Abbeville Agreement, 26 Abrams' Doctrine, 160 Advanced Section (ADSEC), 42, 87 Advance Headquarters (ADSOS), 42 Advise And
Index Abbeville Agreement, 26 Army and Aviation Missile Command Abrams’ Doctrine, 160 (AMCOM), 242 Advanced Section (ADSEC), 42, 87 Army Appropriations Act, 1916, 17 Advance headquarters (ADSOS), 42 Army aviation, 167 Advise and Assist Brigades (AABs), Army Capabilities Integration Center 278 (ARCIC), 296 Afghan National Army (ANA), 223 Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB), Afloat preposition stocks, 167–169 275 Air Defense Artillery, 268 Army Force Generation Air Force airlift control elements (ARFORGEN), 283 (ALCE), 157 Army Forces (ARFOR), 194 Air Operations Center (AOC), Army Preposition Stocks (APS), 168, 157 249 Airport of embarkation (APOE), Army Service Command (ASCOM), 157 44 Airports of debarkation (APOD), 157, Army Transport Service (ATS), 219, 202, 220 15, 27 Air Terminal Movement Control Army watercraft, 158–159 Team (ATMCT), 213, 256 Arrival airfield control group (AACG), Air transportation, 155 157 Air Transport Command (ATC), 52 Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Allied Forces Southern Europe Group (A/DACG), 176, (AFSOUTH), 210 207, 220, 222, 313 Al Qaeda, 220 Asia Pacific Theater, World War II Altair, 196, 197 China Burma India Theater of Alternate Supply Route (ASR), 257 Operation, 50–56 American Comorant, 196, 197 Leyte, 44–46 American Eagle, 162 Luzon, 46–48 American military transportation military transportation before war, Great War, 16–28 31–36 interwar reforms, 15–16 New Guinea Campaign, 39–44 Spanish–American War, 11–15 retrograde, 49 American Railway Association, 17 Southwest Pacific Area, 36–38 Area Transportation Movement
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