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New-Musical-Express WORW'S LARGES! ORCUIA110N OF ANY MUSIC PAPER-WEEKLY IALEI EXCEED 175.000 1MEMBERS OF ABQ ;o-;o. 951 EVERY FRIDAY PRICE 6d. April 9, t965 Regls1trrd :It Ch e G.P.O. IIS o NrH·spapcr A BREATH OF SPRING FROM WALES-THE LAND OF SONG, DAFFODILS AND TOM JONES MIA LEWIS with "WIS& I DIDN'T LOVB RIM" (A LARRY PAGE PRODUCTION) DECCA F.12117 ' ' 1 THANK YOU TO : Personal Management : "About Anglia" Radio London DENMARK PRODUCTIONS LTD. , : Radio Carolin e "Gadzoolcs" cov 3026 "Easybeat" "Discs A Goga" Sole Agency : Radio Lu,cembourg "Roundup" ACUFF-ROSE LTD. "Th ank Your Lucky Stars" MAY 7600 Chrl~ BLACKWELL. .. Chri~ PEERS ... Hany ROBINSON ... ' I\ "'"'enla. BROuB·B1~ JAPMUESMO"!w ,, r'fP R;CDRDS :::E MR.MAILMAN ~R:R::~~R::rel : 'lEGent 8 71 6 . LLT:~DON. w., ~-acsi~i~rs.l RADIO LONDON CLIMBER OF THE WEEK * APPEAR ING OH DISCS A GO GO APRIL 12 SATURDAY CLUI APRIL 17 7 NEW MUSIC.AL EXPRESS Frilluy. April 9, l9fi~ ALL SET FOR SUN DA Y'S GREATEST-EVER POLL WINNERS' CONCERT Cl.LI.A 81..ACK ANI MAIS STOP PRESS More great The stars are all keyed-up! attractions ! SEE NEWS PAGES ISLE OF MAN TV TALENT DISCOVERIES BEAT-JAZZ-FOLK {Group, of four or more members -Folk Group, onl y, throe or more members} PALACE BALLROOM, DOUGLAS 24th to 27t h August, 1 9 6 5 £750 IN PRIZES ,f TOP-PRI ZE TOP GROUP £250 l and 'SWINGI NG-U.K.' T,ophy Competition~ OY""en all ,,;,;1~ mod"un and f-ollf Group music Somi Finals 1 24th & 25rh Augu1t Final , 27th August Special Day Excursion from limpool • \\'rllcnn"· fo r riu1ln1br,, Or,:.unbcr, bk of )fan TV T•l~n l Ubco1 crle1. IJ \'lelorl11 Slrett, Oou,:hu. Tel, Oou1Jn 43':l GET WITH IT - IT'S fAB I GERR Y ANO l'ACEMAKEHS THEM 'I rate this Organ the GREATEST! 1 says MEMPHIS SLIM Wish to thanlr the following people and Companies who have helped to malce our record 'HERE COMES THE NIGHT' seen here al the console ol the sensational A 'HIT' by playing it on your programmes new twin-speaker version of the Thanks to RADIO CAROLINE • RADIO LOND ON • RADIO INVICTA • 8.8 ,C. RA DIO And by engaging us to appear on their T.V. Shows, Thonlcs to (;.•- i! -Q"DUPLEX" 2-manua I El ec t romc· organ A.B.C. T.V'1 'THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS' • REDIFFUSION 'S 'READY, STEADY, GO !' complete 8.8.C. T.V's 'TOP OF THE POPS' ONLY 399 Gns. Thanks also to TONY HALL & BEECHER STEVENS at DECCA • W,ite lodoy lo, lull details and f,ee demonu,a,ion ollc, ,0 ; To BERT BERNS who w,ote tho song and p,oduced the ,eco,d fo, HYDE PARK MUSIC CO. LTD. Also many thanh to ou, Agent: DOROTHY SOLOMON, 71 -75 New Oxfo,d St ., London. W.1 SYDNEY S, BIRD & SONS LTD,, Mu•inl ln1llumonl Divi1ion, Fleets l ane, Poolo, Ooiiot and of course ~ u, the Public who bought our di~ --- NF.\\' MUS ICAL EXPRESS '.f T'LE' ns yourself Then ,ou'II buy ,t - for yourself ! SET • j ff It is in your shop TODAY ~IUIIIIUIUUIIIIIIIIUIUlll\11\llllllllll\1\11\IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIUIUl llllllllllll\lffi f'rillu)', April 9, 19MI 4 NEW MUSICAL EXPRF.SS MANN MORE COMMERCIAL Derek HERMAN'S HAPPY 'WORLD' A MERICA "S Maxine Brown rllSt recorded tho Guffin-King Johnson song " Oh No~ 1l't My Baby "-it wasn't R major hit, on bul it became quite popular in the Stales. Now comes a more BEAU BRUMMELL conuncrcial ver,.i on £rom HMV's Man[rcd l\fnnn, wh ich is SINGLES ,\flf'r hlll WIid rockhui: d rhu1 bound to attract the £nus. Columbia'• 11.f'au Orumcndl •ountl much more •11H•h In lh• nn,ctr•t:llcll.ln boull nova " The Nat Kial. " I Wlhf'r>' Ill -~ •n c. t.ompldf! .. 1,11 •Pl,.,._Hn,:llnc 1rowi-phu a br•~!ll bac:klnir and f'hanUna alrb. Nol l llN If lbo matulal'I tlron;: ,mo~h, lhotl£h. Fut, brlgbl-lnd, hrff'a>' '6i::-1roth:r "Com• And Ctl Mc," hua comt-hllhtrlyrtc. ZOMBIES introducing a new exciting folk group ~r111~ Sll~l~E 0B[1(]DGDDD OQD~DD DQD'v"[EDQ TF 656 1 NEW MIJSIC:AL EXPRF.55 t1i~liH+Ni'I NEW ON ,a~fFIR ST-EVER••• CHART IN BRITAIN -AND STILL THE FIRST TODAY! Lui Thh Wok (, Apr il 7, 1'UJ ◄ 1 FOR YOUR LOVE ... .• . •• Yucfblrd1 ( Columb11) 5. 1 l 1 THE MINUTE YOU'RE GONE. Cliff Richard (Columbia) s. 1 . SALE TODA Y l l CONCRETE AND CLAY ............ Unit 4 Plu15 l ioecca) 6- 2 11 : ~~=E ~~r:HE''NiGHT'::::::::: ..~ .~~~i-~~ - ¾~~: (g::~:~ t ~ THE GREATEST RECORDING 9 6 CATCH THE WIND .............................. Donovan (Pye) ◄ · 6 BRIAN POOLE & THE TREMaOES 16 7 STOP! IN THE fJAME OF LOVE Supremes (Tamla -Motown) J. 7 ORGANISATION IN THE WORLD S I IT'S NOT UNUSUAL ..................... Tom Jonu (Otca) 9, I After awhile F 12121 1!!111 10 9 THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' ... Bob Dylan (CBS) J. 9 14 10 I CAN'T EXPLAIN .................. Tht Who ( Brunswick) 4-10 I 11 GOODBYE MY LOVE ........................... SHrchen ( Pyt) 6-11 15 11 YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART ...... Keely Smith (Reprise) S-12 THE ZOMBIES 6 12 SILHOUETTES •................ Human•, Hermits (Columbia) B- 2 7 14 COME ANO STAY WITH ME ... Mariannt hithfull (Decca ) 8- 4 She's coming home F1212l ~ 19 IS LITTLE THINGS ........................... Dan Bt rry (Decca) l -15 17 16 l'U BE THERE ...... Gerry and the Pactmakus (Columbia) l -16 10 17 I DON'T WANT TO GO ON WITHOUT YOU 1-17 Moody Bluu (Otcca) GOLDIE & THE GINGERBREADS 26 18 POP GO THE WORKERS ...... Barron Kni&hU (Columbia) 1-18 11 19 EVERYBODY'S GONNA BE HAPPY ......... Kinks ( Pyt ) 1-19 That's why I love you r 12126 11 19 l'Ll NEVER FIND ANOTHER YOU •.. Seeken ( Colum bia ) 11- I ~ - 11 BRING IT ON HOME TO ME ............ Animab (Columbia) 1-21 JO 21 KING OF THE ROAD .......... Ro1u Mill t r (Phit ips) 2-22 1l ll l'U STOP AT NOTHING ............... Sandie Shaw ( Pye) 8- 5 THE MOIOS 27 14 NOWHERE TO RUN ..... Martha and the Vandtllas 2-24 ( Tam la-Motown ) Comin' on to cry f\2127 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~!IAANN~E:c°~~~~~.~i~~;··c!~~!~ RF~!:"cl:1:r~~~:i !:~~ - 17 All OVER THE WORLD ............ Francoise Hardy (Pye) 1-17 ll 18 I MUST BE SEEING THINGS ...... Gene Pitney (Stamide) 9- 7 SIX BOYS - 19 TRUE LOVE FOR EVERMORE ............ Bachelors (Dtcca) 1-29 19 JO DO THE CLAM .......................... Elvis Presley (RCA) 5-19 Ricky Valance r121211NoiBH IN THE HOWES STYLE Pa,lophone PMCl235 (mono LP) TA-PMCl235 (mono tape) b1 r,,ur/t'I} 11/ " 1111/lmmJ • (Wnlc tndin1 Aitril 7 , IHS) CRAZY 'BOUT MY BABY (Tuu1h7, Ap,il 6 , lHSJ Lan Thh L111 Thi, Wulc r121JO rmmJ Wuk 1 1 THE ROLLING STONES Alan David l 1 l'M TELLING YOU NOW Nol (Decca) Freddie and the Dreamers J 2 THE FREEWHEELIN ' BOB DYLAN (CBS) HLR 1 l STOP! IN THE NAME OF l l BEATLES FOR SALE DON'T GO BREAKIN GM Y HEART 9158 - LOVE Supremes ( Pa rlophone) l l CAN'T YOU HEAR MY l KINDA KINKS ( Pye ) Burt Bacharach & His Orchestra & Chorus HEARTBEAT 5 THE TIMES THEY ARE Herman's Herm1n A-CHANGIN' 4 4 SHOTGUN Bob Dylan (CB5) IT HURTS Jr. Walker & the A lt Sun 6 6 THE PRETTY THINGS (Fontana) S S THE BIRDS AND THE BEES 6 CLIFF RICHARD (Columbia) Carolyn Carter HL99S9 ... Jewel Akens 8 SOUNDS LIKE THE 6 6 KING OF THE ROAD SEARCHERS ( Pre) Roeer M111 er - 9 HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY SUGAR N' SP ICE 17 7 GAME OF LOVE Wayne THAT I LOVE YOU Fontana and the Mindbenders Jim Reeves (RCA) - 10 THE UNFORGETTABLE Billy Duke HLUffill - 9 8 NOWHERE TO RUN NAT KING COLE (Capitol) Ma rtha & t he Vande ll u 28 9 I KNOW A PLACE 1 Petula Clark i · M'i,lliill ◄'Z·MH i GENE PITNEY 'S BIG SIXTEEN A 11ro11 ,....~ n-i,,,n "" ~,,..,1,111,. vi _..,,. TH E CLAPPING SON G Slaleslde SllDIIB (mono LP) 10 10 RED ROSES FOR A BLUE llrill,h IUMI \ n.,.f lnln dl!tC' a llnwlkm~ LADY Vic Dana and l ht'lr lunni abrimtl: Shirley Ellis HLRHil- TA -SLID IIB (mono rape) 7 11 EIGHT DA Y5 A WEEK \I ..T ll.\1.1 \ : I, 1' 1.1. :-.:t:vi:n FINO ,\N0T1U:ft YOll- ~k,.": :>, IT'H Beatles NOT L'NUii11.\l.-1'ut11 J 11n,.,: 3. 1l 12 00 YOU WANNA OANCU C,\ liT YOIJR t'ATt: TO T Ii t: \\ IND Beach Boys - •'-•1md,. or.. br,11111 : I. HUCK ,\ND JENKA BEAT P<it.l. ill'SIC-1\m tlr,: ;;, DO \\'11 ,\T 18 1l TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOU UO IX) \\ t:1.1.-, ...a \1 111,.,; YOU Kinks 7. m;o r.o:U!!S t·on A m.m; LAU\ The Forminx vms llll 8 14 GOLDFINGER Shirley Busey - \\ll) nr, .. ,.,.Ion: II. l·;,;1n:H TIit: liOAftUW.\1,K-tloUlm: :-lonr-., 19 1S GO NOW Moody Blues f'IN l~, ,n : I. HUCK ,\NU HOJ.L ll 16 THE RACE IS ON Jack Jones Ml181C- 11.-.. 11~; 3. I cot·J.u 10 17 LONG LONELY NIGHTS t:,\'.11:11,Y F.\l,I,- C ll lf IC M' tuml: ii.
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