audio Data Conversion System tion of the first tone along the pitch-class circle, so that and using the cmusic sound synthesis software (Moore, 1982). They tones in one region of the circle were heard as higher and were recorded and played back on a Sony PCM-Fl digital audio processor, the output of which was passed through a Crown am­ those in the opposite region were heard as lower. Sec­ plifier and presented to listeners binaurally through headphones ond, for each subject, the direction of the relationship be­ (Grason-Stadler TDH-49) at a level of approximately 72 dB SPL. tween pitch class and perceived height was remarkably Subjects. Four listeners with normal hearing served as subjects similar across the 2 octaves. , the direction of the in the experiment, and they were paid for their services. The sub­ relationship between pitch class and perceived height jects were selected for showing a clear influence of pitch class on varied considerably across subjects. perceived height in a briefpreliminary experiment employing tones Figures 6-9 display the results for each subject generated under a small subset of the envelopes employed here. None of the subjects had absolute pitch in the sense of being able separately, as a function of the pitch class of the peak of to attach verbal labels to notes presented in isolation. One subject the spectral envelope, and so of the relative amplitudes (T.K.) was a graduate student in the Music Department at the of the sinusoidal components. It can be seen that, for the University of Califomia, San Diego. The remaining subjects were most part, the profiles relating pitch class to perceived undergraduates; two (S.F. and M.D.) with musical training, and height were very similar in the face of this manipulation. one (P.S.) without. For each subject, a four-way ANOVA was performed, with pitch class of the first tone (pitch class), octave of Results the peak of the spectral envelope (overall height), and The percentage of judgments that a tone pair formed pitch class of the peak of the spectral envelope (relative a descending pattern was plotted as a function ofthe pitch amplitude) as fixed factors and replications as a random THE TRITONE PARADOX 567

100..------, 100 -,------____=>


60 e 40 Z C z 20 w u tk enw o C c# 0 0# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# 0 0# E F F# G G# A A# B o a: c( w :I: 100..----..------, 100,------, Z a: w S 80 80 Q. 60 60

40 40

20 20 sf


Figure 4. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair formed a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the flrst tone of the pair. The results are plotted for each subject separately, averaged over the four envelopes centered in the higher octave, that is, with spectral peaks at CS, D~, F~, and AS.

100 100

80 80

60 60 l 40 40 e Z 20 20 C Zw u 0 0 en C C# 0 0# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B W 0 0 a: c( W 100 100 :I: Z a: 80 80 w S 60 60 Q. 40 40

20 20 sf ps 0 0 c' C# 00# E F FII G Gil A All B C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B PITCHCLASSOF FIRSTTONE

Figure S. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair formed a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. The results are plotted for each subject separately, averaged over the four envelopes centered in the lower octave, that is, with spectral peaks at C4, DI/4, FI/4, and A4. 568 DEUTSCH

100 100

80 80

60 60

! 40 40 e z is 20 20 Z W U l/l 0 0 W C c, 00' EF F, G G, A A' B C C, 00, E F F' G G, A A' B C C II: c( W J: 100 100 Z II: W 80 80 I:c( 0. 60 60

40 40

20 I~H51 20 ... c-


Figure 6. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair fonned a descending pattern, plotted as a function of tbe pitch class of the flJ'St tone of tbe pair. The results are plotted separately by the pitch class of the peakof the spectral envelope, in both the higher and the lower octaves. The results are from Subject T.K.

100r----,.;.,------, 100r--~~------, 1<> 80 80 ... A4ps/

60 60

40 40 Clz is 20 20 z w ~ w c c. 0 D. EF F. G a. A A' 8 c c, 0 D. EF F' G G. A A. B c C II: c( W J: Z 100r------, 100 r--...------, II: ~ 80 80 60 60

40 40

20 20

D D. EF F. G G. A A. 8 c c. C C. 0 0, EF FIG G. A A. 8 PITCH CLASS OF FIRST TONE

Figure 7. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair fonned a descending pattern, plotted as a function oftbe pitch class of the flJ'St tone of the pair. The results are plot­ ted separately by the pitch class of the peakof the spectral envelope, in both the higher and the lower octaves. Tbe results are from Subject P.S. THE TRITONE PARADOX 569

100 100

80 80

60 60

C 40 40 Clz is 20 20 Z W 0 rJ) 0 0 w 0 D' EF F, G G. A A' B 0 e e, 0 0' EF FI G G. A A. B e e. 0 a: c( w :r: 100 100 Z a: w 80 ~ 80 c( a.. 60 60

40 40

20 20 [ill... C4 0 0 e e, 00' E F F, G G, A A' B e e, 0 0' E F F, G G, A A' B PITCH CLASS OF FIRST TONE

Figure 8. Percentagesofjudgments that a tooe pair fonned a de5cending pattern, plotted asa function of the pitch class ofthe first tooe of the pair. The results are plotted separately by the pitch class of the peak of the spectral envelope, in both the higher and the lower octaves. The results are from Subject S.F.

100 100

80 80 [ill... A4

60 60

l 40 40 Clz is 20 20 Z W 0 rJ) 0 0 w e e, 0 0' EF FI G G, A A' B e e, 0 0' EF F, G G, A A' B 0 0 a: c( w :r: z 100 100 a: w 1~ ~ 80 ... cs!C4 80 11>.. DrsCU I c( Q. 60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0 e e, 00' E F F, G G, A A' B e e. 00' EF FI G G, A A' B PITCH CLASS OF FIRST TONE

Figure 9. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair formed a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. The results are plotted separately by the pitch class of the peak of the spectral envelope, in both the higher and the lower octaves. The results are from Subject M.D. 570 DEUTSCH factor (2). For Subject T.K., the maineffect of pitch class tors necessarily does so. Thus, Subject T.K. showed a was highly significant [F(1l,22) = 72.61, p < .0001]; significant influence of overall height but not of relative no other maineffects were significant. The interaction be­ amplitude, whereas Subjects P.S. and S.F. showed a sig­ tween pitch class and overall height was highly signifi­ nificant influence of relative amplitude but not ofoverall cant [F(1l,22) = 7.79, p < .0001]; no other interactions height. Furthermore, as shown in Figures 6-9, the in­ were significant. For Subject P.S., the maineffect of pitch fluence of these spectral factors was always small in ab­ class was highly significant [F(1l,22) = 65.61, P < solute terms . .0001]; no other main effects were significant. The in­ teraction between pitch class and relative amplitude was EXPERIMENT 2 highly significant [F(33,66) = 4.08, P < .0001]; no other interactions were significant. For Subject S.F., the main In Experiment 1, the position of a tone along the pitch­ effect of pitch class was highly significant [F(11 ,22) = class circle was found to exert a considerable influence 45.91, p < .0001]; no other main effects were signifi­ on its perceived height when spectral envelopes were em­ cant. The interaction between pitch class and relative am­ ployed whose positions varied over 2 octaves. Experi­ plitude was highly significant [F(33,66) = 5.31, P < ment 2 was undertaken to examine further the generality .0001]; no other interactions were significant. For Sub­ of this phenomenon, by employing tones generated un­ ject M. D., the main effect of pitch class was highly sig­ der envelopes whose positions varied over a further nificant[F(1l,22) = 188.93,p < .0001]; no other main octave. effects were significant. The interaction between pitch class and overall height was highly significant [F(11 ,22) Method = 7.09, p < .0001], as was the interaction between pitch The shape ofthe spectral envelope employed was identical to that class and relative amplitude [F(33,66) = 4.79, p < used in Experiment 1. As shown in Figure 10, the envelope was .0001]. No other interactions were significant. placed at four different positions along the spectrum. These were spaced at V4-octave intervals, so that the peaks stood at C3 (131 Hz, The results show, therefore, that both the overall height !min = 16.3 Hz), D=3 (156 Hz, !min = 19.4 Hz), H3 (185 Hz, ofthe spectral envelope and the relative amplitudes of the !min = 23.1 Hz), and A3 (220 Hz,!min =27.5 Hz). Thus, the rela­ sinusoidal components can influence the effect of pitch tive amplitudes of the components of the tones were identical to class on perceived height; however, neither of these fac- those in Experiment 1.

spectral peak = 185 Hz (~3) spectral peak = 220 Hz (A 3 ) 0 I I , / I I I I ~ :10II / I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -20 I I I CD I I I I I I II I I I I I I ""0 II I I I I I I J !i,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1'\ -40 I I I I 1\ I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I --.J I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I W I I I I I I I I I I -60 I I I I I I I I I I > I :I II W --.J spectral peak 131 Hz (C3 ) spectral peak = 156 Hz (0#3) W 0 I > I ~ I I I I I - I I ~ I I I ;( I I I I I I I 1\I I

Figure 10. Representation of the spectral composition of the tones comprising a D-G~ pattern in Experiment 2, generated under the four envelopes. Dashed lines indicate tones of pitch class D, and solid lines indicate tones of pitch class G~. The two sets of spectra are superimposed in the illustration, although the tones were presented in succession. THE TRITONE PARADOX 571

Twelve ordered pairs of tones were generated under each of the Subject T.K., the main effect of pitch class was highly four envelopes. corresponding to the pitch-class pairings C-Fa. ca­ significant [F( II ,22) = 44.82, P < .0001]; the main ef­ G.. _.• B-F. as in Experiment I. This produced 48 ordered tone fect of envelope position was nonsignificant. The inter­ pairs in all. They were presented in blocks of 12. each block con­ action between pitch class and envelope position was sisting oftone pairs generated under one of the envelopes and con­ taining one example of each of the 12 pitch-class pairings. Within highly significant [F(33,66) = 7.09, p < .0001). For blocks, the tone pairs were presented in any of four orders. These Subject P.S., the main effect of pitch class was highly sig­ were random, with the restriction that no consecutive pairs were nificant [F(II,22) = 29.90,p < .000IJ; the main effect composed of the same pitch classes. Sixteen blocks were thus created of envelope position was nonsignificant. The interaction altogether, and the~e were presented in a single session. The entire between pitch class and envelope position was highly sig­ procedure was repeated three times, so that each subject partici­ nificant [F(33,66) = 7.23, P < .000IJ. For Subject S.F., pated in three sessions. The method was otherwise identical to that in Experiment I, and the same subjects were employed. the main effect of pitch class was highly significant [F(lI,22) = 13.90, p < .0001]; the main effect of enve­ lope position was nonsignificant. The interaction between Results pitch class and envelope position was nonsignificant. For Figure II displays the results for each subject Subject M.D., the main effect of pitch class was highly separately, averaged over the four envelopes (centered significant [F(ll ,22) = 20.04, p < .0001]; the main ef­ at C3, 0=3, F=3, and A3). It can be seen that, in general, fect of spectral envelope was nonsignificant. The inter­ the profiles relating perceived height to the positions of action between pitch class and envelope position was non­ the tones along the pitch-class circle were very similar significant. to those in Experiment 1. Figures 12-15 display the The findings of Experiment 2 extend those of Experi­ results for tones generated under each of the envelopes ment I to show, therefore, that the influence ofpitch class separately. It can be seen that, on the whole, the profiles on perceived height persists over a 3-octave range, and were quite similar, although individual differences in con­ that individual profiles relating pitch class to perceived sistency of the effect were also apparent. height persist for the most part throughout this range. The For each subject, a three-way ANOVA was performed, findings show further that there may be a superimposed with pitch class of the first tone of the pair (pitch class) effect of envelope position in the lower range also; and position of the spectral envelope (envelope position) however, this is not necessarily the case. For Sub­ as fixed factors and replications as a random factor. For jects T.K. and P.S. there was a highly significant inter-

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40 ~ o 20 20 :z 0 tk :z 0 w C C. 0 D' E FF # G Gf A AI B C C. 0 D. E F F. G G' A A. 9 osn W Q Q II: 4: 100 100 W X :z 80 80 II: W 5 60 60 Q. 40 40

20 20 ps 0 0 C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B C C' 0 D. EF F. G G. A A. 9 PITCH CLASS OF FIRST TONE

Figure 11. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair formed a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. The results are plotted for each subject separately, averaged over envelopes with spectral peaks at C3, D~3, ~3, and AJ. 572 DEUTSCH

100 100-.------

80 80

60 60

~ 40 40 C) Z 2i 20 1-0- F#3 I 20 Z w U III 0 W C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# 0 0# E F F# G G# A A# B C C II: < W 100 -.------;>--<>---<>---



0 C C# 0 0# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# 0 0# E F F# G G# A A# B PITCH CLASS OF FIRST TONE

Figure 12. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair formed a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. The results are plotted for each envelope position separately. The results are from Subject T.K.

100 100

80 80

60 60

l 40 40 C) Z 2i 20 20 z I. FI31 W u 0 (/) 0 W C C# 00# E F F# G G#A A# B C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B C C II: < W X 100 100 Z II: W 5 80 80 a. 60 60

40 40

20 v.-r: 20 I.. c31

0 0 C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# 00# E F F# G G# A A# B PITCH CLASS OF FIRST TONE

Figure 13. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair formed a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. The results are plot­ ted for each envelope position separately. The results are from Subject P.S. THE TRITONE PARADOX 573

100 100

80 80

60 60 ~ o 40 40 Z 0 Z 20 20 W (J (J) W 0 0 0 C CII 0 Oil E F F II G Gil A All B C CII 0 Oil E F FII G Gil A All B 0 a:

40 40

20 20 1-0- 0#3 I


Figure 14. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair fonned a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the rll'Sttone of the pair. The results are plot­ ted for each envelope position separately. The results are from Subject S.F.

100 100

1-0- tit] I 80 80 B

60 60

! 40 40 Cl Z 20 20 0 Z W (J 0 0 (J) C CII 0 Oil E F FII G Gil A All B C CII 0 Oil E F FII G Gil A All B W C C a:

40 40

20 20


Figure 15. Percentages of judgments that a tone pair fonned a descending pattern, plotted as a function of the pitch class of the first tone of the pair. The results are plotted for each envelope position separately. The results are from Subject M.D. 574 DEUTSCH action between the effects of pitch class and of envelope These authors found that musicians were able to judge position; for Subjects S.F. and M.D. no significant in­ accurately whether or not passages were played in the cor­ teraction was obtained. rect key, even though they did not possess absolute pitch in the conventional sense. We may speculate that most GENERAL DISCUSSION people have a pitch equivalent of the syndrome of color anomia, in which performance on nonverbal color tasks The results of the present study demonstrate that, for may be normal, but there is an inability to name colors octave-related complexes, the perceived height of a tone presented in isolation (Geschwind & Fusillo, 1966). can be strongly influenced by its position along the pitch­ The mechanisms responsible for these paradoxical find­ class circle. This influence can result in violations of the ings are at present unknown. It remains to be determined principle of equivalence under transposition, as exempli­ whether the relationship between pitch class and perceived fied by the tritone paradox explored here. The present height is confined to octave-related complexes, or whether findings corroborate those obtained previously by Deutsch it may also be present under different conditions in which (1986) and Deutsch et al. (1987). In addition, they show tones are poorly defined in terms of height. Similarly, it that the form of relationship between pitch class and per­ is an open question as to whether this phenomenon might ceived height can be surprisingly robust in face of sub­ appear to some extent in the perception of music per­ stantial differences in both the relative amplitudes of the formed by natural instruments (perhaps, for example, in sinusoidal components of the tones and their overall certain multivoicedorchestral contexts). Such issues aside, heights. the intriguing possibility has now arisen, for computer­ The present findings demonstrate further that the direc­ synthesizedtones at least, of producing music that not only tion ofthe relationship between pitch class and perceived sounds quite different under transposition, but also sounds height can vary substantially across individual subjects. radically different from one member of an audience to Again, these findings corroborate those obtained earlier another. by Deutsch (1986) and Deutsch et al. (1987). A further source of individual variation obtained here concerns the REFERENCES influence of spectral parameters. Some subjects were BABBITI, M. (1960). Twelve-tone invariants as compositional deter­ clearly influenced by the overall heights of the tones, but minants. Muscial Quanerly, 46, 246-259. not necessarily by the relative amplitudes of the compo­ BABBITI,M. (1965). The structure and function of . 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