51B, Bogdana Khmelnitskogo str., 2floor, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine +38-044-489-61-25 +38-050-360-78-53 www.ctrcenter.org
[email protected] № 25/02 «01» February, 2019 Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances c/o OHCHR-UNOG CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Téléphone: (41-22) 917 90 00 Fax: (+41-22) 917 90 06 E-mail:
[email protected] Contributions for the study of the Working Group on enforced or involuntary disappearances on the topic of: ‘Standards and public policies for an effective investigation of enforced disappearances’ During almost 5 years of occupation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, enforced disappearances of people continue in the region. According to the monitoring of the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, for over the entire period of occupation of Crimea, 17 people were abducted in Crimea. Activists who opposed the Russian occupation in the first months in February-May 2014 were massively subjected to enforced disappearances. Unfortunately, Russia controlled de facto Crimean authorities only pretend that they investigate the cases, despite the fact that, according to UNGA Resolution A / RES / 71/205, Russia is called the occupying state and is responsible for respecting human rights on this territory. This is confirmed by the following facts: - Reshat Ametov. In 2014, he went on a single picket against the occupation, he was forcibly abducted by people in military uniform, which is proved by the surveillance cameras. Later, his body was found with signs of torture. The investigation of the criminal case on the murder and enforced abduction of the Crimean Tatar activist Reshat Ametov is suspended.