with Parish Magazine July 2015 Photo by Sandie Nicholson www.photosofyorkshire.com/


St. Mary the Virgin St. George’s Honley Brockholes

Suggested donation 50p

THE PARISH OF HONLEY WITH BROCKHOLES VICAR Revd Liam Beadle 661178 The Vicarage, 2 St Mary’s Road,Honley

HONORARY ASSISTANT PRIEST The Very Revd Henry Stapleton MBE 666629 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley

READER Bev Playle 320918 Green Cliff House, Green Cliff, Honley

PCC SECRETARY Jane Wardman 661599 5 River Park, Honley

PCC TREASURER Clive Green 662607 7 Peregrine Court, Netherton

DCC TREASURERS Pauline Adams 663510 6 Spring Dale, Honley (St Mary’s)

Roger Kenworthy 687169 8 Crodingley, (St George’s)

CHURCHWARDENS St Mary’s Carol Hirst, 8 Town Head, Honley 664616

St George’s Stuart Coldwell, 18 South St, Netherton 662041 Joan Oldfield , 46 Riverholme View, Brockholes 665310

VERGER St Mary’s John Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510

CHOIR SECRETARY St Mary’s Shirley Turner, 3 The Terrace, Honley 661481

St Mary’s CHURCH / ROOM HIRE Carol Hirst, 8 Town Head, Honley 664616

WEB SITE www.honleystmary.btck.co.uk



A note from the Vicar - July 2015 There is a lot of talk about church growth in our Diocese at the moment. This is such a good thing – not because full churches are a good thing, but because the good news about Jesus is a great thing, and we long for people to hear it. During June we have been looking in the sermons at the way God speaks that good news (‘the gospel’) to us, and beginning in July we shall be looking at the way Mark tells us that good news in his Gospel.

In the summer I try to re-read Bishop J. C. Ryle’s Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century. At the beginning of the book, Ryle tells us how new life was brought to thousands of people in at that time. He says that those Christian leaders used ‘neither more nor less than the old apostolic weapon of preaching.’ At that time, France experienced a political revolution. But England experienced a spiritual revolution as people heard the good news about Jesus from the Bible and put all their trust in him.

If I have one concern about the current talk about growing churches, it is this: there isn’t enough talk about prayer. St Paul, writing to new Christians in Corinth, said, ‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.’ (1 Corinthians 3.6) Growth is God’s work, so let’s ask God to do it! It would be so good to have a few more people at our weekly Prayer Gathering on Wednesday evenings in St Mary’s at 5 p.m. It lasts exactly an hour and no previous experience is necessary – only a desire to ask God to do his work among us by his word.

It might be that you’re reading this as someone still thinking through the claims of Jesus. If so, please know that we are praying for you! We long for you to know the good news about Jesus. Please come to our meetings and ask us questions. We don’t always have the answers, but we do have eternal treasure!

For the rest of us, do have a think over the summer about your reading. More and more of us are taking Explore, dated Bible reading notes to help us to understand the Bible better. Bible reading is absolutely vital for Christians. But have a think about other books you could read, too. If you’re not sure where to begin, there are copies of John Chapman’s A Fresh Start in both churches, and I do commend it to you.

Liam Beadle Material for Publication All contributions to future editions of the Magazine welcome. Ideally by email: [email protected]; 01484 320918 Deadline for the August issue: Thurs 16 July 2015



Sun 5 5th Sunday Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am All Age Morning Prayer 6.30 pm Holy Communion (sung)

Wed 8 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral prayer group

Thurs 9 9.00 am ‘Let’s Play’ Baby & Toddler group in Parish Room 10.00 am Coffee Morning

Sun 12 6th Sunday Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion (sung) 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

Wed 15 9.30 am Holy Communion

Thurs 16 9.00 am ‘Let’s Play’ Baby & Toddler group in Parish Room 10.00 am Coffee Morning

Sun 19 7th Sunday Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion (sung) 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

Tues 21 7.30 pm PCC Meeting Wed 22 9.30 am Holy Communion

Thurs 23 9.00 am ‘Let’s Play’ Baby & Toddler group in Parish Room 1 0.00 am Coffee Morning

Sun 26 8th Sunday Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion (sung) 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

Wed 29 9.30 am Holy Communion

Thurs 30 9.00 am ‘Let’s Play’ Baby & Toddler group in Parish Room 10.00 am Coffee Morning


Sun 2 9th Sunday Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am All Age Morning Prayer 6.30 pm Holy Communion (sung)

Wed 5 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral prayer group Thurs 6 9.00 am ‘Let’s Play’ Baby & Toddler group in Parish Room 10.00 am Coffee Morning


ST. GEORGE'S CALENDAR JULY 2015 SUN 5 5th Sunday Trinity 11.00 am All Age Worship 6.00 pm Compline

SUN 12 6th Sunday Trinity 11.00 am Open Air Service in Recreation Ground Joint Service with Brockholes Methodist Church 6.00 pm Holy Communion

Thurs 16 2.00pm Brockholes School Leavers’ Service in Church

SUN 19 7th Sunday Trinity 11.00 am Holy Communion 6.00 pm Compline

Tues 21 7.30 pm PCC Meeting (St Mary’s)

SUN 26 8thSunday Trinity 11.00 am Holy Communion 6.00 pm Compline

AUGUST SUN 2 9th Sunday Trinity 11.00 am All Age Worship 6.00 pm Compline

AD Report June 2015: Work commitments meant Sue was not able to attend but an otherwise full team enjoyed an outdoor programme on a lovely evening. Val’s game planning came into full swing and made the most of the opportunity to play outside. Lots of fun not to mention skills development. Dorothy was Val’s right- hand person ensuring any little problems were soon dealt with and solved.

Traditionally the last meeting of the year is barbecue night and thanks to Stuart the children enjoyed hot dogs (plus a whole bottle of ketchup)!! And of course whilst all this activity was going on Verena quietly got all the little jobs done – much appreciated by the rest of the team. We always have a quiet period with something to think about so Kate introduced a story about the ‘Heather’ a lovely short tale with ‘a lesson’ to be learnt.

So that’s it until September. It is a privilege for all of us to play a very small part in the lives of our young people. We also, as a team, get on well and enjoy our AD evenings. We wish those who have become too ‘old’ for AD well in the future and look forward to some new faces joining us in September. Have a lovely summer. The AD Leaders.

4 St George’s Church Arts Event - 14 June 2015 Displays of art and craft work decorated the church giving a warm welcome to people, despite the very inclement weather outside. Lovely music from the String Quartet, delightful singing from the School Choir, thoughtful poetry and the fantastic Joyce Grenfell made up the first half – much enjoyed by all. This gave way to the interval drinks and nibbles and the chance to chat to old friends and new.

After a nice spell of socialising it was on to the second half when Iris pleased the audience very much with her violin playing accompanied by Mum, Roger’s talent on double bass was appreciated, the Strings, Joyce Grenfell and poetry reading made a return performance and finally the Church Choir sang some ‘not quite Sunday morning’ pieces. Well done to the vocal soloists Roger and Neil. A huge thank you to Sue Ogden whose wonderful talent as a pianist kept many items going without a hitch.

Sarah conducted the School Choir, Year 2 teacher Mrs Maddison came along to support the children, Ian and Louis attended to the wine and soft drinks requests and everyone enjoyed nibbles given by a number of St. George’s Church members. Lots of pleasurable entertainment but above all the spark of friendship that ran through the evening made it a real occasion to treasure. Very many thanks to all.

Brockholes 2015

I am pleased to report a small increase in the amount collected via the red envelopes. A total of £309 has been sent to Christian Aid collected by St George’s and Brockholes Methodist Churches.

Thank you for your support - Elizabeth Mosley

St Mary’s is a member of Honley Business Association (HBA). Through it we are able to meet, and make good and useful relationships with, the shop and business owners in the village.

On Tuesday 7 July at 7.00 p.m. HBA is holding an Open Evening in the upstairs conference room at the premises of Stead Robinson (at the junction of Thirstin Road and Scotgate Road). There will be drinks and nibbles and information about HBA and what it does in and for the village and about its plans for the future. HBA is keen encourage more members of the local community to be a part of the organisation and they therefore warmly invite you to attend the evening. Jane Wardman


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To advertise in the magazine please contact [email protected]

Rates: £50 p.a. (12 editions)


Children’s Society Boxes

We have a lot of people in the village who are faithful box collectors for the Children’s Society. For many years the Ambler family co-ordinated these collections and we thank them and are very grateful for their work. I have now taken over this role.

The annual opening of the boxes is due soon so I would be very grateful if all the box collectors could please bring their boxes to me at church at the beginning of August. If you are not able to get to church, please ring me on 661599 and I can arrange to come and collect it.

Thank you. Jane Wardman

Share Prayer

Lord…. There are moments when we are honest enough to admit we’re not infallible. Not often, Lord, just now and then, we’re able to acknowledge a few small areas of life where we’re not completely in control. We must all admit at times that life bewilders us with grey half-tones, when we like to see it all in black and white. To retreat for comfort into simple certainties. The trouble is, Lord, that our certainties conflict with other people’s certainties. That confuses us and makes judgments harder. So, Lord, we pray that you will reveal your mind, your love and your will to us your wayward creation, that we may know and serve you in the spirit of mutual tolerance, concern and reconciliation. Lord, make us immune to racial, sexual and cultural hatred that we may truly love our neighbours for their humanity alone, and help to heal the social fabric of society. Lord, where two or three come together in your name, you are with us. Be also with those who are alone. Lord, we need reminding that the storms, the calms, are in your hands. You stilled the seas. Still us.

(Christine North– Halifax Parish Church)

Please remember that the object of including this item each month in the Magazine was so that people could send me their favourite prayers to share with others. I would welcome contributions from anyone ! Pat Green.


On 3rd June 28 members and friends enjoyed a lunch at the Olive Tree Bistro at Totties Garden Centre. We were well fed and the meals were beautifully presented. Some diners thought that they were pricey. After the meal we had a silence in memory of Joan Holroyd whose funeral was being held that afternoon.

Our next monthly meeting to which all are welcome will be: Wednesday 1 July 7.30 pm Speaker: Karen Atkinson ‘Street Angels’ (www.streetangelshuddersfield.co.uk/) * Deanery Autumn Festival (date change) Wednesday 16 September 7.30 pm: St Mary’s Honley . Please make a note of the revised date and try to attend if possible, as we are hosting the service this year and Revd Liam Beadle taking the service. * Wednesday 14 October 1.00 pm: Cathedral A service to celebrate 120 years of and the ending of Wakefield Mothers’ Union

Families First subscriptions - A reminder that these are due by 31 July. Please give cash or cheques payable to ‘St Mary’s Mothers’ Union’ to Alison Dean, £10.50 member, £16.50 non-members (six issues delivered to your door).

Mothers’ Union Fundraising Coffee Morning Thurs 6 August; 10 - 12 a.m. St Mary’s Church

Coffee and sweet treats, raffle, bric-a-brac stall, cake stall, plant stall, card stall, children’s corner. Proceeds to this year’s fundraising focus – the Big Wheels Appeal. Donations for stalls gratefully received and everyone welcome to the event.

Emergency Toiletry bags for hospital patients

Pauline Adams is still receiving items to make up emergency toiletry bags for Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Royal Hospital. Any items (combs, small soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, flannels, small freezer bags) or cash donations are greatly received. Feedback from the hospitals is that those who are admitted urgently without their own supplies appreciate these bags a great deal. Pauline Adams: 663510





Contact Carol Hirst 01484 664616

Tel: 01484 660036


robus stands for retired Professional and Business men but is P in fact open to all retired/semi-retired men. It meets at Honley Community Centre, Stony Lane, Honley on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 10.30am to 12 noon including time for coffee and biscuits. Around fifty members attend two meetings per month.

The 2015/16 programme includes a varied mix of speakers. New members always welcome . For more information, see the web page on the Honley Village Trust Website www.honleyvillagetrust.org.uk via its community link.


St Mary’s Helpers Rotas for 9.30 am services

Service Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Coffee Sunday Club

All Age July Kevin & Morning Bev John P. Bev & John - 5 Olivine Prayer

July Holy Pat & Lillian & Kate & Ian Shirley Kate 12 Communion Maureen Cynthia

July Holy Pauline & Jane & Graham Angeline Jane & Ian 19 Communion John Graham

July Holy Elaine & Mary &Janet Carol Liam Helen & Alison 26 Communion Cynthia

All Age Aug Jean & Richard Cate & Morning Jane - 2 Craig A Richard Prayer

The full rota July - Dec 2015 is now available on the church web site

Flower Rota. Cate Ashley has kindly taken on the role of Flower Team Co-ordinator.

July 5 Irene Firth July 12 Cate Ashley July 19 Linda Froggatt July 26 Jane Wardman Aug 2 Margaret Hay


14 June, 2015 Harry, Michael Tolman

Weddings 13 June, 2015 - John Wood and Katie Kimberlin

Funerals 3 June, 2015 - Joan Holdroyd



The lighter side of Life


The Prayer Book Society The Prayer Book Society was founded in 1972, in the heyday of li- turgical reform in the Church of England, when it appeared that the 1662 Book of Common Prayer was in danger of being outlawed al- together. Happily, the Prayer Book was saved and continues to be used in a number of flourishing churches and most cathedrals, and the Prayer Book Society today continues to promote the worship and doctrine of the Church of Eng- land (and other churches in the Anglican tradition) as enshrined in the Book of Common Prayer. For more information and resources: www.pbs.org.uk/pbs/home


Christmas Street Market I know we’re only half-way through the year but December will be here before we know it, so it’s time to start thinking about the Street Market which is on Saturday 5th December.

St Mary’s is always well represented on the street with many stalls which, as well as raising money for the church, give us the opportunity to speak to friends old and new from around the village.

If you would like to run a stall at this year’s Street Market, please could you sign up on the list at the back of church or contact Cliff Green 01484 664277 or [email protected] We need to know how many St Mary’s people want stalls before we can start offering space to people from outside the church, so to enable us to do this, please sign up before 31st July.

We are particularly in need of someone to run the burger stall this year, so if you love a good barbecue and want to show off your ‘grilling skills’ you might be just the person! Please sign up on the list at the back of church!

Thank you - Street Market Committee

Large Print Magazine If you or someone you know would like a printed copy of the magazine in a larger size font please contact John Playle: 320 918


Messy church is a form of church for children and adults together that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. It includes a welcome; a long The Lindens 16 Westgate period of creativity time to explore the New Road Honley Kirkheaton biblical theme by getting messy; a short HD5 0JB HD9 6AA celebration time involving story, prayer, 01484 535853 01484 662324 song, games etc; followed by a sit-down meal together at tables. All the different elements include people of all ages; adults and children. It is a fun way of Gwen & Andrew Schofield doing church. Messy Church Honley is An independent family business for 50 years run jointly by St Mary’s, Elim and Trinity Methodist churches. The next event is

3.30 - 5.30pm Saturday 25 July. (St Mary's) Saturday 26 Sept. (St Mary's) Saturday 31 Oct. (Trinity) Saturday 28 Nov. (St Mary's) Saturday 19 Dec. (St Mary's)

Come along and see for yourself what goes on - All are welcome – children Brockholes Village need to bring an adult with them! Hall

If you are planning a party or special event Brockholes Village Messy Church Honley Hall could be the perfect venue.

For Hall hire please contact Adele Magazine Sponsorship on 07594 395 795 If you would like to sponsor a future edition of the magazine (donation between £25-£40) Please contact [email protected] 320 918