Made by a random anon for /tg/. If you post this elsewhere you should feel bad for stealing another person’s karma/likes/upboats. Redditors and SpaceBattlers get 0CP, no Origin, no freebies, they can't buy anything, and they can't take drawbacks (including drawback supplements).

Before the light of the gods entered the world, there was only darkness ruled by . After an epic war, seized the heavens and exiled the titans, seeking to imprison them for all eternity. The lands were cleansed and mortals flourished. But arrogance precedes many a fall. And even a gods' prison may be breached.

This world is... oddd. It's a mish-mash of various cultures and mythologies, with no real regards for when they would've actually happened. It's also fairly dangerous, since around 18 hours before you arrive, the great titan Typhon was broken free from his prison and almost all the monsters in the world were brainwashed by three Telkine (weird eldritch horrors that are trying to usurp and kill the gods). If nothing happens to change this, then the world will soon come to an end. Not only that but there are rumblings that Hades is planning an insurrection and the Fire Giants have begun drawing up plans to conquer the Nine Realms. Good luck, because you have to spend the next 10 years in this mess of a world. ORIGINS One day the sun will dim and spread a shadow over the earth. Temples which have stood forever will be destroyed. The heavens will vanish and the gods will fall upon the earth. One day the weak will have power over the strong. The poets will stop singing and instead take up the sword. It is in these darkest times that the strongest of heroes are born...

Hero (Drop-in, player character) Age: 15+1d8 You are what you are, a 'Capital H' Hero at heart. Someone who always arrives just in the nick of time to defeat the bad guys. Heroes come from the mos unlikely of places and the destiny of one can turn your average civilian into a Titan Slayer within a few short years, even if they aren't trying all that hard. Be careful what you agree to because you might just take on more than you can handle.

Trader (Merchant and caravan) Age: 25+1d8 A Trader is just that, someone who buys from one place, spends a while on the road, and sells in another. You feel at home on the road and while you're not all that good at fighting, you at least know how to take care of yourself, even if that might involve cutting into your overall profit and hiring a mercenary or two to protect your cargo.

Scholar (Mystic/respec and charms/relics) Age: 45+1d8 Ah, a Scholar, the most boring type of person you may ever have the chance to meet. These are people who would rather spend all day reading a dusty tome than enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Of course, these people are able to make money just as fast, if not faster, than most merchants. It's a good thing that the majority don't really care for material wealth and only charge enough to cover their research or the world economy would be a very different thing. Monster ("evil" powers, groups, boss) Age: 35+1d8

A Monster is defined by its inhuman nature. Beings of great power, animals, or even humans that are so different that they can't fit into normal society. Of course, not all monsters are evil, but the majority have barely reached the tribal leve, and due to the brainwashing of the Telkine, the world is about to see a rapid decline in their populations.

LOCATIONS These shrines are ancient As old as humankind, some say They say Prometheus, who brought us fire, built these, too And in ancient times men travelled by them.

Roll 1d8 to discover where you enter this world.

1: Helos, Greece 2: Rhakotis, Egypt 3: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Mesopotamia 4: Olympus, Realm of the Gods 5: Refugee Camp, Epirus 6: Heuneburg, Germany 7: Gadir, Spain 8: Free choice. Pick any of the above locations, or anywhere else that has appeared in the game You may pay 50CP to choose your age and location. There are no gender options here, for the gods care not what you've got under your loin cloth. Zeus will pillage any hole He wants. PERKS Human heroes... So mighty... So brave... But still, just human...

Un-discounted 000/200 CP – Mastery (https://titanquest.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery) In this world everyone has a Mastery, a way of life they are naturally attuned to. Click the hyperlink and choose one Mastery. You will begin at the beginning of the Mastery but over time you will slowly level up and unlock skills in it. Should you pay 200CP then in future worlds you will be able to teach people to unlock their Mastery, even if it is not one you or your companions possess.

400 CP - Dual Mastery There are some beings out there that are better than others, that have more of a purpose in life than your average farmer. These are Heroes. Select a second Mastery and let the world know that you are far more deadly than the average mortal.

800 CP - Titan Quest (Capstone Booster) This is both a blessing and a curse. In each world there exists a "main story", the jouney of a hero. When this journey is complete, the world tends to settle down and become a quieter place to live in, but you are a hero, and heroes can only be forged through great trials. This perk allows you to rewind time back to when you first entered the Jump, keeping only things that are on you (and your companions) and in your Warehouse, but at the cost of increasing the strength of all those on the opposing side. This gives even the most basic of enemies the equivalent strength of a final boss in the original timeline, and everyone else is scaled accordingly. This won't affect anything else but "the villains", so be wary of unexpected casualties because there's a good chance that you'll be the only thing capable of stopping them. Should you 'complete the story' for the second time, you are able to turn back time once more to make the world worthy of forging a Legendary Hero, scaling everything accordingly. (you can only do this twice and it won't give you any extra time in a jump, it's basically NG+ and NG++) Now, why would you choose to do such a thing? Well, loot is the answer. All the items you find in the world will be of far greater quality than they would originally be. A simple copper dagger in the new timeline will be made from a more powerful "copper" such that even crudely forged and without any magical enchantments it's as strong as some of the most powerful weapons from the original timeline. You will find that your enemies wear equipment of greater quality and might even carry around powerful artefacts and equipment from ancient legends. There will be new materials as well, such as leathers from previously undiscovered beasts and magical metals that previously existed only in fairy tales. You will also have a chance to encounter beings from myths&legends that a normal hero would never even be able to find. (higher level loot, higher quality loot spawns, whole new loot + materials, and bonus side-bosses that you cannot find in NG) Hero

100 CP - Heroes Don't Have Time to Heal When in combat, you usually don't have time to fumble around your potion belt to grab and drink health potion. This alleviates the problem somewhat by allowing you to ingest potions without actually drinking them (you won't even have to taste them if you don't want to). Each potion group (health, energy, buff, etc.) will have its own cool-down timer of around 10 seconds where you won't be able to use this ability on them. As a bonus, you'll instinctively know the exact amount of potions you have on you (or in your inventory if you have one) and exactly how long until you can drink the next one. If you want to, this ability can also atomise and teleport away any empty potions bottles that you're finished with.

200 CP - Gift From the Gods Most people don't realise how a Hero gets their legendary equipment. The stories all say that it's a gift from the gods, and it is... but not in the way they think. With this perk you will find that your opponents will carry equipment of a higher quality than they normally would, and that their equipment is less likely to break in battle (toggle-able). While this won't completely remove the grind, you won't have to wade through oceans of grey and white gear just to find a half-decent piece.

400 CP - Ultimate Skills Every skill has a cap, a limit to its potential, but with excessive amounts of training you are able to overcome your limits and increase any skill and ability (including passives) to 125% of its original power.

600 CP - Epic Hero / Legendary Hero (Boosted) While your average adventurer may claim to be a hero, they will never be a true Hero. This is the mark of one. Your growth potential is almost unheard of, with you being able to go from being an amnesiac with nothing but a crude dagger to a slayer of Titans in a single year. With enough time and strong enough foes, there’s almost nothing you won’t be strong enough to conquer. Do not worry about seeking out worthy challenges, for as long as you wish to improve yourself, you’ll find that there’s always a few people that need help. (Boosted) You truly are like a Hero from Legends. Your growth rate has almost doubled, to the point where only divine Heroes like Heracles would be able to grow stronger at a faster pace than you. Not only that, but your call for quests, they are answered by Gaia herself. Meaning that you’ll never be short of quests, and they’ll always be just challenging enough to help you improve. Just don’t ask why monsters have money and equipment just lying around in their den. Trader

100 CP - Buyback One of the many skills of a merchant is the ability to buy back something they have sold someone for the same cost they sold it for. This grants you the ability to undo almost any transaction you have completed within the last 24 hours, without any consequences. Everyone involved in the transaction, no matter how little, will retain all their memories of it. All payment will be returned on both sides. This is not an omnipotent ability, though, for it is just the skill of a merchant. It cannot undo causality, it cannot be used to bring back the dead or manipulate mysterious forces like the soul, and it cannot be used to fix what has been broken. Be warned, if you do this while travelling through time, it may have unforeseen consequences.

200 CP - Storage and Transfer What is a merchant without returning customers? A crappy merchant, that's what. This ability will guarantee your customers will return, if only to take back their things. You now have the ability to open portals to an extra-dimensional space to store things in. Now, you might be thinking that you'll use this to steal things, but it doesn't work like that because you're a merchant and you enough common sense not to steal from people (doesn't mean you can't rob them blind through inflated prices, though. You have honour, you're not stupid). What this means is that you can act like a living safety deposit box. People can store items with you and either designate only themselves as being able to take the items back, or they can transfer the items to another person's storage. You might be thinking "how can I make money from this?" well, it's simple. Each person has a pretty tiny storage space that they get for free, and if they want more space then they have to fork over a tonne of money (or I guess you could do it for free if you really want to) to cover costs. Only the 1% would be able to afford the default prices of the final storage increase. This will also subtly influence anyone that has an item stored with you to come and see you again. Whether they come back to withdraw their items or if they come back to buy things from you, that comes down to how good of a merchant you are. Any items still stored within this space at the end of a Jump are automatically given back to their owners.

400 CP - Trading Connections One of the smartest things you can do as a merchant, is to build connections whenever you travel. This will usually allow you to get better deals, and have an "in" when it comes to buying things from the locals. This perk does just that. Whenever you travel to a new location, you can make trade contracts with big companies, and you can make business deals with smaller businesses and entrepreneurs. These connections are magical and allow you to buy items regardless of the distance from the seller, with the only downside that the further away you are the higher you'll have to pay for "shipping". One you buy something it'll arrive at the nearest trading post, mail centre, dock, or (if there are none of those nearby) inside your warehouse, the next morning. Hopefully you've got a good enough monopoly on selling foreign "luxuries" or you'll rarely be selling these items for a profit. Post-jump all "shipping" from that jump becomes a flat price that increases the more jumps you've taken since you were there. After four jumps your contract will expire and you'll either have to use the Return feature from the Warehouse or you'll have to wait until you finish your chain and go back there and renew your contracts. (in-jump you can buy things from merchants and companies that you've signed a contract with. The further you are from the specific office/branch/travelling merchant you signed the deal with, the more you have to pay for shipping. Post-jump, shipping is a flat fee for all your contracts in that jump and you can continue to buy those items until 4 jumps later when it expires. Shipping gets ludicrously more expensive the more jumps you take, and by the final one you're paying more for the shipping per-item than most 1st world countries make in a year) 600 CP - Epic Craftsmanship / Legendary Craftsmanship (Boosted) You have been taught by some of the greatest craftsmen known to man, with more than a few of them being direct disciples of crafting gods. This has more than given you the ability to forge nearly any piece of equipment you could dream of, and utilise everything from simple copper to things like scales from a Hydra and Adamantine. Most equipment can even reveal their secrets to you with but a glance, allowing you to even the smallest of faults, and so long as you have access to the right tools then you can reforge the equipment and attempt to remove the flaws without damaging it in any way. Even if you fail, there won't be any lasting damage to what you work on, and if you decide you don't like something you're making you can recycle the materials and use them as if they hadn't previously been used. (Boosted) Not only can you reforge equipment to remove flaws, but you can now improve equipment during the reforging process. There's also no chance of failure because those masters of yours? The ones who weren't disciples of crafting gods, were actually crafting gods disguised as mortals. You don't ever need blueprints to create something because every piece of equipment you've ever seen is saved in your head. So long as you have a good enough forge and materials, you can recreate any equipment you've seen or experiment and create things that are just as good, if not better. Your skill will only grow with time and as long as you decide to sell your wares, you'll find prospective buyers coming to you no matter where you might live. Scholar

100 CP - Alchemy Training Some people wonder how Mystics and Enchanters support their lavish lifestyle... I mean fund their expensive research? Now you know. You've been taught the secret art of alchemy and can now brew the two most valuable types of potions in the world, potions that heal and potions that restore energy. The biggest secret is that the ingredients are ludicrously cheap and both potions only require some ultra-common herbs crushed and mixed in water, then infused with energy in a certain way. The only differences between a lesser potion and a divine potion are the techniques used in the potion making process and the amount of energy infused into the potion. With enough trial and error you too will be able to fund all the ridiculously expensive things you "need" for your magical research. Because, yes, that 1:1 pure gold statue of you is obviously the perfect thing to test as a substitute in a sacrifice ritual. (Health potions heal you. Energy potions restore your "energy" which is a catch-all for all your resource pools. Energy is used for every skill from a sword flurry to summoning the undead. Post- jump fan-wank if it restores all your pools or if Energy is its own pool)

200 CP - Mystic Power Not everyone has the ability to become a Mystic, it requires you to be descended from one of a few secret clans or to have performed a presumably lost ritual, luckily your arrival in this world counts as one of those things. This is an innate power that allows you to take someone's experience in a skill, convert it into raw potential, and redistribute it into other skills (even ones they never originally learnt). It won't allow a blacksmith to suddenly be able to play the piano, but if it's a part of a person's Mastery, a skill they already have, or a skill they are able to naturally achieve, then you are able to put potential into it.

400 CP - Essence Extraction Every monster contains at least one of the two essences, things that symbolise the very truth of the monster. The essences are divided into The Mortal and The Divine. Mortal essences are things like Dragon Blood, Hag Skin, or Spectral Matter. The things that symbolise the body of the monster. Divine essences are just that, fragments of divine energy passed down through the soul of the monsters, such as Zeus' Thunderbolt, the Ankh of Isis, or the Rage of Ares. These are things that symbolise the soul of monsters that were created, or greatly influenced, by the divine. You have the ability to extract these essence fragments and then reforge them into their complete state, where they can be placed into equipment to give them extra enchantments. Charms are made from 5 of the same Mortal essence fragments, and Relics are made from 3 of the same Divine essence fragments. You can attempt to extract essences from monsters you have recently killed, all you need to do is place your hand over the corpse and will the essence to leave the body. You'll get a feeling if it fails or if the monster doesn't have any essence inside of it, but if it works then the fragments will solidify into a broken gem (with the Mortal essence visible within) or a broken stone (with an engraving that represents the Divine essence within). Merging them is as simple as pushing the fragments into each other while willing them to merge. (Each monster can only drop a maximum of one Mortal and one Divine fragment, with a much higher chance of it dropping one fragment, and a super higher chance of it dropping none) This ability is something that happens naturally in this world, this purchase just increases the odds of it happening and lets you do it in future worlds. Who knows what kind of essences you'll find in the multiverse?

600 CP - Master Enchanter / Grandmaster Enchanter (Boosted) You are given the three skills required to be a Master of Enchanting. The first great skill of the Enchanter is the ability to enchant scrolls with spells. Even though the enchanter may not be able to cast the spell, by knowing the correct sequence of runes or symbols, they are able to bind those spells into the page. You start with knowledge on how to create all Lesser scrolls and can create any scrolls you get your hands on. Trial and error might allow you to bypass this or create entirely new spells, depending on your luck. The second great skill is the titular Enchanting skill, which allows you to take your Energy and bind it into equipment, either during or after its creation (during its creation the effects are a lot easier and far more potent), to give it magical effects. This is needed to create Epic, or greater, equipment. The last great skill, and possibly the most powerful, is the ability to create artifacts. With an arcane formula, some charms/relics and possibly a spell, you are able to combine them into something greater than the sum of its parts. Artifacts are so powerful that each person can only have one artifact's effect working at a time. Greater artifacts may require more esoteric reagents such as other artifacts, or even materials a normal hero is unable to obtain, to be created. (Boosted) You are granted the final two skills an Enchanter needs to become a Grandmaster. Your enchantments are things of legend, indeed, and you now have the possibility of enchanting quality equipment to a Legendary level. The previous part about enchantments being easier during the creation? Gone. It doesn't matter how old something is, as long as it hasn't been previously enchanted you can pump your Energy into it as optimally as if you were there helping make it from stage 1. You can also remove Charms and Relics from equipment. Currently you, and all the other enchanters in the world, must decide which part of the equipment receives the backlash from the process and is destroyed (you destroy the charm/relic or the piece of equipment, even if it's normally indestructible), but with a few decades of research and practice you might just succeed at removing that drawback. Monster

100 CP - Monstrous Form / Personality (First purchase free for Monster origin, second purchase undiscounted) From the Satyr of Greece to the Eldjotun (Fire Giants) of Muspelheim, there are many monsters in this world and you are now one of them. Choose a generic non-heroic/boss monster from the game and you are now one of them, with all of their strengths and weaknesses. You will find that while in the form of your monster you will be treated neutrally by all the other monstrous races. For those that wish to retain their humanity, you may instead gain an aura that calms down monsters. It won't affect any that already hate you or those controlled by an external force, and it is fairly weak, able to be broken by the slightest hint of aggression from you or your party, but should you remain calm you will at the very worst be ignored by monsters, but usually you will be treated like just another monster and be able to interact with them on a neutral basis.

200 CP - Divine Heritage In quite a lot of stories, monsters are either the children of gods or are in some way made by them. This gives you a similar divine heritage and while it won't give you any new abilities/skills or increase the power of your existing ones, due to the Essence of the Divine inside of you the gods will look upon you more favourably than they would otherwise.

400 CP - Special Effect Poison, Bleeding, Burn, Frost-burn, Electrical-burn, and Energy Leech. Choose one of these and every attack you deal (hand-to-hand, melee, ranged, magical, etc.) will inflict this form of damage from now on, in addition to your regular damage. Further purchases are not discounted.

600 CP - Epic Monster / Monster of Legend (Boosted) (Age is now 100+(2d8*10)) The Lernean Hydra, Talos the Master Automatoi, the Manticore, and the Dragon Liche. These legendary monsters are so powerful that an ordinary hero wouldn't even be able to dream of defeating them, let alone even encountering one, for only the most powerful of heroes are able to find their lairs. This grants you a significant boost to all of your attributes and, should you wish, you can have legends of your prowess feats spread across the land to draw in glory seekers (victims). (Boosted) You now have the ability to place a barrier around your home/lair, once per jump, that only allows those you invite and those who are capable of giving you a good fight entry. This works by making everything inside of the barrier slightly outside of phase with the outside. For those that aren't worthy/invited inside, the barrier is impossible to find. Anyone inside the barrier can choose to not enter it and instead enter the normal version of that area (this might be useful if people eventually build a town around your lair or if you want to develop the area around your lair in both phases) ITEMS

Behold, Titan Slayer, the Pillars of Hercules. Nothing further beyond. Pass these gates and know the unknown. Surely danger lurks in these undiscovered places, but the rewards may prove to be enlightening. Who knows what secrets will be found... In this dark realm...


050 CP - Mysterious Letters It seems that a bundle of letters have been mistakenly delivered to you. This bundle contains various letters, forms, booklets, diary scraps and other writings by monsters for monsters. These were never supposed to be seen by humans and even if the monsters discovered you had these, they'd just deny their existence. Each jump you get a new bundle. (You get the full collection of easter egg letters https://titanquest.fandom.com/wiki/Letters and a new set of similar letters every jump)

050 CP - The Overlord According to whispered rumours The Overlord is one of the most powerful beings in existence, able to strike down entire pantheons of gods with but a flick of its tail. Unfortunately those rumours are completely overblown, it's just an ordinary turtle. Once per Jump you can designate a single door/gate and The Overlord will be able to open it, bypassing all security and opening it as if it was the correct way to do so. If you don't look after it properly, it will cry, slowly run away and make you feel guilty.

050 CP - Warehouse Aesthetic (Can be purchased multiple times. Each purchase gives you one building from one region) During your adventures in this world you will come across many strange and unique forms of architecture, this purchase allows you to take one aesthetic and apply it to your warehouse. Further purchases allow you to mix&match or swap between them at-will. You fist choose an aesthetic from one of the following: Greece, Egypt, Babylon, China, Mt. Olympus, Hades, Elysium, Germany, Yggdrasil and The Nine Realms, Spain, and Atlantis. Then you choose between Palace and Temple. Palace changes the floor, walls and roof of your warehouse to be that of a lavish palace from that location. Temple changes the floor and the lower parts of some of the walls to be that of a ruined temple and its surrounding area from that location, while it changes the rest of the walls and the roof to be the sky from that location, changing according to what time it would actually be there.

200 CP - Mysterious Weapons You're now the proud owner of two of the weirdest weapons you'll ever find. First up is ‘'The Imperator', a very long and VERY pointy carrot that weighs about as much as a greatsword. Makes a decent sword and, should you be running low, it's perfect for an emergency source of vitamin A. Secondly there's the '*' (don't try to pronounce it, it was made as a joke by Hephaestus and the name is unpronounceable in any mortal tongue) a fairly powerful staff in the shape of a snowball. If you attempt to throw it while feeding it your energy, it can instead create a temporary clone of itself while the original stays in your hand. These spell-clones carry the properties of any magic you cast through the snowball (and are the ONLY way to cast magic with it), so have fun. These weapons (and quite a few other items) were sealed away by the gods after they "grew out" of 'that' phase in their lives so it'd probably be embarrassing for them if you went around using them like actual weapons.

400 CP - Adamantine Sickle of Kronos I don't know how you got this, but this sickle was given to Kronos by Gaia, to slay Oranos, so he could rule the world. That didn't really work out well for him. Despite being a sickle, due to being designed for the hands of a titan, if a human were to hold onto it, it'd be best used as a two-handed axe. It's incredbly deadly and one of the most powerful weapons in the world, all of its attacks cause a significant amount of bleeding, it is cursed to deal double damage to Titans, and if you pump energy into it when you attack, it does even more damage and can chop off pieces of your enemy's soul with every swing. What makes this a terrible weapon, though, is the fact that it was made for a Titan. A human can not naturally wield this weapon. You will need to be on the level of bench pressing mountain ranges to consider lifting up this weapon, let alone trying to use it in combat. Another way you can try to wield it is by utilising a vast array of magical enchantments to reduce its weight, but if you did that you'd be missing out on actually having offensive enchantments on your gear, making it more for your own vanity than anything else. If you buy this you can choose where to have it placed in your warehouse and if you want it planted in a decorative plinth or not. After that you'll have to figure out what to do with it by yourself. Hero

100 CP - Basic Gear This is a full set of basic leather armour, a copper knife, a crude pine shield, a torch, a crude pine bow, a withered pine staff of lightning, 25 lesser health potions and 25 lesser energy potions. It isn't much but at least people will take you more seriously than if you walked around in your normal clothes.

200 CP - Portal Stone This small, round pebble has the ability to turn into a thin circular platform (roughly 1.25m in diameter) when thrown at the ground. This platform can be used to either teleport you, or open a portal, to any teleporters/portals you have used within its range (while on the platform you have a list of all the ones you can access appear in your head and can select which one you want to access with a thought). It can also be used as a receiver for any teleporters/portals and once you come back to it, it will turn back into a pebble. Its default range is 400km, aside from one exception its range can't be extended, and it is an open platform, meaning that any teleporters/portals that can detect it, can access it. At any point in time, rather than having to teleport back to the platform, you can just will it to close and the pebble will appear in your pocket. While you are in the universe of Titan Quest, the Portal Stone can connect to any Portal platforms you have previously activated, regardless of their distance. You could be in the middle of Asgard and open a portal to the platform in Hades just as easily as you could open a portal to a platform you were right next to. Should you buy the Portal Schematics in the section below, then the same effect will be applied to any of those you build. The only limit being inter-jump transport, which is blocked until you end your chain (no matter how it ends)

400 CP - Pack of Scrolls (https://titanquest.fandom.com/wiki/Scroll) This pack contains a copy of all the lesser and greater scrolls, spells that have been inscribed and trapped into paper. For scrolls with multiple versions, you get the highest tier of that scroll. After using a scroll, a new copy appears in the pack two days later.

600 CP - Triumphant Battle Standard (https://titanquest.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Standard Level 14 and https://titanquest.fandom.com/wiki/Triumph Level10) Normally to acquire this Battle Standard, you have to be a Master of Warfare, and even then it's a temporary summon. What you have here is the real deal and you're able to summon it at will. When you plant this flag into the ground, it creates a special field with a 12 metre radius around it. While inside this field, you and your allies will negate almost half of the damage dealt to you, will be able to deal significantly more damage, and will have all skills and abilities cost 50% less. Enemies inside this field will deal less than half of their normal damage, will take over half as much extra damage from physical attacks, and will be far more susceptible to being stunned. The Battle Standard, while made of superior materials and reinforced with divine blessings, is still just a flag on a stick. If it is destroyed then the field will disappear and you can't summon it again until the next dawn. Trader

100 CP - Handy Bag This small bag of your design (sack, satchel or backpack. All are the same size) is something every traveller should have. While it may look like your average bag, it actually contains two secret compartments that only you can access. The first compartment acts like a bottomless bank, and while it can only store money, the money won't add any weight to your bag. The second secret compartment has an interior dimension of around 10 times the bag's size and anything stored inside only adds a fraction of its weight to the bag's overall weight. An example of what can fit would be two full suits of armour, a couple melee and ranged weapons, two shields, a few pieces of jewellery and a couple stacks of potions.

200 CP - Sign No matter what anyone says, first impressions are important. The sign is a symbol of a shop. A crappy old sign made of driftwood with seaweed letters is going to give a vastly different impression to a sign made of pure gold with solid diamond letters. This gives you a fairly ordinary wooden sign (with engravings, markings, secret messages, embossing, etc. of your choice) that gives off a certain vibe, drawing in more customers of the type you wish, while keeping away some of the types of customers you don't care for. For an extra undiscounted 100 CP you are able to customise the sign to be in any design and made of any materials you want, including the previously mentioned gold and diamond, once per jump. This won't actually change the effects but sometimes you deserve nice things. If you choose this then you can toggle on/off if you want people to notice and comment on the material of your sign. (the sign is indestructible and can't be disassembled for its material components. It doesn't matter if the materials are magic or not, you can decide if it gives off the feel of an enchanted object or not.)

400 CP - Merchant Caravan This looks like your bog-standard ox-drawn merchant's caravan. The big differences being that it's about thrice as big on the inside, it has a vast array of climate control features and storage solutions (for exotic items or if you just want to take a cool nap on a hot day) and as long as what you store in there is legally obtained, then they can't be stolen. It's fairly easy to convert it into stall and back, and in each jump it will change its appearance and capabilities to match the average merchant caravan of the setting (including the ability to go underwater, into space, etc.). The oxen attached to the caravan are actually a magical summon tied to it and require no upkeep. You can swap between it being self-propelled or ox-drawn at will, even in future jumps, no matter how weird it would look.

600 CP - Master Forge This is a magnificent forge staffed by the spirits of Master Craftsmen from various mythologies. Not only can it improve the quality of any item you create with it but every 10 years it creates three magical orbs. These orbs can be with the spirits for various effects, with no limit to the amount stored in a special tank, but they can't be copied or cloned through any method. Spending 1 orb will make the master craftsmen reforge a single item you give them, improving it and even giving it new magical effects (give it a random affix or re-roll an existing affix) Spending 2 orbs will allow you to choose a single craft and study it for a year, being taught by the spirits. This doesn't pause time and any time you spend not studying is time you are wasting. Make sure to stock up on supplies. Spending 3 orbs will make the master craftsmen reforge a single item you give them, but unlike when you spend one orb, the reforged item will instead be brought up to a level of quality and power that makes it usable for you at the time of re-forging. For example, if you are at a planet- crushing level of power then the craftsmen could turn an ordinary twig into a weapon worthy of being wielded by you (albeit un-enchanted, since the original twig had no magical properties) Post-jump this forge can be turned into a room in your Warehouse, you can import it into another property/land you own, or you can import it directly into each jump you enter (you can only make this choice once) Scholar

100 CP - Arcane Formula Notebook This is a notebook containing several Lesser Arcane Formulas, which combined with several items can be used to create artifacts. It also auto-updates with any new formulas you discover/research, and it will create a copy of any formulas you tear out and use.

200 CP - Touch of the Fool (https://titanquest.fandom.com/wiki/Touch_of_the_Fool) This is one of the more general artifacts out there, it's useful for beginner Enchanters to study and for beginner adventurers to carry around, but only until they get a better one. It's a small orb containing a hand making a finger gun with a glowing pointer finger. As long as you keep this artifact on you it will give you more energy, make your skills cost less energy, make all your skills and spells ~1/3 faster to cast, and make your armour slightly stronger.

400 CP - Portal Schematics Scattered throughout this universe are large stone platforms that act as teleporters for those that have been blessed with the gift to use them. What you have here are the schematics to build these portal platforms, as well as instructions on how to define the user list and how to open a portal instead of just using the platform to teleport. The default range of a platform is 4,000KM, giving a user the ability to go to any teleporters/portals that they have previously used, and it can accept incoming signals as long as the person teleporting or opening the portal has previously been to that particular platform and been added to its user list. The only exception to the range limit are other Portal platforms of the same kind and the Portal Stone listed above. As long as someone has activated both platforms then they can go between them, no matter the distance. Being originally designed as a collaboration between the gods, these portal platforms are ludicrously efficient and can run practically forever off of ambient energy, even using it to repair minor damage if needed. Portals constructed in your Warehouse will not activate until placed outside. Travelling inter-jump with these platforms is locked out until you finish your chain (no matter how it ends).

600 CP - Rebirth Fountain This is a special fountain that has been blessed by gods to support their heroes. While near this fountain you'll find that monsters will keep a fair distance and ignore you unless you draw attention to yourself, your wounds will heal slightly faster than normal, and, should you drink from this fountain, then upon dying in battle you will awaken next to the fountain, completely healthy and with all your equipment still on you. During your chain this function is locked to you and your companions, and it can only revive someone once every 10 years. Post-chain you can decide who it revives and it will have no limit on the amount of times someone can come back. The fountain will NOT work inside your warehouse. If it is outside of your warehouse at the end of a Jump, you will find it in there the next time you go looking for it. Monster

100 CP - Jumper's Chest of Wonders What kind of monster would you be without a chest to protect? A terrible monster, that's what. This is basically a chest for you to store loot in and as long as you stay near it, then it will become impossible for others to open. The more you store in the chest, and the more valuable the things you store, the grander the appearance of the chest becomes. With a single dollar bill inside it'll be a simple wooden chest, but with a fortune that kings would fight over inside of it then it'll be made of things like solid gold with huge slabs of emerald and jade. Of course, if you don't want it to look like a chest, you can instead choose it to be a glowing, floating orb. When "opened" the orb will just explode the treasure all around it so be sure to properly secure the more fragile items.

200 CP - Monstrous Mount What you have here is a small quadruped monster of your choice. While it has no combat capabilities, it's around 25% faster than your max speed and can run at that speed for a full week before needing any rest. If you have bought the Merchant Caravan listed above, you can instead choose to summon three of these mounts to pull the caravan at 50% of your max speed. (When you summon the mount you can choose to summon one to ride on or three to pull the merchant caravan)

400 CP - Legendary Stonebinder's Cuffs These cuffs are incredibly rare and are sought after by almost every adventurer worth their name. For as long as you wear them, all your skills and abilities are 20% stronger, you are able to resist 25% of all elemental damage, and you become 42% more resistant to piercing damage.

600 CP - Tartarus Prison You now own your very own prison that is placed either on a property you own, or somewhere nearby where you arrive in each new World. Currently it contains the very angry remains of the great titan Tartarus, but it has the capacity to store up to three more prisoners. They don't need to be defeated, they need only walk into the prison and if you designate them as a prisoner then they will be chained up. All prisoners will follow you between worlds, but if freed (or if you want them to remain locked up you can choose for them to be "transferred" to another prison) they will return to their original world. This prison will allow all challengers (or merely yourself and those you choose) to enter and fight waves of enemies before eventually facing off against one or more of the prisoners. Each time you defeat a prisoner they regain a fraction of their power until either all challengers have left the prison or a challenger has opened the reward orb (the higher the amount of power a prisoner has, the better the loot). Prisoners can gain power up to 300% their original power level before "capping out". Normally when a challenger dies, they're dead forever, but since this is your prison, when you and your companions die in here you will instead be locked out for a year. COMPANIONS

[REDACTED]'s minions have grown stronger. - An old scholar's last words before being ostracised from Athens

050 CP - Import two companions Each will have an origin, 600CP and access to all the discounts & freebies from their origin. You can buy this up to four times.

100 CP - Canon character Should you wish to take someone from this universe, you shall not only have to pay your CP but you must win their loyalty and either fulfil a quest for them or defeat them in single combat. Unfortunately you cannot take a god with you, for they are far too busy managing the world to leave and visit other ones. DRAWBACKS (max 1000 CP)

Your gods will not save you…

+000 CP - (G)old Edition Some people prefer the classics. With this drawback selected, the events of Ragnarok and Atlantis will never happen. Should your location be Germany or Spain, you are allowed to re-roll 1d5 to get a new location. You will also be unable to select/acquire the Runemaster Mastery or anything else that comes from the Ragnarok or Atlantis expansions (other than the Master Forge, the Tartarus Prison and other drawbacks).

+000 CP - A Grimmer Dawn Pretty much what it says on the tin, integrates the lore of Grim Dawn into TQ. Should a Grim Dawn Jump ever be made, this can also act as a continuity option leading into it.

+000 CP - Hero of Another Story (Can NOT be taken with any other drawbacks or with the Titan Quest perk) This isn't your world so why should you have to deal with its problems? In return for giving up your drawbacks and your potential to become a legendary hero, you are instead thrust several years into the future, where another person stepped up and became the Hero. Instead of evil monsters and gods invading from other realms, you'll be dealing with politics, war, bandits, monster exterminations, and knowing that you live in a world where humans decide their own destiny. Your location is changed to the City of Delphi.

+100 CP - You're Playing it Wrong You know this is an ARPG world, right? No? Well, have fun spending the entirety of the Jump unable to collect any loot. I hope you're a good negotiator because you'll need to buy all your equipment.

+100 CP - Banned by the Merchant's Guilds You pissed off multiple Heads of the Merchant's Guild during an international trade conference and have been banned from nearly every shop in the world. Even the other realms have heard about you and pre-emptively banned you just in case you happen to end up there. For the duration of the Jump, you will be unable to purchase or sell anything from a shop. Bartering directly with people like Farmers and Blacksmiths for their goods might work, but you'll be trading away at least 10 times the value of whatever your asking for before they even begin to consider your proposal.

+100 CP - Your Inventory is Full. You Can't Carry Anymore You really should've brought a backpack with you because other than what you have equipped, you can't carry that much. A few potions, a spare weapon and a couple of pieces of armour would be pushing your limits.

+100 CP - Take a Step Back Sometimes you need to relax, take a break and think things through. Well, now you're forced to because other than walking and talking, everything you do has a cooldown. Drink a potion? 15 second cooldown. Melee attack? 1 second cooldown. Block? 5 second cooldown. Use a magic scroll? 2 day cooldown. Summon something? 1 week cooldown. A cooldown is relative to the strength behind the activity (aside from the previous examples, those are the cooldowns for those actions) and while it's on cooldown you are also locked out from using similar powers. For things that already had cooldowns, those cooldowns are significantly extended. +200 CP - A Brand New Day Congratulations, the gods have cursed you... twice. The first curse is that no matter how little sleep you actually need, you are forced to sleep for two hours, once a week. The second curse is that once a week (or more, if you really want to) while you are asleep, all monsters that have died since your last nap are re-spawned. The only changes to the monsters are that they are unable to leave the general vicinity of the area where they originally died, which makes it a lot easier to hunt them down, and that they will tend to be a lot more passive to everyone except you (or you AND whoever has killed them). For most people this dual curse would be terrible, but I'm sure a certain kind of person would be able to use this to their advantage.

+200 CP - A New Beginning Unlike the previous drawback, this is a curse from the Titans. You are unable to use anything from previous jumps. All your powers&items must come from this Jump. For the sake of convenience, you will be able to access your Warehouse, but are unable to take anything out that didn't originally come from this jump. It's for storage only.

+200 CP - Lost Soul Ignore your location roll, you are now a Lost Soul (a form of humanoid ghost) and you've been conscripted into Hades' army. You must find a way to free yourself, reclaim your original body, and escape the Underworld before 10 years pass or your chain will end.

+400 CP - XMAX You really must have pissed off someone important. For some reason there are 10 times the amount of monsters in the world. Well, almost 10 times. For powerful (boss) monsters, there are only 3 times the usual amount. Nobody will really notice the difference and they won't act all that differently compared to normal but it will make every battle that much harder than it usually would be.

+400 CP - Greatest of Heroes (can NOT be taken with Titan Quest perk) You see that Titan Quest perk? You are FORCED to do that. Your location is changed to the dock outside Helos and you have 10 years to complete every Quest from the game in all three difficulties. Should you fail, your chain will end. (+200) CP - Legendary Jumper (Requires Greatest of Heroes) (Can NOT be taken if this is your first Jump) (Can be taken with Titan Quest perk) So you think of yourself as a big Hero, eh? Well, prove it. For a bonus 200 CP you can skip the first two difficulties and go straight to Legendary. Just remember that the average satyr in Legendary has the power to fight a god from Normal 1v1 and have a good chance of winning. Unless you're incredibly strong and well prepared, you won't survive.

+600 CP - Wrath of the GameSpy Somewhere out there is a naked man with glowing aqua skin. He wants nothing more than to kill you and he has the ability to. He is immortal, immune to all attacks, can bypass any defence and kill you with a single touch. Your only advantages are that he's fairly easy to spot and his attack speed is far faster than his movement speed. Bloody cheaters, they ruin everyone’s fun.

+600 CP - And I Feel Fine (can NOT be taken if this is your first Jump) Normally you would have around a year before the Telkines plans came to fruition, this isn't the case. Typhon is free and assaulting Mt. Olympus alongside the three Telkine, Hades' armies are invading the surface world, Loki and Sutr have managed to conquer the majority of the Nine Realms and have turned their eyes to Earth, monsters being lead by Tiamat are pouring out of Atlantis wielding ancient and powerful weapons, and the rest of the Titans have awoken from their slumber. Good luck, you'll need it.

+800 CP - "Legitimate" Farming (Does not count towards drawback CP limit) (can NOT be taken if this is your first Jump) (Can NOT be taken with XMAX, Greatest of Heroes or Legendary Jumper) Whenever a monster dies, their corpse disappears and a clone of the strongest monster in the country (apart from you) is summoned. Unless you can somehow broker a treaty between Men and Monsters, evict all monsters from Earth or kill the summoned monsters faster than they can create more of themselves, then the world (and most likely all of the Nine Realms) will be destroyed within a month. ENDING

You have survived your time in this world. To be honest, I didn't think it could happen. As a reward all your drawbacks from this have been negated, even if you wanted to keep them the power used to make them needs to be recycled back into the world, lest it bring about another apocalypse. So, here are your three options.

New Game Leaving so soon? It isn't unexpected since you are a Hero. I hope you spread word of your adventures here, to future worlds, and do be sure to visit if you get the chance. Load Game You want to stay? Well, you have a few thousand years before the internet is due to be invented so I hope you have some way of entertaining yourself. Quit Of course, if you really want to, you can always return home. I'm sure you won't break too many things with your newfound power. NOTES & PATCH NOTES

Holy shit, making a Jump is hard. After this is completed I don't think I'll ever make another jump. I might update this one with new content if more expansions/TQ2 comes out, but don't hold out any hopes.

V 0.01 Initial Release