Supplementary Information for An Abundance of Developmental Anomalies and Abnormalities in Pleistocene People Erik Trinkaus Department of Anthropology, Washington University, Saint Louis MO 63130 Corresponding author: Erik Trinkaus Email:
[email protected] This PDF file includes: Supplementary text Figures S1 to S57 Table S1 References 1 to 421 for SI reference citations Introduction Although they have been considered to be an inconvenience for the morphological analysis of human paleontological remains, it has become appreciated that various pathological lesions and other abnormalities or rare variants in human fossil remains might provide insights into Pleistocene human biology and behavior (following similar trends in Holocene bioarcheology). In this context, even though there were earlier paleopathological assessments in monographic treatments of human remains (e.g., 1-3), it has become common to provide details on abnormalities in primary descriptions of human fossils (e.g., 4-12), as well as assessments of specific lesions on known and novel remains [see references in Wu et al. (13, 14) and below]. These works have been joined by doctoral dissertation assessments of patterns of Pleistocene human lesions (e.g., 15-18). The paleopathological attention has been primarily on the documentation and differential diagnosis of the abnormalities of individual fossil remains, leading to the growing paleopathological literature on Pleistocene specimens and their lesions. There have been some considerations of the overall patterns of the lesions, but those assessments have been concerned primarily with non-specific stress indicators and traumatic lesions (e.g., 13, 15, 19-21), with variable considerations of issues of survival 1 w and especially the inferred social support of the afflicted (e.g., 22-27).