Reconsideration of the Stratigraphic Position of the Boundary Between
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ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Zitteliana - Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie Jahr/Year: 1982 Band/Volume: 10 Autor(en)/Author(s): Hoedemaeker Philip J. Artikel/Article: Reconsideration of the stratigraphic position of the boundary between the Berriasian and the Nemausian (= Valanginian sensu stricto) 447- 457 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; 447 Zitteliana 10 447-457 München, 1. Juli 19S3 ISSN 0373-9627 Reconsideration of the stratigraphic position of the boundary between the Berriasian and the Nemausian (= Valanginian sensu stricto) By PHILIP J. HOEDEMAEKER*) With 3 text figures ABSTRACT The study of the ammonite distribution in the Lower Cre to correlate this level outside the Mediterranean faunal pro taceous beds N and NW of Los Miravetes (Rio Argos, W of vince. Caravaca, SE Spain), compels us to draw the boundary bet The transformation from a pure Berriasian ammonite asso ween the Berriasian and Valanginian sensu stricto between the ciation into a clear Valanginian association definitely has not Berriasella (Berriasella) picteti Subzone and the Tirnovella the abruptness that invited so many stratigraphers to choose alpillensis Subzone. The latter subzone was introduced as a this boundary as the one between the Jurassic and Cretaceous substitute for the Berriasella (Berriasella) calhsto Subzone of systems. L e H égarat (1971), because, although both subzones em Finally arguments are adduced to return to the old concept brace the same biochronologic interval, the ammonite asso of the Valanginian Stage and to regard the Berriasian as its lo ciations of the two differ fundamentally: in addition to the wer substage. For the upper substage of the Valanginian known callisto association of merely “ Berriasian” ammoni (= Valanginian sensu stricto) the name Nemausian (Sarran tes, the T. alpillensis Subzone contains an equally large num d’Allard, 1875, 1881) is available, which has explicitly been ber of renownedly ‘Valanginian’ ammonite forms appearing introduced to cover the stratigraphic interval between the at its base. The boundary proposed here coincides with the Berriasian and the Hauterivian. appearance of Lorenziella hungarica, which provides a means KURZFASSUNG Die Verteilung der Ammoniten in der Unterkreide-Ab Zone einsetzen. Die hier vorgeschlagene Grenzziehung fällt folge N und NW von Los Miravetes (Rio Argos, W von Cara mit dem Einsetzen von Lorenziella hungarica zusammen, vaca, SE-Spanien) zwingt uns die Grenze zwischen dem Ber- dies gibt die Möglichkeit zur Korrelation auch außerhalb der rias und dem Valangin s. str. zwischen der Berriasella (Berria mediterranen Faunenprovinz. Die Umbildung von einer rei sella) pf cíen-Subzone und der Tirnovella alpillensis-Subzone nen Berrias Ammoniten-Vergesellschaftung zu einer reinen zu legen. Letztgenannte Subzone wurde als Ersatz für die Valangin-Vergesellschaftung zeigt nicht die Schärfe, die man Berriasella (Berriasella) callisto-Subzone von L e H égarat che Bearbeiter verleitet hat, diese Grenze als Jura/Kreide-Sy- (1971) eingeführt, da die Ammoniten-Vergesellschaftungen stem-Grenze zu wählen. Schließlich werden Argumente an der beiden Zonen beträchtlich unterschiedlich sind, obwohl geführt zum alten Konzept für die Stufe Valangin zurückzu beide Subzonen dasselbe biochronologische Intervall umfas kehren und das Berrias als untere Unterstufe zu betrachten. sen. Zusätzlich zu der bekannten ra//wfo-Vergesellschaftung Für die obere Unterstufe des Valangin (= Valangin s. str.) ist aus reinen ,,Berrias-Ammoniten“ enthält die T. alpillensis- der Name Nemausian (Sarran d’A llard, 1875, 1881) ver Subzone eine vergleichsweise große Anzahl von typischen fügbar; er wurde eingeführt für das Intervall zwischen Berrias „Valangin-Ammoniten“ , Formen also, die an der Basis der und Hauterive. *) Ph. J. Hoedemaeker, Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralo gie, Hooglandse kerk gracht 17, 2312 HS Leiden, The Nether lands. 448 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; INTRODUCTION A Dutch equipe of eight stratigraphers and palaeontologists flagellates, pollen, coccolithophorids, nannoconids, calpio- is studying the biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous along nellids, benthic and planktic foraminifera are being integrated the Rio Argos, W of Caravaca in SE Spain. This study is par with the ammonite zonation. Also the cyclicity of the depo tially financed by the Netherlands Organization for the Ad sits is studied, which facilitates the application of numerical vancement of Pure Scientific Research. The zonation of dino- stratigraphical methods. BerriaseIt a (Berrtasella ) B. (M albosicera s) Leptoceras Neocomites 01 •ostephanus (Oleostephanus 1 \ (Rogers i tes) Pome l ¿ceras ( Pome H oe ra s) eudoncocomites "ubthurmannia (Subthurmannia) •pi ti- v ras (Croeber i ceras) ■c. (K ilianiceras) ■r . f Opitictras) ■arasitie Í la PirnuVi 11a Thurmanni -•eras (Frdf ne l la ) Th, (hilianella) Th. (Th urman n > v i ra s) Figure 1. Comparison of the ammonite ranges in various French sections with those in the Los Miravetes section. Correlation of the sections is primarily based on calpionellid biohorizons (left side and horizontal dashed lines). The base of calpionellid zone E has not yet been traced in Los Miravetes. Solid horizontal lines delimit ammonite subzones (right side). The intervals occupied be L e H£GARAT’s callisto Subzone and ThieulOY’s otopeta Zone are depicted for comparison. In order to save space only the scales in metres alongside the published lithological columns are drawn and accomodated so that the biohorizons are in line; the columns are omitted. © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; 449 Therefore we began our investigation with the as accurate fortunately a regional unconformity makes that upper Ap as possible construction of the lithologic columns. The litho tian, lower Albian, and middle Albian beds are missing. Our logy of the entire sequence consists of a monotonous alterna equipe has spent seven months in collecting ammonites from tion of grey marlstone beds with light grey marly limestone this sequence. This resulted in a collection of some 8000 iden beds. Additional sandstone turbidite beds occur in the Ap tifiable ammonites. After identification, their ranges were tian. The Lower Cretaceous along the Rio Argos is more than plotted alongside the lithologic columns. 1500 m thick and shows great similarity with the Lower Cre The study of the ammonite biostratigraphy was begun with taceous sequence of the Fosse Vocontienne inSEFrance. Un the faunas of the uppermost Tithonian, Berriasian, and lower 450 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; Valanginian sensu stricto. The outcome of this study compel best be chosen between the Pseudosubplanites granáis Sub led the author to reconsider the stratigraphic positions of the zone and the Subthurmannia (Strambergella) subalpina Sub Tithonian-Berriasian boundary and the boundary between zone (H oedemaeker, 1981). Here will be discussed where the the Berriasian and the Valanginian sensu stricto. During the boundary between the Berriasian and the Valanginian sensu Second Symposium on the Spanish Jurassic, Granada 1979, stricto had best be chosen. the author adduced arguments that the former boundary had DATA FROM SOUTHEASTERN FRANCE The abrupt virtually total renewal of the ammonite fauna at au), Pomeliceras (Pomeliceras) nieri (Pict.) (Berrias), and the boundary between the Berriasian and the Valanginian S. (S.) latecostata (K il.) (Berrias, La Garenne). From other sensu stricto in SE France has since long been a well-known sections have been reported: S. (S.) romani (Maz.), Berria fact (Busnardo & Le H egarat, 1965; Le H égarat & Rfmane, sella (Malbosiceras) aff. rouvillei (Math.), and Spiticeras (Ki 1968; Le H égarat, 1971). All “ Berriasian” perisphinctaceans lianiceras) damesiforme D jan. This completes the impoveris are suddenly replaced by “ Valanginian” ones: an almost hed ammonite association tjiat was hitherto thought to cha complete stratigraphic segregation existed between reputedly racterize the B. (B.) callisto Subzone. “ Berriasian” and renownedly “Valanginian” perisphinctace The pan of the calpionellid subzone D3 between the base of ans. Only the range of Pomeliceras nieri (Pict.) has been the 2 m interval of overlap and the level in which the marked shown to be overlapping the ranges of Tirnovella gratianopo- decline in the frequency of Calpionellopsis oblonga is situa litensis (Sayn), T. pertransiens (Sayn), Thurmanniceras ted, is characterized by the sudden entry of many renownedly (Thurmanniceras) tburmanni (Pict. & C amp.), Th. (Th.) sa- “Valanginian” ammonite forms, viz. Tirnovella pertransiens lientinum (Sayn), and Thurmanniceras (Kilianella) aff. pe- (Sayn) (Pusteau, La Garenne, Les Oliviers), T. gratianopoli- xiptychum (U hl.) (Le H egarat & Remane, 1968; Le H ega tensis (Sayn) (= Th. tburmanni [Pict. & C amp.] in Le H éga rat, 1971). rat & Rem\ne, 1968, pi. 1, fig. 5) (Les Oliviers, Pusteau, La This is the reason why so many stratigraphers prefer to Garenne), Thurmanniceras) (Thurmanniceras otopeta choose this boundary as the limit between the Jurassic and the T hieul. (Barret-le-Bas, Angles, Pusteau), Th. (Th.) salienti- Cretaceous