Annual Review 1999 Contents
C M Y CM MY CY CMY K SanomaWSOY annual review review annual 1999 annual review 1999 Contents 2 Report of the Board of Directors 9 Proposal for application of profits 10 Pro forma income statement 11 Pro forma balance sheet 12 Pro forma cash flow statement 13 Notes to the pro forma financial statements 30 Group income statement (8-month) 31 Group balance sheet (8-month) 32 Group cash flow statement (8-month) 33 Notes to the Group cash flow statement 34 Sanoma-WSOY Oyj income statement 35 Sanoma-WSOY Oyj balance sheet 36 Sanoma-WSOY Oyj cash flow statement and notes 37 Notes to the Sanoma-WSOY Oyj financial statements 41 Group’s key indicators and financial targets 42 Subsidiary groups’ net sales by industry 43 Subsidiary groups’ operating profit by industry 44 Shares and shareholders 51 Accounting principles 55 Definitions of key indicators 56 Auditors’ report Sanoma-WSOY Oyj, POB 1229, FIN-00101 Helsinki. Tel. +358 105 1999, fax +358 105 19 5068, Contents 1 ReportSanomaWSOY of the Board of Directors The SanomaWSOY Group comprises the parent company, Sanoma-WSOY Oyj, and four independent subsidiary groups: Helsinki Media Company Oy, Sanoma Corporation,Werner Söderström Corpora- tion, and Rautakirja Oyj. Sanoma-WSOY Oyj was created on May 1, 1999 through the combination merger of Werner Söderström Corporation - WSOY, Helsinki Media Company Oy, Sanoma Corporation, and Oy Devarda Ab, which is a shareholder in the latter two companies. Three new subsidiary groups were created, largely reflecting previous business activities: Helsinki Media Company Oy (Helsinki Media), Sanoma Corporation (Sanoma), and Werner Söderström Corporation (WSOY).
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