Towards an Actor-based Concurrent Machine Model ∗ Hans Schippers Tom Van Cutsem Universiteit Antwerpen Vrije Universiteit Brussel Antwerpen, Belgium Brussels, Belgium
[email protected] [email protected] y Stefan Marr Michael Haupt Robert Hirschfeld Vrije Universiteit Brussel Hasso Plattner Institute Hasso Plattner Institute Brussels, Belgium Potsdam, Germany Potsdam, Germany
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] support thread-local behavior, which in turn is needed to implement several crosscutting constructs (e. g., cflow). ABSTRACT Adding concurrency support to delMDSOC involves three main tasks. First, the machine model has to be extended In this position paper we propose to extend an existing with concurrency primitives in a way compatible with the delegation-based machine model with concurrency primi- already present primitives for (mostly non-concurrent) MD- tives. The original machine model which is built on the con- SOC support. Second, it needs to be verified that the re- cepts of objects, messages, and delegation, provides support sulting machine model is sufficiently expressive in order to for languages enabling multi-dimensional separation of con- support different concurrency mechanisms as exhibited by a cerns (MDSOC). We propose to extend this model with an range of high-level languages. Finally, the model should be actor-based concurrency model, allowing for both true par- sufficiently powerful to allow for concurrency-related MD- allelism as well as lightweight concurrency primitives such SOC features such as thread-local aspects and cflow. as coroutines. In order to demonstrate its expressiveness, This position paper presents a first attempt to add con- we informally describe how three high-level languages sup- currency support to the delMDSOC machine model.