Michael Andrew La Croix CONTACT 1862 Gerrard St E
[email protected] INFORMATION Toronto, ON math.mit.edu/˜malacroi M4L 2B7 (416) 702-0960 INTERESTS q Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics q Statistics of Random Matrices q Symmetric Functions q Digital Publishing q Mathematical Illustration EDUCATION AND Ryerson University, September 2020 – August 2021 TRAINING Toronto, Ontario, Canada Postdoctoral Fellow (Mathematics Department) Advisor: Professor Kathleen Wilkie Research Topic: A Qualitative Approach to Medical Mathematical Modelling Summary: This project investigated the potential for evaluating the qual- ity of fit of mathematical models of medical problems in terms of qualitative features of the models, with emphasis on dimen- sionality, phases transitions, and network features. The multi- scale nature of biological systems, in particular, suggests that many forms of medical pathology can be associated with corre- sponding phase transitions in mathematical models, and that a classification of these transitions could provide crucial infor- mation about the most natural temporal and spatial scales for studying the pathology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 2013 – August 2016 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Postdoctoral Associate (Mathematics Department) Advisor: Professor Alan Edelman Research Topic: The Combinatorial Foundations of Random Matrix Theory Summary: Many questions about β-Gaußian random matrices can be re- solved via combinatorial interpretations of their moments, in- volving such varied objects as matchings, polygonal glueings, and maps, depending on context. Remarkably, for some prob- lems, the most refined statistics on maps are more refined than the corresponding models for β-random matrices. University of Waterloo, September 2003 – August 2009 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Ph.D. in Combinatorics and Optimization, conferred October 2009 Thesis Title: The combinatorics of the Jack parameter and the genus series for topological maps Advisors: Professor David M.