ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT Starting 2010 Adjunct Professor, “Tor Vergata” University, , Department of History, Culture and Society.

EDUCATION 2013 Phd title of Doctor in Archaeology, obtained from the St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia 2010 Joint Phd (Tor Vergata University, Rome; St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia). Research’s project: “Le tombe dipinte della Bulgaria dall’età tardo-classica all’età tardo-antiica” (Гробници с живописна украса в Бългаpия от къснокласическaтa до късноантичната епоха). 2009 Teacher’s Certification Program for Humanities at the Secondary Education Level, grade: 42/42 10.2007-02.2008 Master in Thracian Painting, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences of Sofia National Archaeological Institut and Museum 2004 Master in Classical Archaeology (Scuola Nazionale di Specializzazione in Archeologia Classica), summa cum laude 1999 M.A., summa, Classical Archaeology 1996 Erasmus Student Exchange Program, 1996, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürberg, Germany

GRANTS AND AWARDS 2014 Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, founded by the A. Onassis Foundation, Athens. Project: “De capite fortunisque omnibus” Late Antique and Early Christian Painted Tombs of Bulgaria. Advisor: Prof. Th. Stefanidou Tiveriou. Spring 2013 Fellow at the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC. Project: Aspects of social, material and votive Thracian culture during the Late Classical and the Hellenistic periods: characteristics, local models and external influences from the funeral context. 2010 Post-doctoral Fellowship from the DAI/Abteilung Rom Project: Dalle ville repubblicane ai Albana. Trasformazioni del territorio di Albano dall’età repubblicana al IV d.C. 2008-2009 Doctoral Fellowship, Erasmus Phd Exchange Program at the Saint Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia. 2007-2008: Doctoral Fellowship, Bulgarian Ministery of Culture through the Italian Ministery of External Affairs to the Bulgarian Academy of Science at Sofia

WORK AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Starting 2010 Staff Member of Castra Albana project directed by Alexandra Busch, DAI Abteilung Rome. Position: architectonic’s decoration analist. Starting 2007 Staff Member of project CMR (Corpus dei Mosaici di Roma) for the creation of a database of the of Rome, directed by Francesca Ghedini, Federico Guidobaldi, Eugenio La Rocca, Stefano Tortorella, University of Padova; University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali del di Roma. Position: mosaics analyst. 2001-2007 Employed as archaeologist at the Archaeological Museum of , Rome.