The NIB Neatishead, Irstead and Parish Magazine

THE BENEFICE OF St BENEDICT The Parishes of Ashmanhaugh, Barton Turf, Beeston St Lawrence, , Irstead and Neatishead

Rector: The Rev’d David Smith 01692 630216 [email protected]

From your Parish Priest If any of you recall my comments in last month’s magazine, you’ll remember how I observed that, when we don’t have an answer to a question or problem, many resort to simply saying “It’s complicated”. Well, as we all now know, life has just become particularly complicated and we shall continue to face and deal with the Coronavirus threat for weeks, if not months, to come. It will impact our individual lives, nations, and economies around the world, and the after effects will persist long after we have conquered the virus itself. All this may seem daunting, frightening, and so overwhelming that there is little or nothing we can do locally to help. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Although this is a global problem, it’s only going to get fixed by individuals – and that means all of us – playing our part in limiting the spread of the virus, protecting those most at risk, and providing what help we can to those who need it. It encouraging to see so many of you doing this already and it is already making a difference to those who are struggling in any way.

To help this, your churches and parish councils have together produced the help sheet that has been distributed to all homes in our communities with this edition of the magazine. This re-iterates the current government and NHS health advice, and crucially provides contact details within our local community where you can obtain further advice, practical help with day-to-day essentials, and find people able to provide a listening ear, particular for those folk at home on their own. You will also be aware that all churches have now taken the necessary decision, in line with Public Health recommendations, that all public worship must cease for the time being, although funerals and weddings could continue, but with the minimum possible number of people attending. That said, all our churches in the benefice will remain open for private prayer, and we shall distribute worship material and notices, to those who would like them, so that people can read these for themselves at home, by way of staying connected with the wider worshipping community during the crisis. Nevertheless prayers will be said each day at one of the churches in the benefice, so do let us know if there is someone or something we need to pray for on any particular day. In due course, we hope we may be able provide worship services via the internet. Also, the people from our churches listed in the flyer have offered to co-ordinate a “listening ear” provision for anyone in any of our various parishes and villages.

In the meantime, please remember our nation and our communities in your own prayers and keep on being good neighbours to all those around us. If you know of anyone nearby who needs help, or would welcome a phone call just to chat, do please use the various contact numbers on the help sheet, or above, or indeed call or e-mail me. David

ISSUE NO: 503 APRIL 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic The events/dates contained in the magazine were correct at the time of going to press but all are subject to change because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. To find out whether an event listed in the NIB has been cancelled please contact the relevant contributor direct.


Letter to Constituents from Duncan Baker MP, 18th March 2020 Dear all, I write to thank you for the amazing work your council members and staff are doing to support the local resilience effort in the face of the coronavirus outbreak. At this difficult time, all tiers of government, along with community organisations, need to put differences aside and pull together for the common good, and I’ve been greatly encouraged by the extent to which this is happening in North . I want to assure you of my support for all you are doing and to let you know I am happy to help wherever I can. My constituency office team has dealt with hundreds of enquiries and questions from constituents already, so I know the extent to which we will all be under pressure in the days and weeks to come. If there is any issue which you face, either as a council or on behalf of your residents, where I can provide support as your MP, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01692 557140 or at [email protected]. My team has been collating details of individuals and organisations, across the constituency, who are offering practical help to the vulnerable, housebound, and self-isolating. Whilst many will have families, partners, and friends to help, I am concerned that we get the right help to where it’s needed, and that we do not forget those who may be lonely or struggling with the present situation. This database is growing by the hour and can be found at I would be very grateful if you could let your members and residents know about this resource: whilst it will not be the only such list available, it will be kept accurate and up to date with the latest guidance from NHS England, and with details of places to seek help and support. If you know of individuals/organisations in your own parish/town offering this support, it would be very helpful if you could ask them to fill in the form at, so that we can add them to the list and so that my team and I can point people in the right direction if they contact us. In the most difficult of circumstances, I have been heartened to see this situation bring out the best in those who live and work in and, working together, I have no doubt we can keep everyone safe and healthy, and move past this to enjoy our beautiful home and its strong community spirit once again. Please do feel free to forward this letter on to others within your council and/or distribute it more widely within your communities. Your sincerely, Duncan Baker MP

Letter from Beat Manager, Hoveton Police Station, 17th March 2020 Dear all, I felt it appropriate to make contact with you as parish and town representatives in the area I serve to keep you up to date. It is important you should all be aware and reassured that steps are in place to ensure that the police continue to provide an effective service in the coming months whilst the Covid-19 issue continues. There is a proposal that myself and other Beat Managers across the county be redeployed to cover response commitments and it is likely we will be utilised to support the response policing teams before long. This is so that the organisation can meet the emergency call demand across the county and beyond. Like all services we will no doubt be affected as far as staffing is concerned so we need to be flexible and adaptable. You are all very aware of the unprecedented demand that this virus is placing on our communities. I’m sure that you will all understand the need to provide an emergency service first and foremost in the weeks and months ahead. I will continue to monitor my emails and will assist where I can of course. I am grateful for your understanding and patience in the current climate. Reassure your communities that they can still contact the police via the 101 non-emergency number or via the force website ‘Contact us’ link. Always ring 999 in an emergency. Best wishes to you all. Tom Gibbs, PC 1298 2

BEWARE – Coronavirus scams The coronavirus has given scammers a golden opportunity both online and in person. Please be cautious of calls, emails and messages that you receive out of the blue. Never respond to unsolicited or unexpected contacts and never hand over personal or financial information if you are asked/pressured to do so by these contacts. It is also important not to click on links or open attachments contained in any suspicious emails. Cyber criminals are using phishing scams to take advantage of fears caused by the virus – for example an email is circulating purporting to be from the government regarding a new tax refund programme which is being used to get your bank details. People knocking at the door claiming to be from the Red Cross and offering to do shopping are not genuine. Please also ignore all offers of testing kits and respiratory masks for sale. If you have any doubts about emails, phone calls or people knocking at your door please contact your village representative first for advice. If you need supplies (e.g. food/medicine) let your village representative know and they will delegate this task to a trusted person. Details of each village’s representatives are to be found in the Covid 19 flyer which accompanies this edition of the NIB.

Door Safety Sticker Able Community Care is a Norfolk home care company which was established in 1980 and now provides care 24/7 throughout the UK and beyond. We continually read news/articles flagging up the activities of doorstep criminals: fraudulent roofers, gardeners, service officials and other non- genuine visitors who target older people. Over the years we have also had first-hand evidence from our own clients and carers. As a company we have decided to see if we can help prevent this on a small scale and so we have had a Door Safety Sticker printed to give away to older people. We have sent out 40,000 since February and if you think your older readers may like to have one, please ask them to either ring us on 01603 764567 or email to [email protected]. Angela Gifford, CEO NIB – New Email Addresses for Submissions to NIB Two new email addresses have been set up so that, in future, the editor and deputy editor do not have to use their own email inboxes to receive NIB submissions. Also, contributors will not have to remember to send their articles/dates to a new email address each January. Please could all contributors send their submissions to BOTH of the following email addresses in future: [email protected] and [email protected]. Thank you. The Magazine Team

St Michael and All Angels, Barton Turf All services and activities have been cancelled until further notice. Barbara Pilcher, 536132

The Preston Rooms – The Village Hall All events have been cancelled until further notice. Sue Watts, Secretary

St Swithin’s, Ashmanhaugh All services and activities have been cancelled until further notice. Anne Mulhall, Church Warden, [email protected], 01603 784874

St Benet’s Hall Coffee Morning The March coffee morning was very well supported and £171.75 was raised towards the upkeep of the Church. There will be no more coffee mornings until futher notice. Gillian Jeckells

Village Screen Following recent advice from the Government regarding 'social distancing' during the Coronavirus pandemic we regret that we are having to cancel the village films and the screen suppers until further notice. We will resume our programme as soon as it is safe to do so. Thank you for your support and best wishes for your wellbeing during this crisis. Shelagh Tyrell 3

White House Stores Please bear in mind that this message was written 2 weeks before the distribution of the NIB. In light of current events regarding the Coronavirus please be assured we are also doing all we can to keep the shelves stocked to support you and the community. We all need to work together to support our community during this time. We will go as far as we practically can, given our limited volunteer resources, but we really need a 3 Villages response to coordinate resources. Will you help and work with us? It is likely we may need extra volunteers to do shopping for people who are self-isolating - picking it up and delivering it. Please contact us if you can help by emailing [email protected]. Thank you. Margaret and the 3VCA Committee, 631549

Friends and Neighbours The February Bingo morning was a great success with lots of mystery prizes to be won. On 27th February we had a very informative and interesting talk by Marion Grimes about hedgehogs. Marion looks after 70 hedgehogs at present. They are looked after until they can be returned to the same area where they were found. We can help by leaving a gap in our garden hedge for them to travel at night looking for food. All future meetings have been cancelled until futher notice. Jean Barber, Chairperson

Women’s Institute Although our meeting wasn’t held on St Valentine’s Day, hearts were everywhere. Instead of having a speaker, we held a social afternoon and members were invited to make/decorate a fabric or card green heart (to support the WI “Show the Love for our Planet” campaign). As a result, all sorts of sewn, knitted, crocheted or paper hearts were created and displayed at the New Victory Hall as our part of National WI’s Climate Change movement – it was an afternoon of jolly chatter and activity, accompanied with heart-shaped biscuits (some decorated with green icing), which went down well with a welcome cup of tea. However, coronavirus has taken its toll and all meetings and events planned have been cancelled until further notice. We will use the good offices of NIB to keep you informed – so watch this space – and keep well. Monica Riley, 630336

New Victory Hall The trustees have been following government advice about how to respond to the coronavirus situation as the priority is to help people to stay safe and well in these difficult circumstances. The hall was open in March with individual hirers and groups making their own decision about whether to continue with their booking based on the nature of their activities. By the end of March all groups had postponed bookings until further notice. Village Screen, Farmers’ Market and all future NVH social events run by the various NVH teams have been cancelled as these activities bring large groups of people together which the government is asking us to avoid.

The recent government advice now means that with effect from 21st March, the New Victory Hall is closed until further notice.

However, the trustees do not want to simply shut the building for public use if, with careful thought but still following government advice, the resources of NVH can be of value to the community in a different way. The situation is constantly under review so please contact me on 630637 to see what might be possible. The NVH, fortunately, has financial reserves to meet its fixed costs for sometime. We want to continue access to the Community Library (stock of about 500 books – no charges) located in the entry area at the hall and hope to arrange this so look out for notices about access times at the NVH or shop. Please take care to stay safe and well and we look forward to the time when we can all come together again. Doreen Dean, Chair NVH


Neatishead Community Gym – Open Air Gym Following the closure of the indoor gym by the government, Neatishead Community Gym will be offering outdoor exercise classes at the village hall on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday mornings, starting on Sunday 22nd March. For details please email [email protected]. The Gym Committee

The winners of the February 200 Club Draw - £50.00 Messrs Sellick & Robinson - £10.00 R Clayton - £5.00 S Hogan

NABS – Words and Music Live! – Postponement It is with regret that the committee has decided to postpone WAML2, scheduled for Saturday week, 28th March. We obviously need to be responsible to our community and minimise any risk. It won't all go to waste as we hope to be able to reschedule for later in the year. However, as we cannot yet say when this will be, I will be offering refunds from Tuesday morning so please contact me to arrange to collect your money. Please spread the word and encourage anyone you know who had bought tickets to contact me for their refund. We sold 50 tickets in the first week, which only left a further 35 to sell over the forthcoming two weeks. This is very encouraging in the light of the uncertainty so hopefully we will ultimately perform to a full house. Thank you for your understanding. Please also note that the jive workshops scheduled for May/June have been cancelled. Rachel Clayton, 630009

Neatishead, Irstead and Barton Turf Community Heritage Group (NIBCHG) VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations 8th – 10th May As I write this item for April NIB, health issues are dominating the news, but we do hope that our celebrations will not be curtailed so that, as a community, we will be able to reflect on the sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life, and especially those in our three villages, through the period of World War Two, but also celebrate the day the guns fell silent on 8th May 75 years ago. Currently we have plans for the following: - Friday 8th May, 3pm, The White Horse Neatishead: The Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2 followed by a musical celebration with live music and songs as we step back in time to the 1940s. Come dressed in period costume and enjoy the afternoon. - Sunday 10th May, 2-5pm, New Victory Hall. An exhibition to include a unique map of local incidents created by the late John Yaxley, researched and brought to life. Find out what rooms of a 1940s house looked like with our re-created living room and of course we will remember all those who served. There will be refreshments and musical entertainment so come dressed in 1940s style. A flyer with a more detailed programme will be included with your May NIB - but meanwhile please keep these dates free so you can join us at this special anniversary. Claire Penstone-Smith, 630580 A Plea – Neatishead School Log Book The old log book was borrowed some time ago but was never returned. It obviously contains historical information that both the school and the History Group would like to add to the group’s archive and also to their current research into WW2. Please could you have a look on your book shelves to see if it is lurking there somewhere, as someone out there has probably forgotten that they actually have it. If you find it could you please contact Susan Lamb on 536240.

Walking our parish paths, Sunday 3rd May It was great to meet and walk with other parishioners in March. Our next meeting will be at 2pm on Sunday 3rd May. The walk will start at the Baptist Church. Cars can be parked in the Baptist Church car park. If you are interested in joining us, please Email me. Participants need to wear suitable weatherproof clothing. Walkers are welcome to bring dogs provided these are under good control. The walk will be no longer than 1.5 hr. Maggie Philipps, [email protected]


Gardening Club There will be no monthly Gardening Club meetings until further notice due to the coronavirus. David Boulton presented the A to Z of Nature at our February meeting with a selection of lovely photographs. Fan and James Arthur have already started taking photographs of plants in members’ gardens in readiness for our October meeting. Please contact them on 07779339893 when you have a display/plant that you would like to share with the rest of the club! Village Show Schedule Planning - We aim to have the Village Show schedules ready by the beginning of June so everyone has plenty of time to plan and prepare! In order to do this please give me a ring or email me before Monday 27th April if you would like to be involved in planning and/or running the show which will take place on Saturday 5th September at the NVH. Jane King, 630002, [email protected]

Knit & Stitch Group Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers (NK&S) are a voluntary organisation that provides lovingly hand knitted and sewn items for charities at home and abroad through its groups as well as companionship for many like minded people. We are one of the 130 groups affiliated to it, which, over 10 years, has grown from one lady, Linda Brown, who, with a few friends got together on a regular basis to knit for different causes. Having successfully obtained a Big Lottery Grant five years ago the organisation now has over 2000 members and five resource centres across Norfolk where people can use available knitting patterns, pick up donated wool or fabric, choose from new wool which is available for a minimum donation, or just enjoy a chat over a cuppa. Our newsletter keeps all members up to date with the latest projects and keeps all groups across the county connected. The Lottery Grant comes to an end on 1st April and NK&S will be going it alone without external funding. All groups are being asked if they could in some small way make a donation towards the running costs of this wonderful organisation - there is none other quite like it across the country - and to this end we have decided to increase the cost of our meetings to £1.50 - £1 for the cost of hiring the hall and 50p to NK&S. All those attending our Knit and Stitch Group are invited to become members of NK&S - we have lots of wool, needles and patterns to get you started - or just bring your own project along to do. Our group is very friendly and usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Tuesday of the month. Give me a call if you would like to know more. Claire Penstone-Smith, 630580 90th Birthday Doreen would like to thank friends and relations who came to celebrate her 90th birthday. A special thank you for all the lovely flowers and cards. Donations raised for Action Arthritis came to £475 plus two donations online. Many thanks to helpers and family who made it such a special day. Doreen Neave Neatishead Parish Council Report The Neatishead Parish Council meeting held on 20th February received reports from our district councillor and from Claire Penstone-Smith updating us on the progress towards celebrating th 75th Anniversary of VE Day in the NVH on 10th May. A local resident also raised the issue of an increase in dog waste bags being discarded along the public highway and on Irstead Road in particular. Other matters discussed covered issues such as, commercial waste being dumped in the Staithe bins, flooding along part of the public footpath along the west side of Alderfen Broad, illegal hunting on charity land adjoining Alderfen and concern about the proposed further development in Hoveton. Finally the parish council would like to thank Sarah Martin for standing in for me whilst I was away. All future meetings are under review due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please see our website for up-to-date information: Charlotte Hummel, Clerk to Parish Council, 01493 718128

Barton Turf and Irstead Council Meetings Due to the coronavirus pandemic all future meetings are under review. Please see our website for up-to-date information:, or contact Glenn Neave on 536690 or 07885706493. 6

Wildlife Notes As April arrives so the summer migrants will be flooding in and we can expect to hear the dawn chorus getting near to its best as we add Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler to the more common residents. Our first damselflies will be on the wing later in the month with large Red Damselfly usually the first to show followed by its blue coloured cousins, Azure and Common Blue Damselfly and the Hairy Dragonfly. Sand martins will appear over water bodies quickly followed by the Swallow and House Martin. Most of you will be familiar with members of the crow family, or corvids as they are known, which include Rooks, Magpies, and Jays as well as the Carrion and Hooded Crow. Rooks are very noisy at this time of year as they are early communal nesters and often build their nests in favoured tree locations used year after year. The largest member of the corvids in the UK is the Raven, a bird familiar to many from the Tower of London where some captive birds have been kept for centuries. Ravens are thought to be birds of uplands and craggy cliffs by the majority of people so it may surprise you to know that Ravens were regular breeding birds in Norfolk until 1859 and were considered to be quite numerous around in the 17th century. They are large birds with a big black beak, a wedge-shaped tail and have a wingspan which is a foot larger than the Carrion Crow. They are quite shy birds but enjoy a bit of acrobatic flying in the spring when they call with a distinctive “Cronk Cronk” call. The Raven has, like the Buzzard before it, been spreading westwards and recolonising areas which it used to frequent and in 2018 successfully nested in both Norfolk and Suffolk. The Suffolk birds used an electricity pylon in the Woodbridge area on which to build its nest whilst the Norfolk birds used a more traditional tree nest in the north west of the county. Like Rooks they are early nesters and by mid-April will usually have chicks in their nests. Look out this month for the bright yellow male Brimstone butterfly and the smaller Orange Tip butterfly, the males of which are white with distinctive orange coloured wing tips. Jerry Simpson, 630674, [email protected]

Priscilla Bacon Hospice Fundraising – In Memory of George Stammers Priscilla Bacon provided exceptional care and support in George’s last months. We were shocked to learn that there are only 16 specialist palliative care beds in Norfolk, while there is a much greater need for these specialist facilities. 2020 is a critical year for their campaign to build a £12.5 million 24 bed hospice for Norfolk and Waveney. Already, over £5 million has been raised, but there is still a long way to go. I, my husband Tom and Mum (Jane King) are participating in some running events in memory of George including Run Norwich on Sunday 19th July. If you would like to sponsor us a sponsor form will be available at the Farmers’ Market when these resume or donate online using this link: We are also hoping to hold a Drop-in Day on Saturday 20th June, 10am-4pm at Grove Cottage, Irstead Road, Neatishead. There will be teas, coffees, cakes, raffle, tombola, bric a brac, etc. If you have any cake/stall donations or wish to get involved for this very worthy cause, please contact Mum on 630002 or myself, Rachel Townshend on 581461. Thank you!

Volunteer Tour Guides for St Benet’s Abbey Volunteer guides are needed to join our friendly tour guide team which will require meeting, greeting and taking visitors around St Benet’s Abbey, telling them about the history and people associated with the Abbey. Full training and support will be given, we just need your enthusiasm, commitment and willingness to learn and pass on the fascinating stories of the Abbey site. Tours normally take place from May to the end of September on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays at 3pm. Volunteers usually undertake 2 tours per month on average. Please note that all tours have been suspended this season due to the coronavirus but guides will be needed as soon as they can resume. If this sounds like something you may be interested in, then please contact me to find out more by emailing [email protected] or phoning me. Marion Jackson, Guide Coordinator 07733137276


Diary Dates for April 2020 Thursday 9th 7.30pm N’head PC Annual Council Meeting, NVH - UNDER REVIEW Saturday 18th 1.30pm Neatishead White Horse Bowls Club - CANCELLED Wednesday 27th 6.45pm Barton Turf Bowls Club, season start - CANCELLED

Future Dates 2nd May Neatishead Church Annual Plant Sale - CANCELLED 3rd May Walking Parish paths from Neatishead Baptist Church 8th May Toast to the Heroes of WW2 & Musical Celebration, White Horse 10th May VE Day Anniversary Celebration Event & Exhibition, NVH 20th June Fundraising Event in memory of George Stammers – UNDER REVIEW

New Victory Hall bookings: by email [email protected] or call 07551 008065

Mobile Library All Mobile Library Services are suspended until further notice. Existing loans will be automatically renewed. Activities at libraries have ceased but they remain open.

Parish Council Clerks Ashmanhaugh Clare Male 07803 705434 Barton/ Irstead Diane Bradley 07867 422925 Horning Jo Beardshaw 01692 670787 Neatishead Charlotte Hummel 01493 718128

Contributions welcome to The NIB, but please note the Team reserves the right to amend or omit items, we also start the magazine from the 1st of the month, and therefore events in the previous month will not be advertised. Views expressed are those of the named author. No responsibility can be accepted for any errors. Everybody who sends in articles, including advertisers, automatically consents to having their details published on the internet, unless they specifically request otherwise, in which case we will endeavour to omit details before uploading onto the churches’ websites.

PLEASE NOTE: All church services in the Benefice have been suspended until further notice.

Church Wardens: Neatishead Pauline Simpson 01692 630674 Irstead David Murrells 01692 631427 Barton Turf Barbara Pilcher 01692 536132

Neatishead Baptist Church: All services have been cancelled until further notice. Pastor, Ian Bloomfield [email protected] Sue Gibbons, Church Secretary, 01603 738893 [email protected]

BartonTurf Methodist Church: Services suspended until further notice., Rev Sharon Willimott, Superintendent, 01692 218657

Wroxham & Hoveton United Reformed Church: We will be suspending services until further notice. Our minister will open the church on Sundays 11-12 am and be available for prayer. The United Reformed Church is also producing a Sunday service each week online at 10am at Lynne Howard 01603 738835 [email protected]

Magazine Team March 2020 to February 2021 NEWS and DATES to Editor Sophia Hale-Sutton 01692 631175 [email protected] NEWS and DATES to Deputy Editor Alan Smith 01692 535164 [email protected] ADVERTS to Manager Yvonne Kendrick 01692 630261 [email protected] DISTRIBUTION to Manager Wendy Price 01692 536183 [email protected]


Hoveton and Wroxham Medical Centre: extended hours 7am to 8am to see prescribing clinicians and nurses. For more information visit

Community Transport: Dial-a- Ride 01692 500840 for shopping journeys FOR HEALTH CARE APPOINTMENTS please ring 03448008020 ADVERTISEMENTS for APRIL 2020

M STUDIO HAIRDRESSING at Ikens,Smallburgh Road, Barton NR12 8AP Please call Maz 01692 630744 FOR SALE Solid pine table and 5 chairs. Table is extendable, has been stripped and is in excellent condition. 730H x 840W x 1400 or 1830L. £175. For photos contact Simon or Rachel 07939007271 YOGA CLASSES with Clare Badham at New Victory Hall, Neatishead, Wednesdays 6.10pm to 7.40pm Please call me on 01692 598022. One to one also available in your own home. CBEAUTYFITTS – Beauty Therapist, specialising in nail art / lash technician. Please call 07500060410 STEVEN LUXFORD – local decorator, also does floor and wall tiling. Please call 01493 732138 THE MOWER DOCTOR garden machinery, service and repairs. Extremely competitive prices with no VAT. Free collection and drop off service. Broadland based. Please call 01603 291927 or 07790 530015 LOCAL SMALL BUILDER Andy Payne, based locally, over 20 years of experience, including brickwork, plastering, tiling and decorating Tel 01603 737807 or 07706991443 FUNERAL SERVICES: here for you every hour of every day. Co-op Funeral Services. 93 High Street, Stalham. Please phone at anytime 01692 558733. DOMESTIC OIL BOILER SERVICING. Heating requirements, pipe work, oil tank installation and power flushing. For more information please call Charles Brown on 01603 781888 GARDENING SERVICES including lawn mowing, hedge cutting, digging, weeding, fencing, decking, patios etc. Friendly, reliable service. For free estimate call Paul on 01692 535316 or 07826857728 HANDYMAN: local handyman for all your DIY needs, inside and outside. Please call Shane 07834915732 GARDEN BIRD DIRECT bird feed in sizes from 2kg to 20kg. Free delivery. Call Rosa on 01493 740288 BG OIL BOILER SERVICES Registered heating engineer. Servicing, repairs, new boilers and tank replacements. Please call Brian Greenwood on 07947817767, or evenings on 01692 535552 CHIMNEY SWEEP- Mike Wicks & Son. Fully insured. From £45. Certificate issued. 01692 536592 GLEAMING GUTTERS: gutters, conservatory and patio cleaning. Also fascia barge and all plastics washed. Specialising in hard to reach [email protected] 01603 782112 or 07771363702 LOGS: seasoned hardwood logs (beech, oak, and alder) delivered locally £112 a load. Please call Jamie Nickerson on 01692 630553 or 07747450776 [email protected] COLIN the PLUMBER: oil, gas, and electric boilers and oil tanks. All types of plumbing services. Please call Colin on 01692 670657 or 07990650331 YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL ELECTRICIAN Glen Rogers Electrical. From an electric shower to a garden light. Give us a ring on 01692 538515 LOCAL GARDENER - weeding, pruning and hedges. Please ring or text Joe on 07902076352 1st CLASS AERIALS new TV aerial, free view/sky/ free/sat or extra TV points. HD over Ethernet Please call 01692 670901 or mobile on 07725182952 WATERWAYS CONSERVATION and MAINTENANCE river and lake contractor in Irstead. Mud pumping, dredging, piling, and quay heading. Contact Alan 07768684862 or Tom 07977927569 LIGHT GARDEN CLEARANCE also pruning, shed and fence painting and garage/shed sorting. Regular grass cutting and holiday cover. Please call Carol on 01692 630478, mobile 07879442860 DIAL- a - PLUMBER City & Guilds trained. Small repairs. No job too small. Small oil/gas boiler repairs. Showers installed & repaired. Please call 07702277191


PICTURE FRAMING in Neatishead at Freezeframe, by appointment only. Contact Roger on 07767891698 FINANCIAL ADVISOR providing impartial whole of market advice to local residents since1999. Home visits are always available or meetings at our office. Please call Martin Smith on 07584030071 REGENCY GUEST HOUSE Boutique Style B & B accommodation. Call 01692 630233 Open all year. DAVID WRIGHT Painting and decorating. Established since 1997. Horning based. Call 01692 631366 KP PLUMBING & HEATING: oil, LPG, natural gas, boilers installed, service d & repaired. 01692 650293 C & B GARDEN SERVICES - Garden maintenance, Pressure washing, (patios, paths etc) Pest Control, specialising in MOLES & WASPS (certificated) rabbits & squirrels etc Free quote. Call Clive 01692 538356 LANCE BUCKINGHAM CARPENTRY. All building work undertaken, including extensions, refurbishment, roofing, fencing, decking, kitchen fitting and property maintenance. Phone: 07795210522 or 01603 720229 ROOF REPAIRS: scaffolding, flat roofs, pitched roofs & chimney repairs. Also fascias & gutters. All high level maintenance work undertaken. Ring Nigel for a quote or advice, 07764962627 COMPUTERS: problem solving and tution. Call Jamie Nickerson 01692 630553 [email protected] TAKE AWAY MEALS available at YE OLDE SADDLERY. Call 07810874603 LARGE TIMESHARE SWIMMING POOL IN BARTON Unique conversion of barns into 16½ metre pool. From £10 per ½ hour slot. Max 6 people. Please call 01692 630798 MICHELLE STEPHENS DECORATING interior/exterior Please call 07866726178 Free same day fixed price quotes.References available. PAINTING and DECORATING by Chris Ryan. Prompt and professional. Free quotation. 01692 631194 OLD MILL GARAGE – Car MOT’S 20% off. Other vehicle repairs at competitive prices, including air con. servicing & diagnostics. Exhausts, tyres & batteries. K. Roll Motors, Barton Turf 01692 536926 BROADLAND LAWN CARE for the lawn you’ve always wanted. Packages include weed control, moss control, fertilisation, scarification and aeration. Email [email protected] Call 07523106754 GARDEN WORK fencing, trees and hedges. Local service. Call David on 01692 535101/ 07766334410 COUNTRY PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES offering boiler servicing repairs & replacements. Plumbing & electrical work at affordable rates. OFTEC GAS & NICEIC registered. 01692 670139 NELSON’S COUNTY CATERING: parties, celebrations and weddings. Menus to suit your needs. Hog Roasts a speciality. Call Jamie on 07810874603 or CHIMNEY SWEEP Member of guild of master sweeps. Fully insured. Clean and efficient. All work certificated. All solid fuel appliances. Call Harry on 07799484012 or 01263 833362 DAY CARE – Experience a day of pampering at Broadacres Residential Home with spa bath options. Enjoy the company of like minded people and sample fine food. Call Abbie on 01692 630939 NEATISHEAD & BARTON PRE - SCHOOL (2 to 5 five years) Open Monday to Friday term time 8.45am to noon or 1pm, or our longer session to 2.30pm. From £15 a session. Please call us on 07833796163 GRASS CUTTING – commercial and domestic enquiries welcome. Please call Stephen on 01692 631468 PLATTEN PEST CONTROL - specialising in the management of wasps, rats, mice, moles, and rabbits. Free survey. Please contact us on 01692 631173 or 07711391839 EAST ANGLIAN TANKERING SERVICES A local cesspool and septic tank disposal service, also blocked drains cleared. Smallburgh based. Tel 07988 020984/ 07988 406305

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS £2.50 a line, maximum two lines. Cheques payable to The NIB. Contact: Yvonne Kendrick 01692 630261 for Bank Transfer details. email [email protected] with your advert. School House, School Road, Neatishead NR12 8XW