California Native Plant Society Sanhedrin Chapter Newsletter Spring/Summer 2011 Note from the editor: I hope you have an opportunity to join one of the interesting trips below. With a number of excellent fieldtrips already completed this year, the continued cool and wet weather offers additional opportunities to experience our wonderful native flora. Also, please take time to read Peter Warner’s excellent article below. It is a thoughtful and timely essay on the importance of increasing the membership in CNPS and becoming a more active chapter member. We all need to be more involved and engaged thereby becoming more effective advocates for healthy functioning ecosystems. Our diverse native flora, our planet, and ultimately our happiness depends on it. Kerry Heise, newsletter editor:
[email protected] Calendar of Fieldtrips, Meetings, and Events April 30 & May 1 - Boonville Wildflower Show Have an unknown wildflower you can’t put a name to? Bring it to the annual Boonville Wildflower Show where local expert botanists will be on hand to identify your plant. This weekend event is located at the fairgrounds and features hundreds of local native and naturalized wildflowers on display. Saturday, May 7 – Jenner Headlands (Sonoma County) The splendid biological diversity and enthralling aesthetics of the Jenner Headlands beckon to all. This terrestrial jewel, acquired by the Sonoma Land Trust in 2009, offers sweeping -- or fog-enshrouded – coastal vistas, deep forested canyons, and grasslands bedazzling in spring’s tapestry of flowers. This field trip to the property will focus on plants and plant ecology, specifically arranged with CNPS members in mind.