Vol. 519: 13–27, 2015 MARINE PROGRESS SERIES Published January 20 doi: 10.3354/meps11071 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Food web characterization based on δ15N and δ13C reveals isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish in a relatively pristine

Renato Mitsuo Nagata1,*, Marcelo Zacharias Moreira2, Caio Ribeiro Pimentel3, André Carrara Morandini1

1Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, trav. 14, n. 101, 05508-090, São Paulo, Brazil 2Laboratório de Ecologia Isotópica, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Campus Luis de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 3Departamento de Oceanografia Biológica, Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

ABSTRACT: Human-induced stresses on the marine environment seem to favor some jellyfish spe- cies to the detriment of other competitors such as planktivorous fishes. In pristine , trophic relationships among these consumers are poorly understood. We determined stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of representative consumers in the relatively pristine ecosystem of the Cananéia Estuary, Brazil, in order to understand the structure. We described isotopic niche breadth, position, and overlaps between fish and jellyfish (including comb jelly) species. Most of the δ13C values suggest that phytoplankton is the major carbon source, especially for pelagic consumers. Sessile benthic invertebrates had enriched δ13C values, suggesting a contribu- tion of microphytobenthic algae. Seasonal variation of values was significant only for 13C, with dif- ferent patterns for pelagic and benthic organisms. Isotopic niche breadth of some jellyfishes was wider than those of fish species of the same trophic group, possibly as a consequence of their broad diets. Isotopic niche overlaps of fish and jellyfish species were related to: (1) trophic diversity, since planktivorous species occupied niches distinct from macroinvertebrate/fish feeders; and (2) life stages, since isotopic niche partitioning pattern can change during species ontogeny. Replacement of declining populations of fish by jellyfish competitors probably depends on the pool of other compensatory species, as well as on reproductive, growth, and feeding performance of other con- sumers. Description of isotopic niches provides a general picture of trophic roles, interactions and the degree of functional redundancy among species, allowing an evaluation of possible directions of community shifts resulting from the removal or proliferation of keystone consumers.

KEY WORDS: Gelatinous zooplankton · Trophic position · Forage fish · Dietary overlap · Stable isotopes

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INTRODUCTION may increase have been widely discussed, and it has been speculated that human-induced stresses to the Although some controversies exist concerning marine environment (eutrophication, species intro- changes in the number and extension of jellyfish duction, climate change, overfishing) seem to favor blooms (Condon et al. 2012, Gibbons & Richardson the proliferation of gelatinous zooplankton species 2013), historical data from some parts of the world (Purcell 2012). Trophic interactions may account for show that jellyfish populations are increasing (Brotz these increases, since evidence suggests that the et al. 2012, Purcell 2012). Factors whereby jellyfish depletion of fish stocks has shifted some ecosystems

*Corresponding author: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2015 · www.int-res.com 14 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 13–27, 2015

from planktivorous fish- to jellyfish-dominated, such consumers (Sherwood & Rose 2005, Layman et al. as in the northern Benguela Current (Richardson et 2012). The position of consumers in the isotopic space al. 2009). (δ-space) also illustrates some aspects of the actual Because many jellyfish feed on fish eggs and , such as and resources used, larvae, top-down control is a possible explanation for in the concept of the ‘isotopic niche’ (Newsome et al. the inverse relationship between these populations, 2007). The isotopic values of a given group of com- as first stated by Möller (1980). The predation impact munity members can be analyzed to quantify aspects of jellyfish species can be high, with some species of their trophic ecology, such as species niche like Chrysaora melanaster in the Bering Sea and breadth and niche overlaps (Newsome et al. 2007, Aurelia sp. in Japan consuming 33% d–1 and 26% Jackson et al. 2011, Newsome et al. 2012). d−1, respectively, of standing stock zooplankton The productive waters of estuaries are used by dif- (Brodeur et al. 2002, Uye & Shimauchi 2005). Jelly- ferent fish species (including coastal and oceanic fish species have diverse feeding habits, yet their populations) to feed and as nurseries (Potter et al. ecological roles are often oversimplified (Condon et 2001). Because larvae and juveniles of most fish spe- al. 2012). Species occupy a variety of trophic levels, cies are zooplanktivorous, regardless of what they feeding on micro- and mesozooplankton, epibenthic eat in adulthood (Bond 1996), it is reasonable to sug- invertebrates, other jellyfish, and fish (Purcell 1997), gest that the trophic niche of juveniles of many fish and potentially use the same resources as many other species overlaps with that of zooplanktivorous jelly- consumers (such as crustaceans and fishes). Trophic fish. The South Brazilian Bight (SBB) (23° to 28°S) is a overlap between planktivorous jellyfish and fish transitional region of mixed climate and faunal com- populations was demonstrated in studies applying ponents with warm-temperate characteristics (Heile- stomach-content methods (Purcell & Grover 1990, man & Gasalla 2008). The coast of the central SBB Purcell & Sturdevant 2001) and stable-isotope ana - receives outflows from large adjacent estuarine sys- lyses (Brodeur et al. 2002, Brodeur et al. 2008, Shoji tems (Cananéia and Paranaguá) and harbors high et al. 2009). Richardson et al. (2009) argued that in zooplankton biomasses and ichthyoplankton densi- ecosystems dominated by fish, jellyfish populations ties (Lopes et al. 2006). A relatively high diversity of are kept in check through predation and competi- large jellyfishes (10 species of Cubozoa and Scypho- tion. Nevertheless, jellyfish may overtake fish com- zoa) (Morandini et al. 2005) with distinct trophic roles petitors when overfishing opens a vacant niche for is present. A historical baseline of field population the former, but also under some conditions such as: abundances and seasonality is lacking for jellyfish low oxygen concentrations, when feeding perform- (but see Nogueira et al. 2010), although a few studies ance of fish decreases (Shoji et al. 2005); and low have mentioned episodes of high biomasses in near - visibility, when visual foraging of fish is hampered by areas (Moreira 1961, Mianzan & Guerrero 2000, (Eiane et al. 1999). Graça-Lopes et al. 2002, Nagata et al. 2009). Because In order to understand the ecosystem’s response to of the good conservation status of the Cananéia the removal of a consumer, it is important to examine Lagoon Estuarine System (CLES) area (MMA 2007), the trophic position of several keystone species, an analysis of its food web structure represents a which probably will fill that vacated trophic niche. unique opportunity to understand the trophic role of Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA) has been used over the jellyfish at lower levels of anthropogenic stresses that past ~25 yr to describe food web structures of differ- are presumed to favor their proliferation. ent ecosystems, leading to huge advances in this field This study, thus, aims to provide a general picture (Layman et al. 2012). SIA data integrate spatial and of the food web structure of the CLES based on 13C temporal information and provide long-term evi- and 15N isotope signatures of species of mesozoo- dence of trophic relationships that cannot be gleaned plankton, gelatinous zooplankton, demersal macro- from ‘snapshot’ dietary analysis (Layman et al. 2012). fauna, and nekton. We analyzed isotope data in order Although stomach-content analyses provide valu- to answer the following questions: (1) Knowing that able insights into feeding relationships, they have the main sources of organic matter in the CLES, analytical limitations, since they require many sam- phytoplankton, mangrove litterfall, and microphyto- ples and do not always reflect the assimilated food. benthos (Schaeffer-Novelli et al. 1990), have distinct Studies with SIA can evaluate the trophic structure of δ13C values, what is their respective contribution to many coastal ecosystems, by investigating issues the consumers of this ecosystem? (2) How much do such as the primary sources of organic matter, as well isotopic signatures vary during an annual cycle? (3) as the energy pathways through a large number of Based on recently developed Bayesian statistical Nagata et al.: Isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish 15

tools for SIA, do jellyfish and other consumers (mainly fish) occupy similar isotopic niches in this ecosystem? For this last question, we compared iso- tope data of known dominant pelagic species (jelly- fish and fish consumers) to assess isotopic niche breadth, seasonal variability, and possible overlaps. Note that in this article we use the term jellyfish syn- onymously with the term gelatinous zooplankton, i.e. we include ctenophores as well as cnidarians.


Study site

The Cananéia Lagoon Estuarine System (CLES) is located in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in a wide coastal plain surrounded by mountains of the Serra do Mar. The CLES is a mangrove-bordered estuary with an area of 100 km2 of which 52 km2 are covered by mangroves (Schaeffer-Novelli et al. 1990). Terres- trial organic matter comes from the Ribeira River valley and from several small creeks. Primary pro- duction in estuary waters is phytoplankton-based d −2 −1 Fig. 1. Study site with sampling station ( ) at the mouth of with values ranging from 0.10 to 0.80 g C m d the Cananéia Lagoon Estuarine System (CLES) (Tundisi et al. 1973), but probably also influenced by the export of materials from mangrove forest (Knop- pers & Kjerfve 1999). The contribution of the C4 salt- Hotspot, and a Natural World Patrimony Site for sci- marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora to the estuary entific knowledge and the conservation of human total production is lower because of its limited distri- values and traditional knowledge (UNESCO 1999). bution (Schaeffer-Novelli et al. 1990). Another impor- tant source of primary production is the microphyto- benthos, based on high values of chlorophyll a Sampling and processing (870 µg cm−2) found in the sediments (Schaeffer- Novelli et al. 1990). Mesozooplankton densities are Sampling was carried out from a small boat in April high year-round, with summer increases (Ara 2004). (autumn), July (winter), October (spring) 2011, and Copepods account for ~84.8% (annual mean = 3.33 × January (summer) 2012, in the Cananéia Sea, be- 104 org m−3) of the mesozooplankton organisms (Ara tween the islands of Cardoso and Comprida, at the 2004). The fish fauna in CLES is represented by 68 mouth of the estuary (Fig. 1) during high tide. We species, with Carangidae (10 species), Ariidae (7), sampled at the mouth of the estuary because we and Engraulidae (7) the best-represented families expected to find here a more diverse assemblage (Tundisi & Matsumura-Tundisi 2001). Artisanal fish- of gela tinous species and co-occurring fish species eries within the estuary target many fish species such than further up the estuary system, since few large as mullet Mugil platanus, snook Centropomus spp., jellyfish species are found in upper estuaries of the and whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri; and SBB (except for Chrysaora lactea and Mnemiopsis invertebrates such as the mangrove crab Ucides cor- leidyi) (Morandini 2003, Nogueira et al. 2010). Meso- datus, oysters Crassostrea brasiliana, and mussels zooplankton was collected with a plankton net Mytella falcata (Mendonça & Katsuragawa 2001). (200 µm mesh size), and larger organisms with a bot- The CLES is part of the Cananéia, Iguape, and tom trawl net (1 cm mesh size). Plankton samples Paranaguá Lagoon Estuarine System, which is sur- were split into 2 parts: one, with all organisms, was rounded by the largest continuous remnant of immediately frozen (−10°C) after collection; the other Brazil’s Atlantic rainforest (MMA 2007). The area has was sorted under the stereomicroscope in the labora- been proclaimed a Biosphere Reserve Biodiversity tory to obtain ~1 mg per species/taxonomic group, 16 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 13–27, 2015

λ δ15 δ15 Δ and then frozen. For fish species, 2 to 3 g of muscle TL = + ( Nconsumer − NP. crassirostris)/ (1) tissue was removed from between the dorsal and cau- dal fins and stored in plastic tubes and frozen where λ is the trophic position of P. crassirostris (TL: 15 (−10°C), and the total length (nearest cm) was meas- 2); δ Nconsumer is the value of each consumer, which ured for each specimen. For macroinvertebrates, we is measured directly; and Δ is the enrichment in discarded the guts and collected samples from differ- δ15N per trophic level. We assumed a constant en- ent tissues depending on the group: leg muscle of rich ment factor (Δ) of 3.4‰, according to Minagawa crabs, caudal muscle of shrimp, peduncle core of sea & Wada (1984). pansies Renilla reniformis, gonads of echinoderms, Distinctive isotopic values of the main primary pro- tentacle core of squids Lolliguncula brevis, whole ducers allow an evaluation of the main carbon colony of bryo zoans, and pieces of the umbrella for sources for consumers. It was not possible to directly jellyfishes or of the ectoderm of the lobes of comb jel- determine the stable isotope signatures of pelagic lies Mnemiopsis leidyi, and then frozen (−10°C). Sam- phytoplankton and microphytobenthos, and thus ples were dried to constant weight in a drying oven at models to quantify relative contribution of primary 50°C (96 h for gelatinous zooplankton and 48 h for sources (Layman et al. 2012) were not employed. We other animals) and ground to a fine powder using a used δ13C values of particulate organic matter (POM) mortar and pestle. Mesozooplankton samples were (−19.40‰), measured at the same site, from Barcellos also split into 2 parts: one was used to estimate δ15N et al. (2009), as an indication of phytoplankton. For and was not acidified, and the other was used to esti- microphytobenthos, we used the value of −13‰, mate δ13C and was soaked in 1 N HCl for 3 h in order since benthic algae have enriched δ13C values (6‰ to remove carbonates and exoskeletons, and the on average), in relation to phytoplankton (France samples then re-dried. Between 0.5 and 2 mg of each 1995). Values of mangrove leaves measured here powdered sample was stored in tin capsules. The iso- were depleted (−27.86‰) in relation to phytoplank- tope ratios were determined at the Laboratory of ton and microphytobenthos (see Table S1 in the Isotope Ecology (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil). Supplement at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/m519 Each sample was oxidized in an elemental analyzer p013_supp.pdf for average stable isotope values by coupled with a mass spectrophotometer, and with the taxon). Relative position of consumers and resources 15 13 13 15 resulting CO2 and N2, the ratio of N and C was on δ C and δ N biplots were evaluated in order to measured. The values were ex pressed in delta notation make general inferences on carbon sources for (δ‰), defined as parts per thousand, and the change consumers. in relation to international reference materials as the We classified the species into trophic guilds (prima- 13 15 formula: δ C (or δ N) = 1000 × [(Rsample − Rreference) − 1], ry producers, zooplankton, gelatinous zooplankton, where R = 13C/12C (or 15N/14N). The reference materi- sessile benthic invertebrates, vagile benthic inverte- als were Peedee Belemnite (PDB) for 13C and atmo - brates, benthic fish, demersal fish, bentho-pelagic fish, spheric nitrogen for 15N. The samples (10%) were cephalopods, and cetaceans) according to taxonomy analyzed in duplicate; the standard mean error was and habitat (following Sherwood & Rose 2005). To 0.11‰ for δ13C and 0.12‰ for δ15N (n = 45). identify general patterns of isotopic values of species, a cluster analysis was performed. Mean δ13C and δ15N values of species were used to apply a hierarchical Trophic level estimation cluster analysis, with group average linking over a matrix of Euclidean distances between species. This Several studies have demonstrated that enrich- approach created a cluster that gathers groups of spe- ment factors can vary for δ15N, depending on the spe- cies with similar patterns of isotopic values. We identi- cies, diet, and other factors (see ‘Discussion’). How- fied the main clusters at <2.5 Euclidian metric dis - ever, these factors could not be controlled in our tance (EMD); species not clustered within these groups study. In order to provide a broad overview of the at <7 EMD (Alcyonacea sp., Penilia avirostris and trophic structure of CLES, we estimated the trophic Rhizophora mangle) were excluded from the analysis. level of the organisms relative to the calanoid cope- Mean isotopic values of species in each cluster were pod Parvocalanus crassirostris, which we assumed grouped and plotted in δ13C and δ15N biplots. This to occupy trophic level (TL) 2 (primary consumer), grouping aimed to provide an over view of consumer according to a previous study (Eskinazi-Sant’Anna groups with similar isotopic values in this ecosystem 2000). We then calculated the relative trophic level for general ex ploratory purposes, such as comparison of consumers, following Post (2002): with the previous classification of trophic guilds. Nagata et al.: Isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish 17

MANOVA was also used to test seasonal differ- values ranged over 5.84 δ and 7.79 δ units. On one ences in the isotopic signatures of δ13C and δ15N for hand, most (~70%) δ13C data for pelagic groups taxa present during the 4 seasons. When significant (mesozooplankton, gelatinous and pelagic fish) var- (p < 0.05) differences were found, ANOVA was used ied from −21 to −17‰ (Fig. 2), which suggests a to separately test interspecific differences in δ13C and major contribution by phytoplankton to organic pro- δ15N. Normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk’s W test) and duction. On the other hand, depleted δ13C values, homogeneity of variances (Bartlett test) were tested indicating a mangrove contribution, were detected in before these analyses. Deviations from the normal just a few samples of brachyuran zoeae (δ13C: −24 to distribution or homogeneous variances were cor- −27‰). rected by log-transforming the data (absolute values For the nitrogen isotope, the highest δ15N variation were used for δ13C), otherwise Kruskal-Wallis tests was observed among mesozooplankton (~13 δ units). were used if necessary. Of the 4 trophic levels, most mesozooplankton taxa The position of a certain species in these δ13C/δ15N and vagile and sessile benthic invertebrates were biplots reflects the isotopic niche (δ-space), which below TL 3. Most gelatinous zooplankton, cephalo - can be considered a representation of its ecological pods, and fish taxa were placed between TL 3 and 4. niche (Newsome et al. 2007). In order to evaluate the The tucuxi dolphin Sotalia guianensis had the most total trophic-niche breadth, we applied quantitative enriched δ15N, and was the sole occupant of TL 4 metrics using a Bayesian approach (Jackson et al. (TL: 4.3) (Fig. 2). 2011). We calculated the Standard Ellipse Area, cor- rected for small sample sizes (SEAc), from individual measurements, which are bivariate equivalents to Cluster analysis standard deviations in a univariate analysis (Jackson et al. 2011). To evaluate possible niche overlap be - The cluster analysis identified distinct groups of tween jellyfish and other consumers of the same consumers using carbon and nitrogen isotopic signa- trophic group (classified by cluster analysis), we esti- tures (Fig. 3), with some similarities to the trophic mated the trophic-niche overlap as the percent of guilds (Fig. 2). The cetacean S. guianensis is the only overlapping SEAc between these species, applying species of branch A. Sessile benthic invertebrates, step size = 5 (Parnell et al. 2008). These analyses which were characterized by enriched δ13C, were were performed using the Stable Isotope Analysis in grouped into clusters F (species occupying a higher the R (SIAR) package (Parnell et al. 2008) for the R TL) and G (species in a lower TL and also Micro - statistical computing package (R Development Core phyto benthos) (Fig. 3). Team 2011). Mesozooplankton species were grouped into clus- ters E and D. Cluster E occupied the lowest TL among all consumers and grouped herbivorous zoo- RESULTS plankton and phytoplankton. Cluster D grouped omnivorous and carnivorous zooplankton, and the We analyzed the isotope values of 62 taxa collected ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. Cluster C grouped seasonally (see Table S2 in the Supplement). The sig- conspicuous benthic (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri and natures (mean ± standard deviation) of the most Callinectes danae) and planktonic (Lucifer faxoni) important taxa of each trophic guild are shown in decapods. These species occupied lower trophic Fig. 2. For the carbon isotope, the largest variation levels and were enriched in δ13C in relation to other was found for the primary producers, ranging from large crustaceans (Fig. 2). −27.87‰ in mangrove leaves to −13‰ for macro- Gelatinous zooplankton species (except Mnemi- algae. opsis leidyi) were grouped with fish species in the Among mesozooplankton, δ13C ranged over 11 δ large cluster B, which also grouped some con- units, with wider variation in values (as indicated by sumers in a higher TL (Fig. 3). Cluster B was subdi- the SD) for the pooled taxa (e.g. brachyuran zoeae, vided into clusters B1, B2, B3, and B4. Gelatinous fish eggs) and Penilia avirostris than those that were species occupied distinct positions in B, with at separated at species level (Fig. 2). Among benthic least one species in each subgroup of B. Cluster B1 invertebrates, values ranged over 10.88 δ units, with grouped benthic invertebrate feeders and piscivore more enriched values for sessile benthic inverte- species, such as the limnomedusa Olindias samba - brates (mean: −11.85‰) (Fig. 2). Among gelatinous quiensis, the catfish Cathropsis spixii, and the squid zooplankton and fish, variation of δ13C was narrower: Lolliguncula brevis. Cluster B2 grouped planktivo- 18 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 13–27, 2015

Fig. 2. Isotope signatures (mean ± SD) for the most representative taxa of the Cananéia Lagoon Estuarine System. Data pre- sented for each trophic guild, trophic-level estimates, and feeding habits (symbols) according to the literature rous species, such as the scyphomedusae Chrysaora except for Mola mola and Chaetodipterus faber lactea and L. lucerna, and the fish Chloro scombrus which are pelagic fish. Cluster B4 grouped the chrysurus, as well as benthic invertebrate feeders hydromedusa Rhacostoma atlanti cum and the fish such as the catfish Genidens genidens and the Anchoa spp., which are pelagic species in the high- lined sole Achirus lineatus. Cluster B3 grouped fish est TL among fish and invertebrate consumers and invertebrates of benthic and demersal habits, (Fig. 2). Nagata et al.: Isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish 19

Fig. 4. δ13C and δ15N (mean ± SD) and trophic-level esti- mates of trophic groups of consumers from the Cananéia Lagoon Estuarine System, Brazil. The groups (letters in parentheses) were defined by a hierarchical cluster analysis (see Fig. 3)

microphytobenthos (Fig. 4). Herbivorous and car- nivorous zooplankton, as well as planktivorous- benthic feeders, piscivorous-macroinvertebrate feeders, and cetaceans were aligned with phyto- plankton carbon (Fig. 4). Some groups lying between phytoplankton and microphyto benthos such as decapods occupying a lower trophic level, Fig. 3. Hierarchical cluster analysis (group-average method benthic-demersal consumers, and pela gic con- and Euclidean distances) of consumers from the Cananéia sumers of a higher trophic level possibly receive Lagoon Estuarine System, Brazil, based on mean values of contributions from both carbon sources (Fig. 4). δ13C and δ15N. Capital letters indicate the main clusters at 2.5 Euclidean metric distance and symbols indicate the clas- sification by trophic guilds from Fig. 2 Seasonal variation

We observed seasonal differences (MANOVA, F = Trophic groups from Cananéia Estuarine system 20.861, p < 0.001) in the isotope values of pooled samples of pelagic organisms that occurred in all sea- Mean isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) of species in sons (Acartia lilljeborgi, Mnemiopsis leidyi, Lychno - each cluster were plotted along with the main pri- rhiza lucerna, Stellifer rastrifer, Chloroscombrus mary sources of carbon at the mouth of CLES to chrysurus) and total mesozooplankton. In the uni- provide a general picture of the food web structure variate analysis, only δ13C differed among seasons (Fig. 4). The main primary producers were sepa- (ANOVA, F = 16.13, p < 0.001), with the most de- rated by ~6 δ units of 13C. Consumers occurred near pleted values in the spring (Tukey test, p < 0.001). In values of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. tests for δ13C of each species, S. rastrifer had no sea- Similarities to mangrove samples were absent. Ses- sonal differences, while A. lilljeborgi (ANOVA, F = sile benthic invertebrates of lower and higher 7.25, p = 0.003, Tukey test, p < 0.05), total mesozoo- trophic levels clearly rely on benthic carbon of plankton (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 17.25, p < 0.001), and 20 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 13–27, 2015

rhiza lucerna, and Chrysaora lactea dominated an

intermediate-lower area (Fig. 6A,B). The SEAc of O. sambaquiensis and C. lactea was wider than most all other consumers in their trophic groups (Table 1,

Fig. 6). The SEAc of O. sambaquiensis did not overlap with L. lucerna and M. leidyi, and had a minimal

overlap with C. lactea comprising 2.5% of its SEAc (Table 1, Fig. 6A,B). The SEAc of zooplanktivorous jellyfish had a high degree of overlap. C. lactea had

overlaps of 61.3 and 46.9% of its SEAc with L. lucer - na and M. leidyi, respectively. The overlaps between L. lucerna and M. leidyi were relatively low, repre-

senting 26.1 and 31% of their SEAc’s (Table 1, Fig. 6A,B). Table S2 presents detailed population metrics of the species mentioned in Fig. 6. The trophic-niche overlap was high among animals of the same cluster (see Fig. 4), which possibly re-

flects similarities of their feeding habits. The SEAc of the jellyfish O. sambaquiensis overlapped with 100%

of Pellona harroweri SEAc and with most of S. ras- trifer (63%), L. brevis (78.3%), and ‘other consumers

of cluster B1’ (73.2%) SEAc’s (Fig. 6C,D). Species of cluster B2 occupied an intermediate-lower area of the biplot (Fig. 6E,F), which possibly reflects feeding

habits on lower trophic levels. The SEAc of the lined sole A. lineatus did not overlap with G. genidens, but all other pairs of species of B2 had overlaps among

themselves (Table 1). The SEAc of A. lineatus had the lowest overlap with other species (11% on average),

while the SEAc of the scyphomedusa L. lucerna had the highest overlap (48.5% on average) with other Fig. 5. Seasonal variation of δ13C in pelagic and benthic organisms. *p < 0.05 species. The upper part of the SEAc of L. brevis, S. rastrifer, ‘other consumers of Cluster B1’, Genidens genidens, M. leidyi (ANOVA, F = 5.12, p < 0.01, Tukey test, p < and Chloroscombrus chrysurus overlapped with the 0.05) had more depleted δ13C in spring, and L. jellyfish O. sambaquiensis, whereas the lower part lucerna (ANOVA, F = 38.24, p < 0.001, Tukey test, p overlapped with the zooplanktivorous jellyfishes C. < 0.05) and C. chrysurus (ANOVA, F = 12.60, p < lactea and L. lucerna (Table 1). In order to evaluate if 0.001; Tukey test, p < 0.05) had enriched values in this pattern is a consequence of ontogenetic shifts of autumn (Fig. 5). Among the benthic organisms, Calli- niche occupancy, we evaluated a possible relation- nectes danae (ANOVA, F = 3.36, p = 0.047) and ship between body size and δ15N. For most species, a Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (ANOVA, F = 12.82, p < 0.001, significant relationship was absent (see Fig. S1 in the Tukey test, p = 0.051) showed enriched δ13C in spring Supplement). Nevertheless, body size explained a (Fig. 5). considerable amount of variation in δ15N, with increasing δ15N as body size increased for L. lucerna 2 (F1,29 = 10.22, p < 0.01, r = 0.28), A. lineatus (F1,11 = 2 Isotopic niche of jellyfish and potential competitors 5.87, p < 0.05, r = 0.37), C. chrysurus (F1,15 = 39.24, p 2 < 0.001, r = 0.74), Sphoeroides spp. (F1,9 = 6.70, p < The isotopic location of jellyfish species differed 0.05, r2 = 0.46), and ‘other consumers of cluster B1’ 2 substantially. The macroinvertebrate/fish feeder (F1,7 = 5.47, p < 0.05, r = 0.47). This pattern demon- Olindias sambaquiensis (see trophic categories in strates that some species explore distinct trophic Fig. 2) occupied an upper area of the biplot, whereas levels and exhibit a pattern of trophic niche overlap planktivorous jellyfishes Mnemiopsis leidyi, Lychno - dependent on the life cycle stage. Nagata et al.: Isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish 21

Fig. 6. (A) Biplots of isotope values of jellyfish species, and (B) their isotopic niche (as size-corrected Standard Ellipse Area, SEAc) from the Cananéia Lagoon Estuarine System. Isotope values of jellyfish were plotted along with (C−F) other consumers of the same trophic group, according to the cluster analysis

DISCUSSION within the range expected for phytoplankton from tropical regions (from −22 to −18‰) (Peterson & Fry Isotopic signatures of primary producers were sim- 1987). Since the carbon fixed by the main primary ilar to others found in subtropical regions (Bouillon et producers of the region (marine phytoplankton, 13 al. 2002). The designation of the value of −19.40‰ microphytobenthos, and C3 plants) have distinct δ C (from Barcellos et al. 2009) for phytoplankton δ13C is values, the carbon source for this ecosystem could be indirectly supported by the δ13C of the herbivore distinguished; δ13C data of pelagic groups suggest copepod Parvocalanus crasirostris (−19.18‰), and major contribution by phytoplankton to organic pro- 22 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 13–27, 2015

2 Table 1. Trophic-niche width as the sample size-corrected Standard Ellipse Area (SEAc) as δ units of the main jellyfish species (in bold) 2 and their potential competitors, and the overlap of their SEAc between pairs of species, as δ units

2 Overlap on SEAc (δ units ) SEAc Clus- O s S r L b Ot B1 P h L l C l C c G g A l P p (δ units2) ter

Olindias sambaquiensis (n = 7) 5.07 B1 Stellifer rastrifer (n = 24) 1.61 B1 1.01 Lolliguncula brevis (n = 10) 2.20 B1 1.72 0.95 Other B1 (Paralonchurus + 3.39 B1 2.48 1.31 1.63 Cathorops) (n = 8) Pellona harroweri (n = 4) 0.23 B1 0.23 0.16 0.19 0.23 Lycnorhiza lucerna (n = 30) 2.46 B2 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.40 0.00 Chrysaora lactea (n = 17) 3.08 B2 0.13 0.00 0.22 0.67 0.00 1.89 Chloroscombrus chrysurus (n = 16) 2.16 B2 0.59 0.52 0.95 1.27 0.11 1.22 1.40 Genidens genidens (n = 10) 2.68 B2 1.49 0.87 1.30 2.01 0.20 0.82 1.24 1.25 Achirus lineatus (n = 12) 3.45 B2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.46 0.21 0.00 Peisos petrunkevitchi (n = 6) 1.68 B2 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.17 0.92 0.90 0.41 0.39 Mnemiopsis leidyi (n = 22) 2.07 D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.64 1.44 0.18 0.56 0.00 0.14

duction. Despite the high production of mangrove primary producers during the seasonal cycle. Pulses litterfall (9.02 t ha−1 yr−1) in CLES (Tundisi & Mat- in production of the main primary producers may sumura-Tundisi 2001), its importance to the total shift the mean values of consumers. Concerning organic production at the mouth of the estuary must phytoplankton and mangrove litterfall, in Cananéia be minimal as well as in other similar mangrove-bor- Estuary, individual studies have recorded increased dered systems (Heithaus et al. 2011). Nevertheless, it production rates in spring and summer; however, is important to mention that our samplings were spa- seasonal data for microphytobenthos are lacking tially limited and probably do not represent inner (Schaeffer-Novelli et al. 1990). regions of CLES. The contribution of mangrove litter should be higher in the upper estuary and near creeks, whereas in the mouth of the estuary, phyto- Trophic niches of fish and jellyfish and ecological plankton is considered more important. implications of trophic overlaps Values of δ13C discriminated the benthic vs. pelagic pathway of matter transfer and showed consumers Planktivorous jellyfish species (Mnemiopsis leidyi, with intermediate values possibly receiving contribu- Chrysaora lactea, and Lychnorhiza lucerna) had low tions from both sources (Fig. 4). Enriched values of isotopic niche overlap with the hydromedusa Olin- δ13C among benthic consumers, especially sessile dias sambaquiensis. O. sambaquiensis occupied a animals, are common in coastal ecosystems (Sher- high trophic level, which is compatible with its wood & Rose 2005, Newsome et al. 2007). An expla- known diet, since the species can feed on larger prey, nation for these values relies on microphytobenthos such as large decapods and fishes, close to its own production, which have enriched δ13C values (6‰ on size (<10 cm), and also on copepods (Zamponi & average) in relation to phytoplankton (France 1995). Mianzan 1985). The planktivorous jellyfishes M. lei- Decapods occupying a lower trophic level had inter- dyi and L. lucerna had low isotopic niche partition- mediate δ13C values between phytoplankton and ing, as a consequence of their distinct prey selectivity microphytobenthos (Fig. 4). Due to the high abun- patterns. The ctenophore M. leidyi feeds on a vari- dance of these decapods (Graça-Lopes et al. 2002), able diet ranging from microzooplankton and slowly they represent an important link coupling pelagic swimming zooplankton to calanoid copepods (Gran- and benthic primary production to higher trophic hag et al. 2011); whereas, the scyphomedusa L. lu - levels, such as benthic-demersal consumers (Fig. 4). cerna, like other rhizostome medusae, probably feeds The seasonal variation of isotopic signatures of on micro- and mesozooplankton (Larson 1991), and pelagic taxa (Fig. 5) showed some similarities, with on large and emergent zooplankton (Pitt et al. 2008). enriched values of δ13C in autumn and depleted val- The trophic diversity found here illustrates the ues in spring. These changes may be caused by shifts importance of a more precise characterization of the in the balance of carbon contributions from the major ecological role of jellyfish species, which are often Nagata et al.: Isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish 23

pooled into a single trophic category in ecosystem models (Condon et al. 2012). The jellyfish species O. sambaqueinsis and C. lactea had wider isotopic niches (as SEAc area) than most fish species of their trophic groups, possibly as a consequence of their broad diets. Species of the genus Chrysaora consume a wide range of prey, including other gelatinous species (Purcell 1997), fish eggs and larvae, and holoplanktonic crustacean zoo- plankton (Riascos et al. 2014). Larger trophic niche areas may be evidence of the versatility of feeding habits of these species, from copepods to fish in the case O. sambaquiensis (Zamponi & Mianzan 1985). This feature provides potential advantages to jelly- fish over narrow-niched fish species, especially when Fig. 7. δ15N vs. size as body length for Chloroscombrus changes in the trophic structure of pelagic environ- chrysurus and as bell diameter for Lychnorhiza lucerna. Fish ments switch the biomass dominance to lower specimens >5 cm body length (inside the ellipse) occupied a trophic levels (Richardson et al. 2009). higher trophic level and were not observed in association Similar to many other estuaries, most fish species with the medusa were found at young and juvenile stages (e.g. Potter et al. 2001), when they are zooplanktivores and/or feed on other prey items, such as epibenthic crus- benthic invertebrate feeders, which explains why taceans and other fish (Silva & Lopes 2002). This they occupy relatively low trophic levels. Some ex- explains the rise in its trophic level when large-sized ceptions to these feeding habits can be noted for the individuals of C. chrysurus had overlaps with in- gelatinous zooplankton feeders Chaetodipterus faber vertebrate/fish-feeders such as the hydromedusa O. and Mola mola, which showed trophic levels lower sambaquiensis and the fishes Stellifer rastrifer and than expected, i.e. lower than the zooplanktivore G. genidens (Fig. 6, Table 1). Anchoa sp. (Fig. 2). One reason may be that both C. Another possible explanation for the overlap of the faber and M. mola possibly feed on prey other than isotopic niches of C. chrysurus and L. lucerna is a gelatinous zooplankton (e.g. Syväranta et al. 2012). symbiosis between them. Up to 5 cm, small individu- The high TL of the zooplanktivore Anchoa sp. is sur- als of the fish species are commonly found as sym- prising since the species eats mainly calanoid cope- bionts of scyphomedusae (Tolley 1987). The ecologi- pods (Din & Gunter 1986). Another reason could be cal importance of symbiosis involving large medusae an erroneous trophic classification of Anchoa sp., as is scarcely understood, and regarding fish, it is usu- well as Pellona harroweri, as zooplanktivorous fish, ally classified as phoresy, with the symbionts merely since both can also feed on benthic crustaceans and transported by the host (Ohtsuka et al. 2009), possi- fish (Höfling et al. 2000). bly gaining some protection against predators (Pur- Overlaps of isotopic niches of fish and jellyfish cell & Arai 2001). Nevertheless, an alternative expla- were related to life stage, since the pattern of overlap nation, based on the similarities of the trophic niches can change with the animal’s growth. Ontogenetic of L. lucerna and young C. chrysurus, is that the fish shifts in trophic level were absent for jellyfishes symbionts, besides gaining some protection, steal except for L. lucerna. Nevertheless, several fish spe- prey captured by the medusa (Purcell & Arai 2001, cies increased their trophic level with body size. The Lynam & Brierley 2007). As the fish grows, larger increase of TL of the fish Chloroscombrus chrysurus, individuals (>5 cm) leave the protection of the host resulting in changes in trophic-niche partitioning, jellyfish and start to exploit new (Tolley must be a pattern of many other fish species. At 1987). Unlike C. chrysurus, the medusa L. lucerna young stages (<5 cm of body length), the fish feeds showed a slight increase in its trophic level during its on mesozooplankton, mainly copepods (Silva & growth (Fig. 7, Fig. S1). Similar to other rhizostome Lopes 2002), as well as filter-feeding jellyfish. For the medusae, L. lucerna has a mouth measured in milli - medusae L. lucerna and C. lactea, and the fish C. meters, which limits the size of ingested prey (Larson chrysurus, the highest overlap (winter and summer) 1991). Therefore, even larger medusae (>25 cm in coincided with the smallest sizes of the fish (Fig. 7). bell diameter) may feed on mesozooplankton items Thereafter, at larger sizes (>5 cm), the fish starts to only a few millimeters long (<2 mm). 24 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 13–27, 2015

The isotopic niche overlap of planktivorous and functionally similar to the blooming species in other predatory fish and jellyfish species highlight the eco- areas, providing significant chances to replace a de- logical significance of possible resource partitioning clining consumer. Since species-rich food webs con- among these populations. The diet of jellyfish can be tained a larger pool of compensatory species (Gonza- similar to co-occurring pelagic fish species (Purcell & lez & Loreau 2009), possible responses to species Sturdevant 2001, Brodeur et al. 2008), but few studies removal or decline may be less predictable. Thus, it is have demonstrated competition between these con- necessary to evaluate other biological features of key sumers (but see Purcell & Grover 1990). Despite the members, like reproductive, growth, and feeding significant advance in understanding possible trig- performance in order to understand an ecosystem’s gers of jellyfish outbreaks (Condon et al. 2012, Pur- response to stresses like overfishing. cell 2012), the reasons why they do not bloom are Conclusions based solely on isotope data must be scarcely understood. It has been suggested that com- carefully interpreted, especially when using only iso- petition for planktonic food and predation (on polyps, tope data as input to analytical models (Layman et al. ephyrae, and medusae) by fishes may prevent pro - 2012). It is essential to understand the species’ natu- liferations of jellyfishes (Richardson et al. 2009). In ral history in order to reach well-founded interpreta- the CLES, a great number of potential predators of tions of trophic relationships (Layman et al. 2012). gelatinous animals are found, ranging from sessile Because of the different factors that generate varia- invertebrate feeders, sea turtles, some specialized tion in isotope values, our data provide only indirect jellyfish feeders (e.g. Mola mola, stromateoid fishes), evidence of the actual trophic structure of CLES and amphipods, and other jellyfish (e.g. Beroe spp. and of the isotopic niches of the species studied. Some C. lactea). In addition, a great number of potential pre-analytical factors can affect δ15N and δ13C values. competitors, such as the examples shown here For jellyfish, processing methods still need to be (Fig. 6), along with many other species not sampled standardized (Fleming et al. 2011). The widespread may use the same planktonic resources as jellyfish. preservation method of freezing can increase δ15N Given the key ecological role of competitors and values of jellyfish (Fleming et al. 2011), whereas for predators of jellyfish, identifying trophic relation- fish, octopus, and kelp samples, no effect of freezing ships among these consumers is urgently needed to was found (Kaehler & Pakhomov 2001). understand the importance of biological interactions Tissues rich in lipids are depleted in δ13C values keeping gelatinous populations ‘in check’ in pristine relative to those rich in proteins (DeNiro & Epstein ecosystems. 1977). Trophic interpretations based on δ13C may, Our SIA-based trophic niche characterization iden- therefore, be biased by lipid effects (e.g. Wada et al. tified potential competitors allowing a further exa- 1987). In contrast to temperate and higher latitude mination on the possible consequences of environ- environments, tropical and subtropical zooplankton mental changes, such as the decline of keystone is characterized by low lipid contents, and does not consumers. When a dominant species is removed, the accumulate lipid reserves seasonally (Hagen & Auel community can respond through compensatory in - 2001). Lipids were not chemically extracted from our creases in other species (Frank et al. 2007). It has samples, and the δ13C values were not mathemati- been demonstrated that overexploited planktivorous cally corrected. The carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio is fish populations (e.g. anchovy, sardine, or herring) a proxy of lipid content, indicating the need to apply were replaced by filter-feeding jellyfish, in highly lipid extraction or correction to δ13C values, if C:N productive areas such as in the northern Benguela >3.5 (Post et al. 2007). The lipid bias in our study Current, Sea of Japan, and the Bering Sea (Purcell should be minimal, as the majority of our samples 2012). Richardson et al. (2009) proposed that jellyfish were low-lipid muscle tissues (except for some ben- increase after the collapse of an overexploited plank- thic invertebrates). In our dataset, all fish and tivorous fish, if an alternate fast responding plankti - medusae samples were <3.5. Most C:N values of the vorous species is absent and unable to replace that ctenophore M. leidyi were >3.5 with δ13C estimated collapsed fish stock. Subtropical marine regions har- error up to 5%, using the correction described by bor higher fish species richness than colder regions Post et al. (2007). For mesozooplankton, 30% of sam- (Macpherson 2002), and thus have a potentially ples (n = 68) were >3.5 and <5, with estimated error larger set of species capable of replacing a lost key- between 0.5 and 15% (mean: 4%). Among benthic stone consumer (Frank et al. 2007). In addition, the invertebrates, 31% of samples (n = 23) were >3.5 and jellyfish species sampled here (C. lactea, L. lucerna, <8.6, with estimated error between 0.5 and 51% M. leidyi, and R. atlanticum) are taxonomically and (mean: 16%). Nagata et al.: Isotopic niche partitioning between fish and jellyfish 25

Estimates of trophic level from 15N require a good the consequences of possible environmental changes knowledge of the variation of baseline values and to the pelagic community of relatively pristine eco- trophic fractionation factors (Δ15N). We used the systems. globally accepted value of Δ15N: 3.4‰ in coastal studies (Minagawa & Wada 1984). Trophic Enrich- ment Factors (TEF) for C and N need to be experi- Acknowledgements. The study was partially funded by mentally studied in different taxonomic groups. grants 2010/50174-7, 2011/00436-8, and 2013/05510-4, São 15 Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), CNPq (301039/2013- Recent reviews demonstrated that for N this factor 5), and CAPES PROEX. The study is a contribution of NP- may vary (from 2 to 4.5‰) among groups of organ- BioMar, USP. We thank the Oceanographic Institute of the isms, and could be related to the consumer’s nutri- University of São Paulo (IO-USP) for providing facilities at tional status, diet quality, size, age, dietary ontogeny, the coast. We also thank the referees for corrections and comments to the text. and the biochemical form of nitrogen excretion (Minagawa & Wada 1984, Vander Zanden & Ras- mussen 2001, Vanderklift & Ponsard 2003). δ15N of LITERATURE CITED the planktivorous jellyfishes L. lucerna (mean: Ara K (2004) Temporal variability and production of the 10.31), C. lactea (10.64), and M. leidyi (10.66) were planktonic copepod community in the Cananéia Lagoon from 1.95 to 2.29‰ higher than total mesozooplank- estuarine system, São Paulo, Brazil. Zool Stud 43: ton (8.37), which is probably the main food source for 179−186 these predators. 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Editorial responsibility: Antonio Bode, Submitted: November 25, 2013; Accepted: October 7, 2014 A Coruña, Spain Proofs received from author(s): January 1, 2015